Aliaksandr Valialkin ed73f8350b
app/vlinsert: allow specifying comma-separated list of fields containing log message via _msg_field query arg and VL-Msg-Field HTTP request header
This msy be useful when ingesting logs from different sources, which store the log message in different fields.
For example, `_msg_field=message,,some_field` will get log message from the first non-empty field:
`message`, `` and `some_field`.
2024-10-30 14:17:33 +01:00

108 lines
3.2 KiB

package elasticsearch
import (
func TestReadBulkRequest_Failure(t *testing.T) {
f := func(data string) {
tlp := &insertutils.TestLogMessageProcessor{}
r := bytes.NewBufferString(data)
rows, err := readBulkRequest(r, false, "_time", []string{"_msg"}, tlp)
if err == nil {
t.Fatalf("expecting non-empty error")
if rows != 0 {
t.Fatalf("unexpected non-zero rows=%d", rows)
func TestReadBulkRequest_Success(t *testing.T) {
f := func(data, timeField, msgField string, rowsExpected int, timestampsExpected []int64, resultExpected string) {
msgFields := []string{"non_existing_foo", msgField, "non_exiting_bar"}
tlp := &insertutils.TestLogMessageProcessor{}
// Read the request without compression
r := bytes.NewBufferString(data)
rows, err := readBulkRequest(r, false, timeField, msgFields, tlp)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %s", err)
if rows != rowsExpected {
t.Fatalf("unexpected rows read; got %d; want %d", rows, rowsExpected)
if err := tlp.Verify(rowsExpected, timestampsExpected, resultExpected); err != nil {
// Read the request with compression
tlp = &insertutils.TestLogMessageProcessor{}
compressedData := compressData(data)
r = bytes.NewBufferString(compressedData)
rows, err = readBulkRequest(r, true, timeField, msgFields, tlp)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %s", err)
if rows != rowsExpected {
t.Fatalf("unexpected rows read; got %d; want %d", rows, rowsExpected)
if err := tlp.Verify(rowsExpected, timestampsExpected, resultExpected); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("verification failure after compression: %s", err)
// Verify an empty data
f("", "_time", "_msg", 0, nil, "")
f("\n", "_time", "_msg", 0, nil, "")
f("\n\n", "_time", "_msg", 0, nil, "")
// Verify non-empty data
data := `{"create":{"_index":"filebeat-8.8.0"}}
{"@timestamp":"2023-06-06 04:48:12.735+01:00","message":"baz"}
{"message":"qwe rty","@timestamp":"1686026893"}
timeField := "@timestamp"
msgField := "message"
rowsExpected := 4
timestampsExpected := []int64{1686026891735000000, 1686023292735000000, 1686026893735000000, 1686026893000000000}
resultExpected := `{"log.offset":"71770","log.file.path":"/var/log/auth.log","_msg":"foobar"}
{"_msg":"qwe rty"}`
f(data, timeField, msgField, rowsExpected, timestampsExpected, resultExpected)
func compressData(s string) string {
var bb bytes.Buffer
zw := gzip.NewWriter(&bb)
if _, err := zw.Write([]byte(s)); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("unexpected error when compressing data: %w", err))
if err := zw.Close(); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("unexpected error when closing gzip writer: %w", err))
return bb.String()