# semaphore Open Source Alternative to Ansible Tower ![screenshot](public/img/screenshot.png) ## Features The basics of Ansible Tower, but in addition: - [x] Fast, Simple interface (not having to submit a million forms to get something simple done) - [x] Task output is streamed live via websocket - [x] Create inventories per playbook - [x] Add rsa keys (to authenticate git repositories) - [x] Run playbooks against specified hosts - [x] Multiple Users support ## Docker quickstart ### Run redis ``` docker run -d \ --name=redisio \ redis ``` ### Run mongodb ``` docker run -d \ --name=mongodb \ -p \ mongo ``` ### Run semaphore ``` docker run -d \ --name=semaphore \ --restart=always \ --link redisio:redis \ --link mongodb:mongo \ -e MONGODB_URL="mongodb://mongo/semaphore" \ -e REDIS_HOST="redis" \ -p 80:80 \ castawaylabs/semaphore ``` ## Development 1. Install VirtualBox & Vagrant 2. Run `vagrant plugin install gatling-rsync-auto` 3. Run `vagrant up` to start the vagrant box 4. Run `vagrant gatling-rsync-auto` to synchronise changes from your local machine to vagrant ### Running semaphore inside vagrant 1. `vagrant ssh`, `cd /opt/semaphore` 2. `npm install` 3. `bower install` 4. `npm install -g nodemon` 5. `nodemon bin/semaphore` ## Initial Login ``` Email: 'admin@semaphore.local' Password: 'CastawayLabs' ``` ## Environment Variables Use these variables to override the config. | Variable Name | Description | Default Value | | ------------- | ---------------------- | ------------------------------- | | PORT | Web Port | `80` | | REDIS_PORT | Redis Port | `6379` | | REDIS_HOST | Redis Hostname | `` | | REDIS_KEY | Redis auth key | | | BUGSNAG_KEY | Bugsnag API key | | | SMTP_USER | Mandrill smtp username | | | SMTP_PASS | Mandrill smtp password | | | MONGODB_URL | Mongodb URL | `mongodb://` | ## Vision and goals for v1 - Be able to specify environment information per playbook / per task - Schedule jobs - Email alerts - Multiple user support ## Articles - http://code-complete.com/code/?p=40 ## License MIT