diff --git a/docs/anomaly-detection/CHANGELOG.md b/docs/anomaly-detection/CHANGELOG.md
index 532574d5a6..85c5bfe5e0 100644
--- a/docs/anomaly-detection/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/docs/anomaly-detection/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -11,6 +11,15 @@ aliases:
Please find the changelog for VictoriaMetrics Anomaly Detection below.
+## v1.16.2
+Released: 2024-10-06
+- FEATURE: Added support for `multitenant` value in `tenant_id` arg to enable querying across multiple tenants in [VictoriaMetrics cluster](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/cluster-victoriametrics/) (option available from [v1.104.0](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/cluster-victoriametrics/#multitenancy-via-labels)):
+ - Applied when reading input data from `vmselect` via the [VmReader](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/anomaly-detection/components/reader#vm-reader).
+ - Applied when writing generated results through `vminsert` via the [VmWriter](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/anomaly-detection/components/writer#vm-writer).
+ - For more details, refer to the `tenant_id` arg description in the documentation of the mentioned components.
+- FIX: Resolved an issue with handling an empty `preset` value (e.g., `preset: ""`) that was preventing the [default helm chart](https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/helm-charts/blob/7f5a2c00b14c2c088d7d8d8bcee7a440a5ff11c6/charts/victoria-metrics-anomaly/values.yaml#L139) from being deployed.
## v1.16.1
Released: 2024-10-02
- FIX: This patch release prevents the service from crashing by rolling back the version of a third-party dependency. Affected releases: [v1.16.0](#v1160).
diff --git a/docs/anomaly-detection/components/reader.md b/docs/anomaly-detection/components/reader.md
index 5dc9744263..213ec0a52b 100644
--- a/docs/anomaly-detection/components/reader.md
+++ b/docs/anomaly-detection/components/reader.md
@@ -131,10 +131,10 @@ Datasource URL address
+`0:0`, `multitenant`
-For VictoriaMetrics Cluster version only, tenants are identified by accountID or accountID:projectID. See VictoriaMetrics Cluster [multitenancy docs](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/cluster-victoriametrics/#multitenancy)
+For VictoriaMetrics Cluster version only, tenants are identified by `accountID` or `accountID:projectID`. Starting from [v1.16.2](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/anomaly-detection/changelog/#v1162), `multitenant` [endpoint](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/cluster-victoriametrics/?highlight=reads#multitenancy-via-labels) is supported, to execute queries over multiple [tenants](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/cluster-victoriametrics/#multitenancy). See VictoriaMetrics Cluster [multitenancy docs](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/cluster-victoriametrics/#multitenancy)
diff --git a/docs/anomaly-detection/components/writer.md b/docs/anomaly-detection/components/writer.md
index fadf3d7745..88e1a76617 100644
--- a/docs/anomaly-detection/components/writer.md
+++ b/docs/anomaly-detection/components/writer.md
@@ -60,11 +60,11 @@ Datasource URL address
+`0:0`, `multitenant` (starting from [v1.16.2](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/anomaly-detection/changelog/#v1162))
-For VictoriaMetrics Cluster version only, tenants are identified by accountID or accountID:projectID. See VictoriaMetrics Cluster [multitenancy docs](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/cluster-victoriametrics/#multitenancy)
+For VictoriaMetrics Cluster version only, tenants are identified by `accountID` or `accountID:projectID`. Starting from [v1.16.2](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/anomaly-detection/changelog/#v1162), `multitenant` [endpoint](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/cluster-victoriametrics/?highlight=writes#multitenancy-via-labels) is supported, to write data to multiple [tenants](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/cluster-victoriametrics/#multitenancy). See VictoriaMetrics Cluster [multitenancy docs](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/cluster-victoriametrics/#multitenancy)
@@ -240,6 +240,40 @@ writer:
password: "bar"
+### Multitenancy support
+### Multitenancy Support
+> This feature applies to the VictoriaMetrics Cluster version only. Tenants are identified by either `accountID` or `accountID:projectID`. Starting with [v1.16.2](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/anomaly-detection/changelog/#v1162), the `multitenant` [endpoint](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/cluster-victoriametrics/?highlight=writes#multitenancy-via-labels) is supported for writing data across multiple [tenants](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/cluster-victoriametrics/#multitenancy). For more details, refer to the VictoriaMetrics Cluster [multitenancy documentation](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/cluster-victoriametrics/#multitenancy).
+Please note the different behaviors depending on the `tenant_id` value:
+1. **When `writer.tenant_id != 'multitenant'` (e.g., `"0:0"`) and `reader.tenant_id != 'multitenant'` (can be different but valid, like `"0:1")**:
+ - The `vm_account_id` label is **not created** in the reader, **not persisted** to the writer, and is **not expected** in the output.
+ - **Result**: Data is written successfully with no logs or errors.
+2. **When `writer.tenant_id = 'multitenant'` and `vm_project_id` is present in the label set**:
+ - This typically happens when `reader.tenant_id` is also set to `multitenant`, meaning the `vm_account_id` label is stored in the results returned from the queries.
+ - **Result**: Everything functions as expected. Data is written successfully with no logs or errors.
+3. **When `writer.tenant_id = 'multitenant'` but `vm_account_id` is missing** (e.g., due to aggregation in the reader or missing `keep_metric_names` in the query):
+ - **Result**: The data is still written to `"0:0"`, but a warning is raised:
+ ```
+ The label `vm_account_id` was not found in the label set of {query_result.key},
+ but tenant_id='multitenant' is set in writer. The data will be written to the default tenant 0:0.
+ Ensure that the query retains the necessary multi-tenant labels,
+ or adjust the aggregation settings to preserve `vm_account_id` key in the label set.
+ ```
+4. **When `writer.tenant_id != 'multitenant'` (e.g., `"0:0"`) and `vm_account_id` exists in the label set**:
+ - **Result**: Writing is allowed, but a warning is raised:
+ ```
+ The label set for the metric {query_result.key} contains multi-tenancy labels,
+ but the write endpoint is configured for single-tenant mode (tenant_id != 'multitenant').
+ Either adjust the query in the reader to avoid multi-tenancy labels
+ or ensure that reserved key `vm_account_id` is not explicitly set for single-tenant environments.
+ ```
### Healthcheck metrics
`VmWriter` exposes [several healthchecks metrics](https://docs.victoriametrics.com/anomaly-detection/components/monitoring/#writer-behaviour-metrics).