/* Copyright (c) Citrix Systems Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, * with or without modification, are permitted provided * that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other * materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND * CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using XenAdmin.Network.StorageLink; using XenAPI; using XenAdmin.Core; using XenAdmin.Model; using XenAdmin.Network; namespace XenAdmin.XenSearch { public class Search : IComparable { private static readonly log4net.ILog log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); private const String SearchPrefix = "XenSearch.Search-"; private readonly bool defaultSearch = false; private readonly Query query; private readonly Grouping grouping; private bool showSearch; private IXenConnection connection; // This is a list because order is important. More a list of tuples than a dictionary. // It could be null private readonly List> columns; private readonly Sort[] sorting; // These will initially be set to null, to indicate they need populating when saving private String name; private String uuid; private int items; public Search(Query query, Grouping grouping, bool showSearch, String name, String uuid, bool defaultSearch) : this(query, grouping, showSearch, name, uuid, null, new Sort[] { }) { this.defaultSearch = defaultSearch; } public Search(Query query, Grouping grouping, bool showSearch, String name, String uuid, List> columns, Sort[] sorting) { if (query == null) this.query = new Query(null, null); else this.query = query; this.grouping = grouping; this.showSearch = showSearch; this.name = name; this.uuid = uuid; // This can be null this.columns = columns; this.sorting = sorting; this.connection = null; } public bool DefaultSearch { get { return defaultSearch; } } public String UUID { get { return uuid; } } public Query Query { get { return query; } } // The grouping from the user's point of view (i.e., according to the UI). public Grouping Grouping { get { return grouping; } } // The grouping we actually use internally. This is different because of CA-26708: // if we show the folder navigator, we don't also show the ancestor folders in the // main results, but we still pretend to the user that it's grouped by folder. public Grouping EffectiveGrouping { get { return (FolderForNavigator == null ? Grouping : null); } } public bool ShowSearch { get { return showSearch; } set { showSearch = value; } } public String Name { get { return name; } set { name = value; } } public List> Columns { get { return columns; } } public Sort[] Sorting { get { return sorting; } } public int Items { get { return items; } set { items = value; } } public IXenConnection Connection { get { return connection; } set { connection = value; } } // Do we want the FolderNavigator at the top of the results? // If so, return the folder to display there. If not, return null. public string FolderForNavigator { get { if (Query == null || Query.QueryFilter == null) return null; RecursiveXMOPropertyQuery filter = Query.QueryFilter as RecursiveXMOPropertyQuery; if (filter == null) return null; // only show a folder for RecursiveXMOPropertyQuery StringPropertyQuery subFilter = filter.subQuery as StringPropertyQuery; if (subFilter == null || subFilter.property != PropertyNames.uuid) return null; // also only show a folder if the subquery is "folder is" return subFilter.query; } } public bool PopulateAdapters(params IAcceptGroups[] adapters) { Group group = Group.GetGrouped(this); bool added = false; foreach (IAcceptGroups adapter in adapters) added |= group.Populate(adapter); return added; } public override bool Equals(object obj) { Search other = obj as Search; if (other == null) return false; // Ifs are expanded to aid debuggin' if (!((name == null && other.name == null) || (name != null && name.Equals(other.Name)))) return false; if (!((query == null && other.query == null) || (query != null && query.Equals(other.Query)))) return false; if (!((grouping == null && other.grouping == null) || (grouping != null && grouping.Equals(other.grouping)))) return false; if (!((sorting == null && other.sorting == null) || (Helper.AreEqual(sorting, other.sorting)))) return false; if (!