mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 07:01:02 +01:00

This code adds Exemplars to VMagent and the promscrape parser adhering
to OpenMetrics Specifications. This will allow forwarding of exemplars
to Prometheus and other third party apps that support OpenMetrics specs.
Signed-off-by: Ted Possible <ted_possible@cable.comcast.com>
(cherry picked from commit 5a3abfa041
899 lines
26 KiB
899 lines
26 KiB
package promscrape
import (
parser "github.com/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics/lib/protoparser/prometheus"
func TestIsAutoMetric(t *testing.T) {
f := func(metric string, resultExpected bool) {
result := isAutoMetric(metric)
if result != resultExpected {
t.Fatalf("unexpected result for isAutoMetric(%q); got %v; want %v", metric, result, resultExpected)
f("up", true)
f("scrape_duration_seconds", true)
f("scrape_samples_scraped", true)
f("scrape_samples_post_metric_relabeling", true)
f("scrape_series_added", true)
f("scrape_timeout_seconds", true)
f("scrape_samples_limit", true)
f("scrape_series_limit_samples_dropped", true)
f("scrape_series_limit", true)
f("scrape_series_current", true)
f("foobar", false)
f("exported_up", false)
f("upx", false)
func TestAppendExtraLabels(t *testing.T) {
f := func(sourceLabels, extraLabels string, honorLabels bool, resultExpected string) {
src := promutils.MustNewLabelsFromString(sourceLabels)
extra := promutils.MustNewLabelsFromString(extraLabels)
var labels promutils.Labels
labels.Labels = appendExtraLabels(src.GetLabels(), extra.GetLabels(), 0, honorLabels)
result := labels.String()
if result != resultExpected {
t.Fatalf("unexpected result; got\n%s\nwant\n%s", result, resultExpected)
f("{}", "{}", true, "{}")
f("{}", "{}", false, "{}")
f("foo", "{}", true, `{__name__="foo"}`)
f("foo", "{}", false, `{__name__="foo"}`)
f("foo", "bar", true, `{__name__="foo"}`)
f("foo", "bar", false, `{exported___name__="foo",__name__="bar"}`)
f(`{a="b"}`, `{c="d"}`, true, `{a="b",c="d"}`)
f(`{a="b"}`, `{c="d"}`, false, `{a="b",c="d"}`)
f(`{a="b"}`, `{a="d"}`, true, `{a="b"}`)
f(`{a="b"}`, `{a="d"}`, false, `{exported_a="b",a="d"}`)
f(`{a="b",exported_a="x"}`, `{a="d"}`, true, `{a="b",exported_a="x"}`)
f(`{a="b",exported_a="x"}`, `{a="d"}`, false, `{exported_a="b",exported_exported_a="x",a="d"}`)
f(`{a="b"}`, `{a="d",exported_a="x"}`, true, `{a="b",exported_a="x"}`)
f(`{a="b"}`, `{a="d",exported_a="x"}`, false, `{exported_exported_a="b",a="d",exported_a="x"}`)
f(`{foo="a",exported_foo="b"}`, `{exported_foo="c"}`, true, `{foo="a",exported_foo="b"}`)
f(`{foo="a",exported_foo="b"}`, `{exported_foo="c"}`, false, `{foo="a",exported_exported_foo="b",exported_foo="c"}`)
f(`{foo="a",exported_foo="b"}`, `{exported_foo="c",bar="x"}`, true, `{foo="a",exported_foo="b",bar="x"}`)
f(`{foo="a",exported_foo="b"}`, `{exported_foo="c",bar="x"}`, false, `{foo="a",exported_exported_foo="b",exported_foo="c",bar="x"}`)
f(`{foo="a",exported_foo="b"}`, `{exported_foo="c",foo="d"}`, true, `{foo="a",exported_foo="b"}`)
f(`{foo="a",exported_foo="b"}`, `{exported_foo="c",foo="d"}`, false, `{exported_foo="a",exported_exported_foo="b",exported_foo="c",foo="d"}`)
func TestScrapeWorkScrapeInternalFailure(t *testing.T) {
dataExpected := `
up 0 123
scrape_samples_scraped 0 123
scrape_duration_seconds 0 123
scrape_samples_post_metric_relabeling 0 123
scrape_series_added 0 123
scrape_timeout_seconds 42 123
timeseriesExpected := parseData(dataExpected)
