/* Copyright (c) Citrix Systems, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, * with or without modification, are permitted provided * that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other * materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND * CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Windows.Forms; using XenAPI; using XenAdmin.Actions; using XenAdmin.Core; using XenAdmin.Wlb; using XenAdmin.Commands; using XenAdmin.Actions.VMActions; using XenCenterLib; namespace XenAdmin.Dialogs { public partial class EvacuateHostDialog : XenDialogBase { #region Private fields private static readonly log4net.ILog log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); private readonly Host _host; private readonly Pool _pool; private DelegatedAsyncAction vmErrorsAction; private EvacuateHostAction hostAction; private ToStringWrapper hostSelection; private Dictionary solveActionsByVmUuid; private Dictionary, String[]> reasons; private string elevatedUsername; private string elevatedPassword; private Session elevatedSession; private volatile bool _rebuildInProgress; private volatile bool _rebuildRequired; public static readonly string[] RbacMethods = { "host.remove_from_other_config", // save VM list "host.add_to_other_config", "host.disable", // disable the host "pbd.plug", // Repair SR and install tools "pbd.create", "vm.suspend", // Suspend VMs "vbd.async_eject", // Change ISO "vbd.async_insert", "vbd.eject", "vbd.insert", }; #endregion public EvacuateHostDialog(Host host, string elevatedUserName, string elevatedPassword, Session elevatedSession) : base(host.Connection) { InitializeComponent(); labelMasterBlurb.Text = string.Format(labelMasterBlurb.Text, BrandManager.BrandConsole); this.elevatedUsername = elevatedUserName; this.elevatedPassword = elevatedPassword; this.elevatedSession = elevatedSession; _host = host; _pool = Helpers.GetPoolOfOne(_host.Connection); if (!_host.IsMaster() || connection.Cache.HostCount <= 1) tableLayoutPanelNewMaster.Visible = false; else tableLayoutPanelPSr.Visible = false; tableLayoutPanelWlb.Visible = _pool.IsVisible() && Helpers.WlbEnabled(_host.Connection) && WlbServerState.GetState(_pool) == WlbServerState.ServerState.Enabled; tableLayoutPanelSpinner.Visible = false; tableLayoutPanelStatus.Visible = false; progressBar1.Visible = false; _host.PropertyChanged += hostUpdate; _pool.PropertyChanged += poolUpdate; ActiveControl = CloseButton; } protected override void OnShown(EventArgs e) { base.OnShown(e); Text = string.Format(Messages.EVACUATE_HOST_DIALOG_TITLE, _host.Name()); Rebuild(); } private void Rebuild() { if (_rebuildInProgress || hostAction != null && !hostAction.IsCompleted) { _rebuildRequired = true; return; } Program.Invoke(this, () => { _rebuildInProgress = true; tableLayoutPanelStatus.Visible = false; progressBar1.Visible = false; DisableButtons(); ClearVMs(); ClearHosts(); labelSpinner.Text = Messages.SCANNING_VMS; spinnerIcon1.StartSpinning(); tableLayoutPanelSpinner.Visible = true; Scan(); }); } private void Scan() { //Save Evacuated VMs for later var saveVMsAction = new DelegatedAsyncAction(connection, Messages.SAVING_VM_PROPERTIES_ACTION_TITLE, Messages.SAVING_VM_PROPERTIES_ACTION_DESC, Messages.COMPLETED, session => _host.SaveEvacuatedVMs(session), true, "host.remove_from_other_config", "host.add_to_other_config"); saveVMsAction.RunAsync(GetSudoElevationResult()); vmErrorsAction = new DelegatedAsyncAction(connection, Messages.MAINTENANCE_MODE, Messages.SCANNING_VMS, Messages.COMPLETED, delegate(Session session) { var cantEvacuateReasons = new Dictionary, string[]>(); if (Helpers.WlbEnabled(_host.Connection)) { try { cantEvacuateReasons = Host.retrieve_wlb_evacuate_recommendations(session, _host.opaque_ref); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Debug(ex.Message, ex); } } if (cantEvacuateReasons.Count == 0 || !ValidRecommendation(cantEvacuateReasons)) cantEvacuateReasons = Host.get_vms_which_prevent_evacuation(session, _host.opaque_ref); return cantEvacuateReasons; }, true); vmErrorsAction.Completed += VmErrorsAction_Completed; vmErrorsAction.RunAsync(GetSudoElevationResult()); } private bool ValidRecommendation(Dictionary, String[]> reasons) { bool valid = true; List controlDomain = new List(); foreach (KeyValuePair, String[]> kvp in reasons) { if ((this.connection.Resolve(kvp.Key)).is_control_domain) { controlDomain.Add(this.connection.Cache.Find_By_Uuid(kvp.Value[(int)RecProperties.ToHost])); } } foreach (KeyValuePair, String[]> kvp in reasons) { if (string.Compare(kvp.Value[0].Trim(), "wlb", true) == 0) { Host toHost = this.connection.Cache.Find_By_Uuid(kvp.Value[(int)RecProperties.ToHost]); if (!(this.connection.Resolve(kvp.Key)).is_control_domain && !toHost.IsLive() && !controlDomain.Contains(toHost)) { valid = false; break; } } } return valid; } private void VmErrorsAction_Completed(ActionBase obj) { if (!(obj is DelegatedAsyncAction action)) return; try { Program.Invoke(this, () => { if (action.Succeeded) { if (action.ResultObject is Dictionary, string[]> cantEvacuateReasons) reasons = cantEvacuateReasons; tableLayoutPanelSpinner.Visible = false; spinnerIcon1.StopSpinning(); PopulateVMs(); PopulateHosts(); EnableButtons(); } else { spinnerIcon1.ShowFailureImage(); labelSpinner.Text = action.Exception.Message; } }); } finally { _rebuildInProgress = false; if (_rebuildRequired) { _rebuildRequired = false; Rebuild(); } } } private void hostUpdate(object o, PropertyChangedEventArgs args) { if (args == null || args.PropertyName == "name_label" || args.PropertyName == "resident_VMs") Rebuild(); } private void poolUpdate(object o, PropertyChangedEventArgs args) { if (args == null || args.PropertyName == "is_psr_pending" || args.PropertyName == "allowed_operations" || args.PropertyName == "current_operations") Program.Invoke(this, ()=> { EnableComboBox(); EnableButtons(); }); } private void VM_PropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs args) { if (args.PropertyName == "name_label" || args.PropertyName == "allowed_operations" || args.PropertyName == "current_operations") { Program.Invoke(this, () => { if (sender is VM vm) dataGridViewVms.Rows.Cast() .FirstOrDefault(r => r.vm.opaque_ref == vm.opaque_ref)?.Refresh(); }); } else if (args.PropertyName == "virtualisation_status" || args.PropertyName == "resident_on") { Rebuild(); } else if (args.PropertyName == "guest_metrics") { VM v = sender as VM; VM_guest_metrics gm = connection.Resolve(v?.guest_metrics); if (gm == null) return; gm.PropertyChanged -= gm_PropertyChanged; gm.PropertyChanged += gm_PropertyChanged; } } private void gm_PropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e) { if (e.PropertyName == "PV_drivers_version") Rebuild(); } private void host_PropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs args) { if (args == null || args.PropertyName == "name_label" || args.PropertyName == "enabled" || args.PropertyName == "metrics") { Program.Invoke(this, () => { ClearHosts(); PopulateHosts(); }); } } private void ClearVMs() { solveActionsByVmUuid = new Dictionary(); foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dataGridViewVms.Rows) { if (row is VmPrecheckRow precheckRow) { DeregisterVmRowEvents(precheckRow); solveActionsByVmUuid.Add(precheckRow.vm.uuid, precheckRow.SolutionAction); } } dataGridViewVms.Rows.Clear(); } private void PopulateVMs() { Program.AssertOnEventThread(); try { dataGridViewVms.SuspendLayout(); foreach (VM vm in connection.ResolveAll(_host.resident_VMs)) { if (vm.is_control_domain || vm.is_a_template) continue; vm.PropertyChanged += VM_PropertyChanged; solveActionsByVmUuid.TryGetValue(vm.uuid, out var action); var row = new VmPrecheckRow(vm) {SolutionAction = action}; dataGridViewVms.Rows.Add(row); } foreach (KeyValuePair, string[]> kvp in reasons) { if (kvp.Value[0].Trim().ToLower() != "wlb") UpdateVMWithError(kvp.Value, kvp.Key.opaque_ref); } } finally { dataGridViewVms.ResumeLayout(); } } private void ClearHosts() { if (tableLayoutPanelNewMaster.Visible) { NewMasterComboBox.Enabled = false; hostSelection = NewMasterComboBox.SelectedItem as ToStringWrapper; NewMasterComboBox.Items.Clear(); } } private void PopulateHosts() { Program.AssertOnEventThread(); if (!tableLayoutPanelNewMaster.Visible) return; try { NewMasterComboBox.BeginUpdate(); var hosts = connection.Cache.Hosts.Where(h => h.opaque_ref != _host.opaque_ref).ToList(); hosts.Sort(); foreach (Host host in hosts) { host.PropertyChanged -= host_PropertyChanged; host.PropertyChanged += host_PropertyChanged; Host_metrics metrics = connection.Resolve(host.metrics); if (host.enabled && metrics != null && metrics.live) { var item = new ToStringWrapper(host, host.Name()); NewMasterComboBox.Items.Add(item); if (hostSelection != null && host.opaque_ref == hostSelection.item.opaque_ref) NewMasterComboBox.SelectedItem = item; } } //Update NewMasterComboBox for host power on recommendation foreach (KeyValuePair, string[]> kvp in reasons) { var vm = connection.Resolve(kvp.Key); if (vm != null && vm.is_control_domain) { Host powerOnHost = connection.Cache.Hosts.FirstOrDefault(h => h.uuid == kvp.Value[(int)RecProperties.ToHost]); if (powerOnHost != null) { var hostToAdd = new ToStringWrapper(powerOnHost, powerOnHost.Name()); if (NewMasterComboBox.Items.Cast>().FirstOrDefault(i => i.item.opaque_ref == powerOnHost.opaque_ref) == null) { powerOnHost.PropertyChanged -= host_PropertyChanged; powerOnHost.PropertyChanged += host_PropertyChanged; NewMasterComboBox.Items.Add(hostToAdd); } } } } if (NewMasterComboBox.SelectedItem == null && NewMasterComboBox.Items.Count > 0) NewMasterComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0; } finally { EnableComboBox(); NewMasterComboBox.EndUpdate(); } } private void EnableComboBox() { if (tableLayoutPanelNewMaster.Visible) { bool enable = connection.Cache.Hosts.Any(Host.RestrictPoolSecretRotation) || !_pool.is_psr_pending && _pool.allowed_operations.Contains(pool_allowed_operations.designate_new_master); if (!enable) { if (_pool.is_psr_pending) labelWarning.Text = Messages.ROTATE_POOL_SECRET_PENDING_NEW_MASTER; else if (_pool.current_operations.Values.Contains(pool_allowed_operations.ha_enable)) labelWarning.Text = Messages.EVACUATE_HOST_HA_ENABLING; else if (_pool.current_operations.Values.Contains(pool_allowed_operations.ha_disable)) labelWarning.Text = Messages.EVACUATE_HOST_HA_DISABLING; else if (_pool.current_operations.Values.Contains(pool_allowed_operations.cluster_create)) labelWarning.Text = Messages.EVACUATE_HOST_CLUSER_CREATING; } NewMasterComboBox.Enabled = enable; tableLayoutPanelPSr.Visible = !enable; } } private void EnableButtons() { buttonCheckAgain.Enabled = true; var canMigrate = dataGridViewVms.Rows.Cast().All(r => !r.HasSolution() && !r.HasSolutionActionInProgress()); //empty returns true, which is correct EvacuateButton.Enabled = canMigrate && (!tableLayoutPanelNewMaster.Visible || NewMasterComboBox.Enabled); } private void DisableButtons() { buttonCheckAgain.Enabled = false; EvacuateButton.Enabled = false; } private void DeregisterVmRowEvents(VmPrecheckRow row) { if (row.vm != null) { row.vm.PropertyChanged -= VM_PropertyChanged; VM_guest_metrics gm = connection.Resolve(row.vm.guest_metrics); if (gm == null) return; gm.PropertyChanged -= gm_PropertyChanged; } } private