/* Copyright (c) Citrix Systems, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, * with or without modification, are permitted provided * that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other * materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND * CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Drawing; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using XenAdmin.Actions; using XenAdmin.Core; using XenCenterLib; using XenAPI; using XenAdmin.Dialogs; using System.Linq; namespace XenAdmin.SettingsPanels { public partial class VBDEditPage : UserControl, IEditPage { private VBD vbd; private VDI vdi; private SR sr; private VM vm; private const int MAXIMUM_PRIORITY = 7; private const int MINIMUM_PRIORITY = 0; private bool _ValidToSave = true; private readonly ToolTip InvalidParamToolTip; public VBDEditPage() { InitializeComponent(); Text = String.Empty; modeComboBox.Items.Add(Messages.READ_WRITE); modeComboBox.Items.Add(Messages.READ_ONLY); diskAccessPriorityTrackBar.Max = MAXIMUM_PRIORITY; diskAccessPriorityTrackBar.Min = MINIMUM_PRIORITY; InvalidParamToolTip = new ToolTip(); InvalidParamToolTip.IsBalloon = true; InvalidParamToolTip.ToolTipIcon = ToolTipIcon.Warning; InvalidParamToolTip.ToolTipTitle = Messages.INVALID_PARAMETER; } public Image Image { get { return Properties.Resources._000_VM_h32bit_16; } } public bool ValidToSave { get { return _ValidToSave; } } public void SetXenObjects(IXenObject orig, IXenObject clone) { if (!(clone is VBD)) return; vbd = clone as VBD; if (vbd == null) return; vdi = vbd.Connection.Resolve(vbd.VDI); if (vdi == null) return; sr = vdi.Connection.Resolve(vdi.SR); if (sr == null) return; Repopulate(); vm = vbd.Connection.Resolve(vbd.VM); if (vm == null) return; Text = Helpers.GetName(vm); devicePositionComboBox.Enabled = false; } // Work out what values to put in the device position combobox public void UpdateDevicePositions(Session session) { Program.AssertOffEventThread(); List devices = new List(); // Make the list of possible userdevice positions: the union of the spare get_allowed_VBD_devices... devices.AddRange(VM.get_allowed_VBD_devices(session, vm.opaque_ref)); // Never allow the DVD drive device number to be used, unless it's already in use (it will be added below) devices.Remove("3"); // ...with the userdevice values already in use foreach (VBD vbd in vm.Connection.ResolveAll(vm.VBDs)) { if (devices.Contains(vbd.userdevice)) continue; devices.Add(vbd.userdevice); } // Put the userdevices values into the combobox devices.Sort(StringUtility.NaturalCompare); Program.Invoke(Program.MainWindow, delegate() { devicePositionComboBox.BeginUpdate(); try { devicePositionComboBox.Items.Clear(); var comboBoxItems = vm.Connection.ResolveAll(vm.VBDs).Select(d => new DevicePositionComboBoxItem(d.userdevice, d)); foreach (var devicePosition in devices) { var comboBoxItemWithVdi = comboBoxItems.FirstOrDefault(ci => ci.VBD.userdevice == devicePosition); if (comboBoxItemWithVdi != null) { devicePositionComboBox.Items.Add(comboBoxItemWithVdi); if (vbd != null && comboBoxItemWithVdi.VBD.userdevice == vbd.userdevice) devicePositionComboBox.SelectedItem = comboBoxItemWithVdi; } else { devicePositionComboBox.Items.Add(new DevicePositionComboBoxItem(devicePosition)); } } } finally { devicePositionComboBox.EndUpdate(); devicePositionComboBox.Enabled = true; } }); } public void Repopulate() { if (vbd == null || vdi == null) return; // // R/O field is disabled if VDI is inherently R/O (ie ISOs) // if (vbd.currently_attached) { modeComboBox.Enabled = false; toolTipContainer1.SetToolTip(Messages.VBD_EDIT_CURRENTLY_ATTACHED); } else { modeComboBox.Enabled = !vdi.read_only; toolTipContainer1.RemoveAll(); } modeComboBox.SelectedIndex = vdi.read_only || vbd.IsReadOnly() ? 