mirror of
synced 2025-01-04 13:52:05 +01:00
Previously the `__address__` label could contain only `host:port` part of the target url, while the scheme and metrics path were obtained from `__scheme__` and `__metrics_path__` labels. Now it is possible to set the full url in `__address__` label. This makes valid the following scrape config, which is frequently used by novice users: scrape_configs: - job_name: foo static_configs: - targets: - http://host1/metrics1 - https://host2/metrics2
559 lines
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package promscrape
import (
var maxDroppedTargets = flag.Int("promscrape.maxDroppedTargets", 1000, "The maximum number of droppedTargets to show at /api/v1/targets page. "+
"Increase this value if your setup drops more scrape targets during relabeling and you need investigating labels for all the dropped targets. "+
"Note that the increased number of tracked dropped targets may result in increased memory usage")
var tsmGlobal = newTargetStatusMap()
// WriteTargetResponse serves requests to /target_response?id=<id>
// It fetches response for the given target id and returns it.
func WriteTargetResponse(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
targetID := r.FormValue("id")
sw := tsmGlobal.getScrapeWorkByTargetID(targetID)
if sw == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot find target for id=%s", targetID)
data, err := sw.getTargetResponse()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot fetch response from id=%s: %w", targetID, err)
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=utf-8")
_, err = w.Write(data)
return err
// WriteHumanReadableTargetsStatus writes human-readable status for all the scrape targets to w according to r.
func WriteHumanReadableTargetsStatus(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
filter := getRequestFilter(r)
tsr := tsmGlobal.getTargetsStatusByJob(filter)
if accept := r.Header.Get("Accept"); strings.Contains(accept, "text/html") {
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")
WriteTargetsResponseHTML(w, tsr, filter)
} else {
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=utf-8")
WriteTargetsResponsePlain(w, tsr, filter)
// WriteServiceDiscovery writes /service-discovery response to w similar to http://demo.robustperception.io:9090/service-discovery
func WriteServiceDiscovery(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
filter := getRequestFilter(r)
tsr := tsmGlobal.getTargetsStatusByJob(filter)
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")
WriteServiceDiscoveryResponse(w, tsr, filter)
// WriteAPIV1Targets writes /api/v1/targets to w according to https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/querying/api/#targets
func WriteAPIV1Targets(w io.Writer, state string) {
if state == "" {
state = "any"
fmt.Fprintf(w, `{"status":"success","data":{"activeTargets":`)
if state == "active" || state == "any" {
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(w, `[]`)
fmt.Fprintf(w, `,"droppedTargets":`)
if state == "dropped" || state == "any" {
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(w, `[]`)
fmt.Fprintf(w, `}}`)
type targetStatusMap struct {
mu sync.Mutex
m map[*scrapeWork]*targetStatus
jobNames []string
func newTargetStatusMap() *targetStatusMap {
return &targetStatusMap{
m: make(map[*scrapeWork]*targetStatus),
func (tsm *targetStatusMap) Reset() {
tsm.m = make(map[*scrapeWork]*targetStatus)
func (tsm *targetStatusMap) registerJobNames(jobNames []string) {
tsm.jobNames = append(tsm.jobNames[:0], jobNames...)
