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Key Type Default Description
affinity object

Affinity configurations

annotations object

Annotations to be added to the deployment

config object
models: {}
preset: ""
    class: vm
    datasource_url: ""
    queries: {}
    sampling_period: 1m
    tenant_id: ""
schedulers: {}
    class: vm
    datasource_url: ""
    tenant_id: ""

Full vmanomaly config section

config.models object

Models section

config.preset string

Whether to use preset configuration. If not empty, preset name should be specified.

config.reader object
class: vm
datasource_url: ""
queries: {}
sampling_period: 1m
tenant_id: ""

Reader section

config.reader.class string

Name of the class needed to enable reading from VictoriaMetrics or Prometheus. VmReader is the default option, if not specified.

config.reader.datasource_url string

Datasource URL address. Required for example http://single-victoria-metrics-single-server.default.svc.cluster.local:8428 or http://cluster-victoria-metrics-cluster-vminsert.default.svc.cluster.local:8480

config.reader.queries object

Required. PromQL/MetricsQL query to select data in format: QUERY_ALIAS: “QUERY”. As accepted by “/query_range?query=%s”. See here for more details.

config.reader.sampling_period string

Frequency of the points returned. Will be converted to /query_range?step=%s param (in seconds). Required since 1.9.0.

config.reader.tenant_id string

For VictoriaMetrics Cluster version only, tenants are identified by accountID or accountID:projectID. See VictoriaMetrics Cluster multitenancy docs

config.schedulers object

Scheduler section

config.writer object
class: vm
datasource_url: ""
tenant_id: ""

Writer section

config.writer.class string

Name of the class needed to enable writing to VictoriaMetrics or Prometheus. VmWriter is the default option, if not specified.

config.writer.datasource_url string

Datasource URL address. Required for example http://single-victoria-metrics-single-server.default.svc.cluster.local:8428 or http://cluster-victoria-metrics-cluster-vminsert.default.svc.cluster.local:8480

config.writer.tenant_id string

For VictoriaMetrics Cluster version only, tenants are identified by accountID or accountID:projectID. See VictoriaMetrics Cluster multitenancy docs

configMapAnnotations object

Annotations to be added to configMap

containerWorkingDir string

Container working directory

emptyDir object

Empty dir configuration when persistence is disabled

env list

Additional environment variables (ex.: secret tokens, flags)

envFrom list

Specify alternative source for env variables

extraArgs object

Extra command line arguments for container of component

extraContainers list

Extra containers to run in a pod with anomaly container

extraHostPathMounts list

Additional hostPath mounts

extraVolumeMounts list

Extra Volume Mounts for the container

extraVolumes list

Extra Volumes for the pod

fullnameOverride string

Full name prefix override

global.compatibility object
    adaptSecurityContext: auto

Openshift security context compatibility configuration

global.image.registry string

Image registry, that can be shared across multiple helm charts

global.imagePullSecrets list

Image pull secrets, that can be shared across multiple helm charts

image.pullPolicy string

Pull policy of Docker image

image.registry string

Victoria Metrics anomaly Docker registry

image.repository string

Victoria Metrics anomaly Docker repository and image name

image.tag string

Tag of Docker image

imagePullSecrets list

Image pull secrets

license object
key: ""
    key: ""
    name: ""

License key configuration for vmanomaly. See docs Required starting from v1.5.0.

license.key string

License key for vmanomaly

license.secret object
key: ""
name: ""

Use existing secret with license key for vmanomaly

license.secret.key string

Key in secret with license key

license.secret.name string

Existing secret name

nameOverride string

Full name suffix override

nodeSelector object

NodeSelector configurations. Details are here

persistentVolume object
    - ReadWriteOnce
annotations: {}
enabled: false
existingClaim: ""
matchLabels: {}
size: 1Gi
storageClassName: ""

Persistence to store models on disk. Available starting from v1.13.0

persistentVolume.accessModes list
- ReadWriteOnce

Array of access modes. Must match those of existing PV or dynamic provisioner. Details are here

persistentVolume.annotations object

Persistant volume annotations

persistentVolume.enabled bool

Create/use Persistent Volume Claim for models dump.

persistentVolume.existingClaim string

Existing Claim name. If defined, PVC must be created manually before volume will be bound

persistentVolume.matchLabels object

Bind Persistent Volume by labels. Must match all labels of targeted PV.

persistentVolume.size string

Size of the volume. Should be calculated based on the metrics you send and retention policy you set.

persistentVolume.storageClassName string

StorageClass to use for persistent volume. Requires server.persistentVolume.enabled: true. If defined, PVC created automatically

podAnnotations object

Annotations to be added to pod

podDisruptionBudget object
enabled: false
labels: {}
minAvailable: 1

See kubectl explain poddisruptionbudget.spec for more. Details are here

podMonitor.annotations object

PodMonitor annotations

podMonitor.enabled bool

Enable PodMonitor

podMonitor.extraLabels object

PodMonitor labels

podSecurityContext object
enabled: true

Pod’s security context. Details are here

resources object

Resource object. Details are here

securityContext object
enabled: true
runAsGroup: 1000
runAsNonRoot: true
runAsUser: 1000

Check here for details.

serviceAccount.annotations object

Annotations to add to the service account

serviceAccount.create bool

Specifies whether a service account should be created

serviceAccount.name string

The name of the service account to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template

tolerations list

Tolerations configurations. Details are here