package setup import ( "bufio" "fmt" "io" "io/ioutil" "os" "path/filepath" "strings" log "" "" ) const interactiveSetupBlurb = ` Hello! You will now be guided through a setup to: 1. Set up configuration for a MySQL/MariaDB database 2. Set up a path for your playbooks (auto-created) 3. Run database Migrations 4. Set up initial semaphore user & password ` func InteractiveSetup(conf *util.ConfigType) { stdin := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin) fmt.Print(interactiveSetupBlurb) dbPrompt := `What database to use: 1 - MySQL 2 - BoltDB ` var db int promptValue(stdin, dbPrompt, "1", &db) switch db { case 1: scanMySQL(conf, stdin) case 2: scanBoltDb(conf, stdin) } defaultPlaybookPath := filepath.Join(os.TempDir(), "semaphore") promptValue(stdin, "Playbook path", defaultPlaybookPath, &conf.TmpPath) conf.TmpPath = filepath.Clean(conf.TmpPath) promptValue(stdin, "Web root URL (optional, see", "", &conf.WebHost) promptConfirmation(stdin, "Enable email alerts?", false, &conf.EmailAlert) if conf.EmailAlert { promptValue(stdin, "Mail server host", "localhost", &conf.EmailHost) promptValue(stdin, "Mail server port", "25", &conf.EmailPort) promptValue(stdin, "Mail sender address", "semaphore@localhost", &conf.EmailSender) } promptConfirmation(stdin, "Enable telegram alerts?", false, &conf.TelegramAlert) if conf.TelegramAlert { promptValue(stdin, "Telegram bot token (you can get it from @BotFather)", "", &conf.TelegramToken) promptValue(stdin, "Telegram chat ID", "", &conf.TelegramChat) } promptConfirmation(stdin, "Enable LDAP authentication?", false, &conf.LdapEnable) if conf.LdapEnable { promptValue(stdin, "LDAP server host", "localhost:389", &conf.LdapServer) promptConfirmation(stdin, "Enable LDAP TLS connection", false, &conf.LdapNeedTLS) promptValue(stdin, "LDAP DN for bind", "cn=user,ou=users,dc=example", &conf.LdapBindDN) promptValue(stdin, "Password for LDAP bind user", "pa55w0rd", &conf.LdapBindPassword) promptValue(stdin, "LDAP DN for user search", "ou=users,dc=example", &conf.LdapSearchDN) promptValue(stdin, "LDAP search filter", `(uid=%s)`, &conf.LdapSearchFilter) promptValue(stdin, "LDAP mapping for DN field", "dn", &conf.LdapMappings.DN) promptValue(stdin, "LDAP mapping for username field", "uid", &conf.LdapMappings.UID) promptValue(stdin, "LDAP mapping for full name field", "cn", &conf.LdapMappings.CN) promptValue(stdin, "LDAP mapping for email field", "mail", &conf.LdapMappings.Mail) } } func scanBoltDb(conf *util.ConfigType, stdin *bufio.Reader) { workingDirectory, err := os.Getwd() if err != nil { workingDirectory = os.TempDir() } defaultBoltDBPath := filepath.Join(workingDirectory, "database.boltdb") promptValue(stdin, "DB filename", defaultBoltDBPath, &conf.BoltDb.Hostname) } func scanMySQL(conf *util.ConfigType, stdin *bufio.Reader) { promptValue(stdin, "DB Hostname", "", &conf.MySQL.Hostname) promptValue(stdin, "DB User", "root", &conf.MySQL.Username) promptValue(stdin, "DB Password", "", &conf.MySQL.Password) promptValue(stdin, "DB Name", "semaphore", &conf.MySQL.DbName) } func ScanConfigPathAndSave(config *util.ConfigType) string { stdin := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin) configDirectory, err := os.Getwd() if err != nil { configDirectory, err = os.UserConfigDir() if err != nil { // Final fallback configDirectory = "/etc/semaphore" } configDirectory = filepath.Join(configDirectory, "semaphore") } promptValue(stdin, "Config output directory", configDirectory, &configDirectory) fmt.Printf("Running: mkdir -p %v..\n", configDirectory) err = os.MkdirAll(configDirectory, 0755) if err != nil { log.Panic("Could not create config directory: " + err.Error()) } // Marshal config to json bytes, err := config.ToJSON() if err != nil { panic(err) } configPath := filepath.Join(configDirectory, "config.json") if err = ioutil.WriteFile(configPath, bytes, 0644); err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Printf("Configuration written to %v..\n", configPath) return configPath } func VerifyConfig(config *util.ConfigType) bool { stdin := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin) bytes, err := config.ToJSON() if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Printf("\nGenerated configuration:\n %v\n\n", string(bytes)) var correct bool promptConfirmation(stdin, "Is this correct?", true, &correct) return correct } func promptValue(stdin *bufio.Reader, prompt string, def string, item interface{}) { // Print prompt with optional default value fmt.Print(prompt) if len(def) != 0 { fmt.Print(" (default " + def + ")") } fmt.Print("\n> ") str, err := stdin.ReadString('\n') if err != nil { log.WithFields(log.Fields{"level": "Warn"}).Warn(err.Error()) } // Remove newlines str = strings.TrimSuffix(str, "\n") str = strings.TrimSuffix(str, "\r") // If default, print default on input line if len(str) == 0 { str = def fmt.Print("\033[1A") fmt.Println("> " + def) } //Parse if _, err := fmt.Sscanln(str, item); err != nil && err != io.EOF { log.WithFields(log.Fields{"level": "Warn"}).Warn(err.Error()) } // Empty line after prompt fmt.Println("") } func promptConfirmation(stdin *bufio.Reader, prompt string, def bool, item *bool) { defString := "yes" if !def { defString = "no" } fmt.Print(prompt + " (yes/no) (default " + defString + ")") fmt.Print("\n> ") str, err := stdin.ReadString('\n') if err != nil { log.WithFields(log.Fields{"level": "Warn"}).Warn(err.Error()) } switch strings.ToLower(str) { case "y", "yes": *item = true case "n", "no": *item = false default: *item = def fmt.Print("\033[1A") fmt.Println("> " + defString) } // Empty line after prompt fmt.Println("") }