var async = require('async'); var config = require('./config'); var models = require('./models'); var fs = require('fs'); var spawn = require('child_process').spawn var app = require('./app'); exports.queue = async.queue(worker, 1); function worker (task, callback) { // Task is to be model Task // Download the git project // Set up hosts file // Set up vault pwd file // Set up private key // Execute ansible-playbook -i hosts --ask-vault-pass --private-key=~/.ssh/ansible_key task.yml async.waterfall([ function (done) { task.populate('job', function (err) { done(err, task); }) }, function (task, done) { models.Playbook.findOne({ _id: task.playbook }, function (err, playbook) { done(err, task, playbook) }); }, function (task, playbook, done) { // mark task as running and send an update via socketio task.status = 'Running';'playbook.update', { task_id: task._id, playbook_id: playbook._id, task: task }); models.Task.update({ _id: task._id }, { $set: { status: 'Running' } }, function (err) { done(err, task, playbook); }); }, function (task, playbook, done) { playbook.populate('identity', function (err) { done(err, task, playbook) }); }, installHostKeys, pullGit, setupHosts, setupVault, playTheBook ], function (err) { if (err) { task.status = 'Failed'; } else { task.status = 'Completed'; } var rmrf = spawn('rm', ['-rf', '/root/playbook_'+task.playbook]) rmrf.on('close', function () {'playbook.update', { task_id: task._id, playbook_id: task.playbook, task: task });; callback(err); }); }); } function installHostKeys (task, playbook, done) { // Install the private key, "Updating SSH Keys\n"); var location = '/root/.ssh/id_rsa'; fs.mkdir('/root/.ssh', 448, function() { async.parallel([ function (done) { fs.writeFile(location, playbook.identity.private_key, { mode: 384 // base 8 = 0600 }, done); }, function (done) { fs.writeFile(location+'.pub', playbook.identity.public_key, { mode: 420 // base 8 = 0644 }, done); }, function (done) { var config = "Host *\n\ StrictHostKeyChecking no\n\ CheckHostIp no\n\ PasswordAuthentication no\n"; fs.writeFile('/root/.ssh/config', config, { mode: 420 // 0644 }, done); } ], function (err) {, "SSH Keys Updated.\n"); done(err, task, playbook) }); }); } function pullGit (task, playbook, done) { // Pull from git, "\nDownloading Playbook.\n"); var install = spawn(config.path+"/scripts/", [playbook.location, 'playbook_'+playbook._id], { cwd: '/root/', env: { HOME: '/root/', OLDPWD: '/root/', PWD: '/root/', LOGNAME: 'root', USER: 'root', TERM: 'xterm', SHELL: '/bin/bash', PATH: '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin', LANG: 'en_GB.UTF-8' } }); install.stdout.on('data', playbookOutputHandler.bind(task)); install.stderr.on('data', playbookOutputHandler.bind(task)); install.on('close', function(code) {, "\n\nPlaybook Downloaded.\n"); done(null, task, playbook); }); } function setupHosts (task, playbook, done) { var hostfile = ''; models.HostGroup.find({ playbook: playbook._id }, function (err, hostgroups) { async.each(hostgroups, function (group, cb) { models.Host.find({ group: group._id }, function (err, hosts) { hostfile += "[""]\n"; for (var i = 0; i < hosts.length; i++) { hostfile += hosts[i].hostname+"\n"; } cb(); }); }, function () {, "\nSet up Ansible Hosts file with contents:\n"+hostfile+"\n"); fs.writeFile('/root/playbook_'+playbook._id+'/semaphore_hosts', hostfile, function (err) { done(err, task, playbook); }); }); }); } function setupVault (task, playbook, done) { fs.writeFile('/root/playbook_'+playbook._id+'/semaphore_vault_pwd', playbook.vault_password, function (err) { done(err, task, playbook); }) } function playTheBook (task, playbook, done) {, "\nStarting play "+task.job.play_file+".\n"); var args = ['-i', 'semaphore_hosts']; if (task.job.use_vault && playbook.vault_password && playbook.vault_password.length > 0) { args.push('--vault-password-file='+'semaphore_vault_pwd'); } // private key to login to server[s] args.push('--private-key=/root/.ssh/id_rsa'); // the playbook file args.push(task.job.play_file); var playbook = spawn("ansible-playbook", args, { cwd: '/root/playbook_'+playbook._id, env: { HOME: '/root/', OLDPWD: '/root/', PWD: '/root/playbook_'+playbook._id, LOGNAME: 'root', USER: 'root', TERM: 'xterm', SHELL: '/bin/bash', PATH: '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin', LANG: 'en_GB.UTF-8', PYTHONUNBUFFERED: 1 } }); playbook.stdout.on('data', playbookOutputHandler.bind(task)); playbook.stderr.on('data', playbookOutputHandler.bind(task)); playbook.on('close', function(code) { console.log('done.', code); if (code !== 0) { // Task failed return done('Failed with code '+code); } done(); }); } function playbookOutputHandler (chunk) { chunk = chunk.toString('utf8'); if (!this.output) { this.output = ""; } this.output += chunk;'playbook.output', { task_id: this._id, playbook_id: this.playbook, output: chunk }); console.log(chunk); }