package logstorage

import (



type statsQuantile struct {
	fields       []string
	containsStar bool

	phi float64

func (sq *statsQuantile) String() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("quantile(%g, %s)", sq.phi, fieldNamesString(sq.fields))

func (sq *statsQuantile) updateNeededFields(neededFields fieldsSet) {

func (sq *statsQuantile) newStatsProcessor() (statsProcessor, int) {
	sqp := &statsQuantileProcessor{
		sq: sq,
	return sqp, int(unsafe.Sizeof(*sqp))

type statsQuantileProcessor struct {
	sq *statsQuantile

	h histogram

func (sqp *statsQuantileProcessor) updateStatsForAllRows(br *blockResult) int {
	stateSizeIncrease := 0

	if sqp.sq.containsStar {
		for _, c := range br.getColumns() {
			stateSizeIncrease += sqp.updateStateForColumn(br, c)
	} else {
		for _, field := range sqp.sq.fields {
			c := br.getColumnByName(field)
			stateSizeIncrease += sqp.updateStateForColumn(br, c)

	return stateSizeIncrease

func (sqp *statsQuantileProcessor) updateStatsForRow(br *blockResult, rowIdx int) int {
	h := &sqp.h
	stateSizeIncrease := 0

	if sqp.sq.containsStar {
		for _, c := range br.getColumns() {
			f, ok := c.getFloatValueAtRow(br, rowIdx)
			if ok {
				stateSizeIncrease += h.update(f)
	} else {
		for _, field := range sqp.sq.fields {
			c := br.getColumnByName(field)
			f, ok := c.getFloatValueAtRow(br, rowIdx)
			if ok {
				stateSizeIncrease += h.update(f)

	return stateSizeIncrease

func (sqp *statsQuantileProcessor) updateStateForColumn(br *blockResult, c *blockResultColumn) int {
	h := &sqp.h
	stateSizeIncrease := 0

	if c.isConst {
		f, ok := tryParseFloat64(c.valuesEncoded[0])
		if ok {
			for range br.timestamps {
				stateSizeIncrease += h.update(f)
		return stateSizeIncrease
	if c.isTime {
		return 0

	switch c.valueType {
	case valueTypeString:
		for _, v := range c.getValues(br) {
			f, ok := tryParseFloat64(v)
			if ok {
				stateSizeIncrease += h.update(f)
	case valueTypeDict:
		dictValues := c.dictValues
		a := encoding.GetFloat64s(len(dictValues))
		for i, v := range dictValues {
			f, ok := tryParseFloat64(v)
			if !ok {
				f = nan
			a.A[i] = f
		for _, v := range c.getValuesEncoded(br) {
			idx := v[0]
			f := a.A[idx]
			if !math.IsNaN(f) {
	case valueTypeUint8:
		for _, v := range c.getValuesEncoded(br) {
			n := unmarshalUint8(v)
	case valueTypeUint16:
		for _, v := range c.getValuesEncoded(br) {
			n := unmarshalUint16(v)
	case valueTypeUint32:
		for _, v := range c.getValuesEncoded(br) {
			n := unmarshalUint32(v)
	case valueTypeUint64:
		for _, v := range c.getValuesEncoded(br) {
			n := unmarshalUint64(v)
	case valueTypeFloat64:
		for _, v := range c.getValuesEncoded(br) {
			f := unmarshalFloat64(v)
			if !math.IsNaN(f) {
	case valueTypeIPv4:
	case valueTypeTimestampISO8601:
		logger.Panicf("BUG: unexpected valueType=%d", c.valueType)

	return stateSizeIncrease

func (sqp *statsQuantileProcessor) mergeState(sfp statsProcessor) {
	src := sfp.(*statsQuantileProcessor)

func (sqp *statsQuantileProcessor) finalizeStats() string {
	q := sqp.h.quantile(sqp.sq.phi)
	return strconv.FormatFloat(q, 'f', -1, 64)

func parseStatsQuantile(lex *lexer) (*statsQuantile, error) {
	if !lex.isKeyword("quantile") {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected token: %q; want %q", lex.token, "quantile")

	fields, err := parseFieldNamesInParens(lex)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot parse 'quantile' args: %w", err)
	if len(fields) < 2 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("'quantile' must have at least two args: phi and field name")

	// Parse phi
	phi, ok := tryParseFloat64(fields[0])
	if !ok {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("phi arg in 'quantile' must be floating point number; got %q", fields[0])
	if phi < 0 || phi > 1 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("phi arg in 'quantile' must be in the range [0..1]; got %q", fields[0])

	// Parse fields
	fields = fields[1:]
	if slices.Contains(fields, "*") {
		fields = []string{"*"}

	sq := &statsQuantile{
		fields:       fields,
		containsStar: slices.Contains(fields, "*"),

		phi: phi,
	return sq, nil

type histogram struct {
	a     []float64
	min   float64
	max   float64
	count uint64

	rng fastrand.RNG

func (h *histogram) update(f float64) int {
	if h.count == 0 || f < h.min {
		h.min = f
	if h.count == 0 || f > h.max {
		h.max = f

	if len(h.a) < maxHistogramSamples {
		h.a = append(h.a, f)
		return int(unsafe.Sizeof(f))

	if n := h.rng.Uint32n(uint32(h.count)); n < uint32(len(h.a)) {
		h.a[n] = f
	return 0

const maxHistogramSamples = 100_000

func (h *histogram) mergeState(src *histogram) {
	if src.count == 0 {
		// Nothing to merge
	if h.count == 0 {
		h.a = append(h.a, src.a...)
		h.min = src.min
		h.max = src.max
		h.count = src.count

	h.a = append(h.a, src.a...)
	if src.min < h.min {
		h.min = src.min
	if src.max > h.max {
		h.max = src.max
	h.count += src.count

func (h *histogram) quantile(phi float64) float64 {
	if len(h.a) == 0 {
		return nan
	if len(h.a) == 1 {
		return h.a[0]
	if phi <= 0 {
		return h.min
	if phi >= 1 {
		return h.max

	idx := int(phi * float64(len(h.a)))
	if idx == len(h.a) {
		return h.max
	return h.a[idx]