2024-10-07 10:51:57 +05:00

265 lines
10 KiB

export default {
'Check interval': 'Check interval',
Schedule: 'Schedule',
backup: 'Backup',
downloadTheProjectBackupFile: 'Download the project backup file (in json)',
restoreProject: 'Restore Project...',
incorrectUsrPwd: 'Incorrect login or password',
askDeleteUser: 'Do you really want to delete this user?',
askDeleteTemp: 'Do you really want to delete this template?',
askDeleteEnv: 'Do you really want to delete this environment?',
askDeleteInv: 'Do you really want to delete this inventor?',
askDeleteKey: 'Do you really want to delete this key?',
askDeleteRepo: 'Do you really want to delete this repository?',
askDeleteProj: 'Do you really want to delete this project?',
askDeleteTMem: 'Do you really want to delete this team member?',
edit: 'Edit',
nnew: 'New',
keyFormSshKey: 'SSH Key',
keyFormLoginPassword: 'Login with password',
keyFormNone: 'None',
incorrectUrl: 'Incorrect URL',
username: 'Username',
username_required: 'Username is required',
dashboard: 'Dashboard',
history: 'History',
activity: 'Activity',
settings: 'Settings',
signIn: 'Sign In',
password: 'Password',
changePassword: 'Change password',
editUser: 'Edit User',
newProject: 'New Project',
close: 'Close',
newProject2: 'New Project...',
demoMode: 'DEMO MODE',
task: 'Task #{expr}',
youCanRunAnyTasks: 'You can run any tasks',
youHaveReadonlyAccess: 'You have read-only access',
taskTemplates: 'Task Templates',
inventory: 'Inventory',
environment: 'Environment Variables',
keyStore: 'Key Store',
repositories: 'Repositories',
darkMode: 'Dark Mode',
team: 'Team',
users: 'Users',
editAccount: 'Edit Account',
signOut: 'Sign Out',
error: 'Error',
refreshPage: 'Refresh Page',
relogin: 'Relogin',
howToFixSigninIssues: 'How to fix sign-in issues',
firstlyYouNeedAccessToTheServerWhereSemaphoreRunni: 'Firstly, you need access to the server where Semaphore running.',
executeTheFollowingCommandOnTheServerToSeeExisting: 'Execute the following command on the server to see existing users:',
semaphoreUserList: 'semaphore user list',
youCanChangePasswordOfExistingUser: 'You can change password of existing user:',
semaphoreUserChangebyloginLoginUser123Password: 'semaphore user change-by-login --login user123 --password {makePasswordExample}',
orCreateNewAdminUser: 'Or create new admin user:',
close2: 'Close',
semaphore: 'SEMAPHORE',
dontHaveAccountOrCantSignIn: 'Don\'t have account or can\'t sign in?',
password2: 'Password',
cancel: 'Cancel',
noViews: 'No views',
addView: 'Add view',
editEnvironment: 'Edit Environment',
deleteEnvironment: 'Delete environment',
newEnvironment: 'New Environment',
environmentName: 'Environment Name',
extraVariables: 'Extra variables',
enterExtraVariablesJson: 'Enter extra variables JSON...',
environmentVariables: 'Environment variables',
enterEnvJson: 'Enter env JSON...',
environmentAndExtraVariablesMustBeValidJsonExample: 'Environment and extra variables must be valid JSON. Example:',
dashboard2: 'Dashboard',
ansibleSemaphore: 'Semaphore UI',
wereSorryButHtmlwebpackpluginoptionstitleDoesntWor: 'We\'re sorry but <%= htmlWebpackPlugin.options.title %> doesn\'t work properly without JavaScript enabled. Please enable it to continue.',
deleteInventory: 'Delete inventory',
newInventory: 'New Inventory',
name: 'Name',
userCredentials: 'User Credentials',
sudoCredentialsOptional: 'Sudo Credentials (Optional)',
