# Benchmark for VictoriaLogs Benchmark is based on: - Logs from this repository - https://github.com/logpai/loghub - filebeat - https://www.elastic.co/beats/filebeat - elastic + kibana - [logs generator](./generator) ## How it works docker-compose.yml contains: - 2 filebeat instances - one for elastic and one for VictoriaLogs. - elastic instance - VictoriaLogs instance - kibana instance - port forwarded to `localhost:5601` to see UI - vmsingle - port forwarded to `localhost:8428` to see UI - [logs generator](./generator) - exporters for filebeat/system [Logs generator](./generator) generates logs based on logs located at `./source_logs/logs` and sends them to filebeat instances via syslog. Logs are generated by reading files line by line, adding randomized suffix to each line and sending them to filebeat via syslog. By default, generator will exit once all files are read. `docker-compose` will restart it and files will be read again generating new logs. Each filebeat than writes logs to elastic and VictoriaLogs via elasticsearch-compatible API. ## How to run 1. Download and unarchive logs by running: ```shell cd source_logs bash download.sh ``` Note that with logs listed in `download.sh` it will require 49GB of free space: - 3GB for archives - 46GB for unarchived logs If it is needed to minimize disk footprint, you can download only some of them by commenting out lines in `download.sh`. Unarchived logs size per file for reference: ```shell 2.3M Linux.log 73M SSH.log 32G Thunderbird.log 5.1M Apache.log 13G hadoop-*.log ``` 2. (optional) If needed, adjust amount of logs sent by generator by modifying `-outputRateLimitItems` and `outputRateLimitPeriod` parameters in [docker-compose.yml](./docker-compose.yml). By default, it is configured to send 10000 logs per second. 3. Build victoria-logs image and adjust `image` parameter in [docker-compose.yml](./docker-compose.yml): ```shell make package-victoria-logs => exporting to image 0.5s => => exporting layers 0.5s => => writing image sha256:3ef5d4d5dfc767353d897abba25314ae7820b6f4d8422b5b2a1342e7be5dd579 0.0s => => naming to docker.io/victoriametrics/victoria-logs:heads-logs-0-gcc3fa9cd3-dirty-cbfad271 ``` Image name should be replaced at `vlogs` service in [docker-compose.yml](./docker-compose.yml). It is also possible to configure filebeat to send logs to VictoriaLogs running on local machine. To do this modify [filebeat config for vlogs](./elk/filebeat/filebeat-vlogs.yml) and replace `vlogs` address with address of local VictoriaLogs instance: ```yaml output.elasticsearch: hosts: [ "http://vlogs:9428/insert/elasticsearch/" ] ``` 4. Run `docker-compose up -d` to start benchmark. 5. Navigate to `http://localhost:3000/d/hkm6P6_4z/elastic-vs-vlogs` to see Grafana dashboard with resource usage comparison. ![grafana-dashboard.png](grafana-dashboard.png)