Aliaksandr Valialkin 324a3c5288
lib/promscrape: follow-up after 6aa50ca954
- Improve docs
- Hide `debug relabeling` column when -promscrape.dropOriginalLabels command-line flag is set
- Inline the code from the added template functions, since the code is harder to follow
  with the template functions, especially when these functions have misleading names.
  Also, these functions are used only in one place, e.g. they do not reduce the amounts of code.
- Hide `click to show original labels` title at `labels` column when original labels aren't available.
- Show the reason on whey original labels aren't available at /service-discovery page.

2023-07-20 21:54:09 -07:00

618 lines
17 KiB

package promscrape
import (
var maxDroppedTargets = flag.Int("promscrape.maxDroppedTargets", 1000, "The maximum number of droppedTargets to show at /api/v1/targets page. "+
"Increase this value if your setup drops more scrape targets during relabeling and you need investigating labels for all the dropped targets. "+
"Note that the increased number of tracked dropped targets may result in increased memory usage")
var tsmGlobal = newTargetStatusMap()
// WriteTargetResponse serves requests to /target_response?id=<id>
// It fetches response for the given target id and returns it.
func WriteTargetResponse(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
targetID := r.FormValue("id")
sw := tsmGlobal.getScrapeWorkByTargetID(targetID)
if sw == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot find target for id=%s", targetID)
data, err := sw.getTargetResponse()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot fetch response from id=%s: %w", targetID, err)
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=utf-8")
_, err = w.Write(data)
return err
// WriteHumanReadableTargetsStatus writes human-readable status for all the scrape targets to w according to r.
func WriteHumanReadableTargetsStatus(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
filter := getRequestFilter(r)
tsr := tsmGlobal.getTargetsStatusByJob(filter)
if accept := r.Header.Get("Accept"); strings.Contains(accept, "text/html") {
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")
WriteTargetsResponseHTML(w, tsr, filter)
} else {
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=utf-8")
WriteTargetsResponsePlain(w, tsr, filter)
// WriteServiceDiscovery writes /service-discovery response to w similar to
func WriteServiceDiscovery(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
filter := getRequestFilter(r)
tsr := tsmGlobal.getTargetsStatusByJob(filter)
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")
WriteServiceDiscoveryResponse(w, tsr, filter)
// WriteAPIV1Targets writes /api/v1/targets to w according to
func WriteAPIV1Targets(w io.Writer, state string) {
if state == "" {
state = "any"
fmt.Fprintf(w, `{"status":"success","data":{"activeTargets":`)
if state == "active" || state == "any" {
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(w, `[]`)
fmt.Fprintf(w, `,"droppedTargets":`)
if state == "dropped" || state == "any" {
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(w, `[]`)
fmt.Fprintf(w, `}}`)
type targetStatusMap struct {
mu sync.Mutex
m map[*scrapeWork]*targetStatus
jobNames []string
func newTargetStatusMap() *targetStatusMap {
return &targetStatusMap{
m: make(map[*scrapeWork]*targetStatus),
func (tsm *targetStatusMap) Reset() {
tsm.m = make(map[*scrapeWork]*targetStatus)
func (tsm *targetStatusMap) registerJobNames(jobNames []string) {
tsm.jobNames = append(tsm.jobNames[:0], jobNames...)
func (tsm *targetStatusMap) Register(sw *scrapeWork) {
tsm.m[sw] = &targetStatus{
sw: sw,
func (tsm *targetStatusMap) Unregister(sw *scrapeWork) {
delete(tsm.m, sw)
func (tsm *targetStatusMap) Update(sw *scrapeWork, up bool, scrapeTime, scrapeDuration int64, samplesScraped int, err error) {
ts := tsm.m[sw]
if ts == nil {
ts = &targetStatus{
sw: sw,
tsm.m[sw] = ts
ts.up = up
ts.scrapeTime = scrapeTime
ts.scrapeDuration = scrapeDuration
ts.samplesScraped = samplesScraped
if !up {
ts.err = err
func (tsm *targetStatusMap) getScrapeWorkByTargetID(targetID string) *scrapeWork {
for sw := range tsm.m {
// The target is uniquely identified by a pointer to its original labels.
