/* Copyright (c) Citrix Systems, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, * with or without modification, are permitted provided * that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other * materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND * CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Xml; using XenOvf.Definitions; using XenOvf.Definitions.XENC; using XenOvf.Utilities; namespace XenOvf { public partial class OVF { // LATIN: No fortification is such that it cannot be subdued with money. private const string KnownEncrypt = "Nihil tam munitum quod non expugnari pecunia possit. "; private static bool _cancelEncrypt = false; private static ulong _position = 0; private static ulong _length = 0; private const int _KeySize = 0; /// /// Set to TRUE to cancel current Encrypt Decrypt operation. /// public static bool CancelEncryption { get { return _cancelEncrypt; } set { Tools.CancelStreamCopy = true; _cancelEncrypt = value; } } /// /// Where [bytes] the encryption/decryption operation is. /// public static ulong Position { get { return _position; } } /// /// How many [bytes] to encrypt/decrypt /// public static ulong Length { get { return _length; } } #region ENCRYPTION /// /// Encrypt the files associated with the provided OVF package. /// /// EnvelopeType ovf object /// fullpath/filename /// password to use during encryption. public static void Encrypt(EnvelopeType env, string ovfFileName, string password) { _cancelEncrypt = false; CryptoFileWrapper(env, ovfFileName, password, true); if (_cancelEncrypt) { log.Info("Encrypt: CANCELLED successfully."); } else { SaveAs(env, ovfFileName); } } /// /// Decrypt the files associated with the provided OVF package. /// /// EnvelopeType ovf object /// fullpath/filename /// password to use during decryption. public void Decrypt(EnvelopeType env, string ovfFileName, string password) { _cancelEncrypt = false; CryptoFileWrapper(env, ovfFileName, password, false); if (_cancelEncrypt) { log.Info("Encrypt: CANCELLED successfully."); } else { SaveAs(env, ovfFileName); } } /// /// Create a file decryption stream to read out an encrypted file. /// /// File to decrypt /// password of to file. /// Decrypted Stream public static Stream DecryptFile(string filename, string version, string password) { FileStream fs = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.None); return CryptoStreamWrapper(fs, password, false, version); } /// /// Create a file encryption stream to write out an encrypted file. /// /// File to encrypt to. /// password of to file. /// Decrypted Stream public Stream EncryptFile(string filename, string version, string password) { FileStream fs = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.None); return CryptoStreamWrapper(fs, password, true, version); } /// /// Decrypt a file to a temporary file. /// Action can be cancel via: CancelEncryption = true /// /// encryption class to use must implement: ICryptoTransform ie: System.Security.Cryptography.RijndaelManaged /// Encrypted file name /// Password to perform decryption /// file to write to. public static void DecryptToTempFile(string classname, string filename, string version, string password, string tempfile) { if (version != null && (CheckSecurityVersion(version, Properties.Settings.Default.securityVersion) >= 0)) { using (CryptoStream decryptStream = (CryptoStream)DecryptFile(filename, version, password)) { using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(tempfile, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.None)) { Tools.StreamCopy(decryptStream, fileStream); } } } else { // Encryption with issues... original code base. ICryptoTransform transform = CryptoSetup(classname, password, false, version); DeprecatedCryptoFile(transform, filename, tempfile, false); if (_cancelEncrypt) File.Delete(tempfile); } } /// /// Checks to see if an OVF is encrypted by checking whether a security section is defined /// public static bool