#!/bin/bash ## Runs once-and-only-once at first boot per instance. ## Report the start time to a logfile. echo $(date -u) ": System provisioning started." >> /var/log/per-instance.log apt update DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt -qq full-upgrade -y DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt -qq install -y ufw wget software-properties-common ssh # Configure UFW sed -e 's|DEFAULT_FORWARD_POLICY=.*|DEFAULT_FORWARD_POLICY="ACCEPT"|g' \ -i /etc/default/ufw ufw allow ssh comment "SSH port" ufw allow http comment "HTTP port" ufw allow https comment "HTTPS port" ufw allow 8428 comment "VictoriaMetrics Single HTTP port" ufw allow 8089/tcp comment "TCP Influx Listen port for VictoriaMetrics" ufw allow 8089/udp comment "UDP Influx Listen port for VictoriaMetrics" ufw allow 2003/tcp comment "TCP Graphite Listen port for VictoriaMetrics" ufw allow 2003/udp comment "UDP Graphite Listen port for VictoriaMetrics" ufw allow 4242 comment "OpenTSDB Listen port for VictoriaMetrics" ufw --force enable ## Report the end time to a logfile. echo $(date -u) ": System provisioning script is complete." >> /var/log/per-instance.log