func (tsm *targetStatusMap) Register(sw *scrapeWork) {
tsm.m[sw] = &targetStatus{
sw: sw,
func (tsm *targetStatusMap) Unregister(sw *scrapeWork) {
delete(tsm.m, sw)
func (tsm *targetStatusMap) Update(sw *scrapeWork, up bool, scrapeTime, scrapeDuration int64, samplesScraped int, err error) {
ts := tsm.m[sw]
if ts == nil {
ts = &targetStatus{
sw: sw,
tsm.m[sw] = ts
ts.up = up
ts.scrapeTime = scrapeTime
ts.scrapeDuration = scrapeDuration
ts.samplesScraped = samplesScraped
if !up {
ts.err = err
func (tsm *targetStatusMap) getScrapeWorkByTargetID(targetID string) *scrapeWork {
defer tsm.mu.Unlock()
for sw := range tsm.m {
if getTargetID(sw) == targetID {
return sw
return nil
func getTargetID(sw *scrapeWork) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%016x", uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(sw)))
// StatusByGroup returns the number of targets with status==up
// for the given group name
func (tsm *targetStatusMap) StatusByGroup(group string, up bool) int {
var count int
for _, ts := range tsm.m {
if ts.sw.ScrapeGroup == group && ts.up == up {
return count
func (tsm *targetStatusMap) getActiveTargetStatuses() []targetStatus {
tss := make([]targetStatus, 0, len(tsm.m))
for _, ts := range tsm.m {
tss = append(tss, *ts)
// Sort discovered targets by __address__ label, so they stay in consistent order across calls
sort.Slice(tss, func(i, j int) bool {
addr1 := promrelabel.GetLabelValueByName(tss[i].sw.Config.OriginalLabels, "__address__")
addr2 := promrelabel.GetLabelValueByName(tss[j].sw.Config.OriginalLabels, "__address__")
return addr1 < addr2
return tss
// WriteActiveTargetsJSON writes `activeTargets` contents to w according to https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/querying/api/#targets
func (tsm *targetStatusMap) WriteActiveTargetsJSON(w io.Writer) {
tss := tsm.getActiveTargetStatuses()
fmt.Fprintf(w, `[`)
for i, ts := range tss {
fmt.Fprintf(w, `{"discoveredLabels":`)
writeLabelsJSON(w, ts.sw.Config.OriginalLabels)
fmt.Fprintf(w, `,"labels":`)
writeLabelsJSON(w, ts.sw.Config.Labels)
fmt.Fprintf(w, `,"scrapePool":%q`, ts.sw.Config.Job())
fmt.Fprintf(w, `,"scrapeUrl":%q`, ts.sw.Config.ScrapeURL)
errMsg := ""
if ts.err != nil {
errMsg = ts.err.Error()
fmt.Fprintf(w, `,"lastError":%q`, errMsg)
fmt.Fprintf(w, `,"lastScrape":%q`, time.Unix(ts.scrapeTime/1000, (ts.scrapeTime%1000)*1e6).Format(time.RFC3339Nano))
fmt.Fprintf(w, `,"lastScrapeDuration":%g`, (time.Millisecond * time.Duration(ts.scrapeDuration)).Seconds())
fmt.Fprintf(w, `,"lastSamplesScraped":%d`, ts.samplesScraped)
state := "up"
if !ts.up {
state = "down"
fmt.Fprintf(w, `,"health":%q}`, state)
if i+1 < len(tss) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, `,`)
fmt.Fprintf(w, `]`)
func writeLabelsJSON(w io.Writer, labels []prompbmarshal.Label) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, `{`)
for i, label := range labels {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%q:%q", label.Name, label.Value)
if i+1 < len(labels) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, `,`)
fmt.Fprintf(w, `}`)
type targetStatus struct {
sw *scrapeWork
up bool
scrapeTime int64
scrapeDuration int64
samplesScraped int
scrapesTotal int
scrapesFailed int
err error
func (ts *targetStatus) getDurationFromLastScrape() time.Duration {
return time.Since(time.Unix(ts.scrapeTime/1000, (ts.scrapeTime%1000)*1e6))
type droppedTargets struct {
mu sync.Mutex
m map[uint64]droppedTarget
lastCleanupTime uint64
type droppedTarget struct {
originalLabels []prompbmarshal.Label
deadline uint64
func (dt *droppedTargets) getTargetsLabels() [][]prompbmarshal.Label {
dtls := make([][]prompbmarshal.Label, 0, len(dt.m))
for _, v := range dt.m {
dtls = append(dtls, v.originalLabels)
// Sort discovered targets by __address__ label, so they stay in consistent order across calls
sort.Slice(dtls, func(i, j int) bool {
addr1 := promrelabel.GetLabelValueByName(dtls[i], "__address__")
addr2 := promrelabel.GetLabelValueByName(dtls[j], "__address__")
return addr1 < addr2
return dtls
func (dt *droppedTargets) Register(originalLabels []prompbmarshal.Label) {
// It is better to have hash collisions instead of spending additional CPU on promLabelsString() call.