if getLabelsID(sw.Config.OriginalLabels) == targetID {
return sw
return nil
func getLabelsID(labels *promutils.Labels) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%016x", uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(labels)))
// StatusByGroup returns the number of targets with status==up
// for the given group name
func (tsm *targetStatusMap) StatusByGroup(group string, up bool) int {
var count int
for _, ts := range tsm.m {
if ts.sw.ScrapeGroup == group && ts.up == up {
return count
func (tsm *targetStatusMap) getActiveTargetStatuses() []targetStatus {
tss := make([]targetStatus, 0, len(tsm.m))
for _, ts := range tsm.m {
tss = append(tss, *ts)
// Sort discovered targets by __address__ label, so they stay in consistent order across calls
sort.Slice(tss, func(i, j int) bool {
addr1 := tss[i].sw.Config.OriginalLabels.Get("__address__")
addr2 := tss[j].sw.Config.OriginalLabels.Get("__address__")
return addr1 < addr2
return tss
// WriteActiveTargetsJSON writes `activeTargets` contents to w according to
func (tsm *targetStatusMap) WriteActiveTargetsJSON(w io.Writer) {
tss := tsm.getActiveTargetStatuses()
fmt.Fprintf(w, `[`)
for i, ts := range tss {
fmt.Fprintf(w, `{"discoveredLabels":`)
writeLabelsJSON(w, ts.sw.Config.OriginalLabels)
fmt.Fprintf(w, `,"labels":`)
writeLabelsJSON(w, ts.sw.Config.Labels)
fmt.Fprintf(w, `,"scrapePool":%q`, ts.sw.Config.Job())
fmt.Fprintf(w, `,"scrapeUrl":%q`, ts.sw.Config.ScrapeURL)
errMsg := ""
if ts.err != nil {
errMsg = ts.err.Error()
fmt.Fprintf(w, `,"lastError":%q`, errMsg)
fmt.Fprintf(w, `,"lastScrape":%q`, time.Unix(ts.scrapeTime/1000, (ts.scrapeTime%1000)*1e6).Format(time.RFC3339Nano))
fmt.Fprintf(w, `,"lastScrapeDuration":%g`, (time.Millisecond * time.Duration(ts.scrapeDuration)).Seconds())
fmt.Fprintf(w, `,"lastSamplesScraped":%d`, ts.samplesScraped)
state := "up"
if !ts.up {
state = "down"
fmt.Fprintf(w, `,"health":%q}`, state)
if i+1 < len(tss) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, `,`)
fmt.Fprintf(w, `]`)
func writeLabelsJSON(w io.Writer, labels *promutils.Labels) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, `{`)
labelsList := labels.GetLabels()
for i, label := range labelsList {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%q:%q", label.Name, label.Value)
if i+1 < len(labelsList) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, `,`)
fmt.Fprintf(w, `}`)
type targetStatus struct {
sw *scrapeWork
up bool
scrapeTime int64
scrapeDuration int64
samplesScraped int
scrapesTotal int
scrapesFailed int
err error
func (ts *targetStatus) getDurationFromLastScrape() time.Duration {
return time.Since(time.Unix(ts.scrapeTime/1000, (ts.scrapeTime%1000)*1e6))
type droppedTargets struct {
mu sync.Mutex
m map[uint64]droppedTarget
lastCleanupTime uint64
type droppedTarget struct {
originalLabels *promutils.Labels
relabelConfigs *promrelabel.ParsedConfigs
deadline uint64
func (dt *droppedTargets) getTargetsList() []droppedTarget {
dts := make([]droppedTarget, 0, len(dt.m))
for _, v := range dt.m {
dts = append(dts, v)
// Sort discovered targets by __address__ label, so they stay in consistent order across calls
sort.Slice(dts, func(i, j int) bool {
addr1 := dts[i].originalLabels.Get("__address__")
addr2 := dts[j].originalLabels.Get("__address__")
return addr1 < addr2
return dts
func (dt *droppedTargets) Register(originalLabels *promutils.Labels, relabelConfigs *promrelabel.ParsedConfigs) {
if *dropOriginalLabels {
// The originalLabels must be dropped, so do not register it.
