# For grafana-operator users, change `name: storage` to `name: grafana-data`
- name: storage
mountPath: /var/lib/grafana
For `grafana-operator` users, the above configuration should be done for the part `/spec/deployment/spec/template/spec/initContainers` of your `kind=Grafana` resource.
This example uses init container to download and install plugin. To allow Grafana using this container as a sidecar set the following config:
initDatasources: true
enabled: true
See more about chart settings [here](https://github.com/grafana/helm-charts/blob/541d97051de87a309362e02d08741ffc868cfcd6/charts/grafana/values.yaml)
Option 4 would be to build custom Grafana image with plugin based on same installation instructions.
#### Grafana operator
Example with Grafana [operator](https://github.com/grafana-operator/grafana-operator):
# build the plugin for production to the `victorialogs-datasource` folder and zip build
yarn build:zip
### 3. How to build backend plugin
From the root folder of the project run the following command:
make victorialogs-backend-plugin-build
This command will build executable multi-platform files to the `victorialogs-datasource` folder for the following platforms:
* linux/amd64
* linux/arm64
* linux/arm
* linux/386
* amd64
* arm64
* windows
### 4.How to build frontend plugin
From the root folder of the project run the following command:
make victorialogs-frontend-plugin-build
This command will build all frontend app into `victorialogs-datasource` folder.
### 5. How to build frontend and backend parts of the plugin:
When frontend and backend parts of the plugin is required, run the following command from the root folder of the project:
make victorialogs-datasource-plugin-build
This command will build frontend part and backend part or the plugin and locate both parts into `victorialogs-datasource` folder.
## How to make new release
1. Make sure there are no open security issues.
1. Create a release tag:
*`git tag -s v1.xx.y` in `master` branch
1. Run `TAG=v1.xx.y make build-release` to build and package binaries in `*.tar.gz` release archives.
1. Run `git push origin v1.xx.y` to push the tag created `v1.xx.y` at step 2 to public GitHub repository
1. Go to <https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/victorialogs-datasource/releases> and verify that draft release with the name `TAG` has been created and this release contains all the needed binaries and checksums.
1. Remove the `draft` checkbox for the `TAG` release and manually publish it.
## Notes
In the `plugin.json` file of our plugin, the `metrics` field is set to `true`. This is not to support metric queries in the classical sense but to ensure our plugin can be selected in the Grafana panel editor.
For more information on the fields in `plugin.json`, please refer to the [Grafana documentation](https://grafana.com/developers/plugin-tools/reference-plugin-json#properties).