1 : 0; // // Set QoS Value // diskAccessPriorityTrackBar.Value = vbd.GetIoNice(); Host master = Helpers.GetMaster(vbd.Connection); if (sr == null || master == null || !sr.other_config.ContainsKey("scheduler") || sr.other_config["scheduler"] != "cfq") { DiskPriorityPanel.Visible = false; label1.Visible = false; } else { DiskPriorityPanel.Visible = true; label1.Visible = true; DiskPriorityPanel.Enabled = true; } } public bool HasChanged { get { return DevicePosition != vbd.userdevice || (modeComboBox.SelectedItem.ToString() == Messages.READ_ONLY) != vbd.IsReadOnly() || (diskAccessPriorityTrackBar.Enabled && diskAccessPriorityTrackBar.Value != vbd.GetIoNice()); } } public void ShowLocalValidationMessages() { } public void Cleanup() { InvalidParamToolTip.Dispose(); } private String DevicePosition { get { if (devicePositionComboBox.SelectedItem != null) return ((DevicePositionComboBoxItem)devicePositionComboBox.SelectedItem).Position; return String.Empty; } } private bool DevicePositionChanged { get { return DevicePosition != vbd.userdevice; } } public AsyncAction SaveSettings() { // Check user has entered valid params if (DevicePositionChanged && vdi.type == vdi_type.system) { DialogResult dialogResult; using (var dlg = new WarningDialog(Messages.EDIT_SYS_DISK_WARNING, ThreeButtonDialog.ButtonYes, ThreeButtonDialog.ButtonNo) {WindowTitle = Messages.EDIT_SYS_DISK_WARNING_TITLE}) { dialogResult = dlg.ShowDialog(this); } if (DialogResult.Yes != dialogResult) { return null; } } bool diskAccessPriorityEnabled = diskAccessPriorityTrackBar.Enabled; int diskAccessPriority = diskAccessPriorityTrackBar.Value; vbd_mode vbdMode = modeComboBox.SelectedIndex == 0 ? vbd_mode.RW : vbd_mode.RO; string devicePosition = DevicePosition; int priorityToSet = vbd.GetIoNice(); if (diskAccessPriorityEnabled) { priorityToSet = diskAccessPriority; } bool changeDevicePosition = false; VBD other = null; if (devicePosition != vbd.userdevice) { foreach (VBD otherVBD in vm.Connection.ResolveAll(vm.VBDs)) { if (otherVBD.userdevice != devicePosition || vbd.opaque_ref == otherVBD.opaque_ref) continue; other = otherVBD; break; } if (other == null) { changeDevicePosition = true; } else { // The selected userdevice is already in use. Ask the user what to do about this. DialogResult result = new UserDeviceDialog(devicePosition).ShowDialog(this); changeDevicePosition = result != DialogResult.Cancel; if (result == DialogResult.No || !changeDevicePosition) other = null; } } WarnUserSwap(vbd, other); return new VbdEditAction(vbd, vbdMode, priorityToSet, changeDevicePosition, other, devicePosition, true); } private static void WarnUserSwap(VBD vbd, VBD other) { VM VBDvm = vbd.Connection.Resolve(vbd.VM); if ((other != null && VBDvm.power_state != XenAPI.vm_power_state.Halted) && ( (vbd.currently_attached && !vbd.allowed_operations.Contains(vbd_operations.unplug)) || (other.currently_attached && !other.allowed_operations.Contains(vbd_operations.unplug)) ) ) { Program.Invoke(Program.MainWindow, () => { using (var dlg = new InformationDialog(Messages.DEVICE_POSITION_RESTART_REQUIRED)) dlg.ShowDialog(Program.MainWindow); }); } } public String SubText { get { return String.Format(Messages.DEVICE_POSITION, DevicePosition, modeComboBox.SelectedItem); } } public class DevicePositionComboBoxItem { private VBD vbd; private string position; public VBD VBD { get { return vbd; } } public string Position { get { return position; } } public DevicePositionComboBoxItem(string position, VBD vbd = null) { this.vbd = vbd; this.position = position; } public override string ToString() { VDI vdi = null; if (vbd != null && vbd.Connection != null) { vdi = vbd.Connection.Resolve(vbd.VDI); } if (vbd == null) return position; if (vdi != null) return string.Format(Messages.VBD_EDIT_CURRENTLY_IN_USE_BY, position, vdi.ToString().Ellipsise(30)); return string.Format(Messages.VBD_EDIT_CURRENTLY_IN_USE, position); } } } }