/* Copyright (c) Citrix Systems Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, * with or without modification, are permitted provided * that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other * materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND * CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Windows.Forms; using XenAdmin.Controls; using XenAdmin.CustomFields; using XenAdmin.Model; using XenAPI; using XenAdmin.Core; using XenAdmin.Dialogs; using XenAdmin.SettingsPanels; using XenAdmin.Network; using XenAdmin.Commands; namespace XenAdmin.TabPages { public partial class GeneralTabPage : BaseTabPage { private static readonly log4net.ILog log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); private static readonly Dictionary> _expandedSections = new Dictionary>(); /// /// Set when we need to do a rebuild, but we are not visible, to queue up a rebuild. /// private bool refreshNeeded = false; private LicenseStatus licenseStatus; private List sections; public LicenseManagerLauncher LicenseLauncher { private get; set; } public GeneralTabPage() { InitializeComponent(); VM_guest_metrics_CollectionChangedWithInvoke = Program.ProgramInvokeHandler(VM_guest_metrics_CollectionChanged); OtherConfigAndTagsWatcher.TagsChanged += new EventHandler(OtherConfigAndTagsWatcher_TagsChanged); sections = new List(); foreach (Control control in panel2.Controls) { Panel p = control as Panel; if (p == null) continue; foreach (Control c in p.Controls) { PDSection s = c as PDSection; if (s == null) continue; sections.Add(s); s.MaximumSize = new Size(900, 9999999); s.fixFirstColumnWidth(150); s.contentChangedSelection += s_contentChangedSelection; s.contentReceivedFocus += s_contentReceivedFocus; } } } private void licenseStatus_ItemUpdated(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (pdSectionLicense == null) return; GeneralTabLicenseStatusStringifier ss = new GeneralTabLicenseStatusStringifier(licenseStatus); Program.Invoke(Program.MainWindow, () => pdSectionLicense.UpdateEntryValueWithKey( FriendlyName("host.license_params-expiry"), ss.ExpiryDate, ss.ShowExpiryDate)); Program.Invoke(Program.MainWindow, () => pdSectionLicense.UpdateEntryValueWithKey( Messages.LICENSE_STATUS, ss.ExpiryStatus, true)); } void s_contentReceivedFocus(PDSection s) { scrollToSelectionIfNeeded(s); } void s_contentChangedSelection(PDSection s) { scrollToSelectionIfNeeded(s); } private void scrollToSelectionIfNeeded(PDSection s) { if (s.HasNoSelection()) return; Rectangle selectedRowBounds = s.SelectedRowBounds; // translate to the coordinates of the pdsection container panel (the one added for padding purposes) selectedRowBounds.Offset(s.Parent.Location); // Top edge visible? if (panel2.ClientRectangle.Height - selectedRowBounds.Top > 0 && selectedRowBounds.Top > 0) { // Bottom edge visible? if (panel2.ClientRectangle.Height - selectedRowBounds.Bottom > 0 && selectedRowBounds.Bottom > 0) { // The entire selected row is in view, no need to move return; } } panel2.ForceScrollTo(s); } private void EditButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { new PropertiesCommand(Program.MainWindow, xenObject).Execute(); } private IXenObject xenObject; public IXenObject XenObject { set { if (value == null) return; SetupAnStartLicenseStatus(value); if (xenObject != value) { UnregisterHandlers(); // special case for StorageLinkRepository, use its SR in this case. StorageLinkRepository slr = value as StorageLinkRepository; SR sr = slr != null ? slr.SR(ConnectionsManager.XenConnectionsCopy) : null; xenObject = sr ?? value; RegisterHandlers(); BuildList(); List listPDSections = null; if (_expandedSections.TryGetValue(xenObject.GetType(), out listPDSections)) ResetExpandState(listPDSections); else ResetExpandState(); } else { BuildList(); } } } private void SetupAnStartLicenseStatus(IXenObject xo) { licenseStatus = new LicenseStatus(xo); licenseStatus.ItemUpdated += licenseStatus_ItemUpdated; licenseStatus.BeginUpdate(); } void s_ExpandedEventHandler(PDSection pdSection) { if (pdSection != null) { //Add to the expandedSections List listSections; if (_expandedSections.TryGetValue(xenObject.GetType(), out listSections)) { if (!listSections.Contains(pdSection) && pdSection.IsExpanded) listSections.Add(pdSection); else if (!pdSection.IsExpanded) listSections.Remove(pdSection); } else if (pdSection.IsExpanded) { List list = new List(); list.Add(pdSection); _expandedSections.Add(xenObject.GetType(), list); } } SetStatesOfExpandingLinks(); } private void ResetExpandState() { panel2.SuspendLayout(); foreach (PDSection s in sections) { s.Contract(); } pdSectionGeneral.Expand(); panel2.ResumeLayout(); } private void ResetExpandState(List expandedSections) { panel2.SuspendLayout(); foreach (PDSection s in sections) { if (expandedSections.Contains(s)) s.Expand(); else s.Contract(); } pdSectionGeneral.Expand(); panel2.ResumeLayout(); } private void UnregisterHandlers() { if (xenObject != null) xenObject.PropertyChanged -= PropertyChanged; if (xenObject is Host) { Host host = xenObject as Host; Host_metrics metric = xenObject.Connection.Resolve(host.metrics); if (metric != null) metric.PropertyChanged -= PropertyChanged; } else if (xenObject is VM) { VM vm = xenObject as VM; VM_metrics metric = vm.Connection.Resolve(vm.metrics); if (metric != null) metric.PropertyChanged -= PropertyChanged; VM_guest_metrics guestmetric = xenObject.Connection.Resolve(vm.guest_metrics); if (guestmetric != null) guestmetric.PropertyChanged -= PropertyChanged; vm.Connection.Cache.DeregisterCollectionChanged(VM_guest_metrics_CollectionChangedWithInvoke); } else if (xenObject is SR) { SR sr = xenObject as SR; foreach (PBD pbd in sr.Connection.ResolveAll(sr.PBDs)) { pbd.PropertyChanged -= PropertyChanged; } } else if (xenObject is Pool) { xenObject.Connection.Cache.DeregisterBatchCollectionChanged(Pool_patch_BatchCollectionChanged); } } void VM_guest_metrics_CollectionChanged(object sender, CollectionChangeEventArgs e) { if (!this.Visible) return; // Required to refresh the panel when the vm boots so we show the correct pv driver state and version // Note this does NOT get called every 2s, just when the vm power state changes (hopefully!) BuildList(); } private readonly CollectionChangeEventHandler VM_guest_metrics_CollectionChangedWithInvoke; private void RegisterHandlers() { if (xenObject != null) xenObject.PropertyChanged += new PropertyChangedEventHandler(PropertyChanged); if (xenObject is Host) { Host host = xenObject as Host; Host_metrics metric = xenObject.Connection.Resolve(host.metrics); if (metric != null) metric.PropertyChanged += new PropertyChangedEventHandler(PropertyChanged); } else if (xenObject is VM) { VM vm = xenObject as VM; VM_metrics metric = vm.Connection.Resolve(vm.metrics); if (metric != null) metric.PropertyChanged += new PropertyChangedEventHandler(PropertyChanged); VM_guest_metrics guestmetric = xenObject.Connection.Resolve(vm.guest_metrics); if (guestmetric != null) guestmetric.PropertyChanged += new PropertyChangedEventHandler(PropertyChanged); xenObject.Connection.Cache.RegisterCollectionChanged(VM_guest_metrics_CollectionChangedWithInvoke); } else if (xenObject is Pool) { xenObject.Connection.Cache.RegisterBatchCollectionChanged(Pool_patch_BatchCollectionChanged); } } void Pool_patch_BatchCollectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { Program.BeginInvoke(this, BuildList); } void OtherConfigAndTagsWatcher_TagsChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { BuildList(); } // We queue up a rebuild if we are not shown but the contents becomes out of date, this just fires off the rebuild protected override void OnVisibleChanged(EventArgs e) { if (Visible && refreshNeeded) { BuildList(); refreshNeeded = false; } base.OnVisibleChanged(e); } private void PropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e) { if (e.PropertyName == "state" || e.PropertyName == "last_updated") { return; } Program.Invoke(this, delegate { if (e.PropertyName == "PBDs") { SR sr = xenObject as SR; if (sr == null) return; foreach (PBD pbd in xenObject.Connection.ResolveAll(sr.PBDs)) { pbd.PropertyChanged -= PropertyChanged; pbd.PropertyChanged += PropertyChanged; } BuildList(); } else { // Atm we are rebuilding on almost any property changed event. // As long as we are just clearing and readding the rows in the PDSections this seems to be super quick. // If it gets slower we should update specific boxes for specific property changes. if (licenseStatus.Updated) licenseStatus.BeginUpdate(); BuildList(); EnableDisableEdit(); } }); } public void EnableDisableEdit() { buttonProperties.Enabled = xenObject != null && !xenObject.Locked && xenObject.Connection != null && xenObject.Connection.IsConnected; } public void BuildList() { //Program.AssertOnEventThread(); if (!this.Visible) { refreshNeeded = true; return; } if (xenObject == null) return; if (xenObject is Host && !xenObject.Connection.IsConnected) base.Text = Messages.CONNECTION_GENERAL_TAB_TITLE; else if (xenObject is Host) { base.Text = Messages.HOST_GENERAL_TAB_TITLE; } else if (xenObject is VM) { VM vm = (VM)xenObject; if (vm.is_a_snapshot) base.Text = Messages.SNAPSHOT_GENERAL_TAB_TITLE; else if (vm.is_a_template) base.Text = Messages.TEMPLATE_GENERAL_TAB_TITLE; else base.Text = Messages.VM_GENERAL_TAB_TITLE; } else if (xenObject is SR) base.Text = Messages.SR_GENERAL_TAB_TITLE; else if (xenObject is Pool) base.Text = Messages.POOL_GENERAL_TAB_TITLE; else if (xenObject is StorageLinkPool) base.Text = Messages.STORAGELINKPOOL_GENERAL_TAB_TITLE; else if (xenObject is StorageLinkServer) base.Text = Messages.STORAGELINKSERVER_GENERAL_TAB_TITLE; else if (xenObject is StorageLinkSystem) base.Text = Messages.STORAGELINKSYSTEM_GENERAL_TAB_TITLE; else if (xenObject is StorageLinkRepository) base.Text = Messages.SR_GENERAL_TAB_TITLE; panel2.SuspendLayout(); // Clear all the data from the sections (visible and non visible) foreach (PDSection s in sections) { s.PauseLayout(); s.ClearData(); } // Generate the content of each box, each method performs a cast and only populates if XenObject is the relevant type if (xenObject is Host && (xenObject.Connection == null || !xenObject.Connection.IsConnected)) { generateDisconnectedHostBox(); } else { generateGeneralBox(); generateCustomFieldsBox(); generateInterfaceBox(); generateMemoryBox(); generateVersionBox(); generateLicenseBox(); generateCPUBox(); generateHostPatchesBox(); generateBootBox(); generateHABox(); generateStatusBox(); generateMultipathBox(); generatePoolPatchesBox(); generateStorageLinkBox(); generateStorageLinkSystemCapabilitiesBox(); generateMultipathBootBox(); generateVCPUsBox(); } // hide all the sections which haven't been populated, those that have make sure are visible foreach (PDSection s in sections) { if (s.IsEmpty()) { s.Parent.Visible = false; } else { s.Parent.Visible = true; if (s.ContainsFocus) s.RestoreSelection(); } s.StartLayout(); } panel2.ResumeLayout(); EnableDisableEdit(); } private void generateInterfaceBox() { Host Host = xenObject as Host; Pool Pool = xenObject as Pool; if (Host != null) { fillInterfacesForHost(Host, false); } else if (Pool != null) { // Here we tell fillInterfacesForHost to prefix each entry with the hosts name label, so we know which entry belongs to which host // and also to better preserve uniqueness for keys in the PDSection foreach (Host h in Pool.Connection.Cache.Hosts) fillInterfacesForHost(h, true); } } private void fillInterfacesForHost(Host Host, bool includeHostSuffix) { PDSection s = pdSectionManagementInterfaces; ToolStripMenuItem editValue = new ToolStripMenuItem(Messages.EDIT) { Image = Properties.Resources.edit_16 }; editValue.Click += delegate { NetworkingProperties p = new NetworkingProperties(Host, null); p.ShowDialog(Program.MainWindow); }; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Host.hostname)) { if (!includeHostSuffix) s.AddEntry(FriendlyName("host.hostname"), Host.hostname, editValue); else s.AddEntry( string.Format(Messages.PROPERTY_ON_OBJECT, FriendlyName("host.hostname"), Helpers.GetName(Host)), Host.hostname, editValue); } foreach (PIF pif in xenObject.Connection.ResolveAll(Host.PIFs)) { if (pif.management) { if (!includeHostSuffix) s.AddEntry(Messages.MANAGEMENT_INTERFACE, pif.FriendlyIPAddress, editValue); else s.AddEntry( string.Format(Messages.PROPERTY_ON_OBJECT, Messages.MANAGEMENT_INTERFACE, Helpers.GetName(Host)), pif.FriendlyIPAddress, editValue); } } foreach (PIF pif in xenObject.Connection.ResolveAll(Host.PIFs)) { if (pif.IsSecondaryManagementInterface(Properties.Settings.Default.ShowHiddenVMs)) { if (!includeHostSuffix) s.AddEntry(pif.ManagementPurpose.Ellipsise(30), pif.FriendlyIPAddress, editValue); else s.AddEntry( string.Format(Messages.PROPERTY_ON_OBJECT, pif.ManagementPurpose.Ellipsise(30), Helpers.GetName(Host)), pif.FriendlyIPAddress, editValue); } } } private void generateCustomFieldsBox() { List customFields = CustomFieldsManager.CustomFieldValues(xenObject); if (customFields.Count <= 0) return; PDSection s = pdSectionCustomFields; foreach (CustomField customField in customFields) { ToolStripMenuItem editValue = new ToolStripMenuItem(Messages.EDIT){Image= Properties.Resources.edit_16}; editValue.Click += delegate { using (PropertiesDialog dialog = new PropertiesDialog(xenObject)) { dialog.SelectCustomFieldsEditPage(); dialog.ShowDialog(); } }; var menuItems = new[] { editValue }; CustomFieldWrapper cfWrapper = new CustomFieldWrapper(xenObject, customField.Definition); s.AddEntry(customField.Definition.Name.Ellipsise(30), cfWrapper.ToString(), menuItems, customField.Definition.Name); } } private void generatePoolPatchesBox() { Pool pool = xenObject as Pool; if (pool == null) return; PDSection s = pdSectionUpdates; List> messages = CheckPoolUpdate(pool); if (messages.Count > 0) { foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in messages) { s.AddEntry(kvp.Key, kvp.Value); } } Host master = Helpers.GetMaster(xenObject.Connection); if (master == null) return; var poolAppPatches = poolAppliedPatches(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(poolAppPatches)) { s.AddEntry(FriendlyName("Pool_patch.fully_applied"), poolAppPatches); return; } CommandToolStripMenuItem applypatch = new CommandToolStripMenuItem( new InstallNewUpdateCommand(Program.MainWindow), true); var menuItems = new[] { applypatch }; var poolPartPatches = poolPartialPatches(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(poolPartPatches)) { s.AddEntry(FriendlyName("Pool_patch.partially_applied"), poolPartPatches, menuItems, Color.Red); return; } var poolNotAppPatches = poolNotAppliedPatches(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(poolNotAppPatches)) s.AddEntry(FriendlyName("Pool_patch.not_applied"), poolNotAppPatches, menuItems, Color.Red); } private void generateHostPatchesBox() { Host host = xenObject as Host; if (host == null) return; PDSection s = pdSectionUpdates; List> messages = CheckServerUpdates(host); if (messages.Count > 0) { foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in messages) { s.AddEntry(kvp.Key, kvp.Value); } } if (hostAppliedPatches(host) != "") { s.AddEntry(FriendlyName("Pool_patch.applied"), hostAppliedPatches(host)); } if (!Host.IsFullyPatched(host, ConnectionsManager.XenConnectionsCopy)) { CommandToolStripMenuItem applypatch = new CommandToolStripMenuItem( new InstallNewUpdateCommand(Program.MainWindow), true); var menuItems = new[] { applypatch }; s.AddEntry(FriendlyName("Pool_patch.not_applied"), hostUnappliedPatches(host), menuItems, Color.Red); } // add supplemental packs var suppPacks = hostInstalledSuppPacks(host); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(suppPacks)) { s.AddEntry(FriendlyName("Supplemental_packs.installed"), suppPacks); } } private void generateHABox() { VM vm = xenObject as VM; if (vm == null) return; Pool pool = Helpers.GetPoolOfOne(xenObject.Connection); if (pool == null || !pool.ha_enabled) return; PDSection s = pdSectionHighAvailability; s.AddEntry(FriendlyName("VM.ha_restart_priority"), Helpers.RestartPriorityI18n(vm.HARestartPriority), new PropertiesToolStripMenuItem(new VmEditHaCommand(Program.MainWindow, xenObject))); } private void generateStatusBox() { SR sr = xenObject as SR; if (sr == null) return; PDSection s = pdSectionStatus; bool broken = sr.IsBroken() || !sr.MultipathAOK || sr.NeedsUpgrading; bool detached = !sr.HasPBDs; ToolStripMenuItem repair = new ToolStripMenuItem { Text = sr.NeedsUpgrading ? Messages.UPGRADE_SR : Messages.GENERAL_SR_CONTEXT_REPAIR, Image = Properties.Resources._000_StorageBroken_h32bit_16 }; repair.Click += delegate { if (sr.NeedsUpgrading) new UpgradeSRCommand(Program.MainWindow, sr).Execute(); else Program.MainWindow.ShowPerConnectionWizard(xenObject.Connection, new RepairSRDialog(sr)); }; var menuItems = new[] { repair }; if (broken && !detached) s.AddEntry(FriendlyName("SR.state"), sr.StatusString, menuItems); else s.AddEntry(FriendlyName("SR.state"), sr.StatusString); foreach (Host host in xenObject.Connection.Cache.Hosts) { PBD pbdToSR = null; foreach (PBD pbd in xenObject.Connection.ResolveAll(host.PBDs)) { if (pbd.SR.opaque_ref != xenObject.opaque_ref) continue; pbdToSR = pbd; break; } if (pbdToSR == null) { if (!sr.shared) continue; if (!detached) s.AddEntry(" " + Helpers.GetName(host).Ellipsise(30), Messages.REPAIR_SR_DIALOG_CONNECTION_MISSING, menuItems, Color.Red); else s.AddEntry(" " + Helpers.GetName(host).Ellipsise(30), Messages.REPAIR_SR_DIALOG_CONNECTION_MISSING, Color.Red); continue; } pbdToSR.PropertyChanged -= new PropertyChangedEventHandler(PropertyChanged); pbdToSR.PropertyChanged += new PropertyChangedEventHandler(PropertyChanged); if (!pbdToSR.currently_attached) { if (!detached) s.AddEntry(Helpers.GetName(host).Ellipsise(30), pbdToSR.StatusString, menuItems, Color.Red); else s.AddEntry(Helpers.GetName(host).Ellipsise(30), pbdToSR.StatusString, Color.Red); } else { s.AddEntry(Helpers.GetName(host).Ellipsise(30), pbdToSR.StatusString); } } } private void generateMultipathBox() { SR sr = xenObject as SR; if (sr == null) return; PDSection s = pdSectionMultipathing; if (!sr.MultipathCapable) { s.AddEntry(Messages.MULTIPATH_CAPABLE, Messages.NO); return; } if (sr.LunPerVDI) { Dictionary> pathStatus = sr.GetMultiPathStatusLunPerVDI(); foreach (Host host in xenObject.Connection.Cache.Hosts) { PBD pbd = sr.GetPBDFor(host); if (pbd == null || !pbd.MultipathActive) { s.AddEntry(host.Name, Messages.MULTIPATH_NOT_ACTIVE); continue; } s.AddEntry(host.Name, Messages.MULTIPATH_ACTIVE); foreach (KeyValuePair> kvp in pathStatus) { VM vm = kvp.Key; if (vm.resident_on == null || vm.resident_on.opaque_ref != host.opaque_ref) continue; bool renderOnOneLine = false; int lastMax = -1; int lastCurrent = -1; foreach (KeyValuePair kvp2 in kvp.Value) { int current; int max; if (!PBD.ParsePathCounts(kvp2.Value, out current, out max)) continue; if (!renderOnOneLine) { lastMax = max; lastCurrent = current; renderOnOneLine = true; continue; } if (lastMax == max && lastCurrent == current) continue; renderOnOneLine = false; break; } if (renderOnOneLine) { AddMultipathLine(s, String.Format(" {0}", vm.Name), lastCurrent, lastMax, pbd.ISCSISessions); } else { s.AddEntry(String.Format(" {0}", vm.Name), ""); foreach (KeyValuePair kvp2 in kvp.Value) { int current; int max; if (!PBD.ParsePathCounts(kvp2.Value, out current, out max)) continue; AddMultipathLine(s, String.Format(" {0}", kvp2.Key.Name), current, max, pbd.ISCSISessions); } } } } } else { Dictionary pathStatus = sr.GetMultiPathStatusLunPerSR(); foreach (Host host in xenObject.Connection.Cache.Hosts) { PBD pbd = sr.GetPBDFor(host); if (pbd == null || !pathStatus.ContainsKey(pbd)) { s.AddEntry(host.Name, pbd != null && pbd.MultipathActive ? Messages.MULTIPATH_ACTIVE : Messages.MULTIPATH_NOT_ACTIVE); continue; } String status = pathStatus[pbd]; int current; int max; PBD.ParsePathCounts(status, out current, out max); //Guaranteed to work if PBD is in pathStatus AddMultipathLine(s, host.Name, current, max, pbd.ISCSISessions); } } } private void AddMultipathLine(PDSection s, String title, int current, int max, int iscsiSessions) { bool bad = current < max || (iscsiSessions != -1 && max < iscsiSessions); string row = string.Format(Messages.MULTIPATH_STATUS, current, max); if (iscsiSessions != -1) row += string.Format(Messages.MULTIPATH_STATUS_ISCSI_SESSIONS, iscsiSessions); if (bad) s.AddEntry(title, row, Color.Red); else s.AddEntry(title, row); } private void generateMultipathBootBox() { Host host = xenObject as Host; if (host == null) return; int current, max; if (!host.GetBootPathCounts(out current, out max)) return; PDSection s = pdSectionMultipathBoot; string text = string.Format(Messages.MULTIPATH_STATUS, current, max); bool bad = current < max; if (bad) s.AddEntry(Messages.STATUS, text, Color.Red); else s.AddEntry(Messages.STATUS, text); } private void generateBootBox() { VM vm = xenObject as VM; if (vm == null) return; PDSection s = pdSectionBootOptions; if (!Helpers.BostonOrGreater(vm.Connection)) { s.AddEntry(FriendlyName("VM.auto_boot"), Helpers.BoolToString(vm.AutoPowerOn), new PropertiesToolStripMenuItem(new VmEditStartupOptionsCommand(Program.MainWindow, vm))); } if (vm.IsHVM) { s.AddEntry(FriendlyName("VM.BootOrder"), HVMBootOrder(vm), new PropertiesToolStripMenuItem(new VmEditStartupOptionsCommand(Program.MainWindow, vm))); } else { s.AddEntry(FriendlyName("VM.PV_args"), vm.PV_args, new PropertiesToolStripMenuItem(new VmEditStartupOptionsCommand(Program.MainWindow, vm))); } } private void generateLicenseBox() { Host host = xenObject as Host; if (host == null) return; PDSection s = pdSectionLicense; if (host.license_params == null || host.IsXCP) return; Dictionary info = new Dictionary(host.license_params); // This field is now supressed as it has no meaning under the current license scheme, and was never // enforced anyway. info.Remove("sockets"); if (info.ContainsKey("expiry")) { ToolStripMenuItem editItem = new ToolStripMenuItem(Messages.LAUNCH_LICENSE_MANAGER); editItem.Click += delegate { if (LicenseLauncher != null) { LicenseLauncher.Parent = Program.MainWindow; LicenseLauncher.LaunchIfRequired(false, ConnectionsManager.XenConnections); } }; GeneralTabLicenseStatusStringifier ss = new GeneralTabLicenseStatusStringifier(licenseStatus); s.AddEntry(Messages.LICENSE_STATUS, ss.ExpiryStatus, editItem); s.AddEntry(FriendlyName("host.license_params-expiry"), ss.ExpiryDate, editItem, ss.ShowExpiryDate); info.Remove("expiry"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(host.edition)) { s.AddEntry(FriendlyName("host.edition"), Helpers.GetFriendlyLicenseName(host)); if (info.ContainsKey("sku_type")) { info.Remove("sku_type"); } } else if (info.ContainsKey("sku_type")) { s.AddEntry(FriendlyName("host.license_params-sku_type"), Helpers.GetFriendlyLicenseName(host)); info.Remove("sku_type"); } if(Helpers.ClearwaterOrGreater(host)) s.AddEntry(Messages.NUMBER_OF_SOCKETS, host.CpuSockets.ToString()); if (host.license_server.ContainsKey("address")) { var licenseServerAddress = host.license_server["address"].Trim(); if (licenseServerAddress == "" || licenseServerAddress.ToLower() == "localhost") s.AddEntry(FriendlyName(String.Format("host.license_server-address")), host.license_server["address"]); else { var openUrl = new ToolStripMenuItem(Messages.LICENSE_SERVER_WEB_CONSOLE_GOTO); openUrl.Click += (sender, args) => Program.OpenURL(string.Format(Messages.LICENSE_SERVER_WEB_CONSOLE_FORMAT, licenseServerAddress, Host.LicenseServerWebConsolePort)); s.AddEntryLink(FriendlyName(String.Format("host.license_server-address")), host.license_server["address"], new[] {openUrl}, openUrl.PerformClick); } } if (host.license_server.ContainsKey("port")) { s.AddEntry(FriendlyName(String.Format("host.license_server-port")), host.license_server["port"]); } if (host.software_version.ContainsKey("dbv")) { s.AddEntry("DBV", host.software_version["dbv"]); } foreach (string key in new string[] { "productcode", "serialnumber" }) { if (info.ContainsKey(key)) { string row_name = string.Format("host.license_params-{0}", key); string k = key; if (host.license_params[k] != string.Empty) s.AddEntry(FriendlyName(row_name), host.license_params[k]); info.Remove(key); } } string restrictions = Helpers.GetHostRestrictions(host); if (restrictions != "") { s.AddEntry(Messages.RESTRICTIONS, restrictions); } } private void generateVersionBox() { Host host = xenObject as Host; if (host == null || host.software_version == null) return; bool isXCP = host.IsXCP; if (host.software_version.ContainsKey("date")) pdSectionVersion.AddEntry(isXCP ? Messages.SOFTWARE_VERSION_XCP_DATE : Messages.SOFTWARE_VERSION_DATE, host.software_version["date"]); if (host.software_version.ContainsKey("build_number")) pdSectionVersion.AddEntry(isXCP ? Messages.SOFTWARE_VERSION_XCP_BUILD_NUMBER : Messages.SOFTWARE_VERSION_BUILD_NUMBER, host.software_version["build_number"]); if (isXCP && host.software_version.ContainsKey("platform_version")) pdSectionVersion.AddEntry(Messages.SOFTWARE_VERSION_XCP_PLATFORM_VERSION, host.software_version["platform_version"]); if (!isXCP && host.software_version.ContainsKey("product_version")) pdSectionVersion.AddEntry(Messages.SOFTWARE_VERSION_PRODUCT_VERSION, host.ProductVersionText); } private void generateCPUBox() { Host host = xenObject as Host; if (host == null) return; PDSection s = pdSectionCPU; SortedDictionary d = new SortedDictionary(); foreach (Host_cpu cpu in xenObject.Connection.ResolveAll(host.host_CPUs)) { d.Add(cpu.number, cpu); } bool cpusIdentical = CPUsIdentical(d.Values); foreach (Host_cpu cpu in d.Values) { String label = String.Format(Messages.GENERAL_DETAILS_CPU_NUMBER, cpusIdentical && d.Values.Count > 1 ? String.Format("0 - {0}", d.Values.Count - 1) : cpu.number.ToString()); s.AddEntry(label, Helpers.GetCPUProperties(cpu)); if (cpusIdentical) break; } } private void generateVCPUsBox() { VM vm = xenObject as VM; if (vm == null) return; PDSection s = pdSectionVCPUs; s.AddEntry(FriendlyName("VM.VCPUs"), vm.VCPUs_at_startup.ToString()); if (vm.VCPUs_at_startup != vm.VCPUs_max) s.AddEntry(FriendlyName("VM.MaxVCPUs"), vm.VCPUs_max.ToString()); s.AddEntry(FriendlyName("VM.Topology"), vm.Topology); } private void generateDisconnectedHostBox() { IXenConnection conn = xenObject.Connection; PDSection s = pdSectionGeneral; string name = Helpers.GetName(xenObject); s.AddEntry(FriendlyName("host.name_label"), name); if (conn != null && conn.Hostname != name) s.AddEntry(FriendlyName("host.address"), conn.Hostname); if (conn != null && conn.PoolMembers.Count > 1) s.AddEntry(FriendlyName("host.pool_members"), string.Join(", ", conn.PoolMembers.ToArray())); } private void generateGeneralBox() { PDSection s = pdSectionGeneral; s.AddEntry(FriendlyName("host.name_label"), Helpers.GetName(xenObject), new PropertiesToolStripMenuItem(new PropertiesCommand(Program.MainWindow, xenObject))); if (!