/* Copyright (c) Citrix Systems, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, * with or without modification, are permitted provided * that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other * materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND * CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Drawing; using System.Globalization; using System.Linq; using System.Windows.Forms; using XenAdmin.Core; using XenAPI; using XenAdmin.Alerts; using XenAdmin.Actions; using XenAdmin.Controls; using System.Diagnostics; namespace XenAdmin.SettingsPanels { public partial class PerfmonAlertEditPage : UserControl, IEditPage { private static readonly log4net.ILog log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); private IXenObject _XenObject; private readonly ToolTip m_invalidParamToolTip; private readonly AlertGroup cpuAlert; private readonly AlertGroup netAlert; private readonly AlertGroup diskAlert; private readonly AlertGroup memoryAlert; private readonly AlertGroup srAlert; private readonly AlertGroup dom0MemoryAlert; private readonly AlertGroup physicalUtilisationAlert; public PerfmonAlertEditPage() { InitializeComponent(); Text = Messages.ALERTS; m_invalidParamToolTip = new ToolTip { IsBalloon = true, ToolTipIcon = ToolTipIcon.Warning, ToolTipTitle = Messages.INVALID_PARAMETER }; ////xapi trigger level is a fraction; gui shows percentage cpuAlert = new AlertGroup(CPUAlertCheckBox, CpuGroupBox, nudCPUUsagePercent, nudCPUDurationThreshold, nudAlertInterval, new[] { cpuMinutesLabel, cpuPercentLabel, CPUUsagePercentLabel, CPUDurationThresholdLabel }) { AlertEnablementChanged = SetAlertIntervalEnablement, SubTextFormat = Messages.ALERT_CPUS_SUB_TEXT, PerfmonDefinitionName = PerfmonDefinition.ALARM_TYPE_CPU, XapiToGuiTriggerLevel = (num => num * 100), XapiToGuiTriggerPeriod = (num => num / 60), XapiToGuiAlertInterval = (num => num / 60), GuiToXapiTriggerLevel = (num => num / 100), GuiToXapiTriggerPeriod = (num => num * 60), GuiToXapiAlertInterval = (num => num * 60), }; //xapi trigger level is in B/s; gui shows KB/s netAlert = new AlertGroup(NetAlertCheckBox, NetGroupBox, nudNetUsagePercent, nudNetDurationThreshold, nudAlertInterval, new[] { NetMinutesLabel, NetPercentLabel, NetUsagePercentLabel, NetDurationThresholdLabel }) { AlertEnablementChanged = SetAlertIntervalEnablement, SubTextFormat = Messages.ALERT_NET_SUB_TEXT, PerfmonDefinitionName = PerfmonDefinition.ALARM_TYPE_NETWORK, XapiToGuiTriggerLevel = (num => num / 1024), XapiToGuiTriggerPeriod = (num => num / 60), XapiToGuiAlertInterval = (num => num / 60), GuiToXapiTriggerLevel = (num => num * 1024), GuiToXapiTriggerPeriod = (num => num * 60), GuiToXapiAlertInterval = (num => num * 60), }; //xapi trigger level is in B/s; gui shows KB/s diskAlert = new AlertGroup(DiskAlertCheckBox, DiskGroupBox, nudDiskUsagePercent, nudDiskDurationThreshold, nudAlertInterval, new[] { DiskMinutesLabel, DiskPercentLabel, DiskUsagePercentLabel, DiskDurationThresholdLabel }) { AlertEnablementChanged = SetAlertIntervalEnablement, SubTextFormat = Messages.ALERT_DISK_SUB_TEXT, PerfmonDefinitionName = PerfmonDefinition.ALARM_TYPE_DISK, XapiToGuiTriggerLevel = (num => num / 1024), XapiToGuiTriggerPeriod = (num => num / 60), XapiToGuiAlertInterval = (num => num / 60), GuiToXapiTriggerLevel = (num => num * 1024), GuiToXapiTriggerPeriod = (num => num * 60), GuiToXapiAlertInterval = (num => num * 60), }; //xapi trigger level is in kiB; gui shows MB memoryAlert = new AlertGroup(MemoryAlertCheckBox, MemoryGroupBox, nudMemoryUsage, nudMemoryDurationThreshold, nudAlertInterval, new[] { memoryMinutesLabel, memoryUsageLabel, memoryUnitsLabel, memoryDurationThresholdLabel }) { AlertEnablementChanged = SetAlertIntervalEnablement, SubTextFormat = Messages.ALERT_MEMORY_SUB_TEXT, PerfmonDefinitionName = PerfmonDefinition.ALARM_TYPE_MEMORY_FREE, XapiToGuiTriggerLevel = (num => num / 1024), XapiToGuiTriggerPeriod = (num => num / 60), XapiToGuiAlertInterval = (num => num / 60), GuiToXapiTriggerLevel = (num => num * 