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synced 2024-12-19 15:06:25 +01:00

Updates https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics/issues/203 Updates https://github.com/VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics/issues/38
320 lines
8.6 KiB
320 lines
8.6 KiB
package parser
import (
// Result represents a test result.
type Result int
// Test result constants
const (
PASS Result = iota
// Report is a collection of package tests.
type Report struct {
Packages []Package
// Package contains the test results of a single package.
type Package struct {
Name string
Duration time.Duration
Tests []*Test
Benchmarks []*Benchmark
CoveragePct string
// Time is deprecated, use Duration instead.
Time int // in milliseconds
// Test contains the results of a single test.
type Test struct {
Name string
Duration time.Duration
Result Result
Output []string
SubtestIndent string
// Time is deprecated, use Duration instead.
Time int // in milliseconds
// Benchmark contains the results of a single benchmark.
type Benchmark struct {
Name string
Duration time.Duration
// number of B/op
Bytes int
// number of allocs/op
Allocs int
var (
regexStatus = regexp.MustCompile(`--- (PASS|FAIL|SKIP): (.+) \((\d+\.\d+)(?: seconds|s)\)`)
regexIndent = regexp.MustCompile(`^([ \t]+)---`)
regexCoverage = regexp.MustCompile(`^coverage:\s+(\d+\.\d+)%\s+of\s+statements(?:\sin\s.+)?$`)
regexResult = regexp.MustCompile(`^(ok|FAIL)\s+([^ ]+)\s+(?:(\d+\.\d+)s|\(cached\)|(\[\w+ failed]))(?:\s+coverage:\s+(\d+\.\d+)%\sof\sstatements(?:\sin\s.+)?)?$`)
// regexBenchmark captures 3-5 groups: benchmark name, number of times ran, ns/op (with or without decimal), B/op (optional), and allocs/op (optional).
regexBenchmark = regexp.MustCompile(`^(Benchmark[^ -]+)(?:-\d+\s+|\s+)(\d+)\s+(\d+|\d+\.\d+)\sns/op(?:\s+(\d+)\sB/op)?(?:\s+(\d+)\sallocs/op)?`)
regexOutput = regexp.MustCompile(`( )*\t(.*)`)
regexSummary = regexp.MustCompile(`^(PASS|FAIL|SKIP)$`)
regexPackageWithTest = regexp.MustCompile(`^# ([^\[\]]+) \[[^\]]+\]$`)
// Parse parses go test output from reader r and returns a report with the
// results. An optional pkgName can be given, which is used in case a package
// result line is missing.
func Parse(r io.Reader, pkgName string) (*Report, error) {
reader := bufio.NewReader(r)
report := &Report{make([]Package, 0)}
// keep track of tests we find
var tests []*Test
// keep track of benchmarks we find
var benchmarks []*Benchmark
// sum of tests' time, use this if current test has no result line (when it is compiled test)
var testsTime time.Duration
// current test
var cur string
// coverage percentage report for current package
var coveragePct string
// stores mapping between package name and output of build failures
var packageCaptures = map[string][]string{}
// the name of the package which it's build failure output is being captured
var capturedPackage string
// capture any non-test output
var buffers = map[string][]string{}
// parse lines
for {
l, _, err := reader.ReadLine()
if err != nil && err == io.EOF {
} else if err != nil {
return nil, err
line := string(l)
if strings.HasPrefix(line, "=== RUN ") {
// new test
cur = strings.TrimSpace(line[8:])
tests = append(tests, &Test{
Name: cur,
Result: FAIL,
Output: make([]string, 0),
// clear the current build package, so output lines won't be added to that build
capturedPackage = ""
} else if matches := regexBenchmark.FindStringSubmatch(line); len(matches) == 6 {
bytes, _ := strconv.Atoi(matches[4])
allocs, _ := strconv.Atoi(matches[5])
benchmarks = append(benchmarks, &Benchmark{
Name: matches[1],
Duration: parseNanoseconds(matches[3]),
Bytes: bytes,
Allocs: allocs,
} else if strings.HasPrefix(line, "=== PAUSE ") {
} else if strings.HasPrefix(line, "=== CONT ") {
cur = strings.TrimSpace(line[8:])
} else if matches := regexResult.FindStringSubmatch(line); len(matches) == 6 {
if matches[5] != "" {
coveragePct = matches[5]
if strings.HasSuffix(matches[4], "failed]") {
// the build of the package failed, inject a dummy test into the package
// which indicate about the failure and contain the failure description.
