package readline

import (


type AutoCompleter interface {
	// Readline will pass the whole line and current offset to it
	// Completer need to pass all the candidates, and how long they shared the same characters in line
	// Example:
	//   [go, git, git-shell, grep]
	//   Do("g", 1) => ["o", "it", "it-shell", "rep"], 1
	//   Do("gi", 2) => ["t", "t-shell"], 2
	//   Do("git", 3) => ["", "-shell"], 3
	Do(line []rune, pos int) (newLine [][]rune, length int)

type opCompleter struct {
	w  *terminal
	op *operation

	inCompleteMode atomic.Uint32 // this is read asynchronously from wrapWriter
	inSelectMode   bool

	candidate         [][]rune // list of candidates
	candidateSource   []rune   // buffer string when tab was pressed
	candidateOff      int      // num runes in common from buf where candidate start
	candidateChoice   int      // absolute index of the chosen candidate (indexing the candidate array which might not all display in current page)
	candidateColNum   int      // num columns candidates take 0..wraps, 1 col, 2 cols etc.
	candidateColWidth int      // width of candidate columns
	linesAvail        int      // number of lines available below the user's prompt which could be used for rendering the completion
	pageStartIdx      []int    // start index in the candidate array on each page (candidatePageStart[i] = absolute idx of the first candidate on page i)
	curPage           int      // index of the current page

func newOpCompleter(w *terminal, op *operation) *opCompleter {
	return &opCompleter{
		w:  w,
		op: op,

func (o *opCompleter) doSelect() {
	if len(o.candidate) == 1 {

// Convert absolute index of the chosen candidate to a page-relative index
func (o *opCompleter) candidateChoiceWithinPage() int {
	return o.candidateChoice - o.pageStartIdx[o.curPage]

// Given a page relative index of the chosen candidate, update the absolute index
func (o *opCompleter) updateAbsolutechoice(choiceWithinPage int) {
	o.candidateChoice = choiceWithinPage + o.pageStartIdx[o.curPage]

// Move selection to the next candidate, updating page if necessary
// Note: we don't allow passing arbitrary offset to this function because, e.g.,
// we don't have the 3rd page offset initialized when the user is just seeing the first page,
// so we only allow users to navigate into the 2nd page but not to an arbirary page as a result
// of calling this method
func (o *opCompleter) nextCandidate() {
	o.candidateChoice = (o.candidateChoice + 1) % len(o.candidate)
	// Wrapping around
	if o.candidateChoice == 0 {
		o.curPage = 0
	// Going to next page
	if o.candidateChoice == o.pageStartIdx[o.curPage+1] {
		o.curPage += 1

// Move selection to the next ith col in the current line, wrapping to the line start/end if needed
func (o *opCompleter) nextCol(i int) {
	// If o.candidateColNum == 1 or 0, there is only one col per line and this is a noop
	if o.candidateColNum > 1 {
		idxWithinPage := o.candidateChoiceWithinPage()
		curLine := idxWithinPage / o.candidateColNum
		offsetInLine := idxWithinPage % o.candidateColNum
		nextOffset := offsetInLine + i
		nextOffset %= o.candidateColNum
		if nextOffset < 0 {
			nextOffset += o.candidateColNum

		nextIdxWithinPage := curLine*o.candidateColNum + nextOffset

// Move selection to the line below
func (o *opCompleter) nextLine() {
	colNum := 1
	if o.candidateColNum > 1 {
		colNum = o.candidateColNum

	idxWithinPage := o.candidateChoiceWithinPage()

	idxWithinPage += colNum
	if idxWithinPage >= o.getMatrixSize() {
		idxWithinPage -= o.getMatrixSize()
	} else if idxWithinPage >= o.numCandidateCurPage() {
		idxWithinPage += colNum
		idxWithinPage -= o.getMatrixSize()


// Move selection to the line above
func (o *opCompleter) prevLine() {
	colNum := 1
	if o.candidateColNum > 1 {
		colNum = o.candidateColNum

	idxWithinPage := o.candidateChoiceWithinPage()

	idxWithinPage -= colNum
	if idxWithinPage < 0 {
		idxWithinPage += o.getMatrixSize()
		if idxWithinPage >= o.numCandidateCurPage() {
			idxWithinPage -= colNum


// Move selection to the start of the current line
func (o *opCompleter) lineStart() {
	if o.candidateColNum > 1 {
		idxWithinPage := o.candidateChoiceWithinPage()
		lineOffset := idxWithinPage % o.candidateColNum
		idxWithinPage -= lineOffset

