package prometheus import ( "math" "reflect" "testing" ) func TestGetDiffWithStaleRows(t *testing.T) { f := func(s1, s2, resultExpected string) { t.Helper() result := GetDiffWithStaleRows(s1, s2) if result != resultExpected { t.Fatalf("unexpected result for GetDiffWithStaleRows(%q, %q); got %q; want %q", s1, s2, result, resultExpected) } } f("", "", "") f("", "foo 1", "") f(" ", "foo 1", "") f("foo 123", "", "foo 0\n") f("foo 123", "bar 3", "foo 0\n") f("foo 123", "bar 3\nfoo 344", "") f("foo{x=\"y\", z=\"a a a\"} 123", "bar 3\nfoo{x=\"y\", z=\"b b b\"} 344", "foo{x=\"y\",z=\"a a a\"} 0\n") f("foo{bar=\"baz\"} 123\nx 3.4 5\ny 5 6", "x 34 342", "foo{bar=\"baz\"} 0\ny 0\n") } func TestAreIdenticalSeriesFast(t *testing.T) { f := func(s1, s2 string, resultExpected bool) { t.Helper() result := AreIdenticalSeriesFast(s1, s2) if result != resultExpected { t.Fatalf("unexpected result for AreIdenticalSeries(%q, %q); got %v; want %v", s1, s2, result, resultExpected) } } f("", "", true) f("", "a 1", false) // different number of metrics f(" ", " a 1", false) // different number of metrics f("a 1", "", false) // different number of metrics f(" a 1", " ", false) // different number of metrics f("foo", "foo", false) // missing value f("foo 1", "foo 1", true) f("foo 1", "foo 2", true) f("foo 1 ", "foo 2 ", true) f("foo 1 ", "foo 2 ", false) // different number of spaces f("foo 1 ", "foo 2 ", false) // different number of spaces f("foo nan", "foo -inf", true) f("foo 1 # coment x", "foo 2 #comment y", true) f(" foo 1", " foo 1", true) f(" foo 1", " foo 1", false) // different number of spaces in front of metric f(" foo 1", " foo 1", false) // different number of spaces in front of metric f("foo 1", "bar 1", false) // different metric name f("foo 1", "fooo 1", false) // different metric name f("foo 123", "foo 32.32", true) f(`foo{bar="x"} -3.3e-6`, `foo{bar="x"} 23343`, true) f(`foo{} 1`, `foo{} 234`, true) f(`foo {x="y x" } 234`, `foo {x="y x" } 43.342`, true) f(`foo {x="y x"} 234`, `foo{x="y x"} 43.342`, false) // different spaces f("foo 2\nbar 3", "foo 34.43\nbar -34.3", true) f("foo 2\nbar 3", "foo 34.43\nbarz -34.3", false) // different metric names f("\nfoo 13\n", "\nfoo 3.4\n", true) f("\nfoo 13", "\nfoo 3.4\n", false) // different number of blank lines f("\nfoo 13\n", "\nfoo 3.4", false) // different number of blank lines f("\n\nfoo 1", "\n\nfoo 34.43", true) f("\n\nfoo 3434\n", "\n\nfoo 43\n", true) f("\nfoo 1", "\n\nfoo 34.43", false) // different number of blank lines f("#foo{bar}", "#baz", true) f("", "#baz", false) // different number of comments f("#foo{bar}", "", false) // different number of comments f("#foo{bar}", "bar 3", false) // different number of comments f("foo{bar} 2", "#bar 3", false) // different number of comments f("#foo\n", "#bar", false) // different number of blank lines f("#foo{bar}\n#baz", "#baz\n#xdsfds dsf", true) f("# foo\nbar 234\nbaz{x=\"y\", z=\"\"} 3", "# foo\nbar 3.3\nbaz{x=\"y\", z=\"\"} 4323", true) f("# foo\nbar 234\nbaz{x=\"z\", z=\"\"} 3", "# foo\nbar 3.3\nbaz{x=\"y\", z=\"\"} 4323", false) // different label value f("foo {bar=\"xfdsdsffdsa\"} 1", "foo {x=\"y\"} 2", false) // different labels f("foo {x=\"z\"} 1", "foo {x=\"y\"} 2", false) // different label value // Lines with timestamps f("foo 1 2", "foo 234 4334", true) f("foo 2", "foo 3 4", false) // missing timestamp f("foo 2 1", "foo 3", false) // missing timestamp f("foo{bar=\"b az\"} 2 5", "foo{bar=\"b az\"} +6.3 7.43", true) f("foo{bar=\"b