package main import ( "context" "fmt" "log" "net/http" "os" "os/signal" "strings" "sync/atomic" "syscall" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) func main() { var ( err error importer *vm.Importer ) ctx, cancelCtx := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) start := time.Now() beforeFn := func(c *cli.Context) error { isSilent = c.Bool(globalSilent) if c.Bool(globalDisableProgressBar) { barpool.Disable(true) } return nil } app := &cli.App{ Name: "vmctl", Usage: "VictoriaMetrics command-line tool", Version: buildinfo.Version, Commands: []*cli.Command{ { Name: "opentsdb", Usage: "Migrate time series from OpenTSDB", Flags: mergeFlags(globalFlags, otsdbFlags, vmFlags), Before: beforeFn, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { fmt.Println("OpenTSDB import mode") // create Transport with given TLS config certFile := c.String(otsdbCertFile) keyFile := c.String(otsdbKeyFile) caFile := c.String(otsdbCAFile) serverName := c.String(otsdbServerName) insecureSkipVerify := c.Bool(otsdbInsecureSkipVerify) addr := c.String(otsdbAddr) tr, err := httputils.Transport(addr, certFile, keyFile, caFile, serverName, insecureSkipVerify) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to create transport for -%s=%q: %s", otsdbAddr, addr, err) } oCfg := opentsdb.Config{ Addr: addr, Limit: c.Int(otsdbQueryLimit), Offset: c.Int64(otsdbOffsetDays), HardTS: c.Int64(otsdbHardTSStart), Retentions: c.StringSlice(otsdbRetentions), Filters: c.StringSlice(otsdbFilters), Normalize: c.Bool(otsdbNormalize), MsecsTime: c.Bool(otsdbMsecsTime), Transport: tr, } otsdbClient, err := opentsdb.NewClient(oCfg) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to create opentsdb client: %s", err) } vmCfg, err := initConfigVM(c) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to init VM configuration: %s", err) } importer, err := vm.NewImporter(ctx, vmCfg) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to create VM importer: %s", err) } otsdbProcessor := newOtsdbProcessor(otsdbClient, importer, c.Int(otsdbConcurrency), c.Bool(globalVerbose)) return }, }, { Name: "influx", Usage: "Migrate time series from InfluxDB", Flags: mergeFlags(globalFlags, influxFlags, vmFlags), Before: beforeFn, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { fmt.Println("InfluxDB import mode") // create TLS config certFile := c.String(influxCertFile) keyFile := c.String(influxKeyFile) caFile := c.String(influxCAFile) serverName := c.String(influxServerName) insecureSkipVerify := c.Bool(influxInsecureSkipVerify) tc, err := httputils.TLSConfig(certFile, keyFile, caFile, serverName, insecureSkipVerify) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to create TLS Config: %s", err) } iCfg := influx.Config{ Addr: c.String(influxAddr), Username: c.String(influxUser), Password: c.String(influxPassword), Database: c.String(influxDB), Retention: c.String(influxRetention), Filter: influx.Filter{ Series: c.String(influxFilterSeries), TimeStart: c.String(influxFilterTimeStart), TimeEnd: c.String(influxFilterTimeEnd), }, ChunkSize: c.Int(influxChunkSize), TLSConfig: tc, } influxClient, err := influx.NewClient(iCfg) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to create influx client: %s", err) } vmCfg, err := initConfigVM(c) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to init VM configuration: %s", err) } importer, err = vm.NewImporter(ctx, vmCfg) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to create VM importer: %s", err) } processor := newInfluxProcessor( influxClient, importer, c.Int(influxConcurrency), c.String(influxMeasurementFieldSeparator), c.Bool(influxSkipDatabaseLabel), c.Bool(influxPrometheusMode), c.Bool(globalVerbose)) return }, }, { Name: "remote-read", Usage: "Migrate time series via Prometheus remote-read protocol", Flags: mergeFlags(globalFlags, remoteReadFlags, vmFlags), Before: beforeFn, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { fmt.Println("Remote-read import mode") addr := c.String(remoteReadSrcAddr) // create TLS config certFile := c.String(remoteReadCertFile) keyFile := c.String(remoteReadKeyFile) caFile := c.String(remoteReadCAFile) serverName := c.String(remoteReadServerName) insecureSkipVerify := c.Bool(remoteReadInsecureSkipVerify) tr, err := httputils.Transport(addr, certFile, keyFile, caFile, serverName, insecureSkipVerify) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to create transport for -%s=%q: %s", remoteReadSrcAddr, addr, err) } rr, err := remoteread.NewClient(remoteread.Config{ Addr: addr, Transport: tr, Username: c.String(remoteReadUser), Password: c.String(remoteReadPassword), Timeout: c.Duration(remoteReadHTTPTimeout), UseStream: c.Bool(remoteReadUseStream), Headers: c.String(remoteReadHeaders), LabelName: c.String(remoteReadFilterLabel), LabelValue: c.String(remoteReadFilterLabelValue), DisablePathAppend: c.Bool(remoteReadDisablePathAppend), }) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error create remote read client: %s", err) } vmCfg, err := initConfigVM(c) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to init VM configuration: %s", err) } importer, err := vm.NewImporter(ctx, vmCfg) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to create VM importer: %s", err) } rmp := remoteReadProcessor{ src: rr, dst: importer, filter: remoteReadFilter{ timeStart: c.Timestamp(remoteReadFilterTimeStart), timeEnd: c.Timestamp(remoteReadFilterTimeEnd), chunk: c.String(remoteReadStepInterval), timeReverse: c.Bool(remoteReadFilterTimeReverse), }, cc: c.Int(remoteReadConcurrency), isVerbose: c.Bool(globalVerbose), } return }, }, { Name: "prometheus", Usage: "Migrate time series from Prometheus", Flags: mergeFlags(globalFlags, promFlags, vmFlags), Before: beforeFn, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { fmt.Println("Prometheus import mode") vmCfg, err := initConfigVM(c) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to init VM configuration: %s", err) } importer, err = vm.NewImporter(ctx, vmCfg) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to create VM importer: %s", err) } promCfg := prometheus.Config{ Snapshot: c.String(promSnapshot), Filter: prometheus.Filter{ TimeMin: c.String(promFilterTimeStart), TimeMax: c.String(promFilterTimeEnd), Label: c.String(promFilterLabel), LabelValue: c.String(promFilterLabelValue), }, } cl, err := prometheus.NewClient(promCfg) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to create prometheus client: %s", err) } pp := prometheusProcessor{ cl: cl, im: importer, cc: c.Int(promConcurrency), isVerbose: c.Bool(globalVerbose), } return }, }, { Name: "vm-native", Usage: "Migrate time series between VictoriaMetrics installations", Flags: mergeFlags(globalFlags, vmNativeFlags), Before: beforeFn, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { fmt.Println("VictoriaMetrics Native import mode") if c.String(vmNativeFilterMatch) == "" { return fmt.Errorf("flag %q can't be empty", vmNativeFilterMatch) } bfRetries := c.Int(vmNativeBackoffRetries) bfFactor := c.Float64(vmNativeBackoffFactor) bfMinDuration := c.Duration(vmNativeBackoffMinDuration) bf, err := backoff.New(bfRetries, bfFactor, bfMinDuration) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to create backoff object: %s", err) } disableKeepAlive := c.Bool(vmNativeDisableHTTPKeepAlive) var srcExtraLabels []string srcAddr := strings.Trim(c.String(vmNativeSrcAddr), "/") srcAuthConfig, err := auth.Generate( auth.WithBasicAuth(c.String(vmNativeSrcUser), c.String(vmNativeSrcPassword)), auth.WithBearer(c.String(vmNativeSrcBearerToken)), auth.WithHeaders(c.String(vmNativeSrcHeaders))) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error initilize auth config for source: %s", srcAddr) } // create TLS config srcCertFile := c.String(vmNativeSrcCertFile) srcKeyFile := c.String(vmNativeSrcKeyFile) srcCAFile := c.String(vmNativeSrcCAFile) srcServerName := c.String(vmNativeSrcServerName) srcInsecureSkipVerify := c.Bool(vmNativeSrcInsecureSkipVerify) srcTC, err := httputils.TLSConfig(srcCertFile, srcKeyFile, srcCAFile, srcServerName, srcInsecureSkipVerify) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to create TLS Config: %s", err) } srcHTTPClient := &http.Client{Transport: &http.Transport{ DisableKeepAlives: disableKeepAlive, TLSClientConfig: srcTC, }} dstAddr := strings.Trim(c.String(vmNativeDstAddr), "/") dstExtraLabels := c.StringSlice(vmExtraLabel) dstAuthConfig, err := auth.Generate( auth.WithBasicAuth(c.String(vmNativeDstUser), c.String(vmNativeDstPassword)), auth.WithBearer(c.String(vmNativeDstBearerToken)), auth.WithHeaders(c.String(vmNativeDstHeaders))) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error initilize auth config for destination: %s", dstAddr) } // create TLS config dstCertFile := c.String(vmNativeDstCertFile) dstKeyFile := c.String(vmNativeDstKeyFile) dstCAFile := c.String(vmNativeDstCAFile) dstServerName := c.String(vmNativeDstServerName) dstInsecureSkipVerify := c.Bool(vmNativeDstInsecureSkipVerify) dstTC, err := httputils.TLSConfig(dstCertFile, dstKeyFile, dstCAFile, dstServerName, dstInsecureSkipVerify) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to create TLS Config: %s", err) } dstHTTPClient := &http.Client{Transport: &http.Transport{ DisableKeepAlives: disableKeepAlive, TLSClientConfig: dstTC, }} p := vmNativeProcessor{ rateLimit: c.Int64(vmRateLimit), interCluster: c.Bool(vmInterCluster), filter: native.Filter{ Match: c.String(vmNativeFilterMatch), TimeStart: c.String(vmNativeFilterTimeStart), TimeEnd: c.String(vmNativeFilterTimeEnd), Chunk: c.String(vmNativeStepInterval), TimeReverse: c.Bool(vmNativeFilterTimeReverse), }, src: &native.Client{ AuthCfg: srcAuthConfig, Addr: srcAddr, ExtraLabels: srcExtraLabels, HTTPClient: srcHTTPClient, }, dst: &native.Client{ AuthCfg: dstAuthConfig, Addr: dstAddr, ExtraLabels: dstExtraLabels, HTTPClient: dstHTTPClient, }, backoff: bf, cc: c.Int(vmConcurrency), disablePerMetricRequests: c.Bool(vmNativeDisablePerMetricMigration), isNative: !c.Bool(vmNativeDisableBinaryProtocol), } return }, }, { Name: "verify-block", Usage: "Verifies exported block with VictoriaMetrics Native format", Flags: []cli.Flag{ &cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "gunzip", Usage: "Use GNU zip decompression for exported block", Value: false, }, }, Before: beforeFn, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { common.StartUnmarshalWorkers() blockPath := c.Args().First() isBlockGzipped := c.Bool("gunzip") if len(blockPath) == 0 { return cli.Exit("you must provide path for exported data block", 1) } log.Printf("verifying block at path=%q", blockPath) f, err := os.OpenFile(blockPath, os.O_RDONLY, 0600) if err != nil { return cli.Exit(fmt.Errorf("cannot open exported block at path=%q err=%w", blockPath, err), 1) } defer f.Close() var blocksCount atomic.Uint64 if err := stream.Parse(f, isBlockGzipped, func(_ *stream.Block) error { blocksCount.Add(1) return nil }); err != nil { return cli.Exit(fmt.Errorf("cannot parse block at path=%q, blocksCount=%d, err=%w", blockPath, blocksCount.Load(), err), 1) } log.Printf("successfully verified block at path=%q, blockCount=%d", blockPath, blocksCount.Load()) return nil }, }, }, } c := make(chan os.Signal, 1) signal.Notify(c, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM) go func() { <-c fmt.Println("\r- Execution cancelled") if importer != nil { importer.Close() } cancelCtx() }() err = app.Run(os.Args) if err != nil { log.Fatalln(err) } log.Printf("Total time: %v", time.Since(start)) } func initConfigVM(c *cli.Context) (vm.Config, error) { addr := c.String(vmAddr) // create Transport with given TLS config certFile := c.String(vmCertFile) keyFile := c.String(vmKeyFile) caFile := c.String(vmCAFile) serverName := c.String(vmServerName) insecureSkipVerify := c.Bool(vmInsecureSkipVerify) tr, err := httputils.Transport(addr, certFile, keyFile, caFile, serverName, insecureSkipVerify) if err != nil { return vm.Config{}, fmt.Errorf("failed to create transport for -%s=%q: %s", vmAddr, addr, err) } bfRetries := c.Int(vmBackoffRetries) bfFactor := c.Float64(vmBackoffFactor) bfMinDuration := c.Duration(vmBackoffMinDuration) bf, err := backoff.New(bfRetries, bfFactor, bfMinDuration) if err != nil { return vm.Config{}, fmt.Errorf("failed to create backoff object: %s", err) } return vm.Config{ Addr: addr, Transport: tr, User: c.String(vmUser), Password: c.String(vmPassword), Concurrency: uint8(c.Int(vmConcurrency)), Compress: c.Bool(vmCompress), AccountID: c.String(vmAccountID), BatchSize: c.Int(vmBatchSize), SignificantFigures: c.Int(vmSignificantFigures), RoundDigits: c.Int(vmRoundDigits), ExtraLabels: c.StringSlice(vmExtraLabel), RateLimit: c.Int64(vmRateLimit), Backoff: bf, }, nil }