Now using the EscapeAmpersands string extension method. Also resolved the custom fields display issue in the same way.
Signed-off-by: Callum McIntyre <>
The ticket said the character after the & became a hotkey (like labels etc do with UseMnemonic enabled) but I couldn't reproduce that - & symbols were simply removed from the string. The fix is to replace them with &&, so the string.format prints a single & as it should.
Signed-off-by: Callum McIntyre <>
the checks before the page is loaded. Corrected the conditions for enabling the
Previous and Next buttons on this page. This commit fixes broken RPU wizard test.
Signed-off-by: Konstantina Chremmou <>
Comparing uuids instead of references that likely will be changed after the Cache has been repopulated.
Signed-off-by: Gabor Apati-Nagy <>
- when the cd drive or the tools iso cannot be found, the action should fail.
- if the tools SR is broken, do not show the error on a pop-up because the UX is
bad when installation is attempted on multiple VMS.
- added one more entry to the list of possible tools iso names.
- small performance improvement.
Signed-off-by: Konstantina Chremmou <>
Generalising to also support pools. New CheckHostPatchesRequiringReboot method with the same behaviour as old method (return list of KeyValue warning messages). Pool updates on Ely use the union of messages from this method instead of the old one. Also localised the "{hotfix} on {server}" string per todo (hence resx changes).
Signed-off-by: Callum McIntyre <>
For servers running Ely or greater we now produce messages for patching requiring reboot using the host.patches_requiring_reboot field. The Pool_patch objects resolved are sufficient to produce the same messages. Note that some patches produce a message in the old API but not the new, this is intentional. Still to do: update pool updates in the same way,
Signed-off-by: Callum McIntyre <>
Now behaves as expected - alert interval (top control) has lowest tab stop, all other groups incremented by 1.
Signed-off-by: Callum McIntyre <>
Instead of adding a second table layout panel for the rubric label, I have extended the original table to include two new rows at the top - one for the label rubric, and one for the repeat interval controls (previously not in the table).
Signed-off-by: Callum McIntyre <>
The CancelHostConnectionCommand executes by using a DisconnectCommand, so the fix here is to allow that command to execute on connections in progress as well as those that are connected.
Signed-off-by: Callum McIntyre <>
By passing null as the srHost parameter to the affinity picker, the "no home server" radio button remains enabled, even when no shared SRs are available, allowing users to unset the home server of a VM
Signed-off-by: Mihaela Stoica <>
- Made the action PureAsyncAction, so that it automatically checks if the current user can perform all the necessary api calls
Signed-off-by: Mihaela Stoica <>