diff --git a/docs/guides/grafana-vmgateway-openid-configuration.md b/docs/guides/grafana-vmgateway-openid-configuration.md
index 3e8fa79433..898a87b2a0 100644
--- a/docs/guides/grafana-vmgateway-openid-configuration.md
+++ b/docs/guides/grafana-vmgateway-openid-configuration.md
@@ -34,38 +34,41 @@ See details about all supported options in the [vmgateway documentation](https:/
[Keycloak](https://www.keycloak.org/) is an open source identity service that can be used to issue JWT tokens.
1. Log in with admin credentials to your Keycloak instance
-2. Go to `Clients` -> `Create`.
- Use `OpenID Connect` as `Client Type`.
- Specify `grafana` as `Client ID`.
- Click `Next`.
+2. Go to `Clients` -> `Create`.
+ Use `OpenID Connect` as `Client Type`.
+ Specify `grafana` as `Client ID`.
+ Click `Next`.
-3. Enable `Client authentication`.
- Enable `Authorization`.
- Click `Next`.
-4. Add Grafana URL as `Valid Redirect URIs`. For example, `http://localhost:3000/`.
- Click `Save`.
-5. Go to `Clients` -> `grafana` -> `Credentials`.
- Copy the value of `Client secret`. It will be used later in Grafana configuration.
-6. Go to `Clients` -> `grafana` -> `Client scopes`.
- Click at `grafana-dedicated` -> `Add mapper`.
- Configure the mapper as follows
- - `Mapper Type` as `User Attribute`.
+3. Enable `Client authentication`.
+ Enable `Authorization`.
+ Click `Next`.
+4. Add Grafana URL as `Root URL`. For example, `http://localhost:3000/`.
+ Click `Save`.
+5. Go to `Clients` -> `grafana` -> `Credentials`.
+ Copy the value of `Client secret`. It will be used later in Grafana configuration.
+6. Go to `Clients` -> `grafana` -> `Client scopes`.
+ Click at `grafana-dedicated` -> `Add mapper` -> `By configuration` -> `User attribute`.
+ Configure the mapper as follows
- `Name` as `vm_access`.
- `Token Claim Name` as `vm_access`.
- `User Attribute` as `vm_access`.
- `Claim JSON Type` as `JSON`.
- Enable `Add to ID token` and `Add to access token`.
- Click `Save`.
-7. Go to `Users` -> select user to configure claims -> `Attributes`.
- Specify `vm_access` as `Key`.
- Specify `{"tenant_id" : {"account_id": 0, "project_id": 0 }}` as `Value`.
+ Enable `Add to ID token` and `Add to access token`.
+ Click `Save`.
+7. Go to `Users` -> select user to configure claims -> `Attributes`.
+ Specify `vm_access` as `Key`.
+ For the purpose of this example, we will use 2 users:
+ - for the first user we will specify `{"tenant_id" : {"account_id": 0, "project_id": 0 },"extra_labels":{ "team": "admin" }}` as `Value`.
+ - for the second user we will specify `{"tenant_id" : {"account_id": 0, "project_id": 1 },"extra_labels":{ "team": "dev" }}` as `Value`.
Click `Save`.
## Configure grafana
@@ -187,8 +190,146 @@ URL should point to the vmgateway instance.
You can also use VictoriaMetrics [Grafana datasource](https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/grafana-datasource) plugin.
See installation instructions [here](https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/grafana-datasource#installation).
-Enable `Forward OAuth identity` flag.
+Enable `Forward OAuth identity` flag.
Now you can use Grafana to query metrics from the specified tenant.
Users with `vm_access` claim will be able to query metrics from the specified tenant.
