or Host accordingly. Extended comparison of Problems to also take account of
the XenObject the Check was performed on, otherwise the Problems get mixed
up when there are homonymous members across pools.
Signed-off-by: Konstantina Chremmou <konstantina.chremmou@citrix.com>
- added a new precheck, called "Live patching status" which checks is a reboot is needed for each host. If reboot is needed, the check will display a warning, otherwise it will show a green tickbox, saying that the server does not need to be rebooted, and if live patching is used, this information will be included as well.
Signed-off-by: Mihaela Stoica <mihaela.stoica@citrix.com>
* CA-77990: Report required actions for all VMs at once in the hotfix wizard / RPUW
* CA-77990: Resolve precheck problems in parallel in the Patching wizard
Signed-off-by: Mihaela Stoica <mihaela.stoica@citrix.com>
* CA-77990: Resolve precheck problems in parallel in the Patching wizard
Changes following code review: Made the ParallelAction work across connections and removed CrossConnectionParallelAction
Signed-off-by: Mihaela Stoica <mihaela.stoica@citrix.com>
* CA-77990: Modified ParallelAction to create queue on RunSubActions only, with the correct queue size
Signed-off-by: Mihaela Stoica <mihaela.stoica@citrix.com>