
145 lines
3.3 KiB

package facts
import (
type IsDeprecated struct{ Msg string }
func (*IsDeprecated) AFact() {}
func (d *IsDeprecated) String() string { return "Deprecated: " + d.Msg }
type DeprecatedResult struct {
Objects map[types.Object]*IsDeprecated
Packages map[*types.Package]*IsDeprecated
var Deprecated = &analysis.Analyzer{
Name: "fact_deprecated",
Doc: "Mark deprecated objects",
Run: deprecated,
FactTypes: []analysis.Fact{(*IsDeprecated)(nil)},
ResultType: reflect.TypeOf(DeprecatedResult{}),
func deprecated(pass *analysis.Pass) (interface{}, error) {
var names []*ast.Ident
extractDeprecatedMessage := func(docs []*ast.CommentGroup) string {
for _, doc := range docs {
if doc == nil {
parts := strings.Split(doc.Text(), "\n\n")
last := parts[len(parts)-1]
if !strings.HasPrefix(last, "Deprecated: ") {
alt := last[len("Deprecated: "):]
alt = strings.Replace(alt, "\n", " ", -1)
return alt
return ""
doDocs := func(names []*ast.Ident, docs []*ast.CommentGroup) {
alt := extractDeprecatedMessage(docs)
if alt == "" {
for _, name := range names {
obj := pass.TypesInfo.ObjectOf(name)
pass.ExportObjectFact(obj, &IsDeprecated{alt})
var docs []*ast.CommentGroup
for _, f := range pass.Files {
docs = append(docs, f.Doc)
if alt := extractDeprecatedMessage(docs); alt != "" {
// Don't mark package syscall as deprecated, even though
// it is. A lot of people still use it for simple
// constants like SIGKILL, and I am not comfortable
// telling them to use x/sys for that.
if pass.Pkg.Path() != "syscall" {
docs = docs[:0]
for _, f := range pass.Files {
fn := func(node ast.Node) bool {
if node == nil {
return true
var ret bool
switch node := node.(type) {
case *ast.GenDecl:
switch node.Tok {
case token.TYPE, token.CONST, token.VAR:
docs = append(docs, node.Doc)
return true
return false
case *ast.FuncDecl:
docs = append(docs, node.Doc)
names = []*ast.Ident{node.Name}
ret = false
case *ast.TypeSpec:
docs = append(docs, node.Doc)
names = []*ast.Ident{node.Name}
ret = true
case *ast.ValueSpec:
docs = append(docs, node.Doc)
names = node.Names
ret = false
case *ast.File:
return true
case *ast.StructType:
for _, field := range node.Fields.List {
doDocs(field.Names, []*ast.CommentGroup{field.Doc})
return false
case *ast.InterfaceType:
for _, field := range node.Methods.List {
doDocs(field.Names, []*ast.CommentGroup{field.Doc})
return false
return false
if len(names) == 0 || len(docs) == 0 {
return ret
doDocs(names, docs)
docs = docs[:0]
names = nil
return ret
ast.Inspect(f, fn)
out := DeprecatedResult{
Objects: map[types.Object]*IsDeprecated{},
Packages: map[*types.Package]*IsDeprecated{},
for _, fact := range pass.AllObjectFacts() {
out.Objects[fact.Object] = fact.Fact.(*IsDeprecated)
for _, fact := range pass.AllPackageFacts() {
out.Packages[fact.Package] = fact.Fact.(*IsDeprecated)
return out, nil