/* Copyright (c) Citrix Systems Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, * with or without modification, are permitted provided * that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other * materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND * CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Windows.Forms; using XenAdmin.Actions; using XenAdmin.Controls; using XenAdmin.Core; using XenAdmin.Dialogs; using XenAdmin.Dialogs.WarningDialogs; using XenAdmin.Network; using XenAPI; using System.Drawing; namespace XenAdmin.Wizards.NewSRWizard_Pages.Frontends { public partial class LVMoHBA : XenTabPage { private static readonly log4net.ILog log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); private List _selectedDevices = new List(); public LVMoHBA() { InitializeComponent(); } public virtual SR.SRTypes SrType { get { return SR.SRTypes.lvmohba; } } #region XenTabPage overrides public override string PageTitle { get { return Messages.NEWSR_SELECT_LUN; } } public override string Text { get { return Messages.NEWSR_LOCATION; } } public override string HelpID { get { return "Location_HBA"; } } public override void PageLeave(PageLoadedDirection direction, ref bool cancel) { if (direction == PageLoadedDirection.Back) return; Host master = Helpers.GetMaster(Connection); if (master == null) { cancel = true; return; } SrDescriptors = new List(); var existingSrDescriptors = new List(); var formatDiskDescriptors = new List(); foreach (var device in _selectedDevices) { LvmOhbaSrDescriptor descr; if (this is LVMoFCoE) descr = new LvmOhbaSrDescriptor(device, Connection); else descr = new FcoeSrDescriptor(device); var action = new SrProbeAction(Connection, master, SrType, descr.DeviceConfig); new ActionProgressDialog(action, ProgressBarStyle.Marquee).ShowDialog(this); if (!action.Succeeded) { cancel = true; return; } descr.UUID = SrWizardHelpers.ExtractUUID(action.Result); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SrWizardType.UUID)) { // Check LUN contains correct SR if (descr.UUID == SrWizardType.UUID) { SrDescriptors.Add(descr); continue; } using (var dlog = new ThreeButtonDialog( new ThreeButtonDialog.Details(SystemIcons.Error, String.Format(Messages.INCORRECT_LUN_FOR_SR, SrWizardType.SrName), Messages.XENCENTER))) { dlog.ShowDialog(this); } cancel = true; return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(descr.UUID)) { // No existing SRs were found on this LUN. If allowed to create // a new SR, ask the user if they want to proceed and format. if (!SrWizardType.AllowToCreateNewSr) { using (var dlog = new ThreeButtonDialog( new ThreeButtonDialog.Details(SystemIcons.Error, Messages.NEWSR_LUN_HAS_NO_SRS, Messages.XENCENTER))) { dlog.ShowDialog(this); } cancel = true; return; } if (!Program.RunInAutomatedTestMode) formatDiskDescriptors.Add(descr); } else { // CA-17230: Check this isn't a detached SR. If it is then just continue SR sr = SrWizardHelpers.SrInUse(descr.UUID); if (sr != null) { SrDescriptors.Add(descr); continue; } // We found a SR on this LUN. Will ask user for choice later. existingSrDescriptors.Add(descr); } } if (!cancel && existingSrDescriptors.Count > 0) { var launcher = new LVMoHBAWarningDialogLauncher(this, existingSrDescriptors, true); launcher.ShowWarnings(); cancel = launcher.Cancelled; if (!cancel && launcher.SrDescriptors.Count > 0) SrDescriptors.AddRange(launcher.SrDescriptors); } if (!cancel && formatDiskDescriptors.Count > 0) { var launcher = new LVMoHBAWarningDialogLauncher(this, formatDiskDescriptors, false); launcher.ShowWarnings(); cancel = launcher.Cancelled; if (!cancel && launcher.SrDescriptors.Count > 0) SrDescriptors.AddRange(launcher.SrDescriptors); } base.PageLeave(direction, ref cancel); } public override bool EnableNext() { UpdateSelectionButtons(); return _selectedDevices.Count > 0; } public override bool EnablePrevious() { if (SrWizardType.DisasterRecoveryTask && SrWizardType.SrToReattach == null) return false; return true; } public override void PopulatePage() { dataGridView.Rows.Clear(); var vendorGroups = from device in FCDevices group device by device.Vendor into g orderby g.Key select new { VendorName = g.Key, Devices = g.OrderBy(x => x.Serial) }; foreach (var vGroup in vendorGroups) { var vendorRow = new VendorRow(vGroup.VendorName); dataGridView.Rows.Add(vendorRow); using (var font = new Font(dataGridView.DefaultCellStyle.Font, FontStyle.Bold)) vendorRow.DefaultCellStyle = new DataGridViewCellStyle(dataGridView.DefaultCellStyle) { Font = font, SelectionBackColor = dataGridView.