// It is better to have hash collisions instead of spending additional CPU on originalLabels.String() call.
key := labelsHash(originalLabels)
currentTime := fasttime.UnixTimestamp()
_, ok := dt.m[key]
if ok || len(dt.m) < *maxDroppedTargets {
dt.m[key] = droppedTarget{
originalLabels: originalLabels,
relabelConfigs: relabelConfigs,
deadline: currentTime + 10*60,
if currentTime-dt.lastCleanupTime > 60 {
for k, v := range dt.m {
if currentTime > v.deadline {
delete(dt.m, k)
dt.lastCleanupTime = currentTime
func labelsHash(labels *promutils.Labels) uint64 {
d := xxhashPool.Get().(*xxhash.Digest)
for _, label := range labels.GetLabels() {
_, _ = d.WriteString(label.Name)
_, _ = d.WriteString(label.Value)
h := d.Sum64()
return h
var xxhashPool = &sync.Pool{
New: func() interface{} {
return xxhash.New()
// WriteDroppedTargetsJSON writes `droppedTargets` contents to w according to
func (dt *droppedTargets) WriteDroppedTargetsJSON(w io.Writer) {
dts := dt.getTargetsList()
fmt.Fprintf(w, `[`)
for i, dt := range dts {
fmt.Fprintf(w, `{"discoveredLabels":`)
writeLabelsJSON(w, dt.originalLabels)
fmt.Fprintf(w, `}`)
if i+1 < len(dts) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, `,`)
fmt.Fprintf(w, `]`)
var droppedTargetsMap = &droppedTargets{
m: make(map[uint64]droppedTarget),
type jobTargetsStatuses struct {
jobName string
upCount int
targetsTotal int
targetsStatus []targetStatus
func (tsm *targetStatusMap) getTargetsStatusByJob(filter *requestFilter) *targetsStatusResult {
byJob := make(map[string][]targetStatus)
for _, ts := range tsm.m {
jobName := ts.sw.Config.jobNameOriginal
byJob[jobName] = append(byJob[jobName], *ts)
jobNames := append([]string{}, tsm.jobNames...)
var jts []*jobTargetsStatuses
for jobName, statuses := range byJob {
sort.Slice(statuses, func(i, j int) bool {
return statuses[i].sw.Config.ScrapeURL < statuses[j].sw.Config.ScrapeURL
ups := 0
var targetsStatuses []targetStatus
for _, ts := range statuses {
if ts.up {
if filter.showOnlyUnhealthy && ts.up {
targetsStatuses = append(targetsStatuses, ts)
jts = append(jts, &jobTargetsStatuses{
jobName: jobName,
upCount: ups,
targetsTotal: len(statuses),
targetsStatus: targetsStatuses,
sort.Slice(jts, func(i, j int) bool {
return jts[i].jobName < jts[j].jobName
emptyJobs := getEmptyJobs(jts, jobNames)
var err error
jts, err = filterTargets(jts, filter.endpointSearch, filter.labelSearch)
if len(filter.endpointSearch) > 0 || len(filter.labelSearch) > 0 {
// Do not show empty jobs if target filters are set.
emptyJobs = nil
dts := droppedTargetsMap.getTargetsList()
return &targetsStatusResult{
hasOriginalLabels: !*dropOriginalLabels,
jobTargetsStatuses: jts,
droppedTargets: dts,
emptyJobs: emptyJobs,
err: err,
func filterTargetsByEndpoint(jts []*jobTargetsStatuses, searchQuery string) ([]*jobTargetsStatuses, error) {
if searchQuery == "" {
return jts, nil
finder, err := regexp.Compile(searchQuery)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot parse %s: %w", searchQuery, err)
var jtsFiltered []*jobTargetsStatuses
for _, job := range jts {
var tss []targetStatus
for _, ts := range job.targetsStatus {
if finder.MatchString(ts.sw.Config.ScrapeURL) {
tss = append(tss, ts)
if len(tss) == 0 {
// Skip jobs with zero targets after filtering, so users could see only the requested targets
job.targetsStatus = tss
jtsFiltered = append(jtsFiltered, job)
return jtsFiltered, nil
func filterTargetsByLabels(jts []*jobTargetsStatuses, searchQuery string) ([]*jobTargetsStatuses, error) {
if searchQuery == "" {
return jts, nil
var ie promrelabel.IfExpression
if err := ie.Parse(searchQuery); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot parse %s: %w", searchQuery, err)
var jtsFiltered []*jobTargetsStatuses
for _, job := range jts {
var tss []targetStatus
for _, ts := range job.targetsStatus {
labels := ts.sw.Config.Labels.GetLabels()
if ie.Match(labels) {
tss = append(tss, ts)
if len(tss) == 0 {