var sw scrapeWork
sw.Config = &ScrapeWork{
ScrapeTimeout: time.Second * 42,
readDataCalls := 0
sw.ReadData = func(_ *bytesutil.ByteBuffer) error {
return fmt.Errorf("error when reading data")
pushDataCalls := 0
var pushDataErr error
sw.PushData = func(_ *auth.Token, wr *prompbmarshal.WriteRequest) {
if err := expectEqualTimeseries(wr.Timeseries, timeseriesExpected); err != nil {
pushDataErr = fmt.Errorf("unexpected data pushed: %w\ngot\n%#v\nwant\n%#v", err, wr.Timeseries, timeseriesExpected)
timestamp := int64(123000)
if err := sw.scrapeInternal(timestamp, timestamp); err == nil {
t.Fatalf("expecting non-nil error")
if pushDataErr != nil {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %s", pushDataErr)
if readDataCalls != 1 {
t.Fatalf("unexpected number of readData calls; got %d; want %d", readDataCalls, 1)
if pushDataCalls != 1 {
t.Fatalf("unexpected number of pushData calls; got %d; want %d", pushDataCalls, 1)
func TestScrapeWorkScrapeInternalSuccess(t *testing.T) {
f := func(data string, cfg *ScrapeWork, dataExpected string) {
timeseriesExpected := parseData(dataExpected)
var sw scrapeWork
sw.Config = cfg
readDataCalls := 0
sw.ReadData = func(dst *bytesutil.ByteBuffer) error {
dst.B = append(dst.B, data...)
return nil
pushDataCalls := 0
var pushDataErr error
sw.PushData = func(_ *auth.Token, wr *prompbmarshal.WriteRequest) {
if len(wr.Timeseries) > len(timeseriesExpected) {
pushDataErr = fmt.Errorf("too many time series obtained; got %d; want %d\ngot\n%+v\nwant\n%+v",
len(wr.Timeseries), len(timeseriesExpected), wr.Timeseries, timeseriesExpected)
tsExpected := timeseriesExpected[:len(wr.Timeseries)]
timeseriesExpected = timeseriesExpected[len(tsExpected):]
if err := expectEqualTimeseries(wr.Timeseries, tsExpected); err != nil {
pushDataErr = fmt.Errorf("unexpected data pushed: %w\ngot\n%v\nwant\n%v", err, wr.Timeseries, tsExpected)
timestamp := int64(123000)
if err := sw.scrapeInternal(timestamp, timestamp); err != nil {
if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "sample_limit") {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %s", err)
if pushDataErr != nil {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %s", pushDataErr)
if readDataCalls != 1 {
t.Fatalf("unexpected number of readData calls; got %d; want %d", readDataCalls, 1)
if pushDataCalls == 0 {
t.Fatalf("missing pushData calls")
if len(timeseriesExpected) != 0 {
t.Fatalf("%d series weren't pushed", len(timeseriesExpected))
f(``, &ScrapeWork{
ScrapeTimeout: time.Second * 42,
}, `
up 1 123
scrape_samples_scraped 0 123
scrape_duration_seconds 0 123
scrape_samples_post_metric_relabeling 0 123
scrape_series_added 0 123
scrape_timeout_seconds 42 123
foo{bar="baz",empty_label=""} 34.45 3
abc -2
`, &ScrapeWork{
ScrapeTimeout: time.Second * 42,
}, `
foo{bar="baz"} 34.45 123
abc -2 123
up 1 123
scrape_samples_scraped 2 123
scrape_duration_seconds 0 123
scrape_samples_post_metric_relabeling 2 123
scrape_series_added 2 123
scrape_timeout_seconds 42 123
foo{bar="baz"} 34.45 3
abc -2
`, &ScrapeWork{
ScrapeTimeout: time.Second * 42,
HonorTimestamps: true,
Labels: promutils.NewLabelsFromMap(map[string]string{
"foo": "x",
}, `
foo{bar="baz",foo="x"} 34.45 3
abc{foo="x"} -2 123
up{foo="x"} 1 123
scrape_samples_scraped{foo="x"} 2 123
scrape_duration_seconds{foo="x"} 0 123
scrape_samples_post_metric_relabeling{foo="x"} 2 123
scrape_series_added{foo="x"} 2 123
