package promql import ( "testing" ) func TestParseMetricSelectorSuccess(t *testing.T) { f := func(s string) { t.Helper() tfs, err := ParseMetricSelector(s) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected error when parsing %q: %s", s, err) } if tfs == nil { t.Fatalf("expecting non-nil tfs when parsing %q", s) } } f("foo") f(":foo") f(" :fo:bar.baz") f(`a{}`) f(`{foo="bar"}`) f(`{:f:oo=~"bar.+"}`) f(`foo {bar != "baz"}`) f(` foo { bar !~ "^ddd(x+)$", a="ss", __name__="sffd"} `) f(`(foo)`) } func TestParseMetricSelectorError(t *testing.T) { f := func(s string) { t.Helper() tfs, err := ParseMetricSelector(s) if err == nil { t.Fatalf("expecting non-nil error when parsing %q", s) } if tfs != nil { t.Fatalf("expecting nil tfs when parsing %q", s) } } f("") f(`{}`) f(`foo bar`) f(`foo+bar`) f(`sum(bar)`) f(`x{y}`) f(`x{y+z}`) f(`foo[5m]`) f(`foo offset 5m`) } func TestParsePromQLSuccess(t *testing.T) { another := func(s string, sExpected string) { t.Helper() e, err := parsePromQL(s) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected error when parsing %q: %s", s, err) } res := e.AppendString(nil) if string(res) != sExpected { t.Fatalf("unexpected string constructed;\ngot\n%q\nwant\n%q", res, sExpected) } } same := func(s string) { t.Helper() another(s, s) } // metricExpr same(`{}`) same(`{}[5m]`) same(`{}[5m:]`) same(`{}[:]`) another(`{}[: ]`, `{}[:]`) same(`{}[:3s]`) another(`{}[: 3s ]`, `{}[:3s]`) same(`{}[5m:3s]`) another(`{}[ 5m : 3s ]`, `{}[5m:3s]`) same(`{} offset 5m`) same(`{}[5m] offset 10y`) same(`{}[5.3m:3.4s] offset 10y`) same(`{}[:3.4s] offset 10y`) same(`{Foo="bAR"}`) same(`{foo="bar"}`) same(`{foo="bar"}[5m]`) same(`{foo="bar"}[5m:]`) same(`{foo="bar"}[5m:3s]`) same(`{foo="bar"} offset 10y`) same(`{foo="bar"}[5m] offset 10y`) same(`{foo="bar"}[5m:3s] offset 10y`) another(`{foo="bar"}[5m] oFFSEt 10y`, `{foo="bar"}[5m] offset 10y`) same("METRIC") same("metric") same("m_e:tri44:_c123") another("-metric", "0 - metric") same(`metric offset 10h`) same("metric[5m]") same("metric[5m:3s]") same("metric[5m] offset 10h") same("metric[5m:3s] offset 10h") same("metric[5i:3i] offset 10i") same(`metric{foo="bar"}`) same(`metric{foo="bar"} offset 10h`) same(`metric{foo!="bar"}[2d]`) same(`metric{foo="bar"}[2d] offset 10h`) same(`metric{foo="bar", b="sdfsdf"}[2d:3h] offset 10h`) another(` metric { foo = "bar" } [ 2d ] offset 10h `, `metric{foo="bar"}[2d] offset 10h`) // metric name matching keywords same("rate") same("RATE") same("by") same("BY") same("bool") same("BOOL") same("unless") same("UNLESS") same("Ignoring") same("with") same("WITH") same("With") same("alias") same(`alias{foo="bar"}`) same(`aLIas{alias="aa"}`) another(`al\ias`, `alias`) // identifiers with with escape chars same(`foo\ bar`) same(`foo\-bar\{{baz\+bar="aa"}`) another(`\x2E\x2ef\oo{b\xEF\ar="aa"}`, `\{b\xefar="aa"}`) // Duplicate filters same(`foo{__name__="bar"}`) same(`foo{a="b", a="c", __name__="aaa", b="d"}`) // Metric filters ending with comma another(`m{foo="bar",}`, `m{foo="bar"}`) // String concat in tag value another(`m{foo="bar" + "baz"}`, `m{foo="barbaz"}`) // Valid regexp same(`foo{bar=~"x"}`) same(`foo{bar=~"^x"}`) same(`foo{bar=~"^x$"}`) same(`foo{bar=~"^(a[bc]|d)$"}`) same(`foo{bar!~"x"}`) same(`foo{bar!~"^x"}`) same(`foo{bar!~"^x$"}`) same(`foo{bar!~"^(a[bc]|d)$"}`) // stringExpr same(`""`) same(`"\n\t\r 12:{}[]()44"`) another(`''`, `""`) another("``", `""`) another(" `foo\"b'ar` ", "\"foo\\\"b'ar\"") another(` 'foo\'bar"BAZ' `, `"foo'bar\"BAZ"`) // string concat another(`"foo"+'bar'`, `"foobar"`) // numberExpr same(`1`) same(`1.23`) same(`0.23`) same(`1.2e+45`) same(`1.2e-45`) same(`-1`) same(`-1.23`) same(`-0.23`) same(`-1.2e+45`) same(`-1.2e-45`) same(`-1.2e-45`) another(`12.5E34`, `1.25e+35`) another(`-.2`, `-0.2`) another(`-.2E-2`, `-0.002`) same(`NaN`) another(`nan`, `NaN`) another(`NAN`, `NaN`) another(`nAN`, `NaN`) another(`Inf`, `+Inf`) another(`INF`, `+Inf`) another(`inf`, `+Inf`) another(`+Inf`, `+Inf`) another(`-Inf`, `-Inf`) another(`-inF`, `-Inf`) // binaryOpExpr another(`nan == nan`, `NaN`) another(`nan ==bool nan`, `1`) another(`nan !=bool nan`, `0`) another(`nan !=bool 2`, `1`) another(`2 !=bool nan`, `1`) another(`nan >bool nan`, `0`) another(`nan =bool 2`, `1`) another(`-1 >bool -inf`, `1`) another(`-1 2`, `NaN`) another(`1 > bool 2`, `0`) another(`3 >= 2`, `3`) another(`3 <= bool 2`, `0`) another(`1 + -2 - 3`, `-4`) another(`1 / 0 + 2`, `+Inf`) another(`2 + -1 / 0`, `-Inf`) another(`-1 ^ 0.5`, `NaN`) another(`512.5 - (1 + 3) * (2 ^ 2) ^ 3`, `256.5`) another(`1 == bool 1 != bool 24 < bool 4 > bool -1`, `1`) another(`1 == bOOl 1 != BOOL 24 < Bool 4 > booL -1`, `1`) another(`m1+on(foo)group_left m2`, `m1 + on (foo) group_left () m2`) another(`M1+ON(FOO)GROUP_left M2`, `M1 + on (FOO) group_left () M2`) same(`m1 + on (foo) group_right () m2`) same(`m1 + on (foo, bar) group_right (x, y) m2`) another(`m1 + on (foo, bar,) group_right (x, y,) m2`, `m1 + on (foo, bar) group_right (x, y) m2`) same(`m1 == bool on (foo, bar) group_right (x, y) m2`) another(`5 - 1 + 3 * 2 ^ 2 ^ 3 - 2 OR Metric {Bar= "Baz", aaa!="bb",cc=~"dd" ,zz !~"ff" } `, `770 or Metric{Bar="Baz", aaa!="bb", cc=~"dd", zz!