/* Copyright (c) Citrix Systems, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, * with or without modification, are permitted provided * that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other * materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND * CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using XenAdmin.Actions; using XenAdmin.Core; using XenAPI; using XenAdmin.Diagnostics.Checks; using XenAdmin.Diagnostics.Problems.HostProblem; using XenAdmin.Network; using XenAdmin.Wizards.PatchingWizard; using XenAdmin.Wizards.PatchingWizard.PlanActions; namespace XenAdmin.Wizards.RollingUpgradeWizard.PlanActions { class RpuUploadAndApplySuppPackPlanAction : HostPlanAction { private Host host; private List hosts; private string suppPackPath; private Dictionary uploadedSuppPacks; public List DelayedPlanActions; private readonly List hostsThatWillRequireReboot; public RpuUploadAndApplySuppPackPlanAction(IXenConnection connection, Host host, List hosts, string path, Dictionary uploadedUpdate, List hostsThatWillRequireReboot) : base(host) { this.host = host; this.hosts = hosts; suppPackPath = path; uploadedSuppPacks = uploadedUpdate; DelayedPlanActions = new List(); this.hostsThatWillRequireReboot = hostsThatWillRequireReboot; } public override bool IsSkippable { get { return true; } } public override string Title { get { return string.Format(Messages.RPU_WIZARD_INSTALL_SUPPPACK_TITLE, Path.GetFileName(suppPackPath), host.Name()); } } protected override void DoOnSkip() { AddProgressStep(string.Format(Messages.RPU_WIZARD_SKIP_INSTALL_SUPPPACK, Path.GetFileName(suppPackPath), host.Name())); } protected override void RunWithSession(ref Session session) { var conn = session.Connection; var coordinator = Helpers.GetCoordinator(conn); var suppPackName = Path.GetFileName(suppPackPath); host = GetResolvedHost(); // upload UploadSuppPack(coordinator, conn, session, suppPackName); if (uploadedSuppPacks.ContainsKey(coordinator)) { var update = uploadedSuppPacks[coordinator]; if (update != null) { // precheck PrecheckSuppPack(update, suppPackName, out var alreadyApplied, out var updateRequiresHostEvacuation); if (alreadyApplied) { // do after-apply-supppack step in case that this is a retry after // the update already applied but after-apply-supppack hasn't done yet AfterApplySuppPack(update); RemoveSuppPackFromCoordinator(session, coordinator, suppPackName, update); return; } // apply ApplySuppPack(conn, session, suppPackName, update, updateRequiresHostEvacuation); // after apply guidance AfterApplySuppPack(update); // remove from coordinator RemoveSuppPackFromCoordinator(session, coordinator, suppPackName, update); } } } private void UploadSuppPack(Host coordinator, IXenConnection connection, Session session, string suppPack) { if (!uploadedSuppPacks.ContainsKey(coordinator)) { UploadSupplementalPackAction uploadIsoAction; try { AddProgressStep(string.Format(Messages.UPDATES_WIZARD_UPLOADING_UPDATE, suppPack, connection.Name)); uploadIsoAction = new UploadSupplementalPackAction(connection, new List { coordinator }, suppPackPath, true); uploadIsoAction.Changed += uploadAction_Changed; uploadIsoAction.Completed += uploadAction_Completed; uploadIsoAction.RunExternal(session); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(string.Format("Upload failed for update {0} on connection {1}", suppPack, connection), ex); throw; } var poolupdate = uploadIsoAction.PoolUpdate; if (poolupdate == null) { log.ErrorFormat( "Upload finished successfully, but Pool_update object has not been found for update {0} on connection {1}.", suppPack, connection); throw new Exception(Messages.ACTION_UPLOADPATCHTOCOORDINATORPLANACTION_FAILED); } uploadedSuppPacks.Add(coordinator, poolupdate); } else if (host.uuid == coordinator.uuid) { AddProgressStep(string.Format(Messages.UPDATES_WIZARD_SKIPPING_UPLOAD, suppPack, connection.Name)); } } private void PrecheckSuppPack(Pool_update update, string suppPack, out bool alreadyApplied, out bool updateRequiresHostEvacuation) { alreadyApplied = false; if (Cancelling) throw new