# sort: 14
title: VictoriaMetrics Anomaly Detection
weight: 0
- /anomaly-detection.html
- /vmanomaly.html
- /vmanomaly/

# VictoriaMetrics Anomaly Detection

In the dynamic and complex world of system monitoring, VictoriaMetrics Anomaly Detection, being a part of our [Enterprise offering](https://victoriametrics.com/products/enterprise/), stands as a pivotal tool for achieving advanced observability. It empowers SREs and DevOps teams by automating the intricate task of identifying abnormal behavior in time-series data. It goes beyond traditional threshold-based alerting, utilizing machine learning techniques to not only detect anomalies but also minimize false positives, thus reducing alert fatigue. By providing simplified alerting mechanisms atop of [unified anomaly scores](/anomaly-detection/components/models.html#vmanomaly-output), it enables teams to spot and address potential issues faster, ensuring system reliability and operational efficiency.

## Practical Guides and Installation
Begin your VictoriaMetrics Anomaly Detection journey with ease using our guides and installation instructions:

- **Quickstart**: Check out how to get `vmanomaly` up and running [here](/anomaly-detection/QuickStart.html).
- **Overview**: Find out how `vmanomaly` service operates [here](/anomaly-detection/Overview.html)
- **Integration**: Integrate anomaly detection into your observability ecosystem. Get started [here](/anomaly-detection/guides/guide-vmanomaly-vmalert.html).

- **Installation Options**: Select the method that aligns with your technical requirements:
    - **Docker Installation**: Suitable for containerized environments. See [Docker guide](/anomaly-detection/Overview.html#run-vmanomaly-docker-container).
    - **Helm Chart Installation**: Appropriate for those using Kubernetes. See our [Helm charts](https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/helm-charts/tree/master/charts/victoria-metrics-anomaly).

> **Note**: starting from [v1.5.0](./CHANGELOG.md#v150) `vmanomaly` requires a [license key](/anomaly-detection/Overview.html#licensing) to run. You can obtain a trial license key [**here**](https://victoriametrics.com/products/enterprise/trial/).

## Key Components
Explore the integral components that configure VictoriaMetrics Anomaly Detection:
* [Explore components and their interation](/anomaly-detection/components)
    - [Models](/anomaly-detection/components/models)
    - [Reader](/anomaly-detection/components/reader)
    - [Scheduler](/anomaly-detection/components/scheduler)
    - [Writer](/anomaly-detection/components/writer)
    - [Monitoring](/anomaly-detection/components/monitoring)

## Deep Dive into Anomaly Detection
Enhance your knowledge with our handbook on Anomaly Detection & Root Cause Analysis and stay updated:
* Anomaly Detection Handbook
    - [Introduction to Time Series Anomaly Detection](https://victoriametrics.com/blog/victoriametrics-anomaly-detection-handbook-chapter-1/)
    - [Types of Anomalies in Time Series Data](https://victoriametrics.com/blog/victoriametrics-anomaly-detection-handbook-chapter-2/)
    - [Techniques and Models for Anomaly Detection](https://victoriametrics.com/blog/victoriametrics-anomaly-detection-handbook-chapter-3/)
* Follow the [`#anomaly-detection`](https://victoriametrics.com/blog/tags/anomaly-detection/) tag in our blog

## Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Got questions about VictoriaMetrics Anomaly Detection? Chances are, we've got the answers ready for you. 

Dive into [our FAQ section](/anomaly-detection/FAQ) to find responses to common questions.

## Get in Touch
We're eager to connect with you and tailor our solutions to your specific needs. Here's how you can engage with us:
* [Book a Demo](https://calendly.com/victoriametrics-anomaly-detection) to discover what our product can do.
* Interested in exploring our [Enterprise features](https://victoriametrics.com/products/enterprise), including [Anomaly Detection](https://victoriametrics.com/products/enterprise/anomaly-detection)? [Request your trial license](https://victoriametrics.com/products/enterprise/trial/) today and take the first step towards advanced system observability.

Our [CHANGELOG is just a click away](./CHANGELOG.md), keeping you informed about the latest updates and enhancements.