- Change the "Web page" column alignment to TopLeft, to match the other columns
- When trying to find an alert from a filename, use the patch name instead of the alert name, because now the alert name can also be a version name
Signed-off-by: Mihaela Stoica <mihaela.stoica@citrix.com>
hotkeys; button enabled state; some memory leaks; added spinner while check for
updates is in progress; added alternative text for when automatic mode is not available.
Signed-off-by: Konstantina Chremmou <konstantina.chremmou@citrix.com>
Disableded non-required pages in the wizard
Added placeholder for new pages
Changed sequence of pages
Removed unnecessary code
Signed-off-by: Gabor Apati-Nagy <gabor.apati-nagy@citrix.com>
CP-13035 : Add Refresh button to list of updates on the Updates wizard.
CP-13037 : Provide option from the Updates wizard to navigate to the web page of any hotfix.