appendTypePrefix=flag.Bool("datasource.appendTypePrefix",false,"Whether to add type prefix to -datasource.url based on the query type. Set to true if sending different query types to the VMSelect URL.")
tlsCAFile=flag.String("datasource.tlsCAFile","",`Optional path to TLS CA file to use for verifying connections to -datasource.url. By default, system CA is used`)
tlsServerName=flag.String("datasource.tlsServerName","",`Optional TLS server name to use for connections to -datasource.url. By default, the server name from -datasource.url is used`)
lookBack=flag.Duration("datasource.lookback",0,`Lookback defines how far into the past to look when evaluating queries. For example, if the datasource.lookback=5m then param "time" with value now()-5m will be added to every query.`)
maxIdleConnections=flag.Int("datasource.maxIdleConnections",100,`Defines the number of idle (keep-alive connections) to each configured datasource. Consider setting this value equal to the value: groups_total * group.concurrency. Too low a value may result in a high number of sockets in TIME_WAIT state.`)