/* * Copyright (c) Citrix Systems, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, * STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED * OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using CookComputing.XmlRpc; namespace XenAPI { /// <summary> /// A virtual network /// First published in XenServer 4.0. /// </summary> public partial class Network : XenObject<Network> { public Network() { } public Network(string uuid, string name_label, string name_description, List<network_operations> allowed_operations, Dictionary<string, network_operations> current_operations, List<XenRef<VIF>> VIFs, List<XenRef<PIF>> PIFs, long MTU, Dictionary<string, string> other_config, string bridge, Dictionary<string, XenRef<Blob>> blobs, string[] tags, network_default_locking_mode default_locking_mode, Dictionary<XenRef<VIF>, string> assigned_ips) { this.uuid = uuid; this.name_label = name_label; this.name_description = name_description; this.allowed_operations = allowed_operations; this.current_operations = current_operations; this.VIFs = VIFs; this.PIFs = PIFs; this.MTU = MTU; this.other_config = other_config; this.bridge = bridge; this.blobs = blobs; this.tags = tags; this.default_locking_mode = default_locking_mode; this.assigned_ips = assigned_ips; } /// <summary> /// Creates a new Network from a Proxy_Network. /// </summary> /// <param name="proxy"></param> public Network(Proxy_Network proxy) { this.UpdateFromProxy(proxy); } public override void UpdateFrom(Network update) { uuid = update.uuid; name_label = update.name_label; name_description = update.name_description; allowed_operations = update.allowed_operations; current_operations = update.current_operations; VIFs = update.VIFs; PIFs = update.PIFs; MTU = update.MTU; other_config = update.other_config; bridge = update.bridge; blobs = update.blobs; tags = update.tags; default_locking_mode = update.default_locking_mode; assigned_ips = update.assigned_ips; } internal void UpdateFromProxy(Proxy_Network proxy) { uuid = proxy.uuid == null ? null : (string)proxy.uuid; name_label = proxy.name_label == null ? null : (string)proxy.name_label; name_description = proxy.name_description == null ? null : (string)proxy.name_description; allowed_operations = proxy.allowed_operations == null ? null : Helper.StringArrayToEnumList<network_operations>(proxy.allowed_operations); current_operations = proxy.current_operations == null ? null : Maps.convert_from_proxy_string_network_operations(proxy.current_operations); VIFs = proxy.VIFs == null ? null : XenRef<VIF>.Create(proxy.VIFs); PIFs = proxy.PIFs == null ? null : XenRef<PIF>.Create(proxy.PIFs); MTU = proxy.MTU == null ? 0 : long.Parse((string)proxy.MTU); other_config = proxy.other_config == null ? null : Maps.convert_from_proxy_string_string(proxy.other_config); bridge = proxy.bridge == null ? null : (string)proxy.bridge; blobs = proxy.blobs == null ? null : Maps.convert_from_proxy_string_XenRefBlob(proxy.blobs); tags = proxy.tags == null ? new string[] {} : (string [])proxy.tags; default_locking_mode = proxy.default_locking_mode == null ? (network_default_locking_mode) 0 : (network_default_locking_mode)Helper.EnumParseDefault(typeof(network_default_locking_mode), (string)proxy.default_locking_mode); assigned_ips = proxy.assigned_ips == null ? null : Maps.convert_from_proxy_XenRefVIF_string(proxy.assigned_ips); } public Proxy_Network ToProxy() { Proxy_Network result_ = new Proxy_Network(); result_.uuid = (uuid != null) ? uuid : ""; result_.name_label = (name_label != null) ? name_label : ""; result_.name_description = (name_description != null) ? name_description : ""; result_.allowed_operations = (allowed_operations != null) ? Helper.ObjectListToStringArray(allowed_operations) : new string[] {}; result_.current_operations = Maps.convert_to_proxy_string_network_operations(current_operations); result_.VIFs = (VIFs != null) ? Helper.RefListToStringArray(VIFs) : new string[] {}; result_.PIFs = (PIFs != null) ? Helper.RefListToStringArray(PIFs) : new string[] {}; result_.MTU = MTU.ToString(); result_.other_config = Maps.convert_to_proxy_string_string(other_config); result_.bridge = (bridge != null) ? bridge : ""; result_.blobs = Maps.convert_to_proxy_string_XenRefBlob(blobs); result_.tags = tags; result_.default_locking_mode = network_default_locking_mode_helper.ToString(default_locking_mode); result_.assigned_ips = Maps.convert_to_proxy_XenRefVIF_string(assigned_ips); return result_; } /// <summary> /// Creates a new Network from a Hashtable. /// </summary> /// <param name="table"></param> public