- show a different message when deleting a Cache Configuration (a PVS_site object) that is actively in use by a PVS site
- some more text changes on the "Configure PVS Cache" dialog
Signed-off-by: Mihaela Stoica <mihaela.stoica@citrix.com>
- Renamed Add/Remove PVS Site buttons
- Added a note on the PVS Cache configuration page, regarding the recommended cache size and the allowed size for "memory only"
- Added a warning about the Site configuration not being complete until the PVS part is done as well (only visible if PVS_uuid is not set for a PVS_site)
- Added PVS Read Caching status on the VM's general tab
- The absolute maximum allowed for a cache size is 2TB
- Changed the rubric on the Enable PVS read caching dialog
Signed-off-by: Mihaela Stoica <mihaela.stoica@citrix.com>
- new image for PVS_site
- added cache size restrictions based on the SR selected
- added button to remove the PVS site on the page
- fixed the error where the subtext for a new PVS sites showed as "Not configured" even after it has been configured
Signed-off-by: Mihaela Stoica <mihaela.stoica@citrix.com>