package logstorage

import (

func TestParsePipeReplaceRegexpSuccess(t *testing.T) {
	f := func(pipeStr string) {
		expectParsePipeSuccess(t, pipeStr)

	f(`replace_regexp (foo, bar)`)
	f(`replace_regexp ("foo[^ ]+bar|baz", "bar${1}x$0")`)
	f(`replace_regexp (" ", "") at x`)
	f(`replace_regexp if (x:y) ("-", ":") at a`)
	f(`replace_regexp (" ", "") at x limit 10`)
	f(`replace_regexp if (x:y) (" ", "") at foo limit 10`)

func TestParsePipeReplaceRegexpFailure(t *testing.T) {
	f := func(pipeStr string) {
		expectParsePipeFailure(t, pipeStr)

	f(`replace_regexp if`)
	f(`replace_regexp foo`)
	f(`replace_regexp (`)
	f(`replace_regexp (foo`)
	f(`replace_regexp (foo,`)
	f(`replace_regexp(foo,bar) abc`)
	f(`replace_regexp(bar,baz) limit`)
	f(`replace_regexp(bar,baz) limit N`)
	f(`replace_regexp ("foo[", "bar")`)

func TestPipeReplaceRegexp(t *testing.T) {
	f := func(pipeStr string, rows, rowsExpected [][]Field) {
		expectPipeResults(t, pipeStr, rows, rowsExpected)

	// replace_regexp with placeholders
	f(`replace_regexp ("foo(.+?)bar", "q-$1-x")`, [][]Field{
			{"_msg", `abc foo a bar foobar foo b bar`},
			{"bar", `cde`},
			{"_msg", `1234`},
	}, [][]Field{
			{"_msg", `abc q- a -x q-bar foo b -x`},
			{"bar", `cde`},
			{"_msg", `1234`},

	// replace_regexp without limits at _msg
	f(`replace_regexp ("[_/]", "-")`, [][]Field{
			{"_msg", `a_bc_d/ef`},
			{"bar", `cde`},
			{"_msg", `1234`},
	}, [][]Field{
			{"_msg", `a-bc-d-ef`},
			{"bar", `cde`},
			{"_msg", `1234`},

	// replace_regexp with limit 1 at foo
	f(`replace_regexp ("[_/]", "-") at foo limit 1`, [][]Field{
			{"foo", `a_bc_d/ef`},
			{"bar", `cde`},
			{"foo", `1234`},
	}, [][]Field{
			{"foo", `a-bc_d/ef`},
			{"bar", `cde`},
			{"foo", `1234`},

	// replace_regexp with limit 100 at foo
	f(`replace_regexp ("[_/]", "-") at foo limit 100`, [][]Field{
			{"foo", `a_bc_d/ef`},
			{"bar", `cde`},
			{"foo", `1234`},
	}, [][]Field{
			{"foo", `a-bc-d-ef`},
			{"bar", `cde`},
			{"foo", `1234`},

	// conditional replace_regexp at foo
	f(`replace_regexp if (bar:abc) ("[_/]", "") at foo`, [][]Field{
			{"foo", `a_bc_d/ef`},
			{"bar", `cde`},
			{"foo", `123_45/6`},
			{"bar", "abc"},
	}, [][]Field{
			{"foo", `a_bc_d/ef`},
			{"bar", `cde`},
			{"foo", `123456`},
			{"bar", "abc"},

func TestPipeReplaceRegexpUpdateNeededFields(t *testing.T) {
	f := func(s string, neededFields, unneededFields, neededFieldsExpected, unneededFieldsExpected string) {
		expectPipeNeededFields(t, s, neededFields, unneededFields, neededFieldsExpected, unneededFieldsExpected)

	// all the needed fields
	f(`replace_regexp ("a", "b") at x`, "*", "", "*", "")
	f(`replace_regexp if (f1:q) ("a", "b") at x`, "*", "", "*", "")

	// unneeded fields do not intersect with at field
	f(`replace_regexp ("a", "b") at x`, "*", "f1,f2", "*", "f1,f2")
	f(`replace_regexp if (f3:q) ("a", "b") at x`, "*", "f1,f2", "*", "f1,f2")
	f(`replace_regexp if (f2:q) ("a", "b") at x`, "*", "f1,f2", "*", "f1")

	// unneeded fields intersect with at field
	f(`replace_regexp ("a", "b") at x`, "*", "x,y", "*", "x,y")
	f(`replace_regexp if (f1:q) ("a", "b") at x`, "*", "x,y", "*", "x,y")
	f(`replace_regexp if (x:q) ("a", "b") at x`, "*", "x,y", "*", "x,y")
	f(`replace_regexp if (y:q) ("a", "b") at x`, "*", "x,y", "*", "x,y")

	// needed fields do not intersect with at field
	f(`replace_regexp ("a", "b") at x`, "f2,y", "", "f2,y", "")
	f(`replace_regexp if (f1:q) ("a", "b") at x`, "f2,y", "", "f2,y", "")

	// needed fields intersect with at field
	f(`replace_regexp ("a", "b") at y`, "f2,y", "", "f2,y", "")
	f(`replace_regexp if (f1:q) ("a", "b") at y`, "f2,y", "", "f1,f2,y", "")

func TestAppendReplaceRegexp(t *testing.T) {
	f := func(s, reStr, replacement string, limit int, resultExpected string) {

		re := regexp.MustCompile(reStr)
		result := appendReplaceRegexp(nil, s, re, replacement, uint64(limit))
		if string(result) != resultExpected {
			t.Fatalf("unexpected result for appendReplaceRegexp(%q, %q, %q, %d)\ngot\n%s\nwant\n%s", s, reStr, replacement, limit, result, resultExpected)

	f("", "", "", 0, "")
	f("", "foo", "bar", 0, "")
	f("abc", "foo", "bar", 0, "abc")
	f("foo", "fo+", "bar", 0, "bar")
	f("foox", "fo+", "bar", 0, "barx")
	f("afoo", "fo+", "bar", 0, "abar")
	f("afoox", "fo+", "bar", 0, "abarx")
	f("foo-bar/baz", "[-/]", "_", 0, "foo_bar_baz")
	f("foo bar/ baz  ", "[ /]", "", 2, "foobar baz  ")

	// placeholders
	f("afoo abc barz", "a([^ ]+)", "b${1}x", 0, "bfoox bbcx bbrzx")
	f("afoo abc barz", "a([^ ]+)", "b${1}x", 1, "bfoox abc barz")