I've often have questions similar to "why can't this be run on CentOS or Fedora" to which my only reply is and has ever been: The goal is to be the CentOS of XOA. If XOA were RedHat the goal of XOCE would to be CentOS.
That isn't to say that this installation script won't work on other distributions, please contribute and help us to spread XOCE to other platforms.
Initially my goal was to simply setup and start using XOCE for a tiny production shop to be able to use an open source hypervisor (Citrix XenServer) and have a management tool/backup solution. Which was initially NAUBackup, when I found XO and that there was an open source management solution and backup solution that wasn't script based I jumped for it.
That goal transformed into the desire to assist the developers of XOA by using and hopefully finding any bugs or quirks that needed to be worked out.