Network(Hashtable table) { uuid = Marshalling.ParseString(table, "uuid"); name_label = Marshalling.ParseString(table, "name_label"); name_description = Marshalling.ParseString(table, "name_description"); allowed_operations = Helper.StringArrayToEnumList<network_operations>(Marshalling.ParseStringArray(table, "allowed_operations")); current_operations = Maps.convert_from_proxy_string_network_operations(Marshalling.ParseHashTable(table, "current_operations")); VIFs = Marshalling.ParseSetRef<VIF>(table, "VIFs"); PIFs = Marshalling.ParseSetRef<PIF>(table, "PIFs"); MTU = Marshalling.ParseLong(table, "MTU"); other_config = Maps.convert_from_proxy_string_string(Marshalling.ParseHashTable(table, "other_config")); bridge = Marshalling.ParseString(table, "bridge"); blobs = Maps.convert_from_proxy_string_XenRefBlob(Marshalling.ParseHashTable(table, "blobs")); tags = Marshalling.ParseStringArray(table, "tags"); default_locking_mode = (network_default_locking_mode)Helper.EnumParseDefault(typeof(network_default_locking_mode), Marshalling.ParseString(table, "default_locking_mode")); assigned_ips = Maps.convert_from_proxy_XenRefVIF_string(Marshalling.ParseHashTable(table, "assigned_ips")); } public bool DeepEquals(Network other, bool ignoreCurrentOperations) { if (ReferenceEquals(null, other)) return false; if (ReferenceEquals(this, other)) return true; if (!ignoreCurrentOperations && !Helper.AreEqual2(this.current_operations, other.current_operations)) return false; return Helper.AreEqual2(this._uuid, other._uuid) && Helper.AreEqual2(this._name_label, other._name_label) && Helper.AreEqual2(this._name_description, other._name_description) && Helper.AreEqual2(this._allowed_operations, other._allowed_operations) && Helper.AreEqual2(this._VIFs, other._VIFs) && Helper.AreEqual2(this._PIFs, other._PIFs) && Helper.AreEqual2(this._MTU, other._MTU) && Helper.AreEqual2(this._other_config, other._other_config) && Helper.AreEqual2(this._bridge, other._bridge) && Helper.AreEqual2(this._blobs, other._blobs) && Helper.AreEqual2(this._tags, other._tags) && Helper.AreEqual2(this._default_locking_mode, other._default_locking_mode) && Helper.AreEqual2(this._assigned_ips, other._assigned_ips); } public override string SaveChanges(Session session, string opaqueRef, Network server) { if (opaqueRef == null) { Proxy_Network p = this.ToProxy(); return session.proxy.network_create(session.uuid, p).parse(); } else { if (!Helper.AreEqual2(_name_label, server._name_label)) { Network.set_name_label(session, opaqueRef, _name_label); } if (!Helper.AreEqual2(_name_description, server._name_description)) { Network.set_name_description(session, opaqueRef, _name_description); } if (!Helper.AreEqual2(_MTU, server._MTU)) { Network.set_MTU(session, opaqueRef, _MTU); } if (!Helper.AreEqual2(_other_config, server._other_config)) { Network.set_other_config(session, opaqueRef, _other_config); } if (!Helper.AreEqual2(_tags, server._tags)) { Network.set_tags(session, opaqueRef, _tags); } return null; } } /// <summary> /// Get a record containing the current state of the given network. /// First published in XenServer 4.0. /// </summary> /// <param name="session">The session</param> /// <param name="_network">The opaque_ref of the given network</param> public static Network get_record(Session session, string _network) { return new Network((Proxy_Network)session.proxy.network_get_record(session.uuid, (_network != null) ? _network : "").parse()); } /// <summary> /// Get a reference to the network instance with the specified UUID. /// First published in XenServer 4.0. /// </summary> /// <param name="session">The session</param> /// <param name="_uuid">UUID of object to return</param> public static XenRef<Network> get_by_uuid(Session session, string _uuid) { return XenRef<Network>.Create(session.proxy.network_get_by_uuid(session.uuid, (_uuid != null) ? _uuid : "").parse()); } /// <summary> /// Create a new network instance, and return its handle. /// First published in XenServer 4.0. /// </summary> /// <param name="session">The session</param> /// <param name="_record">All constructor arguments</param> public static XenRef<Network> create(Session session, Network _record) { return XenRef<Network>.Create(session.proxy.network_create(session.uuid, _record.ToProxy()).parse()); } /// <summary> /// Create a new network instance, and return its handle. /// First published in XenServer 4.0. /// </summary> /// <param name="session">The session</param> /// <param name="_record">All constructor arguments</param> public static XenRef<Task> async_create(Session