## vmrestore `vmrestore` restores data from backups created by [vmbackup](https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics/blob/master/app/vmbackup/README.md). VictoriaMetrics `v1.29.0` and newer versions must be used for working with the restored data. Restore process can be interrupted at any time. It is automatically resumed from the inerruption point when restarting `vmrestore` with the same args. ### Usage VictoriaMetrics must be stopped during the restore process. ``` vmrestore -src=gcs:/// -storageDataPath= ``` * `` is [GCS bucket](https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/creating-buckets) name. * `` is the path to backup made with [vmbackup](https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics/blob/master/app/vmbackup/README.md) on GCS bucket. * `` is the path to folder where data will be restored. This folder must be passed to VictoriaMetrics in `-storageDataPath` command-line flag after the restore process is complete. The original `-storageDataPath` directory may contain old files. They will be susbstituted by the files from backup. ### Troubleshooting * If `vmrestore` eats all the network bandwidth, then set `-maxBytesPerSecond` to the desired value. * If `vmrestore` has been interrupted due to temporary error, then just restart it with the same args. It will resume the restore process. ### Advanced usage Run `vmrestore -help` in order to see all the available options: ``` -concurrency int The number of concurrent workers. Higher concurrency may reduce restore duration (default 10) -configFilePath string Path to file with S3 configs. Configs are loaded from default location if not set. See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws-security-credentials.html -credsFilePath string Path to file with GCS or S3 credentials. Credentials are loaded from default locations if not set. See https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/creating-managing-service-account-keys and https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws-security-credentials.html -loggerLevel string Minimum level of errors to log. Possible values: INFO, ERROR, FATAL, PANIC (default "INFO") -maxBytesPerSecond int The maximum download speed. There is no limit if it is set to 0 -memory.allowedPercent float Allowed percent of system memory VictoriaMetrics caches may occupy (default 60) -src string Source path with backup on the remote storage. Example: gcs://bucket/path/to/backup/dir, s3://bucket/path/to/backup/dir or fs:///path/to/local/backup/dir -storageDataPath string Destination path where backup must be restored. VictoriaMetrics must be stopped when restoring from backup. -storageDataPath dir can be non-empty. In this case only missing data is downloaded from backup (default "victoria-metrics-data") -version Show VictoriaMetrics version ``` ### How to build from sources It is recommended using [binary releases](https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics/releases) - see `vmutils-*` archives there. #### Development build 1. [Install Go](https://golang.org/doc/install). The minimum supported version is Go 1.12. 2. Run `make vmrestore` from the root folder of the repository. It builds `vmrestore` binary and puts it into the `bin` folder. #### Production build 1. [Install docker](https://docs.docker.com/install/). 2. Run `make vmrestore-prod` from the root folder of the repository. It builds `vmrestore-prod` binary and puts it into the `bin` folder. #### Building docker images Run `make package-vmrestore`. It builds `victoriametrics/vmrestore:` docker image locally. `` is auto-generated image tag, which depends on source code in the repository. The `` may be manually set via `PKG_TAG=foobar make package-vmrestore`.