scrape_timeout_seconds{foo="x"} 42 123
foo{job="orig",bar="baz"} 34.45
bar{y="2",job="aa",a="b",x="1"} -3e4 2345
`, &ScrapeWork{
ScrapeTimeout: time.Second * 42,
HonorLabels: false,
Labels: promutils.NewLabelsFromMap(map[string]string{
"job": "override",
}, `
foo{exported_job="orig",job="override",bar="baz"} 34.45 123
bar{exported_job="aa",job="override",x="1",a="b",y="2"} -3e4 123
up{job="override"} 1 123
scrape_samples_scraped{job="override"} 2 123
scrape_duration_seconds{job="override"} 0 123
scrape_samples_post_metric_relabeling{job="override"} 2 123
scrape_series_added{job="override"} 2 123
scrape_timeout_seconds{job="override"} 42 123
// Empty instance override. See https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics/issues/453
no_instance{instance="",job="some_job",label="val1",test=""} 5555
test_with_instance{instance="some_instance",job="some_job",label="val2",test=""} 1555
`, &ScrapeWork{
ScrapeTimeout: time.Second * 42,
HonorLabels: true,
Labels: promutils.NewLabelsFromMap(map[string]string{
"instance": "foobar",
"job": "xxx",
}, `
no_instance{job="some_job",label="val1"} 5555 123
test_with_instance{instance="some_instance",job="some_job",label="val2"} 1555 123
up{instance="foobar",job="xxx"} 1 123
scrape_samples_scraped{instance="foobar",job="xxx"} 2 123
scrape_duration_seconds{instance="foobar",job="xxx"} 0 123
scrape_samples_post_metric_relabeling{instance="foobar",job="xxx"} 2 123
scrape_series_added{instance="foobar",job="xxx"} 2 123
scrape_timeout_seconds{instance="foobar",job="xxx"} 42 123
no_instance{instance="",job="some_job",label="val1",test=""} 5555
test_with_instance{instance="some_instance",job="some_job",label="val2",test=""} 1555
`, &ScrapeWork{
ScrapeTimeout: time.Second * 42,
HonorLabels: false,
Labels: promutils.NewLabelsFromMap(map[string]string{
"instance": "foobar",
"job": "xxx",
}, `
no_instance{exported_job="some_job",instance="foobar",job="xxx",label="val1"} 5555 123
test_with_instance{exported_instance="some_instance",exported_job="some_job",instance="foobar",job="xxx",label="val2"} 1555 123
up{instance="foobar",job="xxx"} 1 123
scrape_samples_scraped{instance="foobar",job="xxx"} 2 123
scrape_duration_seconds{instance="foobar",job="xxx"} 0 123
scrape_samples_post_metric_relabeling{instance="foobar",job="xxx"} 2 123
scrape_series_added{instance="foobar",job="xxx"} 2 123
scrape_timeout_seconds{instance="foobar",job="xxx"} 42 123
foo{job="orig",bar="baz"} 34.45
bar{job="aa",a="b"} -3e4 2345
`, &ScrapeWork{
ScrapeTimeout: time.Second * 42,
HonorLabels: true,
Labels: promutils.NewLabelsFromMap(map[string]string{
"job": "override",
}, `
foo{job="orig",bar="baz"} 34.45 123
bar{job="aa",a="b"} -3e4 123
up{job="override"} 1 123
scrape_samples_scraped{job="override"} 2 123
scrape_duration_seconds{job="override"} 0 123
scrape_samples_post_metric_relabeling{job="override"} 2 123
scrape_series_added{job="override"} 2 123
scrape_timeout_seconds{job="override"} 42 123
foo{bar="baz"} 34.44
bar{a="b",c="d"} -3e4
`, &ScrapeWork{
ScrapeTimeout: time.Second * 42,
HonorLabels: true,
Labels: promutils.NewLabelsFromMap(map[string]string{
"job": "xx",
"__address__": "foo.com",
MetricRelabelConfigs: mustParseRelabelConfigs(`
- action: replace
source_labels: ["__address__", "job"]
separator: "/"
target_label: "instance"
- action: labeldrop
regex: c
}, `
foo{bar="baz",job="xx",instance="foo.com/xx"} 34.44 123