type: 'Type',
pathToInventoryFile: 'Path to Inventory file',
enterInventory: 'Enter inventory...',
staticInventoryExample: 'Static inventory example:',
staticYamlInventoryExample: 'Static YAML inventory example:',
keyName: 'Key Name',
loginOptional: 'Login (Optional)',
usernameOptional: 'Username (Optional)',
privateKey: 'Private Key',
override: 'Override',
useThisTypeOfKeyForHttpsRepositoriesAndForPlaybook: 'Use this type of key for HTTPS repositories and for playbooks which use non-SSH connections.',
deleteKey: 'Delete key',
newKey: 'New Key',
create: 'Create',
newTask: 'New Task',
cantDeleteThe: 'Can\'t delete the {objectTitle}',
theCantBeDeletedBecauseItUsedByTheResourcesBelow: 'The {objectTitle} can\'t be deleted because it used by the resources below',
projectName: 'Project Name',
allowAlertsForThisProject: 'Allow alerts for this project',
telegramChatIdOptional: 'Telegram Chat ID (Optional)',
maxNumberOfParallelTasksOptional: 'Max number of parallel tasks (Optional)',
deleteRepository: 'Delete repository',
newRepository: 'New Repository',
urlOrPath: 'URL or path',
absPath: 'abs. path',
branch: 'Branch',
accessKey: 'Access Key',
credentialsToAccessToTheGitRepositoryItShouldBe: 'Credentials to access to the Git repository. It should be:',
ifYouUseGitOrSshUrl: 'if you use Git or SSH URL.',
ifYouUseHttpsOrFileUrl: 'if you use HTTPS or file URL.',
none: 'None',
ssh: 'SSH',
deleteProject: 'Delete project',
save: 'Save',
deleteProject2: 'Delete Project',
onceYouDeleteAProjectThereIsNoGoingBackPleaseBeCer: 'Once you delete a project, there is no going back. Please be certain.',
name2: 'Name *',
title: 'Title *',
description: 'Description',
required: 'Required',
key: '{expr}',
surveyVariables: 'Survey Variables',
addVariable: 'Add variable',
vaultName: 'Vault ID (name)',
vaultNameDefault: 'Only one `default` (empty) name may exist',
vaultNameUnique: 'Must be unique',
vaults: 'Vaults',
vaultAdd: 'Add Vault',
vaultRequired: 'Vault Password is required',
columns: 'Columns',
buildVersion: 'Build Version',
messageOptional: 'Message (Optional)',
debug: 'Debug',
dryRun: 'Dry Run',
diff: 'Diff',
advanced: 'Advanced',
hide: 'Hide',
pleaseAllowOverridingCliArgumentInTaskTemplateSett: 'To allow overriding CLI argument in Task Template settings',
cliArgsJsonArrayExampleIMyinventoryshPrivatekeythe: 'CLI Args (JSON array). Example: [ "-i", "", "--private-key=/there/id_rsa", "-vvvv" ]',
started: 'Started',
author: 'Author',
duration: 'Duration',
stop: 'Stop',
forceStop: 'Force Stop',
confirmTask: 'Confirm',
deleteTeamMember: 'Delete team member',
team2: 'Team',
newTeamMember: 'New Team Member',
user: 'User',
administrator: 'Administrator',
definesStartVersionOfYourArtifactEachRunIncrements: 'Defines start version of your artifact. Each run increments the artifact version.',
forMoreInformationAboutBuildingSeeThe: 'For more information about building, see the',
taskTemplateReference: 'Task Template reference',
definesWhatArtifactShouldBeDeployedWhenTheTaskRun: 'Defines what artifact should be deployed when the task run.',
forMoreInformationAboutDeployingSeeThe: 'For more information about deploying, see the',
taskTemplateReference2: 'Task Template reference',
definesAutorunSchedule: 'Defines autorun schedule.',
forMoreInformationAboutCronSeeThe: 'For more information about cron, see the',