(xenObject is IStorageLinkObject)) { VM vm = xenObject as VM; if (vm == null || vm.DescriptionType != VM.VmDescriptionType.None) { s.AddEntry(FriendlyName("host.name_description"), xenObject.Description, new PropertiesToolStripMenuItem(new DescriptionPropertiesCommand(Program.MainWindow, xenObject))); } GenTagRow(s); GenFolderRow(s); } if (xenObject is Host) { Host host = xenObject as Host; if (Helpers.GetPool(xenObject.Connection) != null) s.AddEntry(Messages.POOL_MASTER, host.IsMaster() ? Messages.YES : Messages.NO); if (!host.IsLive) { s.AddEntry(FriendlyName("host.enabled"), Messages.HOST_NOT_LIVE, Color.Red); } else if (!host.enabled) { var item = new ToolStripMenuItem(Messages.EXIT_MAINTENANCE_MODE); item.Click += delegate { new HostMaintenanceModeCommand(Program.MainWindow, host, HostMaintenanceModeCommandParameter.Exit).Execute(); }; s.AddEntry(FriendlyName("host.enabled"), host.MaintenanceMode ? Messages.HOST_IN_MAINTENANCE_MODE : Messages.DISABLED, new[] { item }, Color.Red); } else { var item = new ToolStripMenuItem(Messages.ENTER_MAINTENANCE_MODE); item.Click += delegate { new HostMaintenanceModeCommand(Program.MainWindow, host, HostMaintenanceModeCommandParameter.Enter).Execute(); }; s.AddEntry(FriendlyName("host.enabled"), Messages.YES, item); } s.AddEntry(FriendlyName("host.iscsi_iqn"), host.iscsi_iqn, new PropertiesToolStripMenuItem(new IqnPropertiesCommand(Program.MainWindow, xenObject))); s.AddEntry(FriendlyName("host.log_destination"), host.SysLogDestination ?? Messages.HOST_LOG_DESTINATION_LOCAL, new PropertiesToolStripMenuItem(new HostEditLogDestinationCommand(Program.MainWindow, xenObject))); PrettyTimeSpan uptime = host.Uptime; PrettyTimeSpan agentUptime = host.AgentUptime; s.AddEntry(FriendlyName("host.uptime"), uptime == null ? "" : host.Uptime.ToString()); s.AddEntry(FriendlyName("host.agentUptime"), agentUptime == null ? "" : host.AgentUptime.ToString()); if ((Helpers.GeorgeOrGreater(xenObject.Connection) && host.external_auth_type == Auth.AUTH_TYPE_AD)) s.AddEntry(FriendlyName("host.external_auth_service_name"), host.external_auth_service_name); } else if (xenObject is VM) { VM vm = xenObject as VM; s.AddEntry(FriendlyName("VM.OSName"), vm.GetOSName()); if (!vm.DefaultTemplate && Helpers.MidnightRideOrGreater(vm.Connection)) { s.AddEntry(Messages.BIOS_STRINGS_COPIED, vm.BiosStringsCopied ? Messages.YES : Messages.NO); } if (Helpers.BostonOrGreater(vm.Connection) && vm.Connection != null) { var appl = vm.Connection.Resolve(vm.appliance); if (appl != null) { var applProperties = new ToolStripMenuItem(Messages.VM_APPLIANCE_PROPERTIES); applProperties.Click += (sender, e) => { using (PropertiesDialog propertiesDialog = new PropertiesDialog(appl)) propertiesDialog.ShowDialog(this); }; s.AddEntryLink(Messages.VM_APPLIANCE, appl.Name, new[] { applProperties }, () => { using (PropertiesDialog propertiesDialog = new PropertiesDialog(appl)) propertiesDialog.ShowDialog(this); }); } } if (vm.is_a_snapshot) { VM snapshotOf = vm.Connection.Resolve(vm.snapshot_of); s.AddEntry(Messages.SNAPSHOT_OF, snapshotOf == null ? string.Empty : snapshotOf.Name); s.AddEntry(Messages.CREATION_TIME, HelpersGUI.DateTimeToString(vm.snapshot_time.ToLocalTime() + vm.Connection.ServerTimeOffset, Messages.DATEFORMAT_DMY_HMS, true)); } if (!vm.is_a_template) { if (vm.power_state == vm_power_state.Running) { if (vm.virtualisation_status == VM.VirtualisationStatus.PV_DRIVERS_NOT_INSTALLED || vm.virtualisation_status == VM.VirtualisationStatus.PV_DRIVERS_OUT_OF_DATE) { if (InstallToolsCommand.CanExecute(vm)) { var installtools = new ToolStripMenuItem(Messages.INSTALL_XENSERVER_TOOLS_DOTS); installtools.Click += delegate { new InstallToolsCommand(Program.MainWindow, vm).Execute(); }; s.AddEntryLink(FriendlyName("VM.VirtualizationState"), vm.VirtualisationStatusString, new[] { installtools }, new InstallToolsCommand(Program.MainWindow, vm)); } else { s.AddEntry(FriendlyName("VM.VirtualizationState"), vm.VirtualisationStatusString, Color.Red); } } else { s.AddEntry(FriendlyName("VM.VirtualizationState"), vm.VirtualisationStatusString); } } if (vm.RunningTime != null) s.AddEntry(FriendlyName("VM.uptime"), vm.RunningTime.ToString()); if (vm.IsP2V) { s.AddEntry(FriendlyName("VM.P2V_SourceMachine"), vm.P2V_SourceMachine); s.AddEntry(FriendlyName("VM.P2V_ImportDate"), HelpersGUI.DateTimeToString(vm.P2V_ImportDate.ToLocalTime(), Messages.DATEFORMAT_DMY_HMS, true)); } // Dont show if WLB is enabled. if (VMCanChooseHomeServer(vm)) { s.AddEntry(FriendlyName("VM.affinity"), vm.AffinityServerString, new PropertiesToolStripMenuItem(new VmEditHomeServerCommand(Program.MainWindow, xenObject)));} } } else if (xenObject is XenObject) { SR sr = xenObject as SR; s.AddEntry(Messages.TYPE, sr.FriendlyTypeName); if (sr.content_type != SR.Content_Type_ISO && sr.GetSRType(false) != SR.SRTypes.udev) s.AddEntry(FriendlyName("SR.size"), sr.SizeString); if (sr.GetScsiID() != null) s.AddEntry(FriendlyName("SR.scsiid"), sr.GetScsiID() ?? Messages.UNKNOWN); // if in folder-view or if looking at SR on storagelink then display // location here if (Program.MainWindow.SelectionManager.Selection.HostAncestor == null && Program.MainWindow.SelectionManager.Selection.PoolAncestor == null) { IXenObject belongsTo = Helpers.GetPool(sr.Connection); if (belongsTo != null) { s.AddEntry(Messages.POOL, Helpers.GetName(belongsTo)); } else { belongsTo = Helpers.GetMaster(sr.Connection); if (belongsTo != null) { s.AddEntry(Messages.SERVER, Helpers.GetName(belongsTo)); } } } } else if (xenObject is XenObject) { Pool p = xenObject as Pool; if (p != null) { s.AddEntry(Messages.POOL_LICENSE, p.LicenseString); if (Helpers.ClearwaterOrGreater(p.Connection)) s.AddEntry(Messages.NUMBER_OF_SOCKETS, p.CpuSockets.ToString()); var master = p.Connection.Resolve(p.master); if (master != null) { if (p.IsPoolFullyUpgraded) { s.AddEntry(Messages.SOFTWARE_VERSION_PRODUCT_VERSION, master.ProductVersionText); } else { var cmd = new RollingUpgradeCommand(Program.MainWindow); var runRpuWizard = new ToolStripMenuItem(Messages.ROLLING_POOL_UPGRADE_ELLIPSIS, null, (sender, args) => cmd.Execute()); s.AddEntryLink(Messages.SOFTWARE_VERSION_PRODUCT_VERSION, string.Format(Messages.POOL_VERSIONS_LINK_TEXT, master.ProductVersionText), new[] { runRpuWizard }, cmd); } } } } else if (xenObject is StorageLinkPool) { var pool = (StorageLinkPool)xenObject; string capacityText = Util.DiskSizeString(pool.Capacity * 1024L * 1024L); string usedSpaceText = Util.DiskSizeString(pool.UsedSpace * 1024L * 1024L); string text = string.Format(Messages.STORAGELINK_POOL_SIZE_USED, usedSpaceText, capacityText); s.AddEntry(Messages.SIZE, text); } else if (xenObject is StorageLinkServer) { StorageLinkServer server = (StorageLinkServer)xenObject; s.AddEntry(Messages.USERNAME, server.StorageLinkConnection.Username); string error = server.StorageLinkConnection.Error; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) { s.AddEntry(Messages.ERROR, error); } } else if (xenObject is StorageLinkSystem) { StorageLinkSystem sys = (StorageLinkSystem)xenObject; s.AddEntry(Messages.FULL_NAME, sys.FullName); s.AddEntry(Messages.MODEL, sys.Model); s.AddEntry(Messages.SERIAL_NUMBER, sys.SerialNumber); } s.AddEntry(FriendlyName("host.uuid"), GetUUID(xenObject)); } private void generateStorageLinkBox() { SR sr = xenObject as SR; StorageLinkRepository slr = sr == null ? null : sr.StorageLinkRepository(Program.StorageLinkConnections); if (slr != null) { pdStorageLink.AddEntry(Messages.STORAGELINKSERVER, slr.StorageLinkConnection.Host); StorageLinkSystem system = slr.StorageLinkSystem; StorageLinkPool storagePool = slr.StorageLinkPool; if (system != null) { pdStorageLink.AddEntry(Messages.STORAGE_SYSTEM, system.FriendlyName); } if (storagePool != null) { pdStorageLink.AddEntry(Messages.STORAGE_POOL, storagePool.StorageLinkPoolPath); } pdStorageLink.AddEntry(Messages.RAID_TYPE, StorageLinkEnums.GetDisplayText(slr.RaidType)); pdStorageLink.AddEntry(Messages.PROVISIONING_TYPE, StorageLinkEnums.GetDisplayText(slr.ProvisioningType)); pdStorageLink.AddEntry(Messages.PROVISIONING_OPTIONS, StorageLinkEnums.GetDisplayText(slr.ProvisioningOptions)); } } private void generateStorageLinkSystemCapabilitiesBox() { StorageLinkSystem system = xenObject as StorageLinkSystem; if (system != null) { var capabilities = new Dictionary(); capabilities.Add(StorageLinkEnums.StorageSystemCapabilities.ISCSI, StorageLinkEnums.GetDisplayText(StorageLinkEnums.StorageSystemCapabilities.ISCSI)); capabilities.Add(StorageLinkEnums.StorageSystemCapabilities.FIBRE_CHANNEL, StorageLinkEnums.GetDisplayText(StorageLinkEnums.StorageSystemCapabilities.FIBRE_CHANNEL)); capabilities.Add(StorageLinkEnums.StorageSystemCapabilities.PROVISION_FULL, StorageLinkEnums.GetDisplayText(StorageLinkEnums.StorageSystemCapabilities.PROVISION_FULL)); capabilities.Add(StorageLinkEnums.StorageSystemCapabilities.PROVISION_THIN, StorageLinkEnums.GetDisplayText(StorageLinkEnums.StorageSystemCapabilities.PROVISION_THIN)); capabilities.Add(StorageLinkEnums.StorageSystemCapabilities.POOL_LEVEL_DEDUPLICATION | StorageLinkEnums.StorageSystemCapabilities.VOLUME_LEVEL_DEDUPLICATION, Messages.NEWSR_CSLG_DEDUPLICATION); capabilities.Add(StorageLinkEnums.StorageSystemCapabilities.DIFF_SNAPSHOT, StorageLinkEnums.GetDisplayText(StorageLinkEnums.StorageSystemCapabilities.DIFF_SNAPSHOT)); capabilities.Add(StorageLinkEnums.StorageSystemCapabilities.REMOTE_REPLICATION, StorageLinkEnums.GetDisplayText(StorageLinkEnums.StorageSystemCapabilities.REMOTE_REPLICATION)); capabilities.Add(StorageLinkEnums.StorageSystemCapabilities.CLONE, StorageLinkEnums.GetDisplayText(StorageLinkEnums.StorageSystemCapabilities.CLONE)); capabilities.Add(StorageLinkEnums.StorageSystemCapabilities.RESIZE, StorageLinkEnums.GetDisplayText(StorageLinkEnums.StorageSystemCapabilities.RESIZE)); capabilities.Add(StorageLinkEnums.StorageSystemCapabilities.CLONE_OF_SNAPSHOT, StorageLinkEnums.GetDisplayText(StorageLinkEnums.StorageSystemCapabilities.CLONE_OF_SNAPSHOT)); capabilities.Add(StorageLinkEnums.StorageSystemCapabilities.SNAPSHOT_OF_SNAPSHOT, StorageLinkEnums.GetDisplayText(StorageLinkEnums.StorageSystemCapabilities.SNAPSHOT_OF_SNAPSHOT)); foreach (StorageLinkEnums.StorageSystemCapabilities capability in capabilities.Keys) { pdSectionStorageLinkSystemCapabilities.AddEntry(capabilities[capability], ((system.Capabilities & capability) != 0) ? Messages.YES : Messages.NO); } } } private static bool VMCanChooseHomeServer(VM vm) { if (vm != null && !vm.is_a_template) { String ChangeHomeReason = vm.IsOnSharedStorage(); return !Helpers.WlbEnabledAndConfigured(vm.Connection) && (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ChangeHomeReason) || vm.HasNoDisksAndNoLocalCD); } return false; } private void GenTagRow(PDSection s) { string[] tags = Tags.GetTags(xenObject); if (tags != null && tags.Length > 0) { ToolStripMenuItem goToTag = new ToolStripMenuItem(Messages.VIEW_TAG_MENU_OPTION); foreach (string tag in tags) { var item = new ToolStripMenuItem(tag.Ellipsise(30)); item.Click += delegate { Program.MainWindow.SearchForTag(tag); }; goToTag.DropDownItems.Add(item); } s.AddEntry(Messages.TAGS, TagsString(), new[] { goToTag, new PropertiesToolStripMenuItem(new PropertiesCommand(Program.MainWindow, xenObject)) }); return; } s.AddEntry(Messages.TAGS, Messages.NONE, new PropertiesToolStripMenuItem(new PropertiesCommand(Program.MainWindow, xenObject))); } private string TagsString() { string[] tags = Tags.GetTags(xenObject); if (tags == null || tags.Length == 0) return Messages.NONE; return string.Join(", ", tags.OrderBy(s => s).ToArray()); } private void GenFolderRow(PDSection s) { List menuItems = new List(); if (xenObject.Path != "") { var item = new ToolStripMenuItem(Messages.VIEW_FOLDER_MENU_OPTION); item.Click += delegate { Program.MainWindow.SearchForFolder(xenObject.Path); }; menuItems.Add(item); } menuItems.Add(new PropertiesToolStripMenuItem(new PropertiesCommand(Program.MainWindow, xenObject))); s.AddEntry( Messages.FOLDER, new FolderListItem(xenObject.Path, FolderListItem.AllowSearch.None, false), menuItems ); } private void generateMemoryBox() { Host host = xenObject as Host; if (host == null) return; PDSection s = pdSectionMemory; s.AddEntry(FriendlyName("host.ServerMemory"), host.HostMemoryString); s.AddEntry(FriendlyName("host.VMMemory"), host.ResidentVMMemoryUsageString); s.AddEntry(FriendlyName("host.XenMemory"), host.XenMemoryString); } private bool CPUsIdentical(IEnumerable cpus) { String cpuText = null; foreach (Host_cpu cpu in cpus) { if (cpuText == null) { cpuText = Helpers.GetCPUProperties(cpu); continue; } if (Helpers.GetCPUProperties(cpu) != cpuText) return false; } return true; } private string hostAppliedPatches(Host host) { List result = new List(); foreach (Pool_patch patch in host.AppliedPatches()) result.Add(patch.Name); result.Sort(StringUtility.NaturalCompare); return string.Join("\n", result.ToArray()); } private string hostUnappliedPatches(Host host) { List result = new List(); foreach (Pool_patch patch in Pool_patch.GetAllThatApply(host, ConnectionsManager.XenConnectionsCopy)) { if (!patch.AppliedTo(ConnectionsManager.XenConnectionsCopy).Contains(new XenRef(xenObject.opaque_ref))) result.Add(patch.Name); } result.Sort(StringUtility.NaturalCompare); return string.Join("\n", result.ToArray()); } private string hostInstalledSuppPacks(Host host) { var result = host.SuppPacks.Select(suppPack => suppPack.LongDescription).ToList(); result.Sort(StringUtility.NaturalCompare); return string.Join("\n", result.ToArray()); } #region VM delegates private static string HVMBootOrder(VM vm) { var order = vm.BootOrder.ToUpper().Union(new[] { 'D', 'C', 'N' }); return string.Join("\n", order.Select(c => new BootDevice(c).ToString()).ToArray()); } #endregion #region Pool delegates private string poolAppliedPatches() { return poolPatchString(patch => patch.host_patches.Count == xenObject.Connection.Cache.HostCount); } private string poolPartialPatches() { return poolPatchString(patch => patch.host_patches.Count > 0 && patch.host_patches.Count != xenObject.Connection.Cache.HostCount); } private string poolNotAppliedPatches() { return poolPatchString(patch => patch.host_patches.Count == 0); } private string poolPatchString(Predicate predicate) { Pool_patch[] patches = xenObject.Connection.Cache.Pool_patches; List output = new List(); foreach (Pool_patch patch in patches) if (predicate(patch)) output.Add(patch.name_label); output.Sort(StringUtility.NaturalCompare); return String.Join(",", output.ToArray()); } #endregion /// /// Checks for reboot warnings on all hosts in the pool and returns them as a list /// /// /// private List> CheckPoolUpdate(Pool pool) { List> warnings = new List>(); foreach (Host host in xenObject.Connection.Cache.Hosts) { warnings.AddRange(CheckServerUpdates(host)); } return warnings; } /// /// Checks the server has been restarted after any patches that require a restart were applied and returns a list of reboot warnings /// /// /// private List> CheckServerUpdates(Host host) { List patches = host.AppliedPatches(); List> warnings = new List>(); double bootTime = host.BootTime; double agentStart = host.AgentStartTime; if (bootTime == 0.0 || agentStart == 0.0) return warnings; foreach (Pool_patch patch in patches) { double applyTime = Util.ToUnixTime(patch.AppliedOn(host)); if (patch.after_apply_guidance.Contains(after_apply_guidance.restartHost) && applyTime > bootTime) { //TODO: Could we come up with a better key string than foopatch on blahhost? Also needs i18 warnings.Add(new KeyValuePair( String.Format("{0} on {1}", patch.Name, host.Name), String.Format(Messages.GENERAL_PANEL_UPDATE_WARNING, host.Name, patch.Name))); } else if (patch.after_apply_guidance.Contains(after_apply_guidance.restartXAPI) && applyTime > agentStart) { // Actually, it only needs xapi restart, but we have no UI to do that. warnings.Add(new KeyValuePair( String.Format("{0} on {1}", patch.Name, host.Name), String.Format(Messages.GENERAL_PANEL_UPDATE_WARNING, host.Name, patch.Name))); } } return warnings; } private static string GetUUID(IXenObject o) { return o.Get("uuid") as String; } private static string FriendlyName(string propertyName) { return Core.PropertyManager.GetFriendlyName(string.Format("Label-{0}", propertyName)) ?? propertyName; } private void linkLabelExpand_LinkClicked(object sender, LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs e) { foreach (PDSection s in sections) { if (!s.Parent.Visible) continue; s.DisableFocusEvent = true; s.Expand(); s.DisableFocusEvent = false; } linkLabelCollapse.Focus(); } private void linkLabelCollapse_LinkClicked(object sender, LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs e) { foreach (PDSection s in sections) { if (!s.Parent.Visible) continue; s.DisableFocusEvent = true; s.Contract(); s.DisableFocusEvent = false; } linkLabelExpand.Focus(); } private void SetStatesOfExpandingLinks() { var sectionsVisible = sections.Where(section => section.Parent.Visible); bool anyExpanded = sectionsVisible.Any(s => s.IsExpanded); bool anyCollapsed = sectionsVisible.Any(s => !s.IsExpanded); linkLabelExpand.Enabled = anyCollapsed; linkLabelCollapse.Enabled = anyExpanded; } } }