bar{a="b",job="xx",instance="foo.com/xx"} -3e4 123
up{job="xx"} 1 123
scrape_samples_scraped{job="xx"} 2 123
scrape_duration_seconds{job="xx"} 0 123
scrape_samples_post_metric_relabeling{job="xx"} 2 123
scrape_series_added{job="xx"} 2 123
scrape_timeout_seconds{job="xx"} 42 123
foo{bar="baz"} 34.44
bar{a="b",c="d",} -3e4
dropme{foo="bar"} 334
dropme{xxx="yy",ss="dsf"} 843
`, &ScrapeWork{
ScrapeTimeout: time.Second * 42,
HonorLabels: true,
Labels: promutils.NewLabelsFromMap(map[string]string{
"job": "xx",
"instance": "foo.com",
MetricRelabelConfigs: mustParseRelabelConfigs(`
- action: drop
separator: ""
source_labels: [a, c]
regex: "^bd$"
- action: drop
source_labels: [__name__]
regex: "dropme|up"
}, `
foo{bar="baz",job="xx",instance="foo.com"} 34.44 123
up{job="xx",instance="foo.com"} 1 123
scrape_samples_scraped{job="xx",instance="foo.com"} 4 123
scrape_duration_seconds{job="xx",instance="foo.com"} 0 123
scrape_samples_post_metric_relabeling{job="xx",instance="foo.com"} 1 123
scrape_series_added{job="xx",instance="foo.com"} 4 123
scrape_timeout_seconds{job="xx",instance="foo.com"} 42 123
// Scrape metrics with names clashing with auto metrics
// See https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics/issues/3406
up{bar="baz"} 34.44
bar{a="b",c="d"} -3e4
scrape_series_added 3.435
`, &ScrapeWork{
ScrapeTimeout: time.Second * 42,
}, `
up{bar="baz"} 34.44 123
bar{a="b",c="d"} -3e4 123
exported_scrape_series_added 3.435 123
up 1 123
scrape_duration_seconds 0 123
scrape_samples_scraped 3 123
scrape_samples_post_metric_relabeling 3 123
scrape_timeout_seconds 42 123
scrape_series_added 3 123
up{bar="baz"} 34.44
bar{a="b",c="d"} -3e4
scrape_series_added 3.435
`, &ScrapeWork{
ScrapeTimeout: time.Second * 42,
HonorLabels: true,
}, `
up{bar="baz"} 34.44 123
bar{a="b",c="d"} -3e4 123
scrape_series_added 3.435 123
up 1 123
scrape_samples_scraped 3 123
scrape_duration_seconds 0 123
scrape_samples_post_metric_relabeling 3 123
scrape_series_added 3 123
scrape_timeout_seconds 42 123
// Scrape success with the given SampleLimit.
foo{bar="baz"} 34.44
bar{a="b",c="d"} -3e4
`, &ScrapeWork{
ScrapeTimeout: time.Second * 42,
SampleLimit: 2,
}, `
foo{bar="baz"} 34.44 123
bar{a="b",c="d"} -3e4 123
up 1 123
scrape_samples_limit 2 123
scrape_samples_scraped 2 123
scrape_duration_seconds 0 123
scrape_samples_post_metric_relabeling 2 123
scrape_series_added 2 123
scrape_timeout_seconds 42 123
// Scrape failure because of the exceeded SampleLimit
foo{bar="baz"} 34.44
bar{a="b",c="d"} -3e4
`, &ScrapeWork{
ScrapeTimeout: time.Second * 42,
HonorLabels: true,
SampleLimit: 1,
SeriesLimit: 123,
}, `
up 0 123
scrape_samples_scraped 2 123
scrape_duration_seconds 0 123
scrape_samples_post_metric_relabeling 2 123
scrape_samples_limit 1 123
scrape_series_added 0 123
scrape_series_current 0 123
scrape_series_limit 123 123
scrape_series_limit_samples_dropped 0 123
scrape_timeout_seconds 42 123
// Scrape success with the given SeriesLimit.
foo{bar="baz"} 34.44
bar{a="b",c="d"} -3e4
`, &ScrapeWork{
ScrapeTimeout: time.Second * 42,
SeriesLimit: 123,
}, `
foo{bar="baz"} 34.44 123
bar{a="b",c="d"} -3e4 123
up 1 123
scrape_samples_scraped 2 123
scrape_duration_seconds 0 123
scrape_samples_post_metric_relabeling 2 123
scrape_series_added 2 123
scrape_series_current 2 123
scrape_series_limit 123 123
scrape_series_limit_samples_dropped 0 123
scrape_timeout_seconds 42 123
// Exceed SeriesLimit.