~"ff"}`) same(`"foo" + bar()`) same(`"foo" + bar{x="y"}`) same(`("foo"[3s] + bar{x="y"})[5m:3s] offset 10s`) same(`("foo"[3s] + bar{x="y"})[5i:3i] offset 10i`) same(`bar + "foo" offset 3s`) same(`bar + "foo" offset 3i`) another(`1+2 if 2>3`, `NaN`) another(`1+4 if 2<3`, `5`) another(`2+6 default 3 if 2>3`, `8`) another(`2+6 if 2>3 default NaN`, `NaN`) another(`42 if 3>2 if 2+2<5`, `42`) another(`42 if 3>2 if 2+2>=5`, `NaN`) another(`1+2 ifnot 2>3`, `3`) another(`1+4 ifnot 2<3`, `NaN`) another(`2+6 default 3 ifnot 2>3`, `8`) another(`2+6 ifnot 2>3 default NaN`, `8`) another(`42 if 3>2 ifnot 2+2<5`, `NaN`) another(`42 if 3>2 ifnot 2+2>=5`, `42`) // parensExpr another(`(-foo + ((bar) / (baz))) + ((23))`, `((0 - foo) + (bar / baz)) + 23`) another(`(FOO + ((Bar) / (baZ))) + ((23))`, `(FOO + (Bar / baZ)) + 23`) same(`(foo, bar)`) another(`((foo, bar),(baz))`, `((foo, bar), baz)`) same(`(foo, (bar, baz), ((x, y), (z, y), xx))`) another(`1+(foo, bar,)`, `1 + (foo, bar)`) another(`((foo(bar,baz)), (1+(2)+(3,4)+()))`, `(foo(bar, baz), (3 + (3, 4)) + ())`) same(`()`) // funcExpr same(`f()`) another(`f(x,)`, `f(x)`) another(`-f()-Ff()`, `(0 - f()) - Ff()`) same(`F()`) another(`+F()`, `F()`) another(`++F()`, `F()`) another(`--F()`, `0 - (0 - F())`) same(`f(http_server_request)`) same(`f(http_server_request)[4s:5m] offset 10m`) same(`f(http_server_request)[4i:5i] offset 10i`) same(`F(HttpServerRequest)`) same(`f(job, foo)`) same(`F(Job, Foo)`) another(` FOO (bar) + f ( m ( ),ff(1 + ( 2.5)) ,M[5m ] , "ff" )`, `FOO(bar) + f(m(), ff(3.5), M[5m], "ff")`) // funcName matching keywords same(`by(2)`) same(`BY(2)`) same(`or(2)`) same(`OR(2)`) same(`bool(2)`) same(`BOOL(2)`) same(`rate(rate(m))`) same(`rate(rate(m[5m]))`) same(`rate(rate(m[5m])[1h:])`) same(`rate(rate(m[5m])[1h:3s])`) // funcName with escape chars same(`foo\(ba\-r()`) // aggrFuncExpr same(`sum(http_server_request) by ()`) same(`sum(http_server_request) by (job)`) same(`sum(http_server_request) without (job, foo)`) another(`sum(x,y,) without (a,b,)`, `sum(x, y) without (a, b)`) another(`sum by () (xx)`, `sum(xx) by ()`) another(`sum by (s) (xx)[5s]`, `(sum(xx) by (s))[5s]`) another(`SUM BY (ZZ, aa) (XX)`, `sum(XX) by (ZZ, aa)`) another(`sum without (a, b) (xx,2+2)`, `sum(xx, 4) without (a, b)`) another(`Sum WIthout (a, B) (XX,2+2)`, `sum(XX, 4) without (a, B)`) same(`sum(a) or sum(b)`) same(`sum(a) by () or sum(b) without (x, y)`) same(`sum(a) + sum(b)`) same(`sum(x) * (1 + sum(a))`) // All the above another(`Sum(Ff(M) * M{X=""}[5m] Offset 7m - 123, 35) BY (X, y) * F2("Test")`, `sum((Ff(M) * M{X=""}[5m] offset 7m) - 123, 35) by (X, y) * F2("Test")`) another(`# comment Sum(Ff(M) * M{X=""}[5m] Offset 7m - 123, 35) BY (X, y) # yet another comment * F2("Test")`, `sum((Ff(M) * M{X=""}[5m] offset 7m) - 123, 35) by (X, y) * F2("Test")`) // withExpr another(`with () x`, `x`) another(`with (x=1,) x`, `1`) another(`with (x = m offset 5h) x + x`, `m offset 5h + m offset 5h`) another(`with (x = m offset 5i) x + x`, `m offset 5i + m offset 5i`) another(`with (foo = bar{x="x"}) 1`, `1`) another(`with (foo = bar{x="x"}) "x"`, `"x"`) another(`with (f="x") f`, `"x"`) another(`with (foo = bar{x="x"}) x{x="y"}`, `x{x="y"}`) another(`with (foo = bar{x="x"}) 1+1`, `2`) another(`with (foo = bar{x="x"}) f()`, `f()`) another(`with (foo = bar{x="x"}) sum(x)`, `sum(x)`) another(`with (foo = bar{x="x"}) baz{foo="bar"}`, `baz{foo="bar"}`) another(`with (foo = bar) baz`, `baz`) another(`with (foo = bar) foo + foo{a="b"}`, `bar + bar{a="b"}`) another(`with (foo = bar, bar=baz + f()) test`, `test`) another(`with (ct={job="test"}) a{ct} + ct() + f({ct="x"})`, `(a{job="test"} + {job="test"}) + f({ct="x"})`) another(`with (ct={job="test", i="bar"}) ct + {ct, x="d"} + foo{ct, ct} + ctx(1)`, `(({job="test", i="bar"} + {job="test", i="bar", x="d"}) + foo{job="test", i="bar"}) + ctx(1)`) another(`with (foo = bar) {__name__=~"foo"}`, `{__name__=~"foo"}`) another(`with (foo = bar) foo{__name__="foo"}`, `bar`) another(`with (foo = bar) {__name__="foo", x="y"}`, `bar{x="y"}`) another(`with (foo(bar) = {__name__!="bar"}) foo(x)`, `{__name__!="bar"}`) another(`with (foo(bar) = bar{__name__="bar"}) foo(x)`, `x`) another(`with (foo\-bar(baz) = baz + baz) foo\-bar((x,y))`, `(x, y) + (x, y)`) another(`with (foo\-bar(baz) = baz + baz) foo\-bar(x*y)`, `(x * y) + (x * y)`) another(`with (foo\-bar(baz) = baz + baz) foo\-bar(x\*y)`, `x\*y + x\*y`) another(`with (foo\-bar(b\ az) = b\ az + b\ az) foo\-bar(x\*y)`, `x\*y + x\*y`) // override ttf to something new. another(`with (ttf = a) ttf + b`, `a + b`) // override ttf to ru another(`with (ttf = ru(m, n)) ttf`, `(clamp_min(n - clamp_min(m, 0), 0) / clamp_min(n, 0)) * 100`) // Verify withExpr recursion and forward reference another(`with (x = x+y, y = x+x) y ^ 2`, `((x + y) + (x + y)) ^ 2`) another(`with (f1(x)=f2(x), f2(x)=f1(x)^2) f1(foobar)`, `f2(foobar)`) another(`with (f1(x)=f2(x), f2(x)=f1(x)^2) f2(foobar)`, `f2(foobar) ^ 2`) // Verify withExpr funcs another(`with (x() = y+1) x`, `y + 1`) another(`with (x(foo) = foo+1) x(a)`, `a + 1`) another(`with (x(a, b) = a + b) x(foo, bar)`, `foo + bar`) another(`with (x(a, b) = a + b) x(foo, x(1, 2))`, `foo + 3`) another(`with (x(a) = sum(a) by (b)) x(xx) / x(y)`, `sum(xx) by (b) / sum(y) by (b)`) another(`with (f(a,f,x)=ff(x,f,a)) f(f(x,y,z),1,2)`, `ff(2, 1, ff(z, y, x))`) another(`with (f(x)=1+f(x)) f(foo{bar="baz"})`, `1 + f(foo{bar="baz"})`) another(`with (a=foo, y=bar, f(a)= a+a+y) f(x)`, `(x + x) + bar`) another(`with (f(a, b) = m{a, b}) f({a="x", b="y"}, {c="d"})`, `m{a="x", b="y", c="d"}`) another(`with (xx={a="x"}, f(a, b) = m{a, b}) f({xx, b="y"}, {c="d"})`, `m{a="x", b="y", c="d"}`) another(`with (x() = {b="c"}) foo{x}`, `foo{b="c"}`) another(`with (f(x)=x{foo="bar"} offset 5m) f(m offset 10m)`, `(m{foo="bar"} offset 10m) offset 5m`) another(`with (f(x)=x{foo="bar",bas="a"}[5m]) f(m[10m] offset 3s)`, `(m{foo="bar", bas="a"}[10m] offset 3s)[5m]`) another(`with (f(x)=x{foo="bar"}[5m] offset 10m) f(m{x="y"})`, `m{x="y", foo="bar"}[5m] offset 10m`) another(`with (f(x)=x{foo="bar"}[5m] offset 10m) f({x="y", foo="bar", foo="bar"})`, `{x="y", foo="bar"}[5m] offset 10m`) another(`with (f(m, x)=m{x}[5m] offset 10m) f(foo, {})`, `foo[5m] offset 10m`) another(`with (f(m, x)=m{x, bar="baz"}[5m] offset 10m) f(foo, {})`, `foo{bar="baz"}[5m] offset 10m`) another(`with (f(x)=x[5m] offset 3s) f(foo[3m]+bar)`, `(foo[3m] + bar)[5m] offset 3s`) another(`with (f(x)=x[5m:3s] oFFsEt 1.5m) f(sum(s) by (a,b))`, `(sum(s) by (a, b))[5m:3s] offset 1.5m`) another(`with (x="a", y=x) y+"bc"`, `"abc"`) another(`with (x="a", y="b"+x) "we"+y+"z"+f()`, `"webaz" + f()`) another(`with (f(x) = m{foo=x+"y", bar="y"+x, baz=x} + x) f("qwe")`, `m{foo="qwey", bar="yqwe", baz="qwe"} + "qwe"`) another(`with (f(a)=a) f`, `f`) another(`with (f\q(a)=a) f\q`, `fq`) // Verify withExpr for aggr func modifiers another(`with (f(x) = x, y = sum(m) by (f)) y`, `sum(m) by (f)`) another(`with (f(x) = sum(m) by (x)) f(foo)`, `sum(m) by (foo)`) another(`with (f(x) = sum(m) by (x)) f((foo, bar, foo))`, `sum(m) by (foo, bar)`) another(`with (f(x) = sum(m) without (x,y)) f((a, b))`, `sum(m) without (a, b, y)`) another(`with (f(x) = sum(m) without (y,x)) f((a, y))`, `sum(m) without (y, a)`) another(`with (f(x,y) = a + on (x,y) group_left (y,bar) b) f(foo,())`, `a + on (foo) group_left (bar) b`) another(`with (f(x,y) = a + on (x,y) group_left (y,bar) b) f((foo),())`, `a + on (foo) group_left (bar) b`) another(`with (f(x,y) = a + on (x,y) group_left (y,bar) b) f((foo,xx),())`, `a + on (foo, xx) group_left (bar) b`) // Verify nested with exprs another(`with (f(x) = (with(x=y) x) + x) f(z)`, `y + z`) another(`with (x=foo) f(a, with (y=x) y)`, `f(a, foo)`) another(`with (x=foo) a * x + (with (y=x) y) / y`, `(a * foo) + (foo / y)`) another(`with (x = with (y = foo) y + x) x/x`, `(foo + x) / (foo + x)`) another(`with ( x = {foo="bar"}, q = m{x, y="1"}, f(x) = with ( z(y) = x + y * q ) z(foo) / f(x) ) f(a)`, `(a + (foo * m{foo="bar", y="1"})) / f(a)`) // complex withExpr another(`WITH ( treshold = (0.9), commonFilters = {job="cacher", instance=~""}, hits = rate(cache{type="hit", commonFilters}[5m]), miss = rate(cache{type="miss", commonFilters}[5m]), sumByInstance(arg) = sum(arg) by (instance), hitRatio = sumByInstance(hits) / sumByInstance(hits + miss) ) hitRatio < treshold`, `(sum(rate(cache{type="hit", job="cacher", instance=~""}[5m])) by (instance) / sum(rate(cache{type="hit", job="cacher", instance=~""}[5m]) + rate(cache{type="miss", job="cacher", instance=~""}[5m])) by (instance)) < 0.9`) another(`WITH ( x2(x) = x^2, f(x, y) = x2(x) + x*y + x2(y) ) f(a, 3) `, `((a ^ 2) + (a * 3)) + 9`) another(`WITH ( x2(x) = x^2, f(x, y) = x2(x) + x*y + x2(y) ) f(2, 