// Skip jobs with zero targets after filtering, so users could see only the requested targets
job.targetsStatus = tss
jtsFiltered = append(jtsFiltered, job)
return jtsFiltered, nil
func filterTargets(jts []*jobTargetsStatuses, endpointQuery, labelQuery string) ([]*jobTargetsStatuses, error) {
var err error
jts, err = filterTargetsByEndpoint(jts, endpointQuery)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
jts, err = filterTargetsByLabels(jts, labelQuery)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return jts, nil
func getEmptyJobs(jts []*jobTargetsStatuses, jobNames []string) []string {
jobNamesMap := make(map[string]struct{}, len(jobNames))
for _, jobName := range jobNames {
jobNamesMap[jobName] = struct{}{}
for i := range jts {
delete(jobNamesMap, jts[i].jobName)
emptyJobs := make([]string, 0, len(jobNamesMap))
for k := range jobNamesMap {
emptyJobs = append(emptyJobs, k)
return emptyJobs
type requestFilter struct {
showOriginalLabels bool
showOnlyUnhealthy bool
endpointSearch string
labelSearch string
func getRequestFilter(r *http.Request) *requestFilter {
showOriginalLabels, _ := strconv.ParseBool(r.FormValue("show_original_labels"))
showOnlyUnhealthy, _ := strconv.ParseBool(r.FormValue("show_only_unhealthy"))
endpointSearch := strings.TrimSpace(r.FormValue("endpoint_search"))
labelSearch := strings.TrimSpace(r.FormValue("label_search"))
return &requestFilter{
showOriginalLabels: showOriginalLabels,
showOnlyUnhealthy: showOnlyUnhealthy,
endpointSearch: endpointSearch,
labelSearch: labelSearch,
type targetsStatusResult struct {
hasOriginalLabels bool
jobTargetsStatuses []*jobTargetsStatuses
droppedTargets []droppedTarget
emptyJobs []string
err error
type targetLabels struct {
up bool
originalLabels *promutils.Labels
labels *promutils.Labels
type targetLabelsByJob struct {
jobName string
targets []targetLabels
activeTargets int
droppedTargets int
func getMetricRelabelContextByTargetID(targetID string) (*promrelabel.ParsedConfigs, *promutils.Labels, bool) {
for sw := range tsmGlobal.m {
// The target is uniquely identified by a pointer to its original labels.
if getLabelsID(sw.Config.OriginalLabels) == targetID {
return sw.Config.MetricRelabelConfigs, sw.Config.Labels, true
return nil, nil, false
func getTargetRelabelContextByTargetID(targetID string) (*promrelabel.ParsedConfigs, *promutils.Labels, bool) {
var relabelConfigs *promrelabel.ParsedConfigs
var labels *promutils.Labels
found := false
// Search for relabel context in tsmGlobal (aka active targets)
for sw := range tsmGlobal.m {
// The target is uniquely identified by a pointer to its original labels.
if getLabelsID(sw.Config.OriginalLabels) == targetID {
relabelConfigs = sw.Config.RelabelConfigs
labels = sw.Config.OriginalLabels
found = true
if found {
return relabelConfigs, labels, true
// Search for relabel context in droppedTargetsMap (aka deleted targets)
for _, dt := range droppedTargetsMap.m {
if getLabelsID(dt.originalLabels) == targetID {
relabelConfigs = dt.relabelConfigs
labels = dt.originalLabels
found = true
return relabelConfigs, labels, found
func (tsr *targetsStatusResult) getTargetLabelsByJob() []*targetLabelsByJob {
byJob := make(map[string]*targetLabelsByJob)
for _, jts := range tsr.jobTargetsStatuses {
jobName := jts.jobName
for _, ts := range jts.targetsStatus {
m := byJob[jobName]
if m == nil {
m = &targetLabelsByJob{
jobName: jobName,
byJob[jobName] = m
m.targets = append(m.targets, targetLabels{
up: ts.up,
originalLabels: ts.sw.Config.OriginalLabels,
labels: ts.sw.Config.Labels,
for _, dt := range tsr.droppedTargets {
jobName := dt.originalLabels.Get("job")
m := byJob[jobName]
if m == nil {
m = &targetLabelsByJob{
jobName: jobName,
byJob[jobName] = m
m.targets = append(m.targets, targetLabels{
originalLabels: dt.originalLabels,
a := make([]*targetLabelsByJob, 0, len(byJob))
for _, tls := range byJob {
a = append(a, tls)
sort.Slice(a, func(i, j int) bool {
return a[i].jobName < a[j].jobName
return a