foo{bar="baz"} 34.44
bar{a="b",c="d"} -3e4
`, &ScrapeWork{
ScrapeTimeout: time.Second * 42,
SeriesLimit: 1,
}, `
foo{bar="baz"} 34.44 123
up 1 123
scrape_samples_scraped 2 123
scrape_duration_seconds 0 123
scrape_samples_post_metric_relabeling 2 123
scrape_series_added 2 123
scrape_series_current 1 123
scrape_series_limit 1 123
scrape_series_limit_samples_dropped 1 123
scrape_timeout_seconds 42 123
func TestAddRowToTimeseriesNoRelabeling(t *testing.T) {
f := func(row string, cfg *ScrapeWork, dataExpected string) {
sw := scrapeWork{
Config: cfg,
var wc writeRequestCtx
r := parsePromRow(row)
sw.addRowToTimeseries(&wc, r, r.Timestamp, false)
tss := wc.writeRequest.Timeseries
tssExpected := parseData(dataExpected)
if err := expectEqualTimeseries(tss, tssExpected); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("%s\ngot\n%v\nwant\n%v", err, tss, tssExpected)
// HonorLabels=false, empty Labels and ExternalLabels
f(`metric 0 123`,
HonorLabels: false,
`metric 0 123`)
f(`metric{a="f"} 0 123`,
HonorLabels: false,
`metric{a="f"} 0 123`)
// HonorLabels=true, empty Labels and ExternalLabels
f(`metric 0 123`,
HonorLabels: true,
`metric 0 123`)
f(`metric{a="f"} 0 123`,
HonorLabels: true,
`metric{a="f"} 0 123`)
// HonorLabels=false, non-empty Labels
f(`metric 0 123`,
Labels: promutils.NewLabelsFromMap(map[string]string{
"a": "f",
HonorLabels: false,
`metric{a="f"} 0 123`)
f(`metric{foo="bar"} 0 123`,
Labels: promutils.NewLabelsFromMap(map[string]string{
"a": "f",
HonorLabels: false,
`metric{a="f",foo="bar"} 0 123`)
// HonorLabels=true, non-empty Labels
f(`metric 0 123`,
Labels: promutils.NewLabelsFromMap(map[string]string{
"a": "f",
HonorLabels: true,
`metric{a="f"} 0 123`)
f(`metric{foo="bar"} 0 123`,
Labels: promutils.NewLabelsFromMap(map[string]string{
"a": "f",
HonorLabels: true,
`metric{a="f",foo="bar"} 0 123`)
// HonorLabels=false, non-empty ExternalLabels
f(`metric 0 123`,
ExternalLabels: promutils.NewLabelsFromMap(map[string]string{
"a": "f",
HonorLabels: false,
`metric{a="f"} 0 123`)
f(`metric{foo="bar"} 0 123`,
ExternalLabels: promutils.NewLabelsFromMap(map[string]string{
"a": "f",
HonorLabels: false,
`metric{a="f",foo="bar"} 0 123`)
// HonorLabels=true, non-empty ExternalLabels
f(`metric 0 123`,
ExternalLabels: promutils.NewLabelsFromMap(map[string]string{
"a": "f",
HonorLabels: true,
`metric{a="f"} 0 123`)
f(`metric{foo="bar"} 0 123`,
ExternalLabels: promutils.NewLabelsFromMap(map[string]string{
"a": "f",
HonorLabels: true,
`metric{a="f",foo="bar"} 0 123`)
// HonorLabels=false, non-empty Labels and ExternalLabels
f(`metric 0 123`,
Labels: promutils.NewLabelsFromMap(map[string]string{
"x": "y",
ExternalLabels: promutils.NewLabelsFromMap(map[string]string{
"a": "f",
HonorLabels: false,
`metric{a="f",x="y"} 0 123`)
f(`metric{foo="bar"} 0 123`,
Labels: promutils.NewLabelsFromMap(map[string]string{
"x": "y",
ExternalLabels: promutils.NewLabelsFromMap(map[string]string{
"a": "f",
HonorLabels: false,
`metric{a="f",foo="bar",x="y"} 0 123`)
// HonorLabels=true, non-empty Labels and ExternalLabels
f(`metric 0 123`,
Labels: promutils.NewLabelsFromMap(map[string]string{
"x": "y",
ExternalLabels: promutils.NewLabelsFromMap(map[string]string{
"a": "f",
HonorLabels: true,
`metric{a="f",x="y"} 0 123`)
f(`metric{foo="bar"} 0 123`,
Labels: promutils.NewLabelsFromMap(map[string]string{
"x": "y",
ExternalLabels: promutils.NewLabelsFromMap(map[string]string{
"a": "f",
HonorLabels: true,