bool CanSuspendVm(String vmRef) { if (vmRef == null) return false; VM vm = connection.Resolve(new XenRef(vmRef)); return vm != null && vm.allowed_operations != null && vm.allowed_operations.Contains(vm_operations.suspend); } private void UpdateVMWithError(string[] errorDescription, string vmRef = null) { if (errorDescription.Length == 0) return; Solution solution; string error = ""; switch (errorDescription[0]) { case Failure.VM_REQUIRES_SR: vmRef = errorDescription[1]; SR sr = connection.Resolve(new XenRef(errorDescription[2])); if (sr != null && sr.content_type == SR.Content_Type_ISO) { error = Messages.EVACUATE_HOST_LOCAL_CD; solution = Solution.EjectCD; } else { error = Messages.EVACUATE_HOST_LOCAL_STORAGE; solution = CanSuspendVm(vmRef) ? Solution.Suspend : Solution.Shutdown; } break; case Failure.VM_MISSING_PV_DRIVERS: vmRef = errorDescription[1]; VM vm = connection.Resolve(new XenRef(vmRef)); solution = InstallToolsCommand.CanExecute(vm) && !Helpers.StockholmOrGreater(connection) ? Solution.InstallPVDrivers : Solution.InstallPVDriversNoSolution; break; case Failure.HA_NO_PLAN: dataGridViewVms.Rows.Cast().ToList().ForEach(r => r.SetError("", CanSuspendVm(r.vm.opaque_ref) ? Solution.Suspend : Solution.Shutdown)); return; //exit the method case Failure.HOST_NOT_ENOUGH_FREE_MEMORY: case Failure.VM_FAILED_SHUTDOWN_ACKNOWLEDGMENT: vmRef = errorDescription[1]; solution = CanSuspendVm(vmRef) ? Solution.Suspend : Solution.Shutdown; break; default: solution = CanSuspendVm(vmRef) ? Solution.Suspend : Solution.Shutdown; break; } var row = dataGridViewVms.Rows.Cast().FirstOrDefault(r => r.vm.opaque_ref == vmRef); row?.SetError(error, solution); } private AsyncAction.SudoElevationResult GetSudoElevationResult() { if (elevatedUsername == null) return null; var ser = new AsyncAction.SudoElevationResult(elevatedUsername, elevatedPassword, elevatedSession); //use the session from the role elevation dialog, but only the first time elevatedSession = null; return ser; } #region Control event handlers private void NewMasterComboBox_DrawItem(object sender, DrawItemEventArgs e) { var backColor = NewMasterComboBox.Enabled ? NewMasterComboBox.BackColor : SystemColors.Control; using (SolidBrush backBrush = new SolidBrush(backColor)) e.Graphics.FillRectangle(backBrush, e.Bounds); if (e.Index < 0 || e.Index > NewMasterComboBox.Items.Count - 1) return; if (!(NewMasterComboBox.Items[e.Index] is ToStringWrapper host)) return; Image icon = Images.GetImage16For(host.item); var imageRectangle = new Rectangle(e.Bounds.Left + 1, e.Bounds.Top + 1, 16, 16); Rectangle textRectangle = new Rectangle(e.Bounds.Height, e.Bounds.Y, e.Bounds.Width - e.Bounds.Height - 5, e.Bounds.Height); using (var g = e.Graphics) { if (NewMasterComboBox.Enabled) { g.DrawImage(icon, imageRectangle); Drawing.DrawText(g, host.ToString(), e.Font, textRectangle, e.ForeColor, e.BackColor, TextFormatFlags.Left | TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter); } else { g.DrawImage(icon, imageRectangle, 0, 0, icon.Width, icon.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, Drawing.GreyScaleAttributes); Drawing.DrawText(g, host.ToString(), e.Font, textRectangle, SystemColors.GrayText, SystemColors.Control, TextFormatFlags.Left | TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter); } } } private void dataGridViewVms_CellMouseMove(object sender, DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs e) { if (e.RowIndex >= 0 && e.RowIndex < dataGridViewVms.RowCount && e.ColumnIndex == columnAction.Index && dataGridViewVms.Rows[e.RowIndex] is VmPrecheckRow row && row.HasSolution()) { Cursor.Current = Cursors.Hand; return; } Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; } private void