az\"} 2 5 # comment ss ", "foo{bar=\"b az\"} +6.3 7.43 # comment as ", true) f("foo{bar=\"b az\"} 2 5 #comment", "foo{bar=\"b az\"} +6.3 7.43 #comment {foo=\"bar\"} 21.44", true) f("foo{bar=\"b az\"} +Inf 5", "foo{bar=\"b az\"} NaN 7.43", true) f("foo{bar=\"b az\"} +Inf 5", "foo{bar=\"b az\"} nan 7.43", true) f("foo{bar=\"b az\"} +Inf 5", "foo{bar=\"b az\"} nansf 7.43", false) // invalid value } func TestPrevBackslashesCount(t *testing.T) { f := func(s string, nExpected int) { t.Helper() n := prevBackslashesCount(s) if n != nExpected { t.Fatalf("unexpected value returned from prevBackslashesCount(%q); got %d; want %d", s, n, nExpected) } } f(``, 0) f(`foo`, 0) f(`\`, 1) f(`\\`, 2) f(`\\\`, 3) f(`\\\a`, 0) f(`foo\bar`, 0) f(`foo\\`, 2) f(`\\foo\`, 1) f(`\\foo\\\\`, 4) } func TestFindClosingQuote(t *testing.T) { f := func(s string, nExpected int) { t.Helper() n := findClosingQuote(s) if n != nExpected { t.Fatalf("unexpected value returned from findClosingQuote(%q); got %d; want %d", s, n, nExpected) } } f(``, -1) f(`x`, -1) f(`"`, -1) f(`""`, 1) f(`foobar"`, -1) f(`"foo"`, 4) f(`"\""`, 3) f(`"\\"`, 3) f(`"\"`, -1) f(`"foo\"bar\"baz"`, 14) } func TestUnescapeValue(t *testing.T) { f := func(s, resultExpected string) { t.Helper() result := unescapeValue(s) if result != resultExpected { t.Fatalf("unexpected result; got %q; want %q", result, resultExpected) } } f(``, "") f(`f`, "f") f(`foobar`, "foobar") f(`\"\n\t`, "\"\n\\t") // Edge cases f(`foo\bar`, "foo\\bar") f(`foo\`, "foo\\") } func TestRowsUnmarshalFailure(t *testing.T) { f := func(s string) { t.Helper() var rows Rows rows.Unmarshal(s) if len(rows.Rows) != 0 { t.Fatalf("unexpected number of rows parsed; got %d; want 0;\nrows:%#v", len(rows.Rows), rows.Rows) } // Try again rows.Unmarshal(s) if len(rows.Rows) != 0 { t.Fatalf("unexpected number of rows parsed; got %d; want 0;\nrows:%#v", len(rows.Rows), rows.Rows) } } // Empty lines and comments f("") f(" ") f("\t") f("\t \r") f("\t\t \n\n # foobar") f("#foobar") f("#foobar\n") // invalid tags f("a{") f("a { ") f("a {foo") f("a {foo} 3") f("a {foo =") f(`a {foo ="bar`) f(`a {foo ="b\ar`) f(`a {foo = "bar"`) f(`a {foo ="bar",`) f(`a {foo ="bar" , `) f(`a {foo ="bar" , baz } 2`) // empty metric name f(`{foo="bar"}`) // Invalid quotes for label value f(`{foo='bar'} 23`) f("{foo=`bar`} 23") // Missing value f("aaa") f(" aaa") f(" aaa ") f(" aaa \n") f(` aa{foo="bar"} ` + "\n") // Invalid value f("foo bar") f("foo bar 124") // Invalid timestamp f("foo 123 bar") } func TestRowsUnmarshalSuccess(t *testing.T) { f := func(s string, rowsExpected *Rows) { t.Helper() var rows Rows rows.Unmarshal(s) if !reflect.DeepEqual(rows.Rows, rowsExpected.Rows) { t.Fatalf("unexpected rows;\ngot\n%+v;\nwant\n%+v", rows.Rows, rowsExpected.Rows) } // Try unmarshaling again rows.Unmarshal(s) if !reflect.DeepEqual(rows.Rows, rowsExpected.Rows) { t.Fatalf("unexpected rows;\ngot\n%+v;\nwant\n%+v", rows.Rows, rowsExpected.Rows) } rows.Reset() if len(rows.Rows) != 0 { t.Fatalf("non-empty rows after reset: %+v", rows.Rows) } } // Empty line or comment f("", &Rows{}) f("\r", &Rows{}) f("\n\n", &Rows{}) f("\n\r\n", &Rows{}) f("\t \t\n\r\n#foobar\n # baz", &Rows{}) // Single line f("foobar 78.9", &Rows{ Rows: []Row{{ Metric: "foobar", Value: 78.9, }}, }) f("foobar 123.456 789\n", &Rows{ Rows: []Row{{ Metric: "foobar", Value: 123.456, Timestamp: 789000, }}, }) f("foobar{} 123.456 789.4354\n", &Rows{ Rows: []Row{{ Metric: "foobar", Value: 123.456, Timestamp: 789435, }}, }) f(`# _ _ # ___ __ _ ___ ___ __ _ _ __ __| |_ __ __ _ _____ ___ __ ___ _ __| |_ ___ _ __ `+"# / __/ _` / __/ __|/ _` | '_ \\ / _` | '__/ _` |_____ / _ \\ \\/ / '_ \\ / _ \\| '__| __/ _ \\ '__|\n"+` # | (_| (_| \__ \__ \ (_| | | | | (_| | | | (_| |_____| __/> <| |_) | (_) | | | || __/ | # \___\__,_|___/___/\__,_|_| |_|\__,_|_| \__,_| \___/_/\_\ .