3) `, `19`) another(`WITH ( commonFilters = {instance="foo"}, timeToFuckup(currv, maxv) = (maxv - currv) / rate(currv) ) timeToFuckup(diskUsage{commonFilters}, maxDiskSize{commonFilters})`, `(maxDiskSize{instance="foo"} - diskUsage{instance="foo"}) / rate(diskUsage{instance="foo"})`) another(`WITH ( commonFilters = {job="foo", instance="bar"}, sumRate(m, cf) = sum(rate(m{cf})) by (job, instance), hitRate(hits, misses) = sumRate(hits, commonFilters) / (sumRate(hits, commonFilters) + sumRate(misses, commonFilters)) ) hitRate(cacheHits, cacheMisses)`, `sum(rate(cacheHits{job="foo", instance="bar"})) by (job, instance) / (sum(rate(cacheHits{job="foo", instance="bar"})) by (job, instance) + sum(rate(cacheMisses{job="foo", instance="bar"})) by (job, instance))`) another(`with(y=123,z=5) union(with(y=3,f(x)=x*y) f(2) + f(3), with(x=5,y=2) x*y*z)`, `union(15, 50)`) } func TestParsePromQLError(t *testing.T) { f := func(s string) { t.Helper() e, err := parsePromQL(s) if err == nil { t.Fatalf("expecting non-nil error when parsing %q", s) } if e != nil { t.Fatalf("expecting nil expr when parsing %q", s) } } // an empty string f("") f(" \t\b\r\n ") // invalid metricExpr f(`{__name__="ff"} offset 55`) f(`{__name__="ff"} offset -5m`) f(`foo[55]`) f(`m[-5m]`) f(`{`) f(`foo{`) f(`foo{bar`) f(`foo{bar=`) f(`foo{bar="baz"`) f(`foo{bar="baz", `) f(`foo{123="23"}`) f(`foo{foo}`) f(`foo{,}`) f(`foo{,foo="bar"}`) f(`foo{foo=}`) f(`foo{foo="ba}`) f(`foo{"foo"="bar"}`) f(`foo{$`) f(`foo{a $`) f(`foo{a="b",$`) f(`foo{a="b"}$`) f(`[`) f(`[]`) f(`f[5m]$`) f(`[5m]`) f(`[5m] offset 4h`) f(`m[5m] offset $`) f(`m[5m] offset 5h $`) f(`m[]`) f(`m[-5m]`) f(`m[5m:`) f(`m[5m:-`) f(`m[5m:-1`) f(`m[5m:-1]`) f(`m[:`) f(`m[:-`) f(`m[:1]`) f(`m[:-1m]`) f(`m[5]`) f(`m[[5m]]`) f(`m[foo]`) f(`m["ff"]`) f(`m[10m`) f(`m[123`) f(`m["ff`) f(`m[(f`) f(`fd}`) f(`]`) f(`m $`) f(`m{,}`) f(`m{x=y}`) f(`m{x=y/5}`) f(`m{x=y+5}`) // Invalid regexp f(`foo{bar=~"x["}`) f(`foo{bar=~"x("}`) f(`foo{bar=~"x)"}`) f(`foo{bar!~"x["}`) f(`foo{bar!~"x("}`) f(`foo{bar!~"x)"}`) // invalid stringExpr f(`'`) f(`"`) f("`") f(`"foo`) f(`'foo`) f("`foo") f(`"foo\"bar`) f(`'foo\'bar`) f("`foo\\`bar") f(`"" $`) f(`"foo" +`) f(`n{"foo" + m`) // invalid numberExpr f(`12.`) f(`1.2e`) f(`23e-`) f(`23E+`) f(`.`) f(`-12.`) f(`-1.2e`) f(`-23e-`) f(`-23E+`) f(`-.`) f(`-1$$`) f(`-$$`) f(`+$$`) f(`23 $$`) // invalid binaryOpExpr f(`+`) f(`1 +`) f(`1 + 2.