key := labelsHash(originalLabels)
currentTime := fasttime.UnixTimestamp()
if k, ok := dt.m[key]; ok {
k.deadline = currentTime + 10*60
dt.m[key] = k
} else if len(dt.m) < *maxDroppedTargets {
dt.m[key] = droppedTarget{
originalLabels: originalLabels,
deadline: currentTime + 10*60,
if currentTime-dt.lastCleanupTime > 60 {
for k, v := range dt.m {
if currentTime > v.deadline {
delete(dt.m, k)
dt.lastCleanupTime = currentTime
func labelsHash(labels []prompbmarshal.Label) uint64 {
d := xxhashPool.Get().(*xxhash.Digest)
for _, label := range labels {
_, _ = d.WriteString(label.Name)
_, _ = d.WriteString(label.Value)
h := d.Sum64()
return h
var xxhashPool = &sync.Pool{
New: func() interface{} {
return xxhash.New()
// WriteDroppedTargetsJSON writes `droppedTargets` contents to w according to https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/querying/api/#targets
func (dt *droppedTargets) WriteDroppedTargetsJSON(w io.Writer) {
dtls := dt.getTargetsLabels()
fmt.Fprintf(w, `[`)
for i, labels := range dtls {
fmt.Fprintf(w, `{"discoveredLabels":`)
writeLabelsJSON(w, labels)
fmt.Fprintf(w, `}`)
if i+1 < len(dtls) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, `,`)
fmt.Fprintf(w, `]`)
var droppedTargetsMap = &droppedTargets{
m: make(map[uint64]droppedTarget),
type jobTargetsStatuses struct {
jobName string
upCount int
targetsTotal int
targetsStatus []targetStatus
func (tsm *targetStatusMap) getTargetsStatusByJob(filter *requestFilter) *targetsStatusResult {
byJob := make(map[string][]targetStatus)
for _, ts := range tsm.m {
jobName := ts.sw.Config.jobNameOriginal
byJob[jobName] = append(byJob[jobName], *ts)
jobNames := append([]string{}, tsm.jobNames...)
var jts []*jobTargetsStatuses
for jobName, statuses := range byJob {
sort.Slice(statuses, func(i, j int) bool {
return statuses[i].sw.Config.ScrapeURL < statuses[j].sw.Config.ScrapeURL
ups := 0
var targetsStatuses []targetStatus
for _, ts := range statuses {
if ts.up {
if filter.showOnlyUnhealthy && ts.up {
targetsStatuses = append(targetsStatuses, ts)
jts = append(jts, &jobTargetsStatuses{
jobName: jobName,
upCount: ups,
targetsTotal: len(statuses),
targetsStatus: targetsStatuses,
sort.Slice(jts, func(i, j int) bool {
return jts[i].jobName < jts[j].jobName
emptyJobs := getEmptyJobs(jts, jobNames)
var err error
jts, err = filterTargets(jts, filter.endpointSearch, filter.labelSearch)
if len(filter.endpointSearch) > 0 || len(filter.labelSearch) > 0 {
// Do not show empty jobs if target filters are set.