session, Network _record) { return XenRef<Task>.Create(session.proxy.async_network_create(session.uuid, _record.ToProxy()).parse()); } /// <summary> /// Destroy the specified network instance. /// First published in XenServer 4.0. /// </summary> /// <param name="session">The session</param> /// <param name="_network">The opaque_ref of the given network</param> public static void destroy(Session session, string _network) { session.proxy.network_destroy(session.uuid, (_network != null) ? _network : "").parse(); } /// <summary> /// Destroy the specified network instance. /// First published in XenServer 4.0. /// </summary> /// <param name="session">The session</param> /// <param name="_network">The opaque_ref of the given network</param> public static XenRef<Task> async_destroy(Session session, string _network) { return XenRef<Task>.Create(session.proxy.async_network_destroy(session.uuid, (_network != null) ? _network : "").parse()); } /// <summary> /// Get all the network instances with the given label. /// First published in XenServer 4.0. /// </summary> /// <param name="session">The session</param> /// <param name="_label">label of object to return</param> public static List<XenRef<Network>> get_by_name_label(Session session, string _label) { return XenRef<Network>.Create(session.proxy.network_get_by_name_label(session.uuid, (_label != null) ? _label : "").parse()); } /// <summary> /// Get the uuid field of the given network. /// First published in XenServer 4.0. /// </summary> /// <param name="session">The session</param> /// <param name="_network">The opaque_ref of the given network</param> public static string get_uuid(Session session, string _network) { return (string)session.proxy.network_get_uuid(session.uuid, (_network != null) ? _network : "").parse(); } /// <summary> /// Get the name/label field of the given network. /// First published in XenServer 4.0. /// </summary> /// <param name="session">The session</param> /// <param name="_network">The opaque_ref of the given network</param> public static string get_name_label(Session session, string _network) { return (string)session.proxy.network_get_name_label(session.uuid, (_network != null) ? _network : "").parse(); } /// <summary> /// Get the name/description field of the given network. /// First published in XenServer 4.0. /// </summary> /// <param name="session">The session</param> /// <param name="_network">The opaque_ref of the given network</param> public static string get_name_description(Session session, string _network) { return (string)session.proxy.network_get_name_description(session.uuid, (_network != null) ? _network : "").parse(); } /// <summary> /// Get the allowed_operations field of the given network. /// First published in XenServer 4.0. /// </summary> /// <param name="session">The session</param> /// <param name="_network">The opaque_ref of the given network</param> public static List<network_operations> get_allowed_operations(Session session, string _network) { return Helper.StringArrayToEnumList<network_operations>(session.proxy.network_get_allowed_operations(session.uuid, (_network != null) ? _network : "").parse()); } /// <summary> /// Get the current_operations field of the given network. /// First published in XenServer 4.0. /// </summary> /// <param name="session">The session</param> /// <param name="_network">The opaque_ref of the given network</param> public static Dictionary<string, network_operations> get_current_operations(Session session, string _network) { return Maps.convert_from_proxy_string_network_operations(session.proxy.network_get_current_operations(session.uuid, (_network != null) ? _network : "").parse()); } /// <summary> /// Get the VIFs field of the given network. /// First published in XenServer 4.0. /// </summary> /// <param name="session">The session</param> /// <param name="_network">The opaque_ref of the given network</param> public static List<XenRef<VIF>> get_VIFs(Session session, string _network) { return XenRef<VIF>.Create(session.proxy.network_get_vifs(session.uuid, (_network != null) ? _network : "").parse()); } /// <summary> /// Get the PIFs field of the given network. /// First published in XenServer 4.0. /// </summary> /// <param name="session">The session</param> /// <param name="_network">The opaque_ref of the given network</param> public static List<XenRef<PIF>> get_PIFs(Session session, string _network) { return XenRef<PIF>.Create(session.proxy.network_get_pifs(session.uuid, (_network != null) ? _network : "").parse()); } /// <summary> /// Get the MTU field of