2018-03-27 12:55:47 +00:00

94 lines
3.9 KiB

# This configuration was automatically generated from a CircleCI 1.0 config.
version: 2
machine: true
# we hard code this because even in a fork our code references the canonical import urls
working_directory: ~/.go_workspace/src/
# Remove go and restore the dependency cache
- run: sudo rm -rf /usr/local/go
- run: mkdir -p ${GOPATH}/bin
- restore_cache:
# This branch if available
- v3-dep-{{ .Branch }}-
# Default branch if not
- v3-dep-develop-
# Any branch if there are none on the default branch - this should be unnecessary if you have your default branch configured correctly
- v3-dep-
- run: sudo apt-get update
- run: sudo apt-get install rpm
# Install node and go
- run:
name: Install node
command: |
set +e
curl -o- | bash
export NVM_DIR="/opt/circleci/.nvm"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/"
nvm install 8.2.0 && nvm alias default 8.2.0
# Each step uses the same `$BASH_ENV`, so need to modify it
echo 'export NVM_DIR="/opt/circleci/.nvm"' >> $BASH_ENV
echo "[ -s \"$NVM_DIR/\" ] && . \"$NVM_DIR/\"" >> $BASH_ENV
- run: sudo curl -L > /tmp/go.tar.gz
- run: sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf /tmp/go.tar.gz
# Needed for task orchestration
- run: go get -u -v
# Needed only in ci to post coverage reports
- run: go get
# Get app and install all its deps
- checkout
# Circle can provide a concatenated gopath and the second item is not actually in the path
# which will cause builds to fail if deps are placed there
- run: GOPATH=/home/circleci/.go_workspace task deps
- run: task deps:docker
# Save dependency cache
- save_cache:
key: v4-dep-{{ .Branch }}-{{ epoch }}
- ~/.go_workspace/src/
- ~/.go_workspace/bin
- /opt/circleci/.nvm
# Post cache compile
- run: task compile
# Test
# This looks like utter filth in circleci v2 but we have no choice apart from this escaping madness
- run: "cat > config.json <<EOF\n{\n\t\"mysql\": {\n\t\t\"host\": \"\"\
,\n\t\t\"user\": \"root\",\n\t\t\"pass\": \"\",\n\t\t\"name\": \"circle_test\"\
\n\t},\n\t\"email_alert\": false\n}\nEOF\n"
- run: |
docker run -d -p "3306:3306" --health-cmd='mysqladmin ping --silent' -e MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD=true -e MYSQL_DATABASE=circle_test --name=mysql mysql:5.6
function getContainerHealth {
docker inspect --format "{{json .State.Health.Status }}" $1
function waitContainer {
while STATUS=$(getContainerHealth $1); [ $STATUS != "\"healthy\"" ]; do
if [ $STATUS == "\"unhealthy\"" ]; then
exit -1
printf .
sleep 1
waitContainer mysql
- run: go run cli/main.go --migrate -config config.json
- run: docker stop mysql && docker rm mysql
- run: task test
- run: context=prod task docker:test
# Build artifacts for all architectures
- run: task build
# Post coverage
- run: godacov -t "${CODACY_TOKEN}" -r ./coverage.out -c "${CIRCLE_SHA1}" || true
# Teardown
# Save test results
- store_test_results:
path: ~/.go_workspace/src/
# Save artifacts
- store_artifacts:
path: ~/.go_workspace/src/
- store_artifacts:
path: ~/.go_workspace/src/