emptyJobs = nil
dtls := droppedTargetsMap.getTargetsLabels()
return &targetsStatusResult{
jobTargetsStatuses: jts,
droppedTargetsLabels: dtls,
emptyJobs: emptyJobs,
err: err,
func filterTargetsByEndpoint(jts []*jobTargetsStatuses, searchQuery string) ([]*jobTargetsStatuses, error) {
if searchQuery == "" {
return jts, nil
finder, err := regexp.Compile(searchQuery)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot parse %s: %w", searchQuery, err)
var jtsFiltered []*jobTargetsStatuses
for _, job := range jts {
var tss []targetStatus
for _, ts := range job.targetsStatus {
if finder.MatchString(ts.sw.Config.ScrapeURL) {
tss = append(tss, ts)
if len(tss) == 0 {
// Skip jobs with zero targets after filtering, so users could see only the requested targets
job.targetsStatus = tss
jtsFiltered = append(jtsFiltered, job)
return jtsFiltered, nil
func filterTargetsByLabels(jts []*jobTargetsStatuses, searchQuery string) ([]*jobTargetsStatuses, error) {
if searchQuery == "" {
return jts, nil
var ie promrelabel.IfExpression
if err := ie.Parse(searchQuery); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot parse %s: %w", searchQuery, err)
var jtsFiltered []*jobTargetsStatuses
for _, job := range jts {
var tss []targetStatus
for _, ts := range job.targetsStatus {
if ie.Match(ts.sw.Config.Labels) {
tss = append(tss, ts)
if len(tss) == 0 {
// Skip jobs with zero targets after filtering, so users could see only the requested targets
job.targetsStatus = tss
jtsFiltered = append(jtsFiltered, job)
return jtsFiltered, nil
func filterTargets(jts []*jobTargetsStatuses, endpointQuery, labelQuery string) ([]*jobTargetsStatuses, error) {
var err error
jts, err = filterTargetsByEndpoint(jts, endpointQuery)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
jts, err = filterTargetsByLabels(jts, labelQuery)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return jts, nil
func getEmptyJobs(jts []*jobTargetsStatuses, jobNames []string) []string {
jobNamesMap := make(map[string]struct{}, len(jobNames))
for _, jobName := range jobNames {
jobNamesMap[jobName] = struct{}{}
for i := range jts {
delete(jobNamesMap, jts[i].jobName)
emptyJobs := make([]string, 0, len(jobNamesMap))
for k := range jobNamesMap {
emptyJobs = append(emptyJobs, k)
return emptyJobs
type requestFilter struct {
showOriginalLabels bool
showOnlyUnhealthy bool
endpointSearch string
labelSearch string
func getRequestFilter(r *http.Request) *requestFilter {
showOriginalLabels, _ := strconv.ParseBool(r.FormValue("show_original_labels"))
showOnlyUnhealthy, _ := strconv.ParseBool(r.FormValue("show_only_unhealthy"))
endpointSearch := strings.TrimSpace(r.FormValue("endpoint_search"))
labelSearch := strings.TrimSpace(r.FormValue("label_search"))
return &requestFilter{
showOriginalLabels: showOriginalLabels,
showOnlyUnhealthy: showOnlyUnhealthy,
endpointSearch: endpointSearch,
labelSearch: labelSearch,
type targetsStatusResult struct {
jobTargetsStatuses []*jobTargetsStatuses
droppedTargetsLabels [][]prompbmarshal.Label
emptyJobs []string
err error
type targetLabels struct {
up bool
discoveredLabels []prompbmarshal.Label
labels []prompbmarshal.Label
type targetLabelsByJob struct {
jobName string
targets []targetLabels
activeTargets int
droppedTargets int
func (tsr *targetsStatusResult) getTargetLabelsByJob() []*targetLabelsByJob {
byJob := make(map[string]*targetLabelsByJob)
for _, jts := range tsr.jobTargetsStatuses {
jobName := jts.jobName
for _, ts := range jts.targetsStatus {
m := byJob[jobName]
if m == nil {
m = &targetLabelsByJob{
jobName: jobName,
byJob[jobName] = m
m.targets = append(m.targets, targetLabels{
up: ts.up,
discoveredLabels: ts.sw.Config.OriginalLabels,
labels: ts.sw.Config.Labels,
for _, labels := range tsr.droppedTargetsLabels {
jobName := promrelabel.GetLabelValueByName(labels, "job")
m := byJob[jobName]
if m == nil {
m = &targetLabelsByJob{
jobName: jobName,
byJob[jobName] = m
m.targets = append(m.targets, targetLabels{
discoveredLabels: labels,
a := make([]*targetLabelsByJob, 0, len(byJob))
for _, tls := range byJob {
a = append(a, tls)
sort.Slice(a, func(i, j int) bool {
return a[i].jobName < a[j].jobName
return a