--- sort: 8 weight: 8 title: High Availability menu: docs: parent: "operator" weight: 8 aliases: - /operator/high-availability.html --- # High Availability High availability is not only important for customer-facing software but if the monitoring infrastructure is not highly available, then there is a risk that operations people are not notified of alerts. Therefore, high availability must be just as thought through for the monitoring stack, as for anything else. ## Components VictoriaMetrics operator support high availability for each component of the monitoring stack: - [VMAgent](./resources/vmagent.md#high-availability) - [VMAlert](./resources/vmalert.md#high-availability) - [VMAlertmanager](./resources/vmalertmanager.md#high-availability) - [VMAuth](./resources/vmauth.md#high-availability) - [VMCluster](./resources/vmcluster.md#high-availability) More details you can find in the section **[High Availability for resources](./resources/README.md#high-availability)**. ## Operator VictoriaMetrics operator can be safely scaled horizontally, but only one replica of the operator can process [the reconciliation](./README.md#reconciliation-cycle) at a time - it uses a leader election mechanism to ensure that only one replica is active at a time. If one of replicas of the operator will be failed, then another replica will be elected as a leader and will continue to work - operator replication affects how quickly this happens. [CRD validation](./configuration.md#crd-validation) workload is fully distributed among the available operator replicas. In addition, you can safely use for operator such features as [assigning and distributing to nodes](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/assign-pod-node/) (like [node selector](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/assign-pod-node/#nodeselector), [affinity and anti-affinity](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/assign-pod-node/#affinity-and-anti-affinity), [topology spread constraints](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/assign-pod-node/#pod-topology-spread-constraints), [taints and tolerations](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/taint-and-toleration/), etc...) In addition, don't forget about [monitoring for the operator](./monitoring.md).