((connection == null && other.connection == null) || (connection != null && connection.Equals(other.connection)))) return false; return true; } public override int GetHashCode() { return grouping == null ? query.GetHashCode() : (query.GetHashCode() + 1) * grouping.GetHashCode(); } public override string ToString() { return Name; } #region IComparable Members public int CompareTo(Search other) { int i = -DefaultSearch.CompareTo(other.DefaultSearch); if (i == 0) return Name.CompareTo(other.Name); return i; } #endregion public String GetXML() { return SearchMarshalling.SearchToXML(this); } /// /// /// /// /// /// public bool Save() { InvokeHelper.AssertOffEventThread(); if (uuid == null) uuid = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); String key = SearchPrefix + uuid; String value = GetXML(); if (connection == null) return false; if (!connection.IsConnected) return false; Session session = connection.DuplicateSession(); foreach (Pool pool in connection.Cache.Pools) { Pool.remove_from_gui_config(session, pool.opaque_ref, key); Pool.add_to_gui_config(session, pool.opaque_ref, key, value); return true; } return false; } public void Save(String filename) { if (uuid == null) uuid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); List l = new List(); l.Add(this); String xml = SearchMarshalling.SearchesToXML(l); StreamWriter stream = new StreamWriter(filename, false); try { stream.WriteLine(xml); } finally { stream.Close(); stream.Dispose(); } } public void Delete() { String key = SearchPrefix + uuid; foreach (IXenConnection connection in ConnectionsManager.XenConnectionsCopy) { if (!connection.IsConnected) continue; Session session = connection.DuplicateSession(); foreach (Pool pool in connection.Cache.Pools) { Pool.remove_from_gui_config(session, pool.opaque_ref, key); } } InvokeHelper.Invoke(delegate() { searches.Remove(uuid); OnSearchesChanged(); }); } // Make a new search which is the same as the current search but with an additional filter public Search AddFilter(QueryFilter addFilter) { QueryScope scope = (Query == null ? null : Query.QueryScope); QueryFilter filter; if (Query == null || Query.QueryFilter == null) filter = addFilter; else if (addFilter == null) filter = Query.QueryFilter; else filter = new GroupQuery(new QueryFilter[] { Query.QueryFilter, addFilter }, GroupQuery.GroupQueryType.And); return new Search(new Query(scope, filter), Grouping, ShowSearch, "", "", Columns, Sorting); } /// /// Adds a text filter that searches through several relevant fields /// /// /// public Search AddFullTextFilter(string s) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) return this; return AddFilter(FullQueryFor(s)); } public static List LoadFile(String filename) { try { StreamReader stream = new StreamReader(filename); try { return SearchMarshalling.LoadSearches(stream.ReadToEnd()); } finally { stream.Close(); stream.Dispose(); } } catch (Exception e) { log.DebugFormat("Exception loading search from file '{0}'", filename); log.Debug(e, e); return null; } } public static Search SearchFor(IEnumerable objects) { if(objects==null) return SearchFor((IXenObject)null); List objectList = new List(objects); if (objectList.Count == 0) { return SearchFor((IXenObject)null); } else if (objectList.Count == 1) { return SearchFor(objectList[0]); } else { bool containsHost = false; bool containsPool = false; List queryFilters = new List(); foreach (IXenObject obj in objects) { Pool poolAncestor = obj != null ? Helpers.GetPool(obj.Connection) : null; if (poolAncestor != null) { containsPool = true; QueryFilter uuidQuery = new StringPropertyQuery(PropertyNames.uuid, Helpers.GetUuid(poolAncestor), StringPropertyQuery.PropertyQueryType.exactmatch, true); queryFilters.Add(new RecursiveXMOPropertyQuery(PropertyNames.pool, uuidQuery)); } else { Host hostAncestor = Helpers.GetHostAncestor(obj); if (hostAncestor != null) { containsHost = true; QueryFilter uuidQuery = new StringPropertyQuery(PropertyNames.uuid, Helpers.GetUuid(hostAncestor), StringPropertyQuery.PropertyQueryType.exactmatch, true); queryFilters.Add(new RecursiveXMOListPropertyQuery(PropertyNames.host, uuidQuery)); } } } Grouping grouping = null; if (containsPool) { Grouping hostGrouping = new