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor, SelectionForeColor = dataGridView.DefaultCellStyle.ForeColor }; var deviceRows = from device in vGroup.Devices select new FCDeviceRow(device); dataGridView.Rows.AddRange(deviceRows.ToArray()); } } public override string NextText(bool isLastPage) { return Messages.NEWSR_LVMOHBA_NEXT_TEXT; } #endregion #region Event handlers private void dataGridView_CellClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { if (_srWizardType.SrToReattach != null) return; if (e.ColumnIndex != colCheck.Index || e.RowIndex < 0 || e.RowIndex > dataGridView.RowCount - 1) return; var deviceRow = dataGridView.Rows[e.RowIndex] as FCDeviceRow; if (deviceRow == null) return; deviceRow.Cells[colCheck.Index].Value = !(bool)deviceRow.Cells[colCheck.Index].Value; UpdateSelectedDevices(); OnPageUpdated(); } private void dataGridView_SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_srWizardType.SrToReattach == null) return; UpdateSelectedDevices(); OnPageUpdated(); } private void buttonSelectAll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { foreach (var row in dataGridView.Rows) { var deviceRow = row as FCDeviceRow; if (deviceRow != null && deviceRow.Cells.Count > 0) deviceRow.Cells[colCheck.Index].Value = true; } UpdateSelectedDevices(); OnPageUpdated(); } private void buttonClearAll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { foreach (var row in dataGridView.Rows) { var deviceRow = row as FCDeviceRow; if (deviceRow != null && deviceRow.Cells.Count > 0) deviceRow.Cells[colCheck.Index].Value = false; } UpdateSelectedDevices(); OnPageUpdated(); } #endregion private void UpdateSelectedDevices() { if (SrWizardType.SrToReattach == null) { //when creating a new SR the checkbox column is visible _selectedDevices = (from DataGridViewRow row in dataGridView.Rows let deviceRow = row as FCDeviceRow where deviceRow != null && deviceRow.Cells.Count > 0 && (bool)(deviceRow.Cells[colCheck.Index].Value) select deviceRow.Device).ToList(); } else { //when reattaching SR the checkbox column is hidden _selectedDevices = (from DataGridViewRow row in dataGridView.Rows let deviceRow = row as FCDeviceRow where deviceRow != null && deviceRow.Selected select deviceRow.Device).ToList(); } } private void UpdateSelectionButtons() { if (buttonSelectAll.Visible) buttonSelectAll.Enabled = _selectedDevices.Count < FCDevices.Count; if (buttonClearAll.Visible) buttonClearAll.Enabled = _selectedDevices.Count > 0; } public bool FiberChannelScan(IWin32Window owner, IXenConnection connection, out List devices) { devices = new List(); Host master = Helpers.GetMaster(connection); if (master == null) return false; FibreChannelProbeAction action = new FibreChannelProbeAction(master, SrType); ActionProgressDialog dialog = new ActionProgressDialog(action, ProgressBarStyle.Marquee); dialog.ShowDialog(owner); //Will block until dialog closes, action completed if (!action.Succeeded) return false; try { FibreChannelProbeParsing.ProcessXML(action.Result, devices); if (devices.Count == 0) { new ThreeButtonDialog( new ThreeButtonDialog.Details(SystemIcons.Warning, Messages.FIBRECHANNEL_NO_RESULTS, Messages.XENCENTER)).ShowDialog(); return false; } return true; } catch (Exception e) { log.Debug("Exception parsing result of fibre channel scan", e); log.Debug(e, e); new ThreeButtonDialog( new ThreeButtonDialog.Details(SystemIcons.Warning, Messages.FIBRECHANNEL_XML_ERROR, Messages.XENCENTER)).ShowDialog(); return