`metric{a="f",foo="bar",x="y"} 0 123`)
// HonorLabels=false, clashing Labels and metric label
f(`metric{a="b"} 0 123`,
Labels: promutils.NewLabelsFromMap(map[string]string{
"a": "f",
HonorLabels: false,
`metric{a="f",exported_a="b"} 0 123`)
// HonorLabels=true, clashing Labels and metric label
f(`metric{a="b"} 0 123`,
Labels: promutils.NewLabelsFromMap(map[string]string{
"a": "f",
HonorLabels: true,
`metric{a="b"} 0 123`)
// HonorLabels=false, clashing ExternalLabels and metric label
f(`metric{a="b"} 0 123`,
ExternalLabels: promutils.NewLabelsFromMap(map[string]string{
"a": "f",
HonorLabels: false,
`metric{a="f",exported_a="b"} 0 123`)
// HonorLabels=true, clashing ExternalLabels and metric label
f(`metric{a="b"} 0 123`,
ExternalLabels: promutils.NewLabelsFromMap(map[string]string{
"a": "f",
HonorLabels: true,
`metric{a="b"} 0 123`)
// HonorLabels=false, clashing Labels and ExternalLAbels
f(`metric 0 123`,
Labels: promutils.NewLabelsFromMap(map[string]string{
"a": "e",
ExternalLabels: promutils.NewLabelsFromMap(map[string]string{
"a": "f",
HonorLabels: false,
`metric{a="f",exported_a="e"} 0 123`)
f(`metric{foo="bar"} 0 123`,
Labels: promutils.NewLabelsFromMap(map[string]string{
"a": "e",
ExternalLabels: promutils.NewLabelsFromMap(map[string]string{
"a": "f",
HonorLabels: false,
`metric{a="f",foo="bar",exported_a="e"} 0 123`)
// HonorLabels=true, clashing Labels and ExternalLAbels
f(`metric 0 123`,
Labels: promutils.NewLabelsFromMap(map[string]string{
"a": "e",
ExternalLabels: promutils.NewLabelsFromMap(map[string]string{
"a": "f",
HonorLabels: true,
`metric{a="e"} 0 123`)
f(`metric{foo="bar"} 0 123`,
Labels: promutils.NewLabelsFromMap(map[string]string{
"a": "e",
ExternalLabels: promutils.NewLabelsFromMap(map[string]string{
"a": "f",
HonorLabels: true,
`metric{a="e",foo="bar"} 0 123`)
f(`metric{foo="bar"} 0 123 # {trace_id="12345"} 52 456`,
HonorLabels: true,
`metric{foo="bar"} 0 123 # {trace_id="12345"} 52 456`)
func TestSendStaleSeries(t *testing.T) {
f := func(lastScrape, currScrape string, staleMarksExpected int) {
var sw scrapeWork
sw.Config = &ScrapeWork{
NoStaleMarkers: false,
defer common.StopUnmarshalWorkers()
var staleMarks int
sw.PushData = func(_ *auth.Token, wr *prompbmarshal.WriteRequest) {
staleMarks += len(wr.Timeseries)
sw.sendStaleSeries(lastScrape, currScrape, 0, false)
if staleMarks != staleMarksExpected {
t.Fatalf("unexpected number of stale marks; got %d; want %d", staleMarks, staleMarksExpected)
generateScrape := func(n int) string {
w := strings.Builder{}
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
w.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("foo_%d 1\n", i))
return w.String()
f("", "", 0)
f(generateScrape(10), generateScrape(10), 0)
f(generateScrape(10), "", 10)
f("", generateScrape(10), 0)
f(generateScrape(10), generateScrape(3), 7)
f(generateScrape(3), generateScrape(10), 0)
f(generateScrape(20000), generateScrape(10), 19990)
func parsePromRow(data string) *parser.Row {
var rows parser.Rows
errLogger := func(s string) {
panic(fmt.Errorf("unexpected error when unmarshaling Prometheus rows: %s", s))
rows.UnmarshalWithErrLogger(data, errLogger)
if len(rows.Rows) != 1 {
panic(fmt.Errorf("unexpected number of rows parsed from %q; got %d; want %d", data, len(rows.Rows), 1))
return &rows.Rows[0]
func parseData(data string) []prompbmarshal.TimeSeries {
var rows parser.Rows
errLogger := func(s string) {