the given network. /// First published in XenServer 5.6. /// </summary> /// <param name="session">The session</param> /// <param name="_network">The opaque_ref of the given network</param> public static long get_MTU(Session session, string _network) { return long.Parse((string)session.proxy.network_get_mtu(session.uuid, (_network != null) ? _network : "").parse()); } /// <summary> /// Get the other_config field of the given network. /// First published in XenServer 4.0. /// </summary> /// <param name="session">The session</param> /// <param name="_network">The opaque_ref of the given network</param> public static Dictionary<string, string> get_other_config(Session session, string _network) { return Maps.convert_from_proxy_string_string(session.proxy.network_get_other_config(session.uuid, (_network != null) ? _network : "").parse()); } /// <summary> /// Get the bridge field of the given network. /// First published in XenServer 4.0. /// </summary> /// <param name="session">The session</param> /// <param name="_network">The opaque_ref of the given network</param> public static string get_bridge(Session session, string _network) { return (string)session.proxy.network_get_bridge(session.uuid, (_network != null) ? _network : "").parse(); } /// <summary> /// Get the blobs field of the given network. /// First published in XenServer 5.0. /// </summary> /// <param name="session">The session</param> /// <param name="_network">The opaque_ref of the given network</param> public static Dictionary<string, XenRef<Blob>> get_blobs(Session session, string _network) { return Maps.convert_from_proxy_string_XenRefBlob(session.proxy.network_get_blobs(session.uuid, (_network != null) ? _network : "").parse()); } /// <summary> /// Get the tags field of the given network. /// First published in XenServer 5.0. /// </summary> /// <param name="session">The session</param> /// <param name="_network">The opaque_ref of the given network</param> public static string[] get_tags(Session session, string _network) { return (string [])session.proxy.network_get_tags(session.uuid, (_network != null) ? _network : "").parse(); } /// <summary> /// Get the default_locking_mode field of the given network. /// First published in XenServer 6.1. /// </summary> /// <param name="session">The session</param> /// <param name="_network">The opaque_ref of the given network</param> public static network_default_locking_mode get_default_locking_mode(Session session, string _network) { return (network_default_locking_mode)Helper.EnumParseDefault(typeof(network_default_locking_mode), (string)session.proxy.network_get_default_locking_mode(session.uuid, (_network != null) ? _network : "").parse()); } /// <summary> /// Get the assigned_ips field of the given network. /// First published in XenServer 6.5. /// </summary> /// <param name="session">The session</param> /// <param name="_network">The opaque_ref of the given network</param> public static Dictionary<XenRef<VIF>, string> get_assigned_ips(Session session, string _network) { return Maps.convert_from_proxy_XenRefVIF_string(session.proxy.network_get_assigned_ips(session.uuid, (_network != null) ? _network : "").parse()); } /// <summary> /// Set the name/label field of the given network. /// First published in XenServer 4.0. /// </summary> /// <param name="session">The session</param> /// <param name="_network">The opaque_ref of the given network</param> /// <param name="_label">New value to set</param> public static void set_name_label(Session session, string _network, string _label) { session.proxy.network_set_name_label(session.uuid, (_network != null) ? _network : "", (_label != null) ? _label : "").parse(); } /// <summary> /// Set the name/description field of the given network. /// First published in XenServer 4.0. /// </summary> /// <param name="session">The session</param> /// <param name="_network">The opaque_ref of the given network</param> /// <param name="_description">New value to set</param> public static void set_name_description(Session session, string _network, string _description) { session.proxy.network_set_name_description(session.uuid, (_network != null) ? _network : "", (_description != null) ? _description : "").parse(); } /// <summary> /// Set the MTU field of the given network. /// First published in XenServer 5.6. /// </summary> /// <param name="session">The session</param> /// <param name="_network">The opaque_ref of the given network</param> /// <param name="_mtu">New value to set</param> public static void set_MTU(Session session, string _network, long _mtu) { session.proxy.network_set_mtu(session.uuid, (_network != null) ? _network : "", _mtu.ToString()).parse(); } /// <summary> /// Set the other_config field of the given network. /// First published in XenServer 4.0. /// </summary> /// <param name="session">The session</param> /// <param name="_network">The opaque_ref of the given network</param> /// <param name="_other_config">New value to set</param> public static void set_other_config(Session session, string _network, Dictionary<string, string> _other_config) { session.proxy.network_set_other_config(session.uuid, (_network != null) ? _network : "", Maps.convert_to_proxy_string_string(_other_config)).parse(); } /// <summary> /// Add the given key-value pair to the other_config field of the given network. /// First published in XenServer 4.0. /// </summary> /// <param name="session">The session</param> /// <param name="_network">The opaque_ref of the given network</param> /// <param name="_key">Key to add</param> /// <param name="_value">Value to add</param> public static void add_to_other_config(Session session, string _network, string _key, string _value) { session.proxy.network_add_to_other_config(session.uuid, (_network != null) ? _network : "", (_key != null) ? _key : "", (_value != null) ? _value : "").parse(); } /// <summary> /// Remove the given key and its corresponding value from the other_config field of the given network. If the key is not in that Map, then do nothing. /// First published in XenServer 4.0. /// </summary> /// <param name="session">The session</param> /// <param name="_network">The opaque_ref of the given network</param> /// <param name="_key">Key to remove</param> public static void remove_from_other_config(Session session, string _network, string _key) { session.proxy.network_remove_from_other_config(session.uuid, (_network != null) ? _network : "", (_key != null) ? _key : "").parse(); } /// <summary> /// Set the tags field of the given network. /// First published in XenServer 5.0. /// </summary> /// <param name="session">The session</param> /// <param name="_network">The opaque_ref of the given network</param> /// <param name="_tags">New value to set</param> public static void set_tags(Session session, string _network, string[] _tags) { session.proxy.network_set_tags(session.uuid, (_network != null) ? _network : "", _tags).parse(); } /// <summary> /// Add the given value to the tags field of the given network. If the value is already in that Set, then do nothing. /// First published in XenServer 5.0. /// </summary> /// <param name="session">The session</param> /// <param name="_network">The opaque_ref of the given network</param> /// <param name="_value">New value to add</param> public static void add_tags(Session session, string _network, string _value) { session.proxy.network_add_tags(session.uuid, (_network != null) ? _network : "", (_value != null) ? _value : "").parse(); } /// <summary> /// Remove the given value from the tags field of the given network. If the value is not in that Set, then do nothing. /// First published in XenServer 5.0. /// </summary> /// <param name="session">The session</param> /// <param name="_network">The opaque_ref of the given network</param> /// <param name="_value">Value to remove</param> public static void remove_tags(Session session, string _network, string _value) { session.proxy.network_remove_tags(session.uuid, (_network != null) ? _network : "", (_value != null) ? _value : "").parse(); } /// <summary> /// Create a placeholder for a named binary blob of data that is associated with this pool /// First published in XenServer 5.0. /// </summary> /// <param name="session">The session</param> /// <param name="_network">The opaque_ref of the given network</param> /// <param name="_name">The name associated with the blob</param> /// <param name="_mime_type">The mime type for the data. Empty string translates to application/octet-stream</param> public static XenRef<Blob> create_new_blob(Session session, string _network, string _name, string _mime_type) { return XenRef<Blob>.Create(session.proxy.network_create_new_blob(session.uuid, (_network != null) ? _network : "", (_name != null) ? _name : "", (_mime_type != null) ? _mime_type : "").parse()); } /// <summary> /// Create a placeholder for a named binary blob of data that is associated with this pool /// First published in XenServer 5.0. /// </summary> /// <param name="session">The session</param> /// <param name="_network">The opaque_ref of the given network</param> /// <param name="_name">The name associated with the