false; } } #region Accessors public List FCDevices { private get; set; } private SrWizardType _srWizardType; public SrWizardType SrWizardType { private get { return _srWizardType; } set { _srWizardType = value; bool creatingNew = _srWizardType.SrToReattach == null; colCheck.Visible = creatingNew; dataGridView.MultiSelect = creatingNew; buttonSelectAll.Visible = creatingNew; buttonClearAll.Visible = creatingNew; labelCreate.Visible = creatingNew; labelReattach.Visible = !creatingNew; } } public List SrDescriptors { get; private set; } #endregion #region Nested classes private class FCDeviceRow : DataGridViewRow { public FibreChannelDevice Device { get; private set; } public FCDeviceRow(FibreChannelDevice device) { Device = device; string id = string.IsNullOrEmpty(device.SCSIid) ? device.Path : device.SCSIid; string details = String.Format("{0}:{1}:{2}:{3}", device.adapter, device.channel, device.id, device.lun); Cells.AddRange(new DataGridViewCheckBoxCell{ThreeState = false, Value = false}, new DataGridViewTextBoxCell { Value = Util.DiskSizeString(device.Size) }, new DataGridViewTextBoxCell { Value = device.Serial }, new DataGridViewTextBoxCell { Value = id }, new DataGridViewTextBoxCell { Value = details }); } } private class VendorRow : DataGridViewRow { public VendorRow(string vendor) { Cells.AddRange(new DataGridViewCheckBoxCellVendor(), new DataGridViewTextBoxCell { Value = vendor }, new DataGridViewTextBoxCell(), new DataGridViewTextBoxCell(), new DataGridViewTextBoxCell()); } private class DataGridViewCheckBoxCellVendor : DataGridViewCheckBoxCell { protected override void Paint(Graphics graphics, Rectangle clipBounds, Rectangle cellBounds, int rowIndex, DataGridViewElementStates elementState, object value, object formattedValue, string errorText, DataGridViewCellStyle cellStyle, DataGridViewAdvancedBorderStyle advancedBorderStyle, DataGridViewPaintParts paintParts) { using (var normalBrush = new SolidBrush(OwningRow.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor)) using (var selectedBrush = new SolidBrush(OwningRow.DefaultCellStyle.SelectionBackColor)) { graphics.FillRectangle( (elementState & DataGridViewElementStates.Selected) != 0 ? selectedBrush : normalBrush, cellBounds.X, cellBounds.Y, cellBounds.Width, cellBounds.Height); } } } } public enum UserSelectedOption { Cancel, Reattach, Format, Skip } private class LVMoHBAWarningDialogLauncher { private readonly List inputSrDescriptors; private readonly bool foundExistingSRs; private readonly IWin32Window owner; public List SrDescriptors { get; private set; } public bool Cancelled { get; private set; } public LVMoHBAWarningDialogLauncher(IWin32Window owner, List srDescriptors, bool foundExistingSRs) { this.owner = owner; this.foundExistingSRs = foundExistingSRs; inputSrDescriptors = srDescriptors; SrDescriptors = new List(); } private UserSelectedOption GetSelectedOption(LvmOhbaSrDescriptor lvmOhbaSrDescriptor, out bool repeatForRemainingLUNs) { int remainingCount = inputSrDescriptors.Count - 1 - inputSrDescriptors.IndexOf(lvmOhbaSrDescriptor); using (var dialog = new LVMoHBAWarningDialog(lvmOhbaSrDescriptor.Device, remainingCount, foundExistingSRs)) { dialog.ShowDialog(owner); repeatForRemainingLUNs = dialog.RepeatForRemainingLUNs; return dialog.SelectedOption; } } public void ShowWarnings() { bool repeatForRemainingLUNs = false; UserSelectedOption selectedOption = UserSelectedOption.Cancel; foreach (LvmOhbaSrDescriptor lvmOhbaSrDescriptor in inputSrDescriptors) { if (!repeatForRemainingLUNs) { selectedOption = GetSelectedOption(lvmOhbaSrDescriptor, out repeatForRemainingLUNs); } switch (selectedOption) { case UserSelectedOption.Format: lvmOhbaSrDescriptor.UUID = null; SrDescriptors.Add(lvmOhbaSrDescriptor); break; case UserSelectedOption.Reattach: SrDescriptors.Add(lvmOhbaSrDescriptor); break; case UserSelectedOption.Cancel: SrDescriptors.Clear(); Cancelled = true; return; } } } } #endregion } }