+## Test multi-tenant access
+For the test purpose we will setup the following services as [docker-compose](https://docs.docker.com/compose/) manifest:
+- Grafana
+- Keycloak
+- vmagent to generate test metrics
+- VictoriaMetrics cluster
+- vmgateway configured to work in cluster mode
+- VictoriaMetrics single node
+- vmgateway configured to work in single node mode
+version: '3'
+ keycloak:
+ image: quay.io/keycloak/keycloak:21.0
+ command:
+ - start-dev
+ ports:
+ - 3001:8080
+ environment:
+ grafana:
+ image: grafana/grafana-oss:9.4.3
+ network_mode: host
+ volumes:
+ - ./grafana.ini:/etc/grafana/grafana.ini
+ - grafana_data:/var/lib/grafana/
+ vmsingle:
+ image: victoriametrics/victoria-metrics:v1.89.1
+ command:
+ - -httpListenAddr=
+ vmstorage:
+ image: victoriametrics/vmstorage:v1.89.1-cluster
+ vminsert:
+ image: victoriametrics/vminsert:v1.89.1-cluster
+ command:
+ - -storageNode=vmstorage:8400
+ - -httpListenAddr=
+ vmselect:
+ image: victoriametrics/vmselect:v1.89.1-cluster
+ command:
+ - -storageNode=vmstorage:8401
+ - -httpListenAddr=
+ vmagent:
+ image: victoriametrics/vmagent:v1.89.1
+ volumes:
+ - ./scrape.yaml:/etc/vmagent/config.yaml
+ command:
+ - -promscrape.config=/etc/vmagent/config.yaml
+ - -remoteWrite.url=http://vminsert:8480/insert/0/prometheus/api/v1/write
+ - -remoteWrite.url=http://vmsingle:8429/api/v1/write
+ vmgateway-cluster:
+ image: victoriametrics/vmgateway:v1.89.1-enterprise
+ ports:
+ - 8431:8431
+ command:
+ - -eula
+ - -enable.auth=true
+ - -clusterMode=true
+ - -write.url=http://vminsert:8480
+ - -read.url=http://vmselect:8481
+ - -httpListenAddr=
+ - -auth.oidcDiscoveryEndpoints=http://keycloak:8080/realms/master/.well-known/openid-configuration
+ vmgateway-single:
+ image: victoriametrics/vmgateway:v1.89.1-enterprise
+ ports:
+ - 8432:8431
+ command:
+ - -eula
+ - -enable.auth=true
+ - -write.url=http://vmsingle:8429
+ - -read.url=http://vmsingle:8429
+ - -httpListenAddr=
+ - -auth.oidcDiscoveryEndpoints=http://keycloak:8080/realms/master/.well-known/openid-configuration
+ grafana_data:
+For the test purpose vmagent will be configured to scrape metrics from the following targets(`scrape.yaml` contents):
+ - job_name: stat
+ metric_relabel_configs:
+ - if: "{instance =~ 'vmgateway.*'}"
+ action: replace
+ target_label: team
+ replacement: admin
+ - if: "{instance =~ 'localhost.*'}"
+ action: replace
+ target_label: team
+ replacement: dev
+ static_configs:
+ - targets:
+ - localhost:8429
+ - vmgateway-single:8431
+ - vmgateway-cluster:8431
+Relabeling rules will add the `team` label to the scraped metrics in order to test multi-tenant access.
+Metrics from `localhost` will be labeled with `team=dev` and metrics from `vmgateway` will be labeled with `team=admin`.
+vmagent will write data into VictoriaMetrics single-node and cluster(with tenant `0:0`).
+Grafana datasources configuration will be the following:
+Let's login as user with `team=dev` labels limitation set via claims.
+Using `vmgateway-cluster` results into `No data` response as proxied request will go to tenant `0:1`.
+Since vmagent is only configured to write to `0:0` `No data` is an expected response.
+Switching to `vmgateway-single` does have data. Note that it is limited to metrics with `team=dev` label.
+Now lets login as user with `team=admin`.
+Both cluster and single node datasources now return metrics for `team=admin`.
diff --git a/docs/guides/grafana-vmgateway-openid-configuration/admin-cluster-data.png b/docs/guides/grafana-vmgateway-openid-configuration/admin-cluster-data.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d19bbe1ae5
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/guides/grafana-vmgateway-openid-configuration/admin-cluster-data.png differ
diff --git a/docs/guides/grafana-vmgateway-openid-configuration/admin-single-data.png b/docs/guides/grafana-vmgateway-openid-configuration/admin-single-data.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8e6630392a
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/guides/grafana-vmgateway-openid-configuration/admin-single-data.png differ
diff --git a/docs/guides/grafana-vmgateway-openid-configuration/dev-cluster-nodata.png b/docs/guides/grafana-vmgateway-openid-configuration/dev-cluster-nodata.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f3fb73610b
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/guides/grafana-vmgateway-openid-configuration/dev-cluster-nodata.png differ
diff --git a/docs/guides/grafana-vmgateway-openid-configuration/dev-single-data.png b/docs/guides/grafana-vmgateway-openid-configuration/dev-single-data.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5e7ab67537
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/guides/grafana-vmgateway-openid-configuration/dev-single-data.png differ
diff --git a/docs/guides/grafana-vmgateway-openid-configuration/grafana-test-datasources.png b/docs/guides/grafana-vmgateway-openid-configuration/grafana-test-datasources.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7086b8435c
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/guides/grafana-vmgateway-openid-configuration/grafana-test-datasources.png differ
diff --git a/docs/guides/grafana-vmgateway-openid-configuration/user-attributes.png b/docs/guides/grafana-vmgateway-openid-configuration/user-attributes.png
index 7fe30f344e..c86e222fd0 100644
Binary files a/docs/guides/grafana-vmgateway-openid-configuration/user-attributes.png and b/docs/guides/grafana-vmgateway-openid-configuration/user-attributes.png differ