__/ \___/|_| \__\___|_| # |_| # # TYPE cassandra_token_ownership_ratio gauge cassandra_token_ownership_ratio 78.9`, &Rows{ Rows: []Row{{ Metric: "cassandra_token_ownership_ratio", Value: 78.9, }}, }) // Incorrectly escaped backlash. This is real-world case, which must be supported. f(`mssql_sql_server_active_transactions_sec{loginname="domain\somelogin",env="develop"} 56`, &Rows{ Rows: []Row{{ Metric: "mssql_sql_server_active_transactions_sec", Tags: []Tag{ { Key: "loginname", Value: "domain\\somelogin", }, { Key: "env", Value: "develop", }, }, Value: 56, }}, }) // Exemplars - see f(`foo_bucket{le="10",a="#b"} 17 # {trace_id="oHg5SJ#YRHA0"} 9.8 1520879607.789 abc 123 456 # foobar foo 344#bar`, &Rows{ Rows: []Row{ { Metric: "foo_bucket", Tags: []Tag{ { Key: "le", Value: "10", }, { Key: "a", Value: "#b", }, }, Value: 17, }, { Metric: "abc", Value: 123, Timestamp: 456000, }, { Metric: "foo", Value: 344, }, }, }) // "Infinity" word - this has been added in OpenMetrics. // See // Checks for inf := math.Inf(1) f(` foo Infinity bar +Infinity baz -infinity aaa +inf bbb -INF ccc INF `, &Rows{ Rows: []Row{ { Metric: "foo", Value: inf, }, { Metric: "bar", Value: inf, }, { Metric: "baz", Value: -inf, }, { Metric: "aaa", Value: inf, }, { Metric: "bbb", Value: -inf, }, { Metric: "ccc", Value: inf, }, }, }) // Timestamp bigger than 1<<31. // It should be parsed in milliseconds. f("aaa 1123 429496729600", &Rows{ Rows: []Row{{ Metric: "aaa", Value: 1123, Timestamp: 429496729600, }}, }) // Floating-point timestamps in OpenMetric format. f("aaa 1123 42949.567", &Rows{ Rows: []Row{{ Metric: "aaa", Value: 1123, Timestamp: 42949567, }}, }) // Tags f(`foo{bar="baz"} 1 2`, &Rows{ Rows: []Row{{ Metric: "foo", Tags: []Tag{{ Key: "bar", Value: "baz", }}, Value: 1, Timestamp: 2000, }}, }) f(`foo{bar="b\"a\\z"} -1.2`, &Rows{ Rows: []Row{{ Metric: "foo", Tags: []Tag{{ Key: "bar", Value: "b\"a\\z", }}, Value: -1.2, }}, }) // Empty tags f(`foo {bar="baz",aa="",x="y",="z"} 1 2`, &Rows{ Rows: []Row{{ Metric: "foo", Tags: []Tag{ { Key: "bar", Value: "baz", }, { Key: "aa", Value: "", }, { Key: "x", Value: "y", }, }, Value: 1, Timestamp: 2000, }}, }) // Trailing comma after tag // See f(`foo{bar="baz",} 1 2`, &Rows{ Rows: []Row{{ Metric: "foo", Tags: []Tag{{ Key: "bar", Value: "baz", }}, Value: 1, Timestamp: 2000, }}, }) // Multi lines f("# foo\n # bar ba zzz\nfoo 0.3 2\naaa 3\nbar.baz 0.34 43\n", &Rows{ Rows: []Row{ { Metric: "foo", Value: 0.3, Timestamp: 2000, }, { Metric: "aaa", Value: 3, }, { Metric: "bar.baz", Value: 0.34, Timestamp: 43000, }, }, }) // Multi lines with invalid line f("\t foo\t { } 0.3\t 2\naaa\n bar.baz 0.34 43\n", &Rows{ Rows: []Row{ { Metric: "foo", Value: 0.3, Timestamp: 2000, }, { Metric: "bar.baz", Value: 0.34, Timestamp: 43000, }, }, }) // Spaces around tags f(`vm_accounting { name="vminsertRows", accountID = "1" , projectID= "1" } 277779100`, &Rows{ Rows: []Row{ { Metric: "vm_accounting", Tags: []Tag{ { Key: "name", Value: "vminsertRows", }, { Key: "accountID", Value: "1", }, { Key: "projectID", Value: "1", }, }, Value: 277779100, Timestamp: 0, }, }, }) }