/* Copyright (c) Citrix Systems Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, * with or without modification, are permitted provided * that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other * materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND * CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Drawing; using System.Data; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using XenAdmin.Core; using XenAPI; namespace XenAdmin.Controls.Ballooning { public partial class VMShinyBar : ShinyBar { public event EventHandler SliderDragged; public VMShinyBar() { InitializeComponent(); } // Variables passed in private long memoryUsed; private double static_min, static_max, dynamic_min, dynamic_max, dynamic_min_orig, dynamic_max_orig; public double dynamic_min_lowlimit, dynamic_min_highlimit, dynamic_max_lowlimit, dynamic_max_highlimit; private bool has_ballooning; private bool allowEdit; private bool multiple; // The increment in which the user can move the draggers, in bytes double increment; public double Increment { get { return increment; } set { increment = value; } } public double Dynamic_min { get { return dynamic_min; } } public double Dynamic_max { get { return dynamic_max; } } private bool Equal { get { return Dynamic_min == Dynamic_max; } } public void SetRanges(double dynamic_min_lowlimit, double dynamic_min_highlimit, double dynamic_max_lowlimit, double dynamic_max_highlimit, string units) { if(units == "MB") { // Round to nearest MB inwards to agree with MemorySpinner and avoid bugs like CA-34996. double lowMB, highMB; MemorySpinner.CalcMBRanges(dynamic_min_lowlimit, dynamic_min_highlimit, out lowMB, out highMB); this.dynamic_min_lowlimit = lowMB * Util.BINARY_MEGA; this.dynamic_min_highlimit = highMB * Util.BINARY_MEGA; MemorySpinner.CalcMBRanges(dynamic_max_lowlimit, dynamic_max_highlimit, out lowMB, out highMB); this.dynamic_max_lowlimit = lowMB * Util.BINARY_MEGA; this.dynamic_max_highlimit = highMB * Util.BINARY_MEGA; } else { // Round to nearest GB inwards to agree with MemorySpinner and avoid bugs like CA-34996. double lowGB, highGB; MemorySpinner.CalcGBRanges(dynamic_min_lowlimit, dynamic_min_highlimit, out lowGB, out highGB); this.dynamic_min_lowlimit = lowGB * Util.BINARY_GIGA; this.dynamic_min_highlimit = highGB * Util.BINARY_GIGA; MemorySpinner.CalcGBRanges(dynamic_max_lowlimit, dynamic_max_highlimit, out lowGB, out highGB); this.dynamic_max_lowlimit = lowGB * Util.BINARY_GIGA; this.dynamic_max_highlimit = highGB * Util.BINARY_GIGA; } } private double SliderMinLimit { get { System.Diagnostics.Trace.Assert(activeSlider != Slider.NONE); return (activeSlider == Slider.MAX ? dynamic_max_lowlimit : dynamic_min_lowlimit); } } private double SliderMaxLimit { get { System.Diagnostics.Trace.Assert(activeSlider != Slider.NONE); return (activeSlider == Slider.MIN ? dynamic_min_highlimit : dynamic_max_highlimit); } } private enum Slider { NONE, MIN, MAX }; // Internal state private Point mouseLocation = new Point(-1, -1); private Rectangle min_slider_rect, max_slider_rect; private Slider activeSlider = Slider.NONE; private bool mouseIsDown = false; private double BytesPerPixel; public void Initialize(VM vm, bool multiple, long memoryUsed, bool allowEdit) { this.multiple = multiple; this.memoryUsed = memoryUsed; this.static_min = vm.memory_static_min; this.static_max = vm.memory_static_max; this.dynamic_min = dynamic_min_orig = Util.CorrectRoundingErrors(vm.memory_dynamic_min); this.dynamic_max = dynamic_max_orig = Util.CorrectRoundingErrors(vm.memory_dynamic_max); this.has_ballooning = vm.has_ballooning; this.allowEdit = allowEdit; } public void ChangeSettings(double static_min, double dynamic_min, double dynamic_max, double static_max) { this.static_min = static_min; // If we're editing, we never reduce the static_max (really, the "static_max" is just the top // of the bar: the real static_max is the position of the top of the range). if (!allowEdit || this.static_max < static_max) this.static_max = static_max; // If they're already equal, we don't reset the dynamic_min_orig. // (They've probably been set through the sliders not the spinners). if (dynamic_min != this.dynamic_min) this.dynamic_min = dynamic_min_orig = dynamic_min; if (dynamic_max != this.dynamic_max) this.dynamic_max = dynamic_max_orig = dynamic_max; } private void SetMemory(Slider slider, double bytes) { bool dragged = false; if (slider == Slider.MIN && dynamic_min != bytes) { dynamic_min = bytes; dragged = true; } if (slider == Slider.MAX && dynamic_max != bytes) { dynamic_max = bytes; dragged = true; } if (dragged) OnSliderDragged(); } private void OnSliderDragged() { if (SliderDragged != null) SliderDragged(this, null); } protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e) { if (static_max == 0) // not initialised return; Graphics g = e.Graphics; Rectangle barArea = barRect; BytesPerPixel = (double)static_max / (double)barArea.Width; // Grid DrawGrid(g, barArea, BytesPerPixel, static_max); // The bar int left_width = (int)((double)memoryUsed / BytesPerPixel); if (left_width > barArea.Width) // Happens if the user is reducing static_max to below current memory usage. left_width = barArea.Width; // I wanted to add a right-arrow to the bytesString in that case too, but the glyph isn't present in the font: and too much work to add an image. Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(barArea.Left, barArea.Top, left_width, barArea.Height); string bytesString = Util.MemorySizeStringSuitableUnits(memoryUsed, false); string toolTip = string.Format(multiple ? Messages.CURRENT_MEMORY_USAGE_MULTIPLE : Messages.CURRENT_MEMORY_USAGE, bytesString); DrawToTarget(g, barArea, rect, BallooningColors.VMShinyBar_Used, bytesString, BallooningColors.VMShinyBar_Text, HorizontalAlignment.Right, toolTip); rect = new Rectangle(barArea.Left + left_width, barArea.Top, barArea.Width - left_width, barArea.Height); DrawToTarget(g, barArea, rect, BallooningColors.VMShinyBar_Unused); // Sliders if (has_ballooning) { DrawSliderRanges(g); DrawSliders(g, dynamic_min, dynamic_max); } } protected override void OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e) { if (allowEdit) { mouseLocation = e.Location; if (activeSlider != Slider.NONE) { double min = SliderMinLimit; double max = SliderMaxLimit; double orig = (activeSlider == Slider.MIN ? dynamic_min_orig : dynamic_max_orig); double posBytes = (mouseLocation.X - barRect.Left) * BytesPerPixel; if (posBytes <= min) posBytes = min; else if (posBytes >= max) posBytes = max; else { double incrBytes = Increment; // round to nearest incrBytes // We need to do a rounding because the result should always have only 1 dp. If it does not have // 1 dp it is not because of the formula, but because of the way the computer does the calculation. double roundedBytes = Math.Round((int)((posBytes + incrBytes / 2) / incrBytes) * incrBytes, 1); // We also allow the original value, even if it's not a multiple of // incrBytes. That's so that we don't jump as soon as we click it // (also so that we can get back to the original value if we want to). double distRound = (posBytes - roundedBytes > 0 ? posBytes - roundedBytes : roundedBytes - posBytes); double distOrig = (posBytes - orig > 0 ? posBytes - orig : orig - posBytes); if (distRound >= distOrig) roundedBytes = orig; // posBytes can fall outside its range before or after the rounding, // and both want to be truncated if (roundedBytes <= min) posBytes = min; else if (roundedBytes >= max) posBytes = max; else posBytes = roundedBytes; } SetMemory(activeSlider, posBytes); } Refresh(); } base.OnMouseMove(e); } protected override void OnMouseLeave(EventArgs e) { if (allowEdit) { mouseIsDown = false; mouseLocation = new Point(-1, -1); activeSlider = Slider.NONE; Refresh(); } base.OnMouseLeave(e); } protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e) { if (allowEdit && e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { mouseIsDown = true; if (min_slider_rect.Contains(mouseLocation)) activeSlider = Slider.MIN; else if (max_slider_rect.Contains(mouseLocation)) activeSlider = Slider.MAX; Refresh(); } base.OnMouseDown(e); } protected override void OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e) { if (allowEdit) { mouseIsDown = false; activeSlider = Slider.NONE; Refresh(); } base.OnMouseUp(e); } private void DrawSliderRanges(Graphics g) { // Draw slider ranges if we're dragging right now if (activeSlider == Slider.NONE) return; Rectangle barArea = barRect; const int Height = 10; int min = barArea.Left + (int)(SliderMinLimit / BytesPerPixel); int max = barArea.Left + (int)(SliderMaxLimit / BytesPerPixel); using (Brush brush = new SolidBrush(BallooningColors.SliderLimits)) { g.FillRectangle(brush, min, barRect.Bottom, max - min, Height); } } private void DrawSliders(Graphics g, double min, double max) { Rectangle barArea = barRect; Image min_image, max_image; if (allowEdit) { min_image = XenAdmin.Properties.Resources.memory_dynmin_slider; max_image = XenAdmin.Properties.Resources.memory_dynmax_slider; } else { min_image = XenAdmin.Properties.Resources.memory_dynmin_slider_noedit; max_image = XenAdmin.Properties.Resources.memory_dynmax_slider_noedit; } // Calculate where to draw the sliders Point min_pt = new Point(barArea.Left + (int)(min / BytesPerPixel) - min_image.Width + (allowEdit ? 0 : 1), barArea.Bottom); Point max_pt = new Point(barArea.Left + (int)(max / BytesPerPixel) - (allowEdit ? 0 : 1), barArea.Bottom); min_slider_rect = new Rectangle(min_pt, min_image.Size); max_slider_rect = new Rectangle(max_pt, max_image.Size); // Recalculate the images to draw in case the mouse is over one of them if (allowEdit) { if (activeSlider == Slider.MIN) min_image = XenAdmin.Properties.Resources.memory_dynmin_slider_dark; if (activeSlider == Slider.MAX) max_image = XenAdmin.Properties.Resources.memory_dynmax_slider_dark; if (activeSlider == Slider.NONE && !mouseIsDown) { if (min_slider_rect.Contains(mouseLocation)) min_image = XenAdmin.Properties.Resources.memory_dynmin_slider_light; else if (max_slider_rect.Contains(mouseLocation)) max_image = XenAdmin.Properties.Resources.memory_dynmax_slider_light; } } // Draw the images g.DrawImageUnscaled(min_image, min_pt); g.DrawImageUnscaled(max_image, max_pt); } protected override int barHeight { get { return 20; } } } }