1024), GuiToXapiTriggerPeriod = (num => num * 60), GuiToXapiAlertInterval = (num => num * 60), }; //xapi trigger level is in MiB/s; gui shows KB/s srAlert = new AlertGroup(SrAlertCheckBox, SrGroupBox, nudSrUsage, nudSrMinutes, nudAlertInterval, new[] { SrUsageLabel, srMinutesLabel, srUnitsLabel, SrDurationThresholdLabel }) { AlertEnablementChanged = SetAlertIntervalEnablement, SubTextFormat = Messages.ALERT_SR_SUB_TEXT, PerfmonDefinitionName = PerfmonDefinition.ALARM_TYPE_SR, XapiToGuiTriggerLevel = (num => num * 1024), XapiToGuiTriggerPeriod = (num => num / 60), XapiToGuiAlertInterval = (num => num / 60), GuiToXapiTriggerLevel = (num => num / 1024), GuiToXapiTriggerPeriod = (num => num * 60), GuiToXapiAlertInterval = (num => num * 60), }; dom0MemoryAlert = new AlertGroup(Dom0MemoryAlertCheckBox, Dom0MemoryUsageGroupBox, nudDom0MemUsage, nudDom0MemoryDurationThreshold, nudAlertInterval, new[] { dom0MemoryMinutesLabel, dom0MemoryPercentLabel, Dom0MemoryUsagePercentLabel, Dom0MemoryDurationThresholdLabel }) { AlertEnablementChanged = SetAlertIntervalEnablement, SubTextFormat = Messages.ALERT_DOM0_MEMORY_SUB_TEXT, PerfmonDefinitionName = PerfmonDefinition.ALARM_TYPE_MEMORY_DOM0_USAGE, XapiToGuiTriggerLevel = (num => num * 100), XapiToGuiTriggerPeriod = (num => num / 60), XapiToGuiAlertInterval = (num => num / 60), GuiToXapiTriggerLevel = (num => num / 100), GuiToXapiTriggerPeriod = (num => num * 60), GuiToXapiAlertInterval = (num => num * 60), }; physicalUtilisationAlert = new AlertGroup(physicalUtilisationAlertCheckBox, PhysicalUtilisationGroupBox, nudPhysicalUtilisation, nudPhysicalUtilisationDurationThreshold, nudAlertInterval, new[] { physicalUtilisationLabel, physicalUtilisationDurationLabel, physicalUtilisationPercentLabel, physicalUtilisationMinutesLabel }) { AlertEnablementChanged = SetAlertIntervalEnablement, SubTextFormat = Messages.ALERT_SR_PHYSICAL_UTILISATION_SUB_TEXT, PerfmonDefinitionName = PerfmonDefinition.ALARM_TYPE_SR_PHYSICAL_UTILISATION, XapiToGuiTriggerLevel = (num => num * 100), XapiToGuiTriggerPeriod = (num => num / 60), XapiToGuiAlertInterval = (num => num / 60), GuiToXapiTriggerLevel = (num => num / 100), GuiToXapiTriggerPeriod = (num => num * 60), GuiToXapiAlertInterval = (num => num * 60), }; cpuAlert.ToggleAlertGroupEnablement(); netAlert.ToggleAlertGroupEnablement(); diskAlert.ToggleAlertGroupEnablement(); memoryAlert.ToggleAlertGroupEnablement(); srAlert.ToggleAlertGroupEnablement(); dom0MemoryAlert.ToggleAlertGroupEnablement(); physicalUtilisationAlert.ToggleAlertGroupEnablement(); } public string SubText { get { var subs = from AlertGroup g in new[] { cpuAlert, netAlert, diskAlert, memoryAlert, srAlert, physicalUtilisationAlert, dom0MemoryAlert } where !string.IsNullOrEmpty(g.SubText) select g.SubText; string text = string.Join("; ", subs.ToArray()); return string.IsNullOrEmpty(text) ? Messages.NONE_DEFINED : text; } } public Image Image => Images.StaticImages._000_Alert2_h32bit_16; public void SetXenObjects(IXenObject orig, IXenObject clone) { _XenObject = clone; bool isVm = _XenObject is VM; bool isHost = _XenObject is Host; bool isSr = _XenObject is SR; cpuAlert.Show(isVm || isHost); netAlert.Show(isVm || isHost); diskAlert.Show(isVm); memoryAlert.Show(isHost); srAlert.Show(isSr); dom0MemoryAlert.Show(isHost); // Always hidden since thin provisioning was removed, because that was the only case // in which the calculation worked, but retaining it in case we use it again physicalUtilisationAlert.Show(false); if (isHost) { Host host = (Host)_XenObject; Host_metrics metrics = host.Connection.Resolve(host.metrics); if (metrics != null) nudMemoryUsage.Maximum = (decimal) metrics.memory_total / (1024 * 1024); } Repopulate(); } private void Repopulate() { if (_XenObject == null) return; try { var perfmonDefinitions = PerfmonDefinition.GetPerfmonDefinitions(_XenObject); for (int i = 0; i < perfmonDefinitions.Length; i++) { PerfmonDefinition perfmonDefinition = perfmonDefinitions[i]; if (perfmonDefinition.IsCPUUsage) cpuAlert.Populate(perfmonDefinition); else