panic(fmt.Errorf("unexpected error when unmarshaling Prometheus rows: %s", s))
rows.UnmarshalWithErrLogger(data, errLogger)
var tss []prompbmarshal.TimeSeries
var exemplars []prompbmarshal.Exemplar
for _, r := range rows.Rows {
labels := []prompbmarshal.Label{
Name: "__name__",
Value: r.Metric,
for _, tag := range r.Tags {
labels = append(labels, prompbmarshal.Label{
Name: tag.Key,
Value: tag.Value,
exemplarLabels := []prompbmarshal.Label{}
if len(r.Exemplar.Tags) > 0 {
for _, tag := range r.Exemplar.Tags {
exemplarLabels = append(exemplarLabels, prompbmarshal.Label{
Name: tag.Key,
Value: tag.Value,
exemplars = append(exemplars, prompbmarshal.Exemplar{
Labels: exemplarLabels,
Value: r.Exemplar.Value,
Timestamp: r.Exemplar.Timestamp,
var ts prompbmarshal.TimeSeries
ts.Labels = labels
ts.Samples = []prompbmarshal.Sample{
Value: r.Value,
Timestamp: r.Timestamp,
ts.Exemplars = exemplars
tss = append(tss, ts)
return tss
func expectEqualTimeseries(tss, tssExpected []prompbmarshal.TimeSeries) error {
m, err := timeseriesToMap(tss)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid generated timeseries: %w", err)
mExpected, err := timeseriesToMap(tssExpected)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid expected timeseries: %w", err)
if len(m) != len(mExpected) {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected time series len; got %d; want %d", len(m), len(mExpected))
for k, tsExpected := range mExpected {
ts := m[k]
if ts != tsExpected {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected timeseries %q;\ngot\n%s\nwant\n%s", k, ts, tsExpected)
return nil
func timeseriesToMap(tss []prompbmarshal.TimeSeries) (map[string]string, error) {
m := make(map[string]string, len(tss))
for i := range tss {
ts := &tss[i]
if len(ts.Labels) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected empty labels for timeseries #%d; timeseries: %#v", i, ts)
if len(ts.Samples) != 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected number of samples for timeseries #%d; got %d; want %d", i, len(ts.Samples), 1)
if ts.Labels[0].Name != "__name__" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected first name for timeseries #%d; got %q; want %q", i, ts.Labels[0].Name, "__name__")
if ts.Labels[0].Value == "scrape_duration_seconds" {
// Reset scrape_duration_seconds value to 0, since it is non-deterministic
ts.Samples[0].Value = 0
m[ts.Labels[0].Value] = timeseriesToString(ts)
return m, nil
func timeseriesToString(ts *prompbmarshal.TimeSeries) string {
var sb strings.Builder
fmt.Fprintf(&sb, "{")
for i, label := range ts.Labels {
fmt.Fprintf(&sb, "%s=%q", label.Name, label.Value)
if i+1 < len(ts.Labels) {
fmt.Fprintf(&sb, ",")
fmt.Fprintf(&sb, "} ")
if len(ts.Samples) != 1 {
panic(fmt.Errorf("expecting a single sample; got %d samples", len(ts.Samples)))
s := ts.Samples[0]
fmt.Fprintf(&sb, "%g %d", s.Value, s.Timestamp)
// Add Exemplars to the end of string
for j, exemplar := range ts.Exemplars {
for i, label := range exemplar.Labels {
fmt.Fprintf(&sb, "%s=%q", label.Name, label.Value)
if i+1 < len(ts.Labels) {
fmt.Fprintf(&sb, ",")
fmt.Fprintf(&sb, "%g %d", exemplar.Value, exemplar.Timestamp)
if j+1 < len(ts.Exemplars) {
fmt.Fprintf(&sb, ",")
return sb.String()
func mustParseRelabelConfigs(config string) *promrelabel.ParsedConfigs {
pcs, err := promrelabel.ParseRelabelConfigsData([]byte(config))
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("cannot parse %q: %w", config, err))
return pcs