
Type: application Version: 0.34.8 Artifact Hub

Victoria Metrics Operator


  • Install the follow packages: git, kubectl, helm, helm-docs. See this tutorial.
  • PV support on underlying infrastructure.

ArgoCD issues

When running operator using ArgoCD without Cert Manager (.Values.admissionWebhooks.certManager.enabled: false) it will rerender webhook certificates on each sync since Helm lookup function is not respected by ArgoCD. To prevent this please update you operator Application spec.syncPolicy and spec.ignoreDifferences with a following:

kind: Application
    # argocd must also ignore difference during apply stage
    # otherwise it ll silently override changes and cause a problem
    - RespectIgnoreDifferences=true
    - group: ""
      kind: Secret
      name: <fullname>-validation
      namespace: kube-system
        - /data
    - group:
      kind: ValidatingWebhookConfiguration
      name: <fullname>-admission
      - '.webhooks[]?.clientConfig.caBundle'

where <fullname> is output of {{ include "vm-operator.fullname" }} for your setup

Upgrade guide

During release an issue with helm CRD was discovered. So for upgrade from version less then 0.1.3 you have to two options:

  1. use helm management for CRD, enabled by default.
  2. use own management system, need to add variable: --set createCRD=false.

If you choose helm management, following steps must be done before upgrade:

  1. define namespace and helm release name variables
export NAMESPACE=default
export RELEASE_NAME=operator

execute kubectl commands:

kubectl get crd  | grep | awk '{print $1 }' | xargs -i kubectl label crd {} --overwrite
kubectl get crd  | grep | awk '{print $1 }' | xargs -i kubectl annotate crd {}"$NAMESPACE""$RELEASE_NAME"  --overwrite

run helm upgrade command.

Chart Details

This chart will do the following:

  • Rollout victoria metrics operator

How to install

Access a Kubernetes cluster.

Setup chart repository (can be omitted for OCI repositories)

Add a chart helm repository with follow commands:

helm repo add vm

helm repo update

List versions of vm/victoria-metrics-operator chart available to installation:

helm search repo vm/victoria-metrics-operator -l

Install victoria-metrics-operator chart

Export default values of victoria-metrics-operator chart to file values.yaml:

  • For HTTPS repository

    helm show values vm/victoria-metrics-operator > values.yaml
  • For OCI repository

    helm show values oci:// > values.yaml

Change the values according to the need of the environment in values.yaml file.

Test the installation with command:

  • For HTTPS repository

    helm install vmo vm/victoria-metrics-operator -f values.yaml -n NAMESPACE --debug --dry-run
  • For OCI repository

    helm install vmo oci:// -f values.yaml -n NAMESPACE --debug --dry-run

Install chart with command:

  • For HTTPS repository

    helm install vmo vm/victoria-metrics-operator -f values.yaml -n NAMESPACE
  • For OCI repository

    helm install vmo oci:// -f values.yaml -n NAMESPACE

Get the pods lists by running this commands:

kubectl get pods -A | grep 'vmo'

Get the application by running this command:

helm list -f vmo -n NAMESPACE

See the history of versions of vmo application with command.

helm history vmo -n NAMESPACE

Validation webhook

Its possible to use validation of created resources with operator. For now, you need cert-manager to easily certificate management

  enabled: true
  # what to do in case, when operator not available to validate request.
    # enables cert creation and injection by cert-manager
    enabled: true

How to uninstall

Remove application with command.

helm uninstall vmo -n NAMESPACE

Documentation of Helm Chart

Install helm-docs following the instructions on this tutorial.

Generate docs with helm-docs command.

cd charts/victoria-metrics-operator


The markdown generation is entirely go template driven. The tool parses metadata from charts and generates a number of sub-templates that can be referenced in a template file (by default If no template file is provided, the tool has a default internal template that will generate a reasonably formatted README.


The following tables lists the configurable parameters of the chart and their default values.

Change the values according to the need of the environment in victoria-metrics-operator/values.yaml file.

