/* Copyright (c) Citrix Systems Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, * with or without modification, are permitted provided * that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other * materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND * CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ using System.Collections.Generic; using Moq; using NUnit.Framework; using XenAdmin; using XenAdmin.Commands; using XenAdminTests.UnitTests.UnitTestHelper.MockObjectBuilders; using XenAPI; namespace XenAdminTests.CommandTests { public class CrossPoolMigrateCommandUnitTests : UnitTester_TestFixture { public const string id = "test"; public const string id2 = "test2"; private static readonly string[] ids = new []{id, id2}; public CrossPoolMigrateCommandUnitTests() : base(ids) { } [TearDown] public void TestTearDown() { foreach (string currentid in ids) { ObjectManager.ClearXenObjects(currentid); ObjectManager.RefreshCache(currentid); } } [Test, Category(TestCategories.SmokeTest)] [TestCase(true, Description = "Is LunPerVdi", Result = false)] [TestCase(false, Description = "Is Not LunPerVdi", Result = true)] public bool VerifyLunPerVdiBehaviour(bool IsLunPerVdi) { Mock<VM> vm = ObjectFactory.BuiltObject<VM>(ObjectBuilderType.VmWithHomeServerHost, id); Mock<SR> sr = ObjectManager.NewXenObject<SR>(id); Mock<Host> targetHost = ObjectManager.NewXenObject<Host>(id); vm.Setup(v => v.SRs).Returns(new List<SR> {sr.Object}); vm.Setup(v => v.allowed_operations).Returns(new List<vm_operations> {vm_operations.migrate_send}); sr.Setup(s => s.HBALunPerVDI).Returns(IsLunPerVdi); IMainWindow mw = new MockMainWindow(); CrossPoolMigrateCommand cmd = new CrossPoolMigrateCommand(mw, new List<SelectedItem> { new SelectedItem(vm.Object)}, targetHost.Object); return cmd.CanExecute(); } [Test, Category(TestCategories.SmokeTest)] [TestCase(true, Description = "Wlb enabled", Result = false)] [TestCase(false, Description = "Wlb disabled", Result = true)] public bool IntrapoolWlbEnabledBehaviour(bool WlbEnabled) { Mock<VM> vm = ObjectFactory.BuiltObject<VM>(ObjectBuilderType.VmWithHomeServerHost, id); Mock<Host> targetHost = ObjectFactory.BuiltObject<Host>(ObjectBuilderType.TampaHost, id); Mock<Host> preselectedHost = ObjectFactory.BuiltObject<Host>(ObjectBuilderType.TampaHost, id); ObjectManager.MockConnectionFor(id).Setup(c => c.Resolve(It.IsAny<XenRef<Host>>())).Returns(targetHost.Object); vm.Setup(v => v.allowed_operations).Returns(new List<vm_operations> { vm_operations.migrate_send }); Mock<Pool> pool = ObjectManager.NewXenObject<Pool>(id); pool.Setup(p => p.wlb_enabled).Returns(WlbEnabled); pool.Setup(p => p.wlb_url).Returns("wlburl"); //Configured == true IMainWindow mw = new MockMainWindow(); CrossPoolMigrateCommand cmd = new CrossPoolMigrateCommand(mw, new List<SelectedItem> { new SelectedItem(vm.Object) }, preselectedHost.Object); bool canExecute = cmd.CanExecute(); pool.Verify(p=>p.wlb_enabled, Times.AtLeastOnce()); return canExecute; } [Test, Category(TestCategories.SmokeTest)] [TestCase(true, true, Description = "Wlb enabled both", Result = false)] [TestCase(false, false, Description = "Wlb disabled both", Result = true)] [TestCase(true, false, Description = "Wlb enabled VM", Result = false)] [TestCase(false, true, Description = "Wlb enabled target", Result = true)] public bool CrossPoolWlbEnabledBehaviour(bool WlbEnabledVM, bool WlbEnabledTarget) { //First connection Mock<VM> vm = ObjectFactory.BuiltObject<VM>(ObjectBuilderType.VmWithHomeServerHost, id); Mock<Host> master = ObjectFactory.BuiltObject<Host>(ObjectBuilderType.TampaHost, id); ObjectManager.MockConnectionFor(id).Setup(c => c.Resolve(It.IsAny<XenRef<Host>>())).Returns(master.Object); vm.Setup(v => v.allowed_operations).Returns(new List<vm_operations> { vm_operations.migrate_send }); Mock<Pool> pool = ObjectManager.NewXenObject<Pool>(id); pool.Setup(p => p.wlb_enabled).Returns(WlbEnabledVM); pool.Setup(p => p.wlb_url).Returns("wlburl"); //Configured == true //Second connection Mock<Host> targetHost = ObjectFactory.BuiltObject<Host>(ObjectBuilderType.TampaHost, id2); Mock<Pool> targetPool = ObjectManager.NewXenObject<Pool>(id2); ObjectManager.MockConnectionFor(id2).Setup(c => c.Resolve(It.IsAny<XenRef<Host>>())).Returns(targetHost.Object); targetPool.Setup(p => p.wlb_enabled).Returns(WlbEnabledTarget); targetPool.Setup(p => p.wlb_url).Returns("wlburl"); //Configured == true //Command IMainWindow mw = new MockMainWindow(); CrossPoolMigrateCommand cmd = new CrossPoolMigrateCommand(mw, new List<SelectedItem> { new SelectedItem(vm.Object) }, targetHost.Object); bool canExecute = cmd.CanExecute(); //As the command is launching the wizard it should only need to //check the VMs are on Wlb as the target can be changed in the wizard anyhow pool.Verify(p => p.wlb_enabled, Times.AtLeastOnce()); targetPool.Verify(tp => tp.wlb_enabled, Times.Never()); return canExecute; } } }