CancelledException(); var livePatchStatus = new Dictionary(); try { AddProgressStep(string.Format(Messages.UPDATES_WIZARD_RUNNING_PRECHECK, suppPack, host.Name())); PatchPrecheckCheck check = new PatchPrecheckCheck(host, update, livePatchStatus); var problems = check.RunAllChecks(); updateRequiresHostEvacuation = WizardHelpers.IsHostRebootRequiredForUpdate(host, update, livePatchStatus); if (problems != null && problems.Count > 0) { if (problems[0] is PatchAlreadyApplied) { log.InfoFormat("The update {0} is already applied on {1}. Ignore it.", suppPack, host.Name()); ReplaceProgressStep(string.Format(Messages.UPDATES_WIZARD_SKIPPING_UPDATE, suppPack, host.Name())); alreadyApplied = true; } else throw new Exception(problems[0].Description); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(string.Format("Precheck failed on host {0}", host.Name()), ex); throw; } if (livePatchStatus.ContainsKey(host.uuid) && livePatchStatus[host.uuid] != livepatch_status.ok_livepatch_complete && !hostsThatWillRequireReboot.Contains(host.uuid)) hostsThatWillRequireReboot.Add(host.uuid); } private void ApplySuppPack(IXenConnection connection, Session session, string suppPack, Pool_update update, bool updateRequiresHostEvacuation) { try { // evacuate the host, if needed, before applying the update if (updateRequiresHostEvacuation) EvacuateHost(ref session); AddProgressStep(string.Format(Messages.UPDATES_WIZARD_APPLYING_UPDATE, suppPack, host.Name())); var task = Pool_update.async_apply(session, update.opaque_ref, host.opaque_ref); PollTaskForResultAndDestroy(connection, ref session, task); } catch (Failure f) { if (f.ErrorDescription.Count > 1 && f.ErrorDescription[0] == Failure.UPDATE_ALREADY_APPLIED) { log.InfoFormat("The update {0} is already applied on {1}. Ignoring this error.", suppPack, host.Name()); ReplaceProgressStep(string.Format(Messages.UPDATES_WIZARD_SKIPPING_UPDATE, suppPack, host.Name())); } else throw; } } private void AfterApplySuppPack(Pool_update update) { var afterApplyGuidanceLists = update.after_apply_guidance; if (afterApplyGuidanceLists != null && afterApplyGuidanceLists.Count > 0) { foreach (update_after_apply_guidance afterApplyGuidance in afterApplyGuidanceLists) { var planAction = GetAfterApplyGuidancePlanAction(host, afterApplyGuidance); DelayedPlanActions.Add(planAction); } } } private void RemoveSuppPackFromCoordinator(Session session, Host coordinator, string suppPack, Pool_update update) { var isLastHostInPool = hosts.IndexOf(host) == hosts.Count - 1; if (isLastHostInPool) { try { AddProgressStep(string.Format(Messages.UPDATES_WIZARD_REMOVING_UPDATES_FROM_POOL, suppPack)); Pool_update.pool_clean(session, update.opaque_ref); if (!update.AppliedOnHosts().Any()) Pool_update.destroy(session, update.opaque_ref); uploadedSuppPacks.Remove(coordinator); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(string.Format("Remove update file from coordinator failed on host {0}", coordinator.Name()), ex); } } } private PlanAction GetAfterApplyGuidancePlanAction(Host host, update_after_apply_guidance guidance) { switch (guidance) { case update_after_apply_guidance.restartHost: return new RestartHostPlanAction(host, host.GetRunningVMs(), true, false, hostsThatWillRequireReboot); case update_after_apply_guidance.restartXAPI: return new RestartAgentPlanAction(host); case update_after_apply_guidance.restartHVM: return new RebootVMsPlanAction(host, host.GetRunningHvmVMs()); case update_after_apply_guidance.restartPV: return new RebootVMsPlanAction(host, host.GetRunningPvVMs()); default: return null; } } private void uploadAction_Changed(ActionBase action) { if (action == null) return; if (Cancelling) action.Cancel(); var bpAction = action as IByteProgressAction; if (bpAction == null) return; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bpAction.ByteProgressDescription)) ReplaceProgressStep(bpAction.ByteProgressDescription); } private void uploadAction_Completed(ActionBase action) { if (action == null) return; action.Changed -= uploadAction_Changed; action.Completed -= uploadAction_Completed; } } }