blob</param> /// <param name="_mime_type">The mime type for the data. Empty string translates to application/octet-stream</param> public static XenRef<Task> async_create_new_blob(Session session, string _network, string _name, string _mime_type) { return XenRef<Task>.Create(session.proxy.async_network_create_new_blob(session.uuid, (_network != null) ? _network : "", (_name != null) ? _name : "", (_mime_type != null) ? _mime_type : "").parse()); } /// <summary> /// Create a placeholder for a named binary blob of data that is associated with this pool /// First published in XenServer 5.0. /// </summary> /// <param name="session">The session</param> /// <param name="_network">The opaque_ref of the given network</param> /// <param name="_name">The name associated with the blob</param> /// <param name="_mime_type">The mime type for the data. Empty string translates to application/octet-stream</param> /// <param name="_public">True if the blob should be publicly available First published in XenServer 6.1.</param> public static XenRef<Blob> create_new_blob(Session session, string _network, string _name, string _mime_type, bool _public) { return XenRef<Blob>.Create(session.proxy.network_create_new_blob(session.uuid, (_network != null) ? _network : "", (_name != null) ? _name : "", (_mime_type != null) ? _mime_type : "", _public).parse()); } /// <summary> /// Create a placeholder for a named binary blob of data that is associated with this pool /// First published in XenServer 5.0. /// </summary> /// <param name="session">The session</param> /// <param name="_network">The opaque_ref of the given network</param> /// <param name="_name">The name associated with the blob</param> /// <param name="_mime_type">The mime type for the data. Empty string translates to application/octet-stream</param> /// <param name="_public">True if the blob should be publicly available First published in XenServer 6.1.</param> public static XenRef<Task> async_create_new_blob(Session session, string _network, string _name, string _mime_type, bool _public) { return XenRef<Task>.Create(session.proxy.async_network_create_new_blob(session.uuid, (_network != null) ? _network : "", (_name != null) ? _name : "", (_mime_type != null) ? _mime_type : "", _public).parse()); } /// <summary> /// Set the default locking mode for VIFs attached to this network /// First published in XenServer 6.1. /// </summary> /// <param name="session">The session</param> /// <param name="_network">The opaque_ref of the given network</param> /// <param name="_value">The default locking mode for VIFs attached to this network.</param> public static void set_default_locking_mode(Session session, string _network, network_default_locking_mode _value) { session.proxy.network_set_default_locking_mode(session.uuid, (_network != null) ? _network : "", network_default_locking_mode_helper.ToString(_value)).parse(); } /// <summary> /// Set the default locking mode for VIFs attached to this network /// First published in XenServer 6.1. /// </summary> /// <param name="session">The session</param> /// <param name="_network">The opaque_ref of the given network</param> /// <param name="_value">The default locking mode for VIFs attached to this network.</param> public static XenRef<Task> async_set_default_locking_mode(Session session, string _network, network_default_locking_mode _value) { return XenRef<Task>.Create(session.proxy.async_network_set_default_locking_mode(session.uuid, (_network != null) ? _network : "", network_default_locking_mode_helper.ToString(_value)).parse()); } /// <summary> /// Return a list of all the networks known to the system. /// First published in XenServer 4.0. /// </summary> /// <param name="session">The session</param> public static List<XenRef<Network>> get_all(Session session) { return XenRef<Network>.Create(session.proxy.network_get_all(session.uuid).parse()); } /// <summary> /// Get all the network Records at once, in a single XML RPC call /// First published in XenServer 4.0. /// </summary> /// <param name="session">The session</param> public static Dictionary<XenRef<Network>, Network> get_all_records(Session session) { return XenRef<Network>.Create<Proxy_Network>(session.proxy.network_get_all_records(session.uuid).parse()); } /// <summary> /// Unique identifier/object reference /// </summary> public virtual string uuid { get { return _uuid; } set { if (!Helper.AreEqual(value, _uuid)) { _uuid = value; Changed = true; NotifyPropertyChanged("uuid"); } } } private string _uuid; /// <summary> /// a human-readable name /// </summary> public