Added 2 textboxes for proxy username and password; encrypted when saved and decrypted when loaded.
Added 2 checkboxes; one for bypassing proxy for xenserver connections, one for providing proxy credentials.
Removed checkbox for bypassing proxy for local addresses.
Controls are no longer enabled/disabled when the related proxy option is selected/deselected.
Making changes to a control (e.g. username, bypass checkbox, etc) selects the 'Use this proxy server' option automatically.
Removed "Bypass proxy server for local addresses" option.
Basic and Digest authentication implemented. Tested with FreeProxy (Basic+Digest), CCProxy (Basic) and AnalogX Proxy (no authentication); each were tested with correct credentials, incorrect credentials and missing credentials; all gave expected results.
Signed-off-by: Frederico Mazzone <>
- Container pause is not available if the the container is on a Windows VM.
- Processes is not available if the the container is on a Windows VM.
Signed-off-by: Mihaela Stoica <>
Fixed: "User tasks (e.g. VM import) are reported as errors in XenCenter, when they are cancelled tasks."
Signed-off-by: Gabor Apati-Nagy <>
- Call TransferCallHomeSettingsAction with suppressHistory=true so the action doesn't show on the Events page
- This change also fixes LogsTabTests test failure.
Signed-off-by: Mihaela Stoica <>
- Check call home enrollment status on connecting to a pool: If status is unknown it means that the pool is not enrolled (enabled) and has never been (disabled). If that's the case, then show the Health Check Overview dialog with the pool selected
- "Enroll now" on Health Check Overview will try enroll the selected pool into call home using existing token authentication. If this is not possible, then a dialog will be presented for the user to perform the initial authentication.
- Instead of calling the plugin on the UI thread, we call it through an action that we execute asynchronously and on completion update the UI.
- Pause the refresh timer on leaving the page and resume it when entering the page again.
- We do this for both Processes and Details page.
Signed-off-by: Mihaela Stoica <>
- Showing all detailed information from a docker_inspect call
- The information refresh/polls every 20s while it's open
- Button “Refresh” add, so user can refresh the result. Also shows time when the last refresh happens.
- Add TabPageDetails as value 9903 in HelpManager.resx
Signed-off-by: Cheng Zhang <>
Changes following code review:
- Added VM.CanHaveVGpu function (at the moment just returns CanHaveGpu, but it will change in the future)
- Added vGPU_type.IsPassthrough function and used it everywhere we needed to test for passthrough (max-heads==0)
- Simplified code in Helpers.GpuCapability, Helpers.VGpuCapability, NewVMWizard (gpuCapability), MainWindow and GpuRow
Signed-off-by: Mihaela Stoica <>
New properties:
- Pool.HasGpu = Pool has at least one PGPU
- Pool.HasVGpu = Pool has at least one PGPU that HasVGpu
- PGPU.HasVGpu = PGPU has at least one supported_VGPU_type that is not pass-through
New or modified helper functions:
- Helpers.GpuCapability = GPU feature not restricted (by licensing) and Pool.HasGpu
- Helpers.VGpuCapability = vGPU feature not restricted (by licensing) and Pool.HasVGpu
- Helpers.ClearwaterSp1OrGreater = API version is 2.1 or greater
The GPU dialogs are displayed as follows:
- GPU page on VM properties dialog: Visible only if VM.CanHaveGpu and the GPU feature not restricted (by licensing)
- GPU page on New VM Wizard: Visible only if VM.CanHaveGpu and the pool has GPU capability (Helpers.GpuCapability)
- GPU page on Pool properties dialog: Visible only if the pool has vGPU capability (Helpers.VGpuCapability)
- GPU tab: Visible only if the pool has GPU capability (Helpers.GpuCapability) and is Clearwater SP1 or greater
- On the GPU tab, the "Placement policy" panel: Visible only if the pool has vGPU capability (Helpers.VGpuCapability)
- On the GPU tab, the "Edit" button on the "vGPU types" panel: Visible only if the PGPU.HasVGpu and vGPU feature not restricted (by licensing)
- VM.CanHaveVGpu function renamed to CanHaveGpu
- On the GPU tab, renamed "Allowed vGPU types" to "vGPU types
Instead of showing just the name, this code is showing name with location information in title for all objects that appear in the tree view.
(A new property (NameWithLocation) with a getter accessor defined in IXenObject and has been implemented as virtual in XenObject and overridden at several child classes.)
Signed-off-by: Gabor Apati-Nagy <>