dataGridViewVms_CellMouseClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs e) { if (e.RowIndex >= 0 && e.RowIndex < dataGridViewVms.RowCount && e.ColumnIndex == columnAction.Index && dataGridViewVms.Rows[e.RowIndex] is VmPrecheckRow row && row.HasSolution()) { AsyncAction action = null; switch (row.Solution) { case Solution.EjectCD: action = new ChangeVMISOAction(row.vm.Connection, row.vm, null, row.vm.FindVMCDROM()); break; case Solution.Suspend: action = new VMSuspendAction(row.vm); break; case Solution.Shutdown: action = new VMHardShutdown(row.vm); break; case Solution.InstallPVDrivers: var cmd = new InstallToolsCommand(Program.MainWindow, row.vm, dataGridViewVms); cmd.Execute(); // The install pv tools action is marked as complete after they have taken the user to the // console and loaded the disc. Rescanning when the action is 'complete' in this case // doesn't gain us anything then. Keep showing the "Click here to install PV drivers" text. return; } if (action != null) { action.Completed += a => Rebuild(); action.RunAsync(GetSudoElevationResult()); } //set this after starting the action so that the row is updated correctly row.SolutionAction = action; } } private void buttonCheckAgain_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Rebuild(); } private void EvacuateButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var newMaster = tableLayoutPanelNewMaster.Visible ? NewMasterComboBox.SelectedItem as ToStringWrapper : null; hostAction = new EvacuateHostAction(_host, newMaster?.item, reasons ?? new Dictionary, string[]>(), AddHostToPoolCommand.NtolDialog, AddHostToPoolCommand.EnableNtolDialog); hostAction.Completed += Program.MainWindow.action_Completed; hostAction.Changed += HostAction_Changed; hostAction.Completed += HostAction_Completed; //Closes all per-Connection and per-VM wizards for the given connection. Program.MainWindow.CloseActiveWizards(_host.Connection); DisableButtons(); progressBar1.Visible = true; pictureBoxStatus.Visible = false; tableLayoutPanelStatus.Visible = true; hostAction.RunAsync(GetSudoElevationResult()); } private void CloseButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Close(); } private void EvacuateHostDialog_FormClosed(object sender, FormClosedEventArgs e) { vmErrorsAction?.Cancel(); hostAction?.Cancel(); if (_host != null) _host.PropertyChanged -= hostUpdate; if (_pool != null) _pool.PropertyChanged -= poolUpdate; foreach (var h in connection.Cache.Hosts) h.PropertyChanged -= host_PropertyChanged; foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dataGridViewVms.Rows) { if (row is VmPrecheckRow precheckRow) { DeregisterVmRowEvents(precheckRow); precheckRow.SolutionAction?.Cancel(); } } if (elevatedSession != null && elevatedSession.opaque_ref != null) { // NOTE: This doesnt happen currently, as we always scan once. Here as cheap insurance. // we still have the session from the role elevation dialog // it hasn't been used by an action so needs to be logged out elevatedSession.logout(); } } #endregion private void HostAction_Changed(ActionBase obj) { if (obj != hostAction) return; Program.Invoke(this, UpdateProgress); } private void HostAction_Completed(ActionBase obj) { if (obj != hostAction) return; hostAction.Changed -= HostAction_Changed; hostAction.Completed -= HostAction_Completed; Program.Invoke(this, () => { if (hostAction.Succeeded) { Close(); return; } UpdateProgress(); EnableButtons(); pictureBoxStatus.Visible = true; tableLayoutPanelStatus.Visible = true; progressBar1.Visible = false; if (hostAction.Exception is Failure failure && failure.ErrorDescription.Count > 0 && (failure.ErrorDescription[0] == Failure.HOST_NOT_ENOUGH_FREE_MEMORY || failure.ErrorDescription[0] == Failure.HA_NO_PLAN)) { if (failure.ErrorDescription[0] == Failure.HOST_NOT_ENOUGH_FREE_MEMORY) labelProgress.Text = Messages.EVACUATE_HOST_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; else if (failure.ErrorDescription[0] == Failure.HA_NO_PLAN) labelProgress.Text = Messages.EVACUATE_HOST_NO_OTHER_HOSTS; UpdateVMWithError(failure.ErrorDescription.ToArray()); } else labelProgress.Text = hostAction.Exception.Message; if (_rebuildRequired) Rebuild(); }); } private void UpdateProgress() { labelProgress.Text = hostAction.Description; if (hostAction.PercentComplete < 0) progressBar1.Value = 0; else if (hostAction.PercentComplete > 100) progressBar1.Value = 100; else progressBar1.Value = hostAction.PercentComplete; } #region Nested items enum Solution { None, EjectCD, Suspend, InstallPVDrivers, InstallPVDriversNoSolution, Shutdown } private class VmPrecheckRow : DataGridViewRow, IComparable { public readonly VM vm; private AsyncAction _solutionAction; private string error = string.Empty; public Solution Solution { get; private set; } = Solution.None; public AsyncAction SolutionAction { get => _solutionAction; set { _solutionAction = value; if (HasSolutionActionInProgress()) { Solution = Solution.None; error = _solutionAction.Title; } Refresh(); } } private readonly DataGridViewImageCell cellImage = new DataGridViewImageCell(); private readonly DataGridViewTextBoxCell cellVm = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell(); private readonly DataGridViewTextBoxCell cellAction = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell(); public VmPrecheckRow(VM vm) { this.vm = vm; Cells.AddRange(cellImage, cellVm, cellAction); Refresh(); } public void Refresh() { cellImage.Value = Images.GetImage16For(vm); cellVm.Value = ToString(); cellAction.Value = error; if (HasSolution()) { cellAction.Style.Font = new Font(Program.DefaultFont, FontStyle.Underline); cellAction.Style.ForeColor = Color.Blue; } else { cellAction.Style.Font = Program.DefaultFont; cellAction.Style.ForeColor = DefaultForeColor; } cellAction.Style.SelectionForeColor = cellAction.Style.ForeColor; cellAction.Style.SelectionBackColor = cellAction.Style.BackColor; } public override string ToString() { return vm.Name(); } public int CompareTo(VmPrecheckRow otherVM) { return vm.CompareTo(otherVM?.vm); } public void SetError(string message, Solution solution) { // still running action to solve a previous error, no point in overwriting or we could end up 'solving' it twice if (HasSolutionActionInProgress()) { Solution = Solution.None; error = SolutionAction.Title; Refresh(); return; } Solution = solution; switch (solution) { case Solution.EjectCD: error = String.Format(Messages.EVACUATE_HOST_EJECT_CD_PROMPT, message); break; case Solution.Suspend: error = String.Format(Messages.EVACUATE_HOST_SUSPEND_VM_PROMPT, message); break; case Solution.Shutdown: error = String.Format(Messages.EVACUATE_HOST_SHUTDOWN_VM_PROMPT, message); break; case Solution.InstallPVDrivers: error = vm.HasNewVirtualisationStates() ? string.Format(Messages.EVACUATE_HOST_INSTALL_MGMNT_PROMPT, message) : string.Format(Messages.EVACUATE_HOST_INSTALL_TOOLS_PROMPT, message, BrandManager.VmTools); break; case Solution.InstallPVDriversNoSolution: // if the state is not unknown we have metrics and can show a detailed message. // Otherwise go with the server and just say they aren't installed error = !vm.GetVirtualisationStatus(out _).HasFlag(VM.VirtualisationStatus.UNKNOWN) ? vm.GetVirtualisationWarningMessages() : string.Format(Messages.PV_DRIVERS_NOT_INSTALLED, BrandManager.VmTools); break; } Refresh(); } internal bool HasSolution() { return Solution != Solution.None && Solution != Solution.InstallPVDriversNoSolution; } internal bool HasSolutionActionInProgress() { return SolutionAction != null && !SolutionAction.IsCompleted; } } #endregion } }