// Move selection to the end of the current line
func (o *opCompleter) lineEnd() {
	if o.candidateColNum > 1 {
		idxWithinPage := o.candidateChoiceWithinPage()
		offsetToLineEnd := o.candidateColNum - idxWithinPage%o.candidateColNum - 1
		idxWithinPage += offsetToLineEnd
		if o.candidateChoice >= len(o.candidate) {
			o.candidateChoice = len(o.candidate) - 1

// Move to the next page if possible, returning selection to the first item in the page
func (o *opCompleter) nextPage() {
	// Check that this is not the last page already
	nextPageStart := o.pageStartIdx[o.curPage+1]
	if nextPageStart < len(o.candidate) {
		o.curPage += 1
		o.candidateChoice = o.pageStartIdx[o.curPage]

// Move to the previous page if possible, returning selection to the first item in the page
func (o *opCompleter) prevPage() {
	if o.curPage > 0 {
		o.curPage -= 1
		o.candidateChoice = o.pageStartIdx[o.curPage]

// OnComplete returns true if complete mode is available. Used to ring bell
// when tab pressed if cannot do complete for reason such as width unknown
// or no candidates available.
func (o *opCompleter) OnComplete() (ringBell bool) {
	tWidth, tHeight := o.w.GetWidthHeight()
	if tWidth == 0 || tHeight < 3 {
		return false
	if o.IsInCompleteSelectMode() {
		return true

	buf := o.op.buf
	rs := buf.Runes()

	// If in complete mode and nothing else typed then we must be entering select mode
	if o.IsInCompleteMode() && o.candidateSource != nil && runes.Equal(rs, o.candidateSource) {
		if len(o.candidate) > 1 {
			same, size := runes.Aggregate(o.candidate)
			if size > 0 {
				return false // partial completion so ring the bell
		return true

	newLines, offset := o.op.GetConfig().AutoComplete.Do(rs, buf.idx)
	if len(newLines) == 0 || (len(newLines) == 1 && len(newLines[0]) == 0) {
		return false // will ring bell on initial tab press
	if o.candidateOff > offset {
		// part of buffer we are completing has changed. Example might be that we were completing "ls" and
		// user typed space so we are no longer completing "ls" but now we are completing an argument of
		// the ls command. Instead of continuing in complete mode, we exit.
		return true
	o.candidateSource = rs

	// only Aggregate candidates in non-complete mode
	if !o.IsInCompleteMode() {
		if len(newLines) == 1 {
			// not yet in complete mode but only 1 candidate so complete it
			return true

		// check if all candidates have common prefix and return it and its size
		same, size := runes.Aggregate(newLines)
		if size > 0 {
			return false // partial completion so ring the bell

	// otherwise, we just enter complete mode (which does a refresh)
	o.EnterCompleteMode(offset, newLines)
	return true

func (o *opCompleter) IsInCompleteSelectMode() bool {
	return o.inSelectMode

func (o *opCompleter) IsInCompleteMode() bool {
	return o.inCompleteMode.Load() == 1

func (o *opCompleter) HandleCompleteSelect(r rune) (stayInMode bool) {
	next := true
	switch r {
	case CharEnter, CharCtrlJ:
		next = false
	case CharLineStart:
	case CharLineEnd:
	case CharBackspace:
		next = false
	case CharTab:
	case CharForward:
	case CharBell, CharInterrupt:
		next = false
	case CharNext:
	case CharBackward, MetaShiftTab:
	case CharPrev:
	case 'j', 'J':
	case 'k', 'K':
		next = false
	if next {
		return true
	return false

func (o *opCompleter) getMatrixSize() int {
	colNum := 1
	if o.candidateColNum > 1 {
		colNum = o.candidateColNum
	line := o.getMatrixNumRows()
	return line * colNum

// Number of candidate that could fit on current page
func (o *opCompleter) numCandidateCurPage() int {
	// Safety: we will always render the first page, and whenever we finished rendering page i,
	// we always populate o.candidatePageStart through at least i + 1, so when this is called, we
	// always know the start of the next page
	return o.pageStartIdx[o.curPage+1] - o.pageStartIdx[o.curPage]

// Get number of rows of current page viewed as a matrix of candidates
func (o *opCompleter) getMatrixNumRows() int {
	candidateCurPage := o.numCandidateCurPage()
	// Normal case where there is no wrap
	if o.candidateColNum > 1 {
		numLine := candidateCurPage / o.candidateColNum
		if candidateCurPage%o.candidateColNum != 0 {
		return numLine