tests = append(tests, &Test{
Name: matches[4],
Result: FAIL,
Output: packageCaptures[matches[2]],
} else if matches[1] == "FAIL" && !containsFailures(tests) && len(buffers[cur]) > 0 {
// This package didn't have any failing tests, but still it
// failed with some output. Create a dummy test with the
// output.
tests = append(tests, &Test{
Name: "Failure",
Result: FAIL,
Output: buffers[cur],
buffers[cur] = buffers[cur][0:0]
// all tests in this package are finished
report.Packages = append(report.Packages, Package{
Name: matches[2],
Duration: parseSeconds(matches[3]),
Tests: tests,
Benchmarks: benchmarks,
CoveragePct: coveragePct,
Time: int(parseSeconds(matches[3]) / time.Millisecond), // deprecated
buffers[cur] = buffers[cur][0:0]
tests = make([]*Test, 0)
benchmarks = make([]*Benchmark, 0)
coveragePct = ""
cur = ""
testsTime = 0
} else if matches := regexStatus.FindStringSubmatch(line); len(matches) == 4 {
cur = matches[2]
test := findTest(tests, cur)
if test == nil {
// test status
if matches[1] == "PASS" {
test.Result = PASS
} else if matches[1] == "SKIP" {
test.Result = SKIP
} else {
test.Result = FAIL
if matches := regexIndent.FindStringSubmatch(line); len(matches) == 2 {
test.SubtestIndent = matches[1]
test.Output = buffers[cur]
test.Name = matches[2]
test.Duration = parseSeconds(matches[3])
testsTime += test.Duration
test.Time = int(test.Duration / time.Millisecond) // deprecated
} else if matches := regexCoverage.FindStringSubmatch(line); len(matches) == 2 {
coveragePct = matches[1]
} else if matches := regexOutput.FindStringSubmatch(line); capturedPackage == "" && len(matches) == 3 {
// Sub-tests start with one or more series of 4-space indents, followed by a hard tab,
// followed by the test output
// Top-level tests start with a hard tab.
test := findTest(tests, cur)
if test == nil {
test.Output = append(test.Output, matches[2])
} else if strings.HasPrefix(line, "# ") {
// indicates a capture of build output of a package. set the current build package.
packageWithTestBinary := regexPackageWithTest.FindStringSubmatch(line)
if packageWithTestBinary != nil {
// Sometimes, the text after "# " shows the name of the test binary
// ("<package>.test") in addition to the package
// e.g.: "# package/name [package/name.test]"
capturedPackage = packageWithTestBinary[1]
} else {
capturedPackage = line[2:]
} else if capturedPackage != "" {
// current line is build failure capture for the current built package
packageCaptures[capturedPackage] = append(packageCaptures[capturedPackage], line)
} else if regexSummary.MatchString(line) {
// unset current test name so any additional output after the
// summary is captured separately.
cur = ""
} else {
// buffer anything else that we didn't recognize
buffers[cur] = append(buffers[cur], line)
// if we have a current test, also append to its output
test := findTest(tests, cur)
if test != nil {
if strings.HasPrefix(line, test.SubtestIndent+" ") {
test.Output = append(test.Output, strings.TrimPrefix(line, test.SubtestIndent+" "))
if len(tests) > 0 {
// no result line found
report.Packages = append(report.Packages, Package{
Name: pkgName,
Duration: testsTime,
Time: int(testsTime / time.Millisecond),
Tests: tests,
Benchmarks: benchmarks,
CoveragePct: coveragePct,
return report, nil
func parseSeconds(t string) time.Duration {
if t == "" {
return time.Duration(0)
// ignore error
d, _ := time.ParseDuration(t + "s")
return d
func parseNanoseconds(t string) time.Duration {
// note: if input < 1 ns precision, result will be 0s.
if t == "" {
return time.Duration(0)
// ignore error
d, _ := time.ParseDuration(t + "ns")
return d
func findTest(tests []*Test, name string) *Test {
for i := len(tests) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if tests[i].Name == name {
return tests[i]
return nil
func containsFailures(tests []*Test) bool {
for _, test := range tests {
if test.Result == FAIL {
return true
return false
// Failures counts the number of failed tests in this report
func (r *Report) Failures() int {
count := 0
for _, p := range r.Packages {
for _, t := range p.Tests {
if t.Result == FAIL {
return count