virtual string name_label { get { return _name_label; } set { if (!Helper.AreEqual(value, _name_label)) { _name_label = value; Changed = true; NotifyPropertyChanged("name_label"); } } } private string _name_label; /// <summary> /// a notes field containing human-readable description /// </summary> public virtual string name_description { get { return _name_description; } set { if (!Helper.AreEqual(value, _name_description)) { _name_description = value; Changed = true; NotifyPropertyChanged("name_description"); } } } private string _name_description; /// <summary> /// list of the operations allowed in this state. This list is advisory only and the server state may have changed by the time this field is read by a client. /// </summary> public virtual List<network_operations> allowed_operations { get { return _allowed_operations; } set { if (!Helper.AreEqual(value, _allowed_operations)) { _allowed_operations = value; Changed = true; NotifyPropertyChanged("allowed_operations"); } } } private List<network_operations> _allowed_operations; /// <summary> /// links each of the running tasks using this object (by reference) to a current_operation enum which describes the nature of the task. /// </summary> public virtual Dictionary<string, network_operations> current_operations { get { return _current_operations; } set { if (!Helper.AreEqual(value, _current_operations)) { _current_operations = value; Changed = true; NotifyPropertyChanged("current_operations"); } } } private Dictionary<string, network_operations> _current_operations; /// <summary> /// list of connected vifs /// </summary> public virtual List<XenRef<VIF>> VIFs { get { return _VIFs; } set { if (!Helper.AreEqual(value, _VIFs)) { _VIFs = value; Changed = true; NotifyPropertyChanged("VIFs"); } } } private List<XenRef<VIF>> _VIFs; /// <summary> /// list of connected pifs /// </summary> public virtual List<XenRef<PIF>> PIFs { get { return _PIFs; } set { if (!Helper.AreEqual(value, _PIFs)) { _PIFs = value; Changed = true; NotifyPropertyChanged("PIFs"); } } } private List<XenRef<PIF>> _PIFs; /// <summary> /// MTU in octets /// First published in XenServer 5.6. /// </summary> public virtual long MTU { get { return _MTU; } set { if (!Helper.AreEqual(value, _MTU)) { _MTU = value; Changed = true; NotifyPropertyChanged("MTU"); } } } private long _MTU; /// <summary> /// additional configuration /// </summary> public virtual Dictionary<string, string> other_config { get { return _other_config; } set { if (!Helper.AreEqual(value, _other_config)) { _other_config = value; Changed = true; NotifyPropertyChanged("other_config"); } } } private Dictionary<string, string> _other_config; /// <summary> /// name of the bridge corresponding to this network on the local host /// </summary> public virtual string bridge { get { return _bridge; } set { if (!Helper.AreEqual(value, _bridge)) { _bridge = value; Changed = true; NotifyPropertyChanged("bridge"); } } } private string _bridge; /// <summary> /// Binary blobs associated with this network /// First published in XenServer 5.0. /// </summary> public virtual Dictionary<string, XenRef<Blob>> blobs { get { return _blobs; } set { if (!Helper.AreEqual(value, _blobs)) { _blobs = value; Changed = true; NotifyPropertyChanged("blobs"); } } } private Dictionary<string, XenRef<Blob>> _blobs; /// <summary> /// user-specified tags for categorization purposes /// First published in XenServer 5.0. /// </summary> public virtual string[] tags { get { return _tags; } set { if (!Helper.AreEqual(value, _tags)) { _tags = value; Changed = true; NotifyPropertyChanged("tags"); } } } private string[] _tags; /// <summary> /// The network will use this value to determine the behaviour of all VIFs where locking_mode = default /// First published in XenServer 6.1. /// </summary> public virtual network_default_locking_mode default_locking_mode { get { return _default_locking_mode; } set { if (!Helper.AreEqual(value, _default_locking_mode)) { _default_locking_mode = value; Changed = true; NotifyPropertyChanged("default_locking_mode"); } } } private network_default_locking_mode _default_locking_mode; /// <summary> /// The IP addresses assigned to VIFs on networks that have active xapi-managed DHCP /// First published in XenServer 6.5. /// </summary> public virtual Dictionary<XenRef<VIF>, string> assigned_ips { get { return _assigned_ips; } set { if (!Helper.AreEqual(value, _assigned_ips)) { _assigned_ips = value; Changed = true; NotifyPropertyChanged("assigned_ips"); } } } private Dictionary<XenRef<VIF>, string> _assigned_ips; } }