XenModelObjectPropertyGrouping(PropertyNames.host, null); grouping = new XenModelObjectPropertyGrouping(PropertyNames.pool, hostGrouping); } else if (containsHost) { grouping = new XenModelObjectPropertyGrouping(PropertyNames.host, null); } GroupQuery groupQuery = new GroupQuery(queryFilters.ToArray(), GroupQuery.GroupQueryType.Or); Query query = new Query(GetOverviewScope(), groupQuery); return new Search(query, grouping, false, Messages.SEARCH_TITLE_OVERVIEW, null, false); } } /// /// This gets the default search for the overview panel when an object in the tree is selected. /// Pass null as value and you'll get the default overview /// /// /// public static Search SearchFor(IXenObject value) { return SearchFor(value, GetOverviewScope()); } /// /// This gets the default search for the overview panel when an object in the tree is selected. /// Pass null as value and you'll get the default search (this could be the default overview or default treeview search, /// depending on the value of scope). /// /// /// public static Search SearchFor(IXenObject value, QueryScope scope) { if (value is Host) { Grouping hostGrouping = new XenModelObjectPropertyGrouping(PropertyNames.host, null); QueryFilter uuidQuery = new StringPropertyQuery(PropertyNames.uuid, Helpers.GetUuid(value), StringPropertyQuery.PropertyQueryType.exactmatch, true); QueryFilter hostQuery = new RecursiveXMOListPropertyQuery(PropertyNames.host, uuidQuery); Query query = new Query(scope, hostQuery); return new Search(query, hostGrouping, false, String.Format(Messages.SEARCH_TITLE_HOST, Helpers.GetName(value)), null, false); } else if (value is Pool) { Grouping hostGrouping = new XenModelObjectPropertyGrouping(PropertyNames.host, null); Grouping poolGrouping = new XenModelObjectPropertyGrouping(PropertyNames.pool, hostGrouping); QueryFilter uuidQuery = new StringPropertyQuery(PropertyNames.uuid, Helpers.GetUuid(value), StringPropertyQuery.PropertyQueryType.exactmatch, true); QueryFilter poolQuery = new RecursiveXMOPropertyQuery(PropertyNames.pool, uuidQuery); Query query = new Query(scope, poolQuery); return new Search(query, poolGrouping, false, String.Format(Messages.SEARCH_TITLE_POOL, Helpers.GetName(value)), null, false); } else if (value is Folder) { Folder folder = value as Folder; return Search.SearchForFolder(folder.opaque_ref); } else { // This is the default search on the treeview //Grouping storageLinkPoolGrouping = new XenModelObjectPropertyGrouping(PropertyNames.storageLinkPool, (Grouping)null); //Grouping storageLinkSystemGrouping = new XenModelObjectPropertyGrouping(PropertyNames.storageLinkSystem, storageLinkPoolGrouping); //Grouping storageLinkServerGrouping = new XenModelObjectPropertyGrouping(PropertyNames.storageLinkServer, storageLinkSystemGrouping); Grouping hostGrouping = new XenModelObjectPropertyGrouping(PropertyNames.host, null); Grouping poolGrouping = new XenModelObjectPropertyGrouping(PropertyNames.pool, hostGrouping); return new Search(new Query(scope, null), poolGrouping, false, String.Format(Messages.SEARCH_TITLE_OVERVIEW), null, false); } } public static ObjectTypes DefaultObjectTypes() { ObjectTypes types = ObjectTypes.DisconnectedServer | ObjectTypes.Server | ObjectTypes.VM | ObjectTypes.RemoteSR; //| ObjectTypes.StorageLinkServer | ObjectTypes.StorageLinkSystem | ObjectTypes.StorageLinkPool | ObjectTypes.StorageLinkVolume | ObjectTypes.StorageLinkRepository; return types; } internal static QueryScope GetOverviewScope() { ObjectTypes types = DefaultObjectTypes(); // To avoid excessive number of options in the search-for drop-down, // the search panel doesn't respond to the options on the View menu. types |= ObjectTypes.UserTemplate; return new QueryScope(types); } public static QueryFilter FullQueryFor(String p) { String[] elts = p.Split(new char[] { ' ' }); List queries = new List(); foreach (String elt in elts) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(elt)) continue; queries.Add(new StringPropertyQuery(PropertyNames.label, elt, StringPropertyQuery.PropertyQueryType.contains, false)); queries.Add(new StringPropertyQuery(PropertyNames.description, elt, StringPropertyQuery.PropertyQueryType.contains, false)); ComparableAddress address; if (!ComparableAddress.TryParse(elt, true, false, out