Aliaksandr Valialkin 7f4fb34182 app/vmctl: move vmctl code from
It is better developing vmctl tool in VictoriaMetrics repository, so it could be released
together with the rest of vmutils tools such as vmalert, vmagent, vmbackup, vmrestore and vmauth.
2021-02-01 01:18:39 +02:00

200 lines
9.5 KiB

// Copyright 2014 The Prometheus Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package prometheus is the core instrumentation package. It provides metrics
// primitives to instrument code for monitoring. It also offers a registry for
// metrics. Sub-packages allow to expose the registered metrics via HTTP
// (package promhttp) or push them to a Pushgateway (package push). There is
// also a sub-package promauto, which provides metrics constructors with
// automatic registration.
// All exported functions and methods are safe to be used concurrently unless
// specified otherwise.
// A Basic Example
// As a starting point, a very basic usage example:
// package main
// import (
// "log"
// "net/http"
// ""
// ""
// )
// var (
// cpuTemp = prometheus.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
// Name: "cpu_temperature_celsius",
// Help: "Current temperature of the CPU.",
// })
// hdFailures = prometheus.NewCounterVec(
// prometheus.CounterOpts{
// Name: "hd_errors_total",
// Help: "Number of hard-disk errors.",
// },
// []string{"device"},
// )
// )
// func init() {
// // Metrics have to be registered to be exposed:
// prometheus.MustRegister(cpuTemp)
// prometheus.MustRegister(hdFailures)
// }
// func main() {
// cpuTemp.Set(65.3)
// hdFailures.With(prometheus.Labels{"device":"/dev/sda"}).Inc()
// // The Handler function provides a default handler to expose metrics
// // via an HTTP server. "/metrics" is the usual endpoint for that.
// http.Handle("/metrics", promhttp.Handler())
// log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil))
// }
// This is a complete program that exports two metrics, a Gauge and a Counter,
// the latter with a label attached to turn it into a (one-dimensional) vector.
// Metrics
// The number of exported identifiers in this package might appear a bit
// overwhelming. However, in addition to the basic plumbing shown in the example
// above, you only need to understand the different metric types and their
// vector versions for basic usage. Furthermore, if you are not concerned with
// fine-grained control of when and how to register metrics with the registry,
// have a look at the promauto package, which will effectively allow you to
// ignore registration altogether in simple cases.
// Above, you have already touched the Counter and the Gauge. There are two more
// advanced metric types: the Summary and Histogram. A more thorough description
// of those four metric types can be found in the Prometheus docs:
// In addition to the fundamental metric types Gauge, Counter, Summary, and
// Histogram, a very important part of the Prometheus data model is the
// partitioning of samples along dimensions called labels, which results in
// metric vectors. The fundamental types are GaugeVec, CounterVec, SummaryVec,
// and HistogramVec.
// While only the fundamental metric types implement the Metric interface, both
// the metrics and their vector versions implement the Collector interface. A
// Collector manages the collection of a number of Metrics, but for convenience,
// a Metric can also “collect itself”. Note that Gauge, Counter, Summary, and
// Histogram are interfaces themselves while GaugeVec, CounterVec, SummaryVec,
// and HistogramVec are not.
// To create instances of Metrics and their vector versions, you need a suitable
// …Opts struct, i.e. GaugeOpts, CounterOpts, SummaryOpts, or HistogramOpts.
// Custom Collectors and constant Metrics
// While you could create your own implementations of Metric, most likely you
// will only ever implement the Collector interface on your own. At a first
// glance, a custom Collector seems handy to bundle Metrics for common
// registration (with the prime example of the different metric vectors above,
// which bundle all the metrics of the same name but with different labels).
// There is a more involved use case, too: If you already have metrics
// available, created outside of the Prometheus context, you don't need the
// interface of the various Metric types. You essentially want to mirror the
// existing numbers into Prometheus Metrics during collection. An own
// implementation of the Collector interface is perfect for that. You can create
// Metric instances “on the fly” using NewConstMetric, NewConstHistogram, and
// NewConstSummary (and their respective Must… versions). NewConstMetric is used
// for all metric types with just a float64 as their value: Counter, Gauge, and
// a special “type” called Untyped. Use the latter if you are not sure if the
// mirrored metric is a Counter or a Gauge. Creation of the Metric instance
// happens in the Collect method. The Describe method has to return separate
// Desc instances, representative of the “throw-away” metrics to be created
// later. NewDesc comes in handy to create those Desc instances. Alternatively,
// you could return no Desc at all, which will mark the Collector “unchecked”.
// No checks are performed at registration time, but metric consistency will
// still be ensured at scrape time, i.e. any inconsistencies will lead to scrape
// errors. Thus, with unchecked Collectors, the responsibility to not collect
// metrics that lead to inconsistencies in the total scrape result lies with the
// implementer of the Collector. While this is not a desirable state, it is
// sometimes necessary. The typical use case is a situation where the exact
// metrics to be returned by a Collector cannot be predicted at registration
// time, but the implementer has sufficient knowledge of the whole system to
// guarantee metric consistency.
// The Collector example illustrates the use case. You can also look at the
// source code of the processCollector (mirroring process metrics), the
// goCollector (mirroring Go metrics), or the expvarCollector (mirroring expvar
// metrics) as examples that are used in this package itself.
// If you just need to call a function to get a single float value to collect as
// a metric, GaugeFunc, CounterFunc, or UntypedFunc might be interesting
// shortcuts.
// Advanced Uses of the Registry
// While MustRegister is the by far most common way of registering a Collector,
// sometimes you might want to handle the errors the registration might cause.
// As suggested by the name, MustRegister panics if an error occurs. With the
// Register function, the error is returned and can be handled.
// An error is returned if the registered Collector is incompatible or
// inconsistent with already registered metrics. The registry aims for
// consistency of the collected metrics according to the Prometheus data model.
// Inconsistencies are ideally detected at registration time, not at collect
// time. The former will usually be detected at start-up time of a program,
// while the latter will only happen at scrape time, possibly not even on the
// first scrape if the inconsistency only becomes relevant later. That is the
// main reason why a Collector and a Metric have to describe themselves to the
// registry.
// So far, everything we did operated on the so-called default registry, as it
// can be found in the global DefaultRegisterer variable. With NewRegistry, you
// can create a custom registry, or you can even implement the Registerer or
// Gatherer interfaces yourself. The methods Register and Unregister work in the
// same way on a custom registry as the global functions Register and Unregister
// on the default registry.
// There are a number of uses for custom registries: You can use registries with
// special properties, see NewPedanticRegistry. You can avoid global state, as
// it is imposed by the DefaultRegisterer. You can use multiple registries at
// the same time to expose different metrics in different ways. You can use
// separate registries for testing purposes.
// Also note that the DefaultRegisterer comes registered with a Collector for Go
// runtime metrics (via NewGoCollector) and a Collector for process metrics (via
// NewProcessCollector). With a custom registry, you are in control and decide
// yourself about the Collectors to register.
// HTTP Exposition
// The Registry implements the Gatherer interface. The caller of the Gather
// method can then expose the gathered metrics in some way. Usually, the metrics
// are served via HTTP on the /metrics endpoint. That's happening in the example
// above. The tools to expose metrics via HTTP are in the promhttp sub-package.
// Pushing to the Pushgateway
// Function for pushing to the Pushgateway can be found in the push sub-package.
// Graphite Bridge
// Functions and examples to push metrics from a Gatherer to Graphite can be
// found in the graphite sub-package.
// Other Means of Exposition
// More ways of exposing metrics can easily be added by following the approaches
// of the existing implementations.
package prometheus