`) f(`3 unless`) f(`23 + on (foo)`) f(`m + on (,) m`) f(`3 * ignoring`) f(`m * on (`) f(`m * on (foo`) f(`m * on (foo,`) f(`m * on (foo,)`) f(`m * on (,foo)`) f(`m * on (,)`) f(`m == bool (bar) baz`) f(`m == bool () baz`) f(`m * by (baz) n`) f(`m + bool group_left m2`) f(`m + on () group_left (`) f(`m + on () group_left (,`) f(`m + on () group_left (,foo`) f(`m + on () group_left (foo,)`) f(`m + on () group_left (,foo)`) f(`m + on () group_left (foo)`) f(`m + on () group_right (foo) (m`) f(`m or ignoring () group_left () n`) f(`1 + bool 2`) f(`m % bool n`) f(`m * bool baz`) f(`M * BOoL BaZ`) f(`foo unless ignoring (bar) group_left xxx`) f(`foo or bool bar`) f(`foo == bool $$`) f(`"foo" + bar`) // invalid parensExpr f(`(`) f(`($`) f(`(+`) f(`(1`) f(`(m+`) f(`1)`) f(`(,)`) f(`(1)$`) // invalid funcExpr f(`f $`) f(`f($)`) f(`f[`) f(`f()$`) f(`f(`) f(`f(foo`) f(`f(f,`) f(`f(,`) f(`f(,)`) f(`f(,foo)`) f(`f(,foo`) f(`f(foo,$`) f(`f() by (a)`) f(`f without (x) (y)`) f(`f() foo (a)`) f(`f bar (x) (b)`) f(`f bar (x)`) // invalid aggrFuncExpr f(`sum(`) f(`sum $`) f(`sum [`) f(`sum($)`) f(`sum()$`) f(`sum(foo) ba`) f(`sum(foo) ba()`) f(`sum(foo) by`) f(`sum(foo) without x`) f(`sum(foo) aaa`) f(`sum(foo) aaa x`) f(`sum() by $`) f(`sum() by (`) f(`sum() by ($`) f(`sum() by (a`) f(`sum() by (a $`) f(`sum() by (a ]`) f(`sum() by (a)$`) f(`sum() by (,`) f(`sum() by (a,$`) f(`sum() by (,)`) f(`sum() by (,a`) f(`sum() by (,a)`) f(`sum() on (b)`) f(`sum() bool`) f(`sum() group_left`) f(`sum() group_right(x)`) f(`sum ba`) f(`sum ba ()`) f(`sum by (`) f(`sum by (a`) f(`sum by (,`) f(`sum by (,)`) f(`sum by (,a`) f(`sum by (,a)`) f(`sum by (a)`) f(`sum by (a) (`) f(`sum by (a) [`) f(`sum by (a) {`) f(`sum by (a) (b`) f(`sum by (a) (b,`) f(`sum by (a) (,)`) f(`avg by (a) (,b)`) f(`sum by (x) (y) by (z)`) f(`sum(m) by (1)`) // invalid withExpr f(`with $`) f(`with a`) f(`with a=b c`) f(`with (`) f(`with (x=b)$`) f(`with ($`) f(`with (foo`) f(`with (foo $`) f(`with (x y`) f(`with (x =`) f(`with (x = $`) f(`with (x= y`) f(`with (x= y $`) f(`with (x= y)`) f(`with (x=(`) f(`with (x=[)`) f(`with (x=() x)`) f(`with ($$)`) f(`with (x $$`) f(`with (x = $$)`) f(`with (x = foo) bar{x}`) f(`with (x = {foo="bar"}[5m]) bar{x}`) f(`with (x = {foo="bar"} offset 5m) bar{x}`) f(`with (x = a, x = b) c`) f(`with (x(a, a) = b) c`) f(`with (x=m{f="x"}) foo{x}`) f(`with (sum = x) y`) f(`with (rate(a) = b) c`) f(`with (clamp_min=x) y`) f(`with (f()`) f(`with (a=b c=d) e`) f(`with (f(x)=x^2) m{x}`) f(`with (f(x)=ff()) m{x}`) f(`with (f(x`) f(`with (x=m) a{x} + b`) f(`with (x=m) b + a{x}`) f(`with (x=m) f(b, a{x})`) f(`with (x=m) sum(a{x})`) f(`with (x=m) (a{x})`) f(`with (f(a)=a) f(1, 2)`) f(`with (f(x)=x{foo="bar"}) f(1)`) f(`with (f(x)=x{foo="bar"}) f(m + n)`) f(`with (f = with`) f(`with (,)`) f(`with (1) 2`) f(`with (f(1)=2) 3`) f(`with (f(,)=x) x`) f(`with (x(a) = {b="c"}) foo{x}`) f(`with (f(x) = m{foo=xx}) f("qwe")`) f(`a + with(f(x)=x) f(1,2)`) f(`with (f(x) = sum(m) by (x)) f({foo="bar"})`) f(`with (f(x) = sum(m) by (x)) f((xx(), {foo="bar"}))`) f(`with (f(x) = m + on (x) n) f(xx())`) f(`with (f(x) = m + on (a) group_right (x) n) f(xx())`) }