cronExpressionFormatReference: 'Cron expression format reference',
startVersion: 'Start Version',
example000: 'Example: 0.0.0',
buildTemplate: 'Build Template',
autorun: 'Autorun',
playbookFilename: 'Playbook Filename *',
exampleSiteyml: 'Example: site.yml',
inventory2: 'Inventory *',
repository: 'Repository',
environment3: 'Environment *',
vaultPassword: 'Vault Password',
vaultPassword2: 'Vault Password',
view: 'View',
cron: 'Cron',
iWantToRunATaskByTheCronOnlyForForNewCommitsOfSome: 'I want to run a task by the cron only for for new commits of some repository',
repository2: 'Repository',
cronChecksNewCommitBeforeRun: 'Cron checks new commit before run',
readThe: 'Read the',
toLearnMoreAboutCron: 'to learn more about Cron.',
suppressSuccessAlerts: 'Suppress success alerts',
cliArgsJsonArrayExampleIMyinventoryshPrivatekeythe2: 'CLI Args (JSON array). Example: [ "-i", "", "--private-key=/there/id_rsa", "-vvvv" ]',
allowCliArgsInTask: 'Allow CLI args in Task',
docs: 'docs',
editViews: 'Edit Views',
newTemplate: 'New template',
taskTemplates2: 'Task Templates',
all: 'All',
notLaunched: 'Not launched',
by: 'by {user_name}',
editTemplate: 'Edit Template',
newTemplate2: 'New Template',
deleteTemplate: 'Delete template',
playbook: 'Playbook',
email: 'Email',
adminUser: 'Admin user',
sendAlerts: 'Send alerts',
deleteUser: 'Delete user',
newUser: 'New User',
re: 'Re{getActionButtonTitle}',
teamMember: '{expr} Team Member',
taskId: 'Task ID',
version: 'Version',
status: 'Status',
start: 'Start',
actions: 'Actions',
alert: 'Alert',
admin: 'Admin',
role: 'Role',
external: 'External',
time: 'Time',
path: 'Path',
gitUrl: 'Git URL',
sshKey: 'SSH Key',
lastTask: 'Last Task',
task2: 'Task',
build: 'Build',
deploy: 'Deploy',
run: 'Run',
add: 'Add',
password_required: 'Password is required',
name_required: 'Name is required',
user_credentials_required: 'User credentials are required',
type_required: 'Type is required',
path_required: 'Path to Inventory file is required',
private_key_required: 'Private key is required',
project_name_required: 'Project name is required',
repository_required: 'Repository is required',
branch_required: 'Branch is required',
key_required: 'Key is required',
user_required: 'User is required',
build_version_required: 'Build version is required',
title_required: 'Title is required',
isRequired: 'is required',
mustBeInteger: 'Must be integer',
mustBe0OrGreater: 'Must be 0 or greater',
start_version_required: 'Start version is required',
playbook_filename_required: 'Playbook filename is required',
inventory_required: 'Inventory is required',
environment_required: 'Environment is required',
email_required: 'Email is required',
build_template_required: 'Build template is required',
Task: 'Task',
Build: 'Build',
Deploy: 'Deploy',
Run: 'Run',
CreateDemoProject: 'Create Demo Project',
LeaveProject: 'Leave Project',
integration: 'Integration',
integrations: 'Integrations',
NewIntegration: 'New Integration',
EditIntegration: 'Edit Integration',
DeleteIntegration: 'Delete Integration',
DeleteIntegrationMsg: 'Are you sure you want to delete this Integration?',
AddAlias: 'Add Alias',
LoadAlias: 'Loading aliases...',
runners: 'Runners',
newRunner: 'New Runner',
enabled: 'Enabled',
scheduleNextRun: 'Next run',
maxNumberOfParallelTasks: 'Maximum parallel tasks',
runnerUsage: 'Usage:',
runnerToken: 'Token:',
editRunner: 'Edit Runner',