Key Type Default Description
admissionWebhooks object
    enabled: false
    issuer: {}
enabled: true
    vlogs: true
    vmagent: true
    vmalert: true
    vmalertmanager: true
    vmalertmanagerconfig: true
    vmauth: true
    vmcluster: true
    vmrule: true
    vmsingle: true
    vmuser: true
keepTLSSecret: true
policy: Fail
    caCert: null
    cert: null
    key: null

Configures resource validation

admissionWebhooks.certManager object
enabled: false
issuer: {}

with keys: tls.key, tls.crt, ca.crt

admissionWebhooks.certManager.enabled bool

Enables cert creation and injection by cert-manager.

admissionWebhooks.certManager.issuer object

If needed, provide own issuer. Operator will create self-signed if empty.

admissionWebhooks.enabled bool

Enables validation webhook.

admissionWebhooks.policy string

What to do in case, when operator not available to validate request.

affinity object

Pod affinity

annotations object

Annotations to be added to the all resources

crd.cleanup.enabled bool

Tells helm to clean up all the vm resources under this releases namespace when uninstalling

crd.cleanup.image object
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
repository: bitnami/kubectl
tag: ""

Image configuration for CRD cleanup Job

crd.create bool

with this option, if you remove this chart, all crd resources will be deleted with it.

env list

extra settings for the operator deployment. Full list here

envFrom list
extraArgs object

operator container additional commandline arguments

extraContainers list
extraHostPathMounts list

Additional hostPath mounts

extraLabels object

Labels to be added to the all resources

extraObjects list

Add extra specs dynamically to this chart

extraVolumeMounts list

Extra Volume Mounts for the container

extraVolumes list

Extra Volumes for the pod

fullnameOverride string

Overrides the full name of server component

global.cluster.dnsDomain string
global.image.registry string
global.imagePullSecrets list
image object
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
registry: ""
repository: victoriametrics/operator
tag: ""
variant: ""

operator image configuration

image.pullPolicy string

Image pull policy

image.registry string

Image registry

image.repository string

Image repository

image.tag string

Image tag override Chart.AppVersion

imagePullSecrets list

Secret to pull images

logLevel string

possible values: info and error.

nameOverride string

VM operatror deployment name override

nodeSelector object

Pods node selector. Details are here

operator.disable_prometheus_converter bool

By default, operator converts prometheus-operator objects.

operator.enable_converter_ownership bool

Enables ownership reference for converted prometheus-operator objects, it will remove corresponding victoria-metrics objects in case of deletion prometheus one.

operator.prometheus_converter_add_argocd_ignore_annotations bool

Compare-options and sync-options for prometheus objects converted by operator for properly use with ArgoCD

operator.useCustomConfigReloader bool

Enables custom config-reloader, bundled with operator. It should reduce vmagent and vmauth config sync-time and make it predictable.

podDisruptionBudget object
enabled: false
labels: {}

See kubectl explain poddisruptionbudget.spec for more or check these docs

podLabels object
podSecurityContext object
probe.liveness object
failureThreshold: 3
initialDelaySeconds: 5
periodSeconds: 15
    port: probe
timeoutSeconds: 5

Liveness probe

probe.readiness object
failureThreshold: 3
    port: probe
initialDelaySeconds: 5
periodSeconds: 15
timeoutSeconds: 5

Readiness probe

probe.startup object

Startup probe

rbac.aggregatedClusterRoles object
enabled: true
    admin: "true"
    view: "true"

create aggregated clusterRoles for CRD readonly and admin permissions

rbac.aggregatedClusterRoles.labels object
admin: "true"
view: "true"

labels attached to according clusterRole

rbac.create bool

Specifies whether the RBAC resources should be created

replicaCount int
resources object

Resource object

securityContext object
service.annotations object
service.clusterIP string
service.externalIPs string
service.externalTrafficPolicy string
service.healthCheckNodePort string
service.ipFamilies list
service.ipFamilyPolicy string
service.labels object
service.loadBalancerIP string
service.loadBalancerSourceRanges list
service.servicePort int
service.type string
service.webhookPort int
serviceAccount.create bool

Specifies whether a service account should be created string

The name of the service account to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template

serviceMonitor object
annotations: {}
basicAuth: {}
enabled: false
extraLabels: {}
interval: ""
relabelings: []
scheme: ""
scrapeTimeout: ""
tlsConfig: {}

configures monitoring with serviceScrape. VMServiceScrape must be pre-installed

tolerations list

Array of tolerations object. Spec is here

topologySpreadConstraints list

Pod Topology Spread Constraints. Spec is here

watchNamespaces list

By default, the operator will watch all the namespaces If you want to override this behavior, specify the namespace. Operator supports multiple namespaces for watching.