- On the dialog show the next run time in both the client's and the server's local time zone.
- On the VMSS frequency page allow the user to pick the schedule in the client's
local time zone and show then next run time in both the client's and the server's local time zone.
- Refactoring to fix workflow and class design, reduce amount of code and simplify logic.
- Various layout improvements.
Signed-off-by: Aaron Robson aaron.robson@citrix.com
Signed-off-by: Konstantina Chremmou <konstantina.chremmou@citrix.com>
* CP-25081: UI improvements for USB passthrough
* CP-25081: Show text when AttachUsbDialog list is empty.
* Fix comments.
* Improve the presentation of warnings in USBEditPage.
* Update warning text of attach usb dialog.
* Simplify the layout of Attach USB Dialog.
* Check if USB devices plugged before showing UI.
* Fix comments.
* Fix comments.
* Improve code.
* CP-24412: Apply a filter before adding USBs to candidate list in Attach Dialog.
* CP-24333: Apply HA restraint.
* CP-24412: Fix a merge error.
* CP-24412: implement actions to attach/detach/passthrough.
* CP-24412: Add license check before making UI components visible.
* CP-24412: Change layout of new components to Dpi.
* Fixed all comments.
* Fix comments.
* fixed comments
* CP-24331: Add UI for UsbTab and VM Usb Property
Signed-off-by: Kun Ma <kun.ma@citrix.com>
* CP-24331: Update XenAPI reference
Signed-off-by: Kun Ma <kun.ma@citrix.com>
* CP-24331: Add AttachUsbDialog
Signed-off-by: Kun Ma <kun.ma@citrix.com>
* CP-24331: Refine UI changes
Signed-off-by: Kun Ma <kun.ma@citrix.com>
* CP-24331: Discard UsbList and little refining to code
Signed-off-by: Kun Ma <kun.ma@citrix.com>
* CP-24331: Refine UI code
Signed-off-by: Kun Ma <kun.ma@citrix.com>
* CP-24331: Refine USBEditPage
Signed-off-by: Kun Ma <kun.ma@citrix.com>
* CP-24331: Refine USBEditPage
Signed-off-by: Kun Ma <kun.ma@citrix.com>