if (perfmonDefinition.IsNetworkUsage) netAlert.Populate(perfmonDefinition); else if (perfmonDefinition.IsDiskUsage) diskAlert.Populate(perfmonDefinition); else if (perfmonDefinition.IsMemoryUsage) memoryAlert.Populate(perfmonDefinition); else if (perfmonDefinition.IsSrUsage) srAlert.Populate(perfmonDefinition); else if (perfmonDefinition.IsSrPhysicalUtilisation) physicalUtilisationAlert.Populate(perfmonDefinition); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error("Unexpected error during populating controls for Alerts. Exception swallowed.", ex); //Adding this to pre-existing empty catch block to log it at least } // Dom0 memory usage is stored in the other_config of the Dom0 vm not on the host (or any other XenObject) try { var host = _XenObject as Host; if (host != null) { var dom0 = host.ControlDomainZero(); if (dom0 != null) { var controlDomainPerfmonDefinitions = PerfmonDefinition.GetPerfmonDefinitions(dom0); if (controlDomainPerfmonDefinitions != null) { for (int i = 0; i < controlDomainPerfmonDefinitions.Length; i++) { var def = controlDomainPerfmonDefinitions[i]; if (def != null && def.IsDom0MemoryUsage) dom0MemoryAlert.Populate(def); } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error("Unexpected error during populating controls for Dom0 Memory Usage alert. Exception swallowed.", ex); //Any error here will cause the controls not being populated, but they will be still usable. } } public bool HasChanged { get { if (nudAlertInterval.HasChanged) return true; if (_XenObject is SR) return srAlert.HasChanged || physicalUtilisationAlert.HasChanged; if (_XenObject is VM) return cpuAlert.HasChanged || netAlert.HasChanged || diskAlert.HasChanged; return cpuAlert.HasChanged || netAlert.HasChanged || memoryAlert.HasChanged || dom0MemoryAlert.HasChanged; } } public void ShowLocalValidationMessages() { decimal val; if (decimal.TryParse(nudAlertInterval.Text, NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out val) && val % 5 != 0) { HelpersGUI.ShowBalloonMessage(nudAlertInterval, m_invalidParamToolTip, Messages.PERFORM_ALERT_EDIT_INTERVAL_WRONG_MULTIPLE); } } public void HideLocalValidationMessages() { if (nudAlertInterval != null) { m_invalidParamToolTip.Hide(nudAlertInterval); } } public void Cleanup() { if (m_invalidParamToolTip != null) m_invalidParamToolTip.Dispose(); } public bool ValidToSave { get { decimal val; if (!decimal.TryParse(nudAlertInterval.Text, NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out val)) return false; if (val % 5 != 0) return false; return true; } } public AsyncAction SaveSettings() { List perfmonDefinitions = new List(); if (cpuAlert.Enabled) perfmonDefinitions.Add(cpuAlert.AlertDefinition); if (netAlert.Enabled) perfmonDefinitions.Add(netAlert.AlertDefinition); if (_XenObject is VM && diskAlert.Enabled) perfmonDefinitions.Add(diskAlert.AlertDefinition); if (_XenObject is Host && memoryAlert.Enabled) perfmonDefinitions.Add(memoryAlert.AlertDefinition); if (_XenObject is SR && srAlert.Enabled) perfmonDefinitions.Add(srAlert.AlertDefinition); if (_XenObject is Host && dom0MemoryAlert.Enabled) perfmonDefinitions.Add(dom0MemoryAlert.AlertDefinition); if (_XenObject is SR && physicalUtilisationAlert.Enabled) perfmonDefinitions.Add(physicalUtilisationAlert.AlertDefinition); return new PerfmonDefinitionAction(_XenObject, perfmonDefinitions, true); } private void SetAlertIntervalEnablement() { bool enable = cpuAlert.Enabled || netAlert.Enabled || diskAlert.Enabled || memoryAlert.Enabled || srAlert.Enabled || dom0MemoryAlert.Enabled || physicalUtilisationAlert.Enabled; nudAlertInterval.Enabled = enable; AlertIntervalMinutesLabel.Enabled = enable; AlertIntervalLabel.Enabled = enable; } } public class AlertGroup { private readonly AlertCheckBox m_checkBox; private readonly DecentGroupBox m_groupBox; private readonly AlertNumericUpDown m_upDownTriggerLevel; private readonly AlertNumericUpDown m_upDownTriggerPeriod; private readonly AlertNumericUpDown m_upDownAlertInterval; private readonly IEnumerable