package syslog import ( "bufio" "bytes" "reflect" "testing" "time" "" ) func TestReadLine_Success(t *testing.T) { f := func(data string, currentYear, rowsExpected int, timestampsExpected []int64, resultExpected string) { t.Helper() MustInit() defer MustStop() var timestamps []int64 var result string processLogMessage := func(timestamp int64, fields []logstorage.Field) { timestamps = append(timestamps, timestamp) result += string(logstorage.MarshalFieldsToJSON(nil, fields)) + "\n" } r := bytes.NewBufferString(data) sc := bufio.NewScanner(r) rows := 0 timezone := time.UTC for { ok, err := readLine(sc, currentYear, timezone, processLogMessage) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %s", err) } if !ok { break } rows++ } if rows != rowsExpected { t.Fatalf("unexpected rows read; got %d; want %d", rows, rowsExpected) } if !reflect.DeepEqual(timestamps, timestampsExpected) { t.Fatalf("unexpected timestamps;\ngot\n%d\nwant\n%d", timestamps, timestampsExpected) } if result != resultExpected { t.Fatalf("unexpected result;\ngot\n%s\nwant\n%s", result, resultExpected) } } data := `Jun 3 12:08:33 abcd systemd: Starting Update the local ESM caches... <165>Jun 4 12:08:33 abcd systemd[345]: abc defg <123>1 2023-06-03T17:42:12.345Z appname 12345 ID47 [exampleSDID@32473 iut="3" eventSource="Application 123 = ] 56" eventID="11211"] This is a test message with structured data. ` currentYear := 2023 rowsExpected := 3 timestampsExpected := []int64{1685794113000000000, 1685880513000000000, 1685814132345000000} resultExpected := `{"format":"rfc3164","timestamp":"","hostname":"abcd","app_name":"systemd","_msg":"Starting Update the local ESM caches..."} {"priority":"165","facility":"20","severity":"5","format":"rfc3164","timestamp":"","hostname":"abcd","app_name":"systemd","proc_id":"345","_msg":"abc defg"} {"priority":"123","facility":"15","severity":"3","format":"rfc5424","timestamp":"","hostname":"","app_name":"appname","proc_id":"12345","msg_id":"ID47","exampleSDID@32473":"iut=\"3\" eventSource=\"Application 123 = ] 56\" eventID=\"11211\"","_msg":"This is a test message with structured data."} ` f(data, currentYear, rowsExpected, timestampsExpected, resultExpected) }