address)) continue; queries.Add(new IPAddressQuery(PropertyNames.ip_address, address)); } if (queries.Count == 0) queries.Add(new StringPropertyQuery(PropertyNames.label, "", StringPropertyQuery.PropertyQueryType.contains, false)); return new GroupQuery(queries.ToArray(), GroupQuery.GroupQueryType.Or); } public static Search SearchForTag(string tag) { Query tagQuery = new Query(null, new StringListContainsQuery(PropertyNames.tags, tag, true)); return new Search(tagQuery, null, false, String.Format(Messages.OBJECTS_WITH_TAG, tag), null, false); } public static Search SearchForFolder(string path) { QueryScope scope = new QueryScope(ObjectTypes.AllIncFolders); QueryFilter innerFilter = new StringPropertyQuery(PropertyNames.uuid, path, StringPropertyQuery.PropertyQueryType.exactmatch, true); QueryFilter filter = new RecursiveXMOPropertyQuery(PropertyNames.folder, innerFilter); Query q = new Query(scope, filter); Grouping grouping = new FolderGrouping((Grouping)null); string[] pathParts = Folders.PointToPath(path); string name = ((pathParts.Length == 0 || (pathParts.Length == 1 && pathParts[pathParts.Length - 1] == String.Empty)) ? Messages.FOLDERS : pathParts[pathParts.Length - 1]); return new Search(q, grouping, false, name, null, false); } public static Search SearchForAllFolders() { Query query = new Query(new QueryScope(ObjectTypes.Folder), null); FolderGrouping grouping = new FolderGrouping((Grouping)null); Sort sort = new Sort("name", true); Sort[] sorts = { sort }; return new Search(query, grouping, false, "", "", null, sorts); } public static Search SearchForAllTypes() { Query query = new Query(new QueryScope(ObjectTypes.AllExcFolders), null); return new Search(query, null, false, "", null, false); } public static Search SearchForTags() { var tagsQuery = new ListEmptyQuery(PropertyNames.tags, false); Query query = new Query(new QueryScope(ObjectTypes.AllIncFolders), tagsQuery); return new Search(query, null, false, "", null, false); } public static Search SearchForFolders() { var foldersQuery = new NullQuery(PropertyNames.folder, false); Query query = new Query(new QueryScope(ObjectTypes.AllIncFolders), foldersQuery); return new Search(query, null, false, "", null, false); } public static Search SearchForCustomFields() { var fieldsQuery = new BooleanQuery(PropertyNames.has_custom_fields, true); Query query = new Query(new QueryScope(ObjectTypes.AllIncFolders), fieldsQuery); return new Search(query, null, false, "", null, false); } public static Search SearchForVapps() { var vAppsQuery = new BooleanQuery(PropertyNames.in_any_appliance, true); Query query = new Query(new QueryScope(ObjectTypes.AllIncFolders), vAppsQuery); return new Search(query, null, false, "", null, false); } public static Search SearchForFolderGroup(Grouping grouping, object parent, object v) { return new Search(new Query(new QueryScope(ObjectTypes.AllIncFolders), grouping.GetSubquery(parent, v)), grouping.GetSubgrouping(v), false, grouping.GetGroupName(v), "", false); } public static Search SearchForNonVappGroup(Grouping grouping, object parent, object v) { return new Search(new Query(new QueryScope(ObjectTypes.AllExcFolders), grouping.GetSubquery(parent, v)), grouping.GetSubgrouping(v), false, grouping.GetGroupName(v), "", false); } public static Search SearchForVappGroup(Grouping grouping, object parent, object v) { return new Search(new Query(new QueryScope(ObjectTypes.VM), grouping.GetSubquery(parent, v)), grouping.GetSubgrouping(v), false, grouping.GetGroupName(v), "", false); } private static Dictionary searches =new Dictionary(); public static event Action SearchesChanged; private static void OnSearchesChanged() { if (SearchesChanged != null) SearchesChanged(); } public static Search[] Searches { get { lock (searches) { Search[] searchArray = new Search[searches.Values.Count]; searches.Values.CopyTo(searchArray, 0); return searchArray; } } } internal static Func> GetStorageLinkConnectionsCopy; /// /// /// /// A function that gets a copy of the StorageLink connections. public static void InitSearch(Func> getStorageLinkConnectionsCopy) { searches = new Dictionary(); InitDefaultSearches(); ConnectionsManager.XenConnections.CollectionChanged += CollectionChanged; SynchroniseSearches(); GetStorageLinkConnectionsCopy = getStorageLinkConnectionsCopy; } private static void CollectionChanged(Object sender, System.ComponentModel.CollectionChangeEventArgs e) { //InvokeHelper.AssertOnEventThread(); InvokeHelper.BeginInvoke(SynchroniseSearches); } static void Pool_BatchCollectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { SynchroniseSearches(); } private static void SynchroniseSearches() { Dictionary localSearches = new Dictionary(); foreach (IXenConnection connection in ConnectionsManager.XenConnectionsCopy) { connection.Cache.RegisterBatchCollectionChanged(Pool_BatchCollectionChanged); foreach (Pool pool in connection.Cache.Pools) foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in pool.gui_config) { if (!kvp.Key.StartsWith(SearchPrefix)) continue; String uuid = kvp.Key.Substring(SearchPrefix.Length); Search search = SearchMarshalling.LoadSearch(kvp.Value); if (search == null) continue; search.Connection = connection; localSearches[uuid] = search; } } bool changed = false; lock (searches) { String[] uuids = new String[searches.Keys.Count]; searches.Keys.CopyTo(uuids, 0); foreach (String uuid in uuids) { if (searches[uuid].DefaultSearch) continue; if (localSearches.ContainsKey(uuid)) continue; searches.Remove(uuid); changed = true; } foreach (Search search in localSearches.Values) { if (searches.ContainsKey(search.UUID)) { if (searches[search.UUID].Equals(search)) continue; // try and persist the number of items in a // search, so they don't flick back to 0 search.items = searches[search.UUID].items; } searches[search.UUID] = search; changed = true; } } if (changed) OnSearchesChanged(); } private static void InitDefaultSearches() { // VMs by OS Search VMsByOS = new Search( new Query( new QueryScope(ObjectTypes.VM), null), new PropertyGrouping(PropertyNames.os_name, null), false, Messages.DEFAULT_SEARCH_VMS_BY_OS, "dead-beef-1234-vmsbyos", true ); searches["dead-beef-1234-vmsbyos"] = VMsByOS; // VMs without tools Search VMsWithoutTools = new Search( new Query( new QueryScope(ObjectTypes.VM), new GroupQuery( new QueryFilter[] { new EnumPropertyQuery(PropertyNames.power_state, vm_power_state.Running, true), new EnumPropertyQuery(PropertyNames.virtualisation_status, VM.VirtualisationStatus.OPTIMIZED, false) }, GroupQuery.GroupQueryType.And)), new PropertyGrouping(PropertyNames.virtualisation_status, null), false, Messages.DEFAULT_SEARCH_VMS_WO_XS_TOOLS, "dead-beef-1234-vmswotools", true ); searches["dead-beef-1234-vmswotools"] = VMsWithoutTools; // VMs by power state Search VMsByPowerState = new Search( new Query( new QueryScope(ObjectTypes.VM), null), new PropertyGrouping(PropertyNames.power_state, null), false, Messages.DEFAULT_SEARCH_VMS_BY_POWERSTATE, "dead-beef-1234-vmsbyps", true ); searches["dead-beef-1234-vmsbyps"] = VMsByPowerState; // VMs by network Search VMsByNetwork = new Search( new Query( new QueryScope(ObjectTypes.VM), null), new XenModelObjectPropertyGrouping(PropertyNames.networks, null), false, Messages.DEFAULT_SEARCH_VMS_BY_NETWORK, "dead-beef-1234-vmsbynet", true ); searches["dead-beef-1234-vmsbynet"] = VMsByNetwork; //VMs by vApps Search VMsByAppliance = new Search(new Query(new QueryScope(ObjectTypes.VM), new BooleanQuery(PropertyNames.in_any_appliance, true)), new XenModelObjectPropertyGrouping(PropertyNames.appliance, null), false, Messages.DEFAULT_SEARCH_VMS_BY_APPLIANCE, "dead-beef-1234-vmsbyappliance", true); searches["dead-beef-1234-vmsbyappliance"] = VMsByAppliance; // Objects by Tag Search ObjByTag = new Search( new Query( null, new ListEmptyQuery(PropertyNames.tags, false)), new PropertyGrouping(PropertyNames.tags, null), false, Messages.DEFAULT_SEARCH_OBJECTS_BY_TAG, "dead-beef-1234-objbytags", true ); searches["dead-beef-1234-objbytags"] = ObjByTag; // Snapshots by VM Search SnapshotsByVM = new Search( new Query(new QueryScope(ObjectTypes.Snapshot | ObjectTypes.VM), null), new XenModelObjectPropertyGrouping(PropertyNames.pool, new XenModelObjectPropertyGrouping(PropertyNames.host, new XenModelObjectPropertyGrouping(PropertyNames.vm, null))), false, Messages.DEFAULT_SEARCH_SNAPSHOTS_BY_VM, "dead-beef-1234-snapshotsbyvm", true); searches["dead-beef-1234-snapshotsbyvm"] = SnapshotsByVM; } } }