	// Now since there are wraps, each candidate will be put on its own line, so the number of lines is just the number of candidate
	return candidateCurPage

// setColumnInfo calculates column width and number of columns required
// to present the list of candidates on the terminal.
func (o *opCompleter) setColumnInfo() {
	same := o.op.buf.RuneSlice(-o.candidateOff)
	sameWidth := runes.WidthAll(same)

	colWidth := 0
	for _, c := range o.candidate {
		w := sameWidth + runes.WidthAll(c)
		if w > colWidth {
			colWidth = w
	colWidth++ // whitespace between cols

	tWidth, _ := o.w.GetWidthHeight()

	// -1 to avoid end of line issues
	width := tWidth - 1
	colNum := width / colWidth
	if colNum != 0 {
		colWidth += (width - (colWidth * colNum)) / colNum

	o.candidateColNum = colNum
	o.candidateColWidth = colWidth

// CompleteRefresh is used for completemode and selectmode
func (o *opCompleter) CompleteRefresh() {
	if !o.IsInCompleteMode() {

	buf := bufio.NewWriter(o.w)
	// calculate num lines from cursor pos to where choices should be written
	lineCnt := o.op.buf.CursorLineCount()
	buf.Write(bytes.Repeat([]byte("\n"), lineCnt)) // move down from cursor to start of candidates

	same := o.op.buf.RuneSlice(-o.candidateOff)
	tWidth, _ := o.w.GetWidthHeight()

	colIdx := 0
	lines := 0
	sameWidth := runes.WidthAll(same)

	// Show completions for the current page
	idx := o.pageStartIdx[o.curPage]
	for ; idx < len(o.candidate); idx++ {
		// If writing the current candidate would overflow the page,
		// we know that it is the start of the next page.
		if colIdx == 0 && lines == o.linesAvail {
			if o.curPage == len(o.pageStartIdx)-1 {
				o.pageStartIdx = append(o.pageStartIdx, idx)

		c := o.candidate[idx]
		inSelect := idx == o.candidateChoice && o.IsInCompleteSelectMode()
		cWidth := sameWidth + runes.WidthAll(c)
		cLines := 1
		if tWidth > 0 {
			sWidth := 0
			if platform.IsWindows && inSelect {
				sWidth = 1 // adjust for hightlighting on Windows
			cLines = (cWidth + sWidth) / tWidth
			if (cWidth+sWidth)%tWidth > 0 {

		if lines > 0 && colIdx == 0 {
			// After line 1, if we're printing to the first column
			// goto a new line. We do it here, instead of at the end
			// of the loop, to avoid the last \n taking up a blank
			// line at the end and stealing realestate.

		if inSelect {

		if o.candidateColNum >= 1 {
			// only output spaces between columns if everything fits
			buf.Write(bytes.Repeat([]byte(" "), o.candidateColWidth-cWidth))

		if inSelect {

		if colIdx >= o.candidateColNum {
			lines += cLines
			colIdx = 0
			if platform.IsWindows {
				// Windows EOL edge-case.

	if idx == len(o.candidate) {
		// Book-keeping for the last page.
		o.pageStartIdx = append(o.pageStartIdx, len(o.candidate))

	if colIdx > 0 {
		lines++ // mid-line so count it.

	// Show the guidance if there are more pages
	if idx != len(o.candidate) || o.curPage > 0 {
		buf.WriteString("\n-- (j: prev page) (k: next page) --")

	// wrote out choices over "lines", move back to cursor (positioned at index)
	fmt.Fprintf(buf, "\033[%dA", lines)

func (o *opCompleter) EnterCompleteSelectMode() {
	o.inSelectMode = true
	o.candidateChoice = -1

func (o *opCompleter) EnterCompleteMode(offset int, candidate [][]rune) {
	o.candidate = candidate
	o.candidateOff = offset

func (o *opCompleter) initPage() {
	_, tHeight := o.w.GetWidthHeight()
	buflineCnt := o.op.buf.LineCount()      // lines taken by buffer content
	o.linesAvail = tHeight - buflineCnt - 1 // lines available without scrolling buffer off screen, reserve one line for the guidance message
	o.pageStartIdx = []int{0}               // first page always start at 0
	o.curPage = 0

func (o *opCompleter) ExitCompleteSelectMode() {
	o.inSelectMode = false
	o.candidateChoice = -1

func (o *opCompleter) ExitCompleteMode(revent bool) {
	o.candidate = nil
	o.candidateOff = -1
	o.candidateSource = nil