package util import ( "encoding/base64" "encoding/json" "flag" "fmt" "os" "path" "" "" "" "" ) var Cookie *securecookie.SecureCookie var Migration bool var InteractiveSetup bool var Upgrade bool type mySQLConfig struct { Hostname string `json:"host"` Username string `json:"user"` Password string `json:"pass"` DbName string `json:"name"` } type ldapMappings struct { DN string `json:"dn"` Mail string `json:"mail"` Uid string `json:"uid"` CN string `json:"cn"` } type configType struct { MySQL mySQLConfig `json:"mysql"` // Format `:port_num` eg, :3000 Port string `json:"port"` BugsnagKey string `json:"bugsnag_key"` // semaphore stores projects here TmpPath string `json:"tmp_path"` // cookie hashing & encryption CookieHash string `json:"cookie_hash"` CookieEncryption string `json:"cookie_encryption"` // email alerting EmailAlert bool `json:"email_alert"` EmailSender string `json:"email_sender"` EmailHost string `json:"email_host"` EmailPort string `json:"email_port"` // web host WebHost string `json:"web_host"` // ldap settings LdapEnable bool `json:"ldap_enable"` LdapBindDN string `json:"ldap_binddn"` LdapBindPassword string `json:"ldap_bindpassword"` LdapServer string `json:"ldap_server"` LdapNeedTLS bool `json:"ldap_needtls"` LdapSearchDN string `json:"ldap_searchdn"` LdapSearchFilter string `json:"ldap_searchfilter"` LdapMappings ldapMappings `json:"ldap_mappings"` // telegram alerting TelegramAlert bool `json:"telegram_alert"` TelegramChat string `json:"telegram_chat"` TelegramToken string `json:"telegram_token"` } var Config *configType func NewConfig() *configType { return &configType{} } func init() { flag.BoolVar(&InteractiveSetup, "setup", false, "perform interactive setup") flag.BoolVar(&Migration, "migrate", false, "execute migrations") flag.BoolVar(&Upgrade, "upgrade", false, "upgrade semaphore") path := flag.String("config", "", "config path") var pwd string flag.StringVar(&pwd, "hash", "", "generate hash of given password") var printConfig bool flag.BoolVar(&printConfig, "printConfig", false, "print example configuration") flag.Parse() if printConfig { cfg := &configType{ MySQL: mySQLConfig{ Hostname: "", Username: "root", DbName: "semaphore", }, Port: ":3000", TmpPath: "/tmp/semaphore", } cfg.GenerateCookieSecrets() b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(cfg, "", "\t") fmt.Println(string(b)) os.Exit(0) } if len(pwd) > 0 { password, _ := bcrypt.GenerateFromPassword([]byte(pwd), 11) fmt.Println("Generated password: ", string(password)) os.Exit(0) } if path != nil && len(*path) > 0 { // load file, err := os.Open(*path) if err != nil { panic(err) } if err := json.NewDecoder(file).Decode(&Config); err != nil { fmt.Println("Could not decode configuration!") panic(err) } } else { configFile, err := Asset("config.json") if err != nil { fmt.Println("Cannot Find configuration! Use -c parameter to point to a JSON file generated by -setup.\n\n Hint: have you run `-setup` ?") os.Exit(1) } if err := json.Unmarshal(configFile, &Config); err != nil { fmt.Println("Could not decode configuration!") panic(err) } } if len(os.Getenv("PORT")) > 0 { Config.Port = ":" + os.Getenv("PORT") } if len(Config.Port) == 0 { Config.Port = ":3000" } if len(Config.TmpPath) == 0 { Config.TmpPath = "/tmp/semaphore" } var encryption []byte encryption = nil hash, _ := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(Config.CookieHash) if len(Config.CookieEncryption) > 0 { encryption, _ = base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(Config.CookieEncryption) } Cookie = securecookie.New(hash, encryption) stage := "" if gin.Mode() == "release" { stage = "production" } else { stage = "development" } bugsnag.Configure(bugsnag.Configuration{ APIKey: Config.BugsnagKey, ReleaseStage: stage, NotifyReleaseStages: []string{"production"}, AppVersion: Version, ProjectPackages: []string{"**"}, }) } func (conf *configType) GenerateCookieSecrets() { hash := securecookie.GenerateRandomKey(32) encryption := securecookie.GenerateRandomKey(32) conf.CookieHash = base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(hash) conf.CookieEncryption = base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(encryption) } func (conf *configType) Scan() { fmt.Print(" > DB Hostname (default ") fmt.Scanln(&conf.MySQL.Hostname) if len(conf.MySQL.Hostname) == 0 { conf.MySQL.Hostname = "" } fmt.Print(" > DB User (default root): ") fmt.Scanln(&conf.MySQL.Username) if len(conf.MySQL.Username) == 0 { conf.MySQL.Username = "root" } fmt.Print(" > DB Password: ") fmt.Scanln(&conf.MySQL.Password) fmt.Print(" > DB Name (default semaphore): ") fmt.Scanln(&conf.MySQL.DbName) if len(conf.MySQL.DbName) == 0 { conf.MySQL.DbName = "semaphore" } fmt.Print(" > Playbook path: ") fmt.Scanln(&conf.TmpPath) if len(conf.TmpPath) == 0 { conf.TmpPath = "/tmp/semaphore" } conf.TmpPath = path.Clean(conf.TmpPath) fmt.Print(" > Web root URL (default http://localhost:8010/): ") fmt.Scanln(&conf.WebHost) if len(conf.WebHost) == 0 { conf.WebHost = "http://localhost:8010/" } var EmailAlertAnswer string fmt.Print(" > Enable email alerts (y/n, default n): ") fmt.Scanln(&EmailAlertAnswer) if EmailAlertAnswer == "yes" || EmailAlertAnswer == "y" { conf.EmailAlert = true fmt.Print(" > Mail server host (default localhost): ") fmt.Scanln(&conf.EmailHost) if len(conf.EmailHost) == 0 { conf.EmailHost = "localhost" } fmt.Print(" > Mail server port (default 25): ") fmt.Scanln(&conf.EmailPort) if len(conf.EmailPort) == 0 { conf.EmailPort = "25" } fmt.Print(" > Mail sender address (default semaphore@localhost): ") fmt.Scanln(&conf.EmailSender) if len(conf.EmailSender) == 0 { conf.EmailSender = "semaphore@localhost" } } else { conf.EmailAlert = false } var TelegramAlertAnswer string fmt.Print(" > Enable telegram alerts (y/n, default n): ") fmt.Scanln(&TelegramAlertAnswer) if TelegramAlertAnswer == "yes" || TelegramAlertAnswer == "y" { conf.TelegramAlert = true fmt.Print(" > Telegram bot token (you can get it from @BotFather) (default ''): ") fmt.Scanln(&conf.TelegramToken) if len(conf.TelegramToken) == 0 { conf.TelegramToken = "" } fmt.Print(" > Telegram chat ID (default ''): ") fmt.Scanln(&conf.TelegramChat) if len(conf.TelegramChat) == 0 { conf.TelegramChat = "" } } else { conf.TelegramAlert = false } var LdapAnswer string fmt.Print(" > Enable LDAP authentication (y/n, default n): ") fmt.Scanln(&LdapAnswer) if LdapAnswer == "yes" || LdapAnswer == "y" { conf.LdapEnable = true fmt.Print(" > LDAP server host (default localhost:389): ") fmt.Scanln(&conf.LdapServer) if len(conf.LdapServer) == 0 { conf.LdapServer = "localhost:389" } var LdapTLSAnswer string fmt.Print(" > Enable LDAP TLS connection (y/n, default n): ") fmt.Scanln(&LdapTLSAnswer) if LdapTLSAnswer == "yes" || LdapTLSAnswer == "y" { conf.LdapNeedTLS = true } else { conf.LdapNeedTLS = false } fmt.Print(" > LDAP DN for bind (default cn=user,ou=users,dc=example): ") fmt.Scanln(&conf.LdapBindDN) if len(conf.LdapBindDN) == 0 { conf.LdapBindDN = "cn=user,ou=users,dc=example" } fmt.Print(" > Password for LDAP bind user (default pa55w0rd): ") fmt.Scanln(&conf.LdapBindPassword) if len(conf.LdapBindPassword) == 0 { conf.LdapBindPassword = "pa55w0rd" } fmt.Print(" > LDAP DN for user search (default ou=users,dc=example): ") fmt.Scanln(&conf.LdapSearchDN) if len(conf.LdapSearchDN) == 0 { conf.LdapSearchDN = "ou=users,dc=example" } fmt.Print(" > LDAP search filter (default (uid=" + "%" + "s)): ") fmt.Scanln(&conf.LdapSearchFilter) if len(conf.LdapSearchFilter) == 0 { conf.LdapSearchFilter = "(uid=%s)" } fmt.Print(" > LDAP mapping for DN field (default dn): ") fmt.Scanln(&conf.LdapMappings.DN) if len(conf.LdapMappings.DN) == 0 { conf.LdapMappings.DN = "dn" } fmt.Print(" > LDAP mapping for username field (default uid): ") fmt.Scanln(&conf.LdapMappings.Uid) if len(conf.LdapMappings.Uid) == 0 { conf.LdapMappings.Uid = "uid" } fmt.Print(" > LDAP mapping for full name field (default cn): ") fmt.Scanln(&conf.LdapMappings.CN) if len(conf.LdapMappings.CN) == 0 { conf.LdapMappings.CN = "cn" } fmt.Print(" > LDAP mapping for email field (default mail): ") fmt.Scanln(&conf.LdapMappings.Mail) if len(conf.LdapMappings.Mail) == 0 { conf.LdapMappings.Mail = "mail" } } else { conf.LdapEnable = false } }