HasEncryption(EnvelopeType ovfObj, out SecuritySection_Type[] security) { security = null; if (ovfObj == null) return false; security = FindSections(ovfObj.Sections); return security != null && security.Length > 0; } public static void ParseEncryption(EnvelopeType ovfObj, out string encryptionClass, out string encryptionVersion) { encryptionClass = null; encryptionVersion = null; if (!HasEncryption(ovfObj, out SecuritySection_Type[] securitysection)) return; string fileUuids = ""; foreach (Security_Type securitytype in securitysection[0].Security) { if (securitytype.ReferenceList.Items != null) { foreach (ReferenceType refType in securitytype.ReferenceList.Items) { if (refType is DataReference dataRef) fileUuids += ":" + dataRef.ValueType; } } if (securitytype.EncryptionMethod?.Algorithm != null) { string[] parts = securitytype.EncryptionMethod.Algorithm.Split('#'); if (parts.Length > 1) { string algoname = parts[1].ToLower().Replace('-', '_'); encryptionClass = OVF.AlgorithmMap(algoname) as string; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(securitytype.version)) encryptionVersion = securitytype.version; } } /// /// An ovf can contain both encrypted and non-encrypted file mixed together. /// find if file name is encrypted. /// 1. check the References for the security ID /// 2. check the Security id section exists. /// /// OVF Envelope /// filename to check /// true = encrypted; false = not encrypted public static bool IsThisEncrypted(EnvelopeType ovfObj, RASD_Type rasd) { bool _isEncrypted = false; // 15,16,17,19,20 are attached files. // rest is RASD specific switch (rasd.ResourceType.Value) { case 15: case 16: case 17: case 19: case 20: { File_Type file = FindFileReferenceByRASD(ovfObj, rasd); if (file != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(file.Id)) { _isEncrypted = IsThisIdEncrypted(ovfObj, file.Id); } } break; } default: { // currently encrypted RASD or Elements, isn't being done, but this can check it. if (rasd.AnyAttr != null && rasd.AnyAttr.Length > 0) { foreach (XmlAttribute xa in rasd.AnyAttr) { if (xa.Name.ToLower().Equals("xenc:id")) { _isEncrypted = IsThisIdEncrypted(ovfObj, xa.Value); break; } } } break; } } return _isEncrypted; } public static bool IsThisIdEncrypted(EnvelopeType ovfObj, string id) { SecuritySection_Type[] security = FindSections(ovfObj.Sections); if (security != null && security.Length > 0) // if no security section don't bother going any further. { foreach (SecuritySection_Type sst in security) { foreach (Security_Type st in sst.Security) { foreach (XenOvf.Definitions.XENC.DataReference dataref in st.ReferenceList.Items) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataref.ValueType) && dataref.ValueType.Contains(id)) { return true; // no need to go anyfurther, nicer just to leave now. } } } } } return false; // get here... its not encrypted. } /// /// Validate password prior to decrypting, depends on sample encrypted section in The SecuritySection. /// /// EnvelopeType OVF Object /// password to check /// true = valid password, false = password failed public bool CheckPassword(EnvelopeType ovfObj, string password) { bool isValid = false; SecuritySection_Type[] security = FindSections(ovfObj.Sections); if (security != null && security.Length == 1) { foreach (Security_Type sec in security[0].Security) { EncryptedDataType edt = null; if (sec.EncryptedData != null && sec.EncryptedData.CipherData != null && sec.EncryptedData.CipherData.Item != null) { edt = sec.EncryptedData; } if (edt == null && sec.Any != null) { foreach (XmlElement xe in sec.Any) { if (xe.Name.Contains(":EncryptedData") || xe.Name.Contains(":EncrypteData")) { CipherDataType cdt = Tools.Deserialize(xe.InnerXml); edt = new EncryptedDataType(); edt.CipherData = cdt; } } } if (edt != null) { if (sec.version != null && CheckSecurityVersion(sec.version, Properties.Settings.Default.securityVersion) >= 0) { isValid = InternalCheckPassword((byte[])edt.CipherData.Item, password, sec.version); } else { isValid = DeprecatedCheckPassword((byte[])edt.CipherData.Item, password, sec.version); } } else { throw new Exception(Messages.SECURITY_SECTION_INVALID); } } } log.Debug(isValid ? "Password is valid." : "Password is not valid."); return isValid; } /// /// /// /// /// public static int CalculateStrength(string password) { int charSet = 0; int passStrength = -1; Regex pattern = new Regex(@"[\d]"); if (pattern.IsMatch(password)) { charSet += 10; } pattern = new Regex("[a-z]"); if (pattern.IsMatch(password)) { charSet += 26; } pattern = new Regex("[A-Z]"); if (pattern.IsMatch(password)) { charSet += 26; } pattern = new Regex(@"[\W|_]"); if (pattern.IsMatch(password)) { charSet += 31; } double result = Math.Log(Math.Pow(charSet, password.Length)) / Math.Log(2); if (result <= 32) { passStrength = 0; } //= "Low;"; } else if (result <= 64) { passStrength = 1; } //= "Fair;"; } else if (result <= 128) { passStrength = 2; } //= "Good;"; } else if (result > 128) { passStrength = 3; } //= "Strong;"; } return passStrength; } #endregion #region PRIVATE private static void CryptoFileWrapper(EnvelopeType env, string ovffilename, string password, bool encrypt) { bool process = true; if ((env.References == null) || (env.References.File == null) || (env.References.File.Length == 0)) { log.Info("OVF.Security: No files to encrypt/decrypt."); return; } try { List dataReference = new List(); string cryptoclassname = (string)AlgorithmMap((Properties.Settings.Default.encryptAlgorithmURI.Split(new char[] { '#' }))[1].ToLower().Replace('-', '_')); int keysize = Convert.ToInt32(Properties.Settings.Default.encryptKeyLength); string fileuuids = null; string version = null; // // Initial version really only works when there is ONLY ONE SecuritySection::Security // #region GET DECRYPT INFO if (!encrypt) { SecuritySection_Type securitysection = null; foreach (Section_Type section in env.Sections) { if (section is SecuritySection_Type) { securitysection = (SecuritySection_Type)section; break; } } foreach (Security_Type securitytype in securitysection.Security) { foreach (XenOvf.Definitions.XENC.ReferenceType dataref in securitytype.ReferenceList.Items) { if (dataref is DataReference) { fileuuids += ":" + ((DataReference)dataref).ValueType; } } if (securitytype.EncryptionMethod != null && securitytype.EncryptionMethod.Algorithm != null) { string algoname = (securitytype.EncryptionMethod.Algorithm.Split(new char[] { '#' }))[1].ToLower().Replace('-', '_'); object x = Properties.Settings.Default[algoname]; if (x != null) { cryptoclassname = (string)x; keysize = Convert.ToInt32(securitytype.EncryptionMethod.KeySize); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(securitytype.version)) { version = securitytype.version; } } } #endregion #region PROCESS FILES foreach (File_Type file in env.References.File) { if (encrypt) { version = Properties.Settings.Default.securityVersion; if (file.Id == null) { file.Id = "xen_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); DataReference newDataReference = new DataReference(); newDataReference.ValueType = file.Id; dataReference.Add(newDataReference); process = true; } else { log.InfoFormat("File already encrypted, skipping. [{0}]", file.href); process = false; } } else { if (file.Id != null && fileuuids != null && fileuuids.ToLower().Contains(file.Id.ToLower())) { process = true; file.Id = null; } else { process = false; log.InfoFormat("File is not encrypted, skipping. [{0}]", file.href); } } if (process) { string fullname = string.Format(@"{0}\{1}", Path.GetDirectoryName(ovffilename), file.href); log.DebugFormat(encrypt ? "Encrypt: {0}" : "Decrypt: {0}", fullname); ICryptoTransform trans = CryptoSetup(cryptoclassname, password, encrypt, version); CryptoFile(trans, fullname, fullname + ".tmp", encrypt); if (_cancelEncrypt) { File.Delete(fullname + ".tmp"); } else { File.Delete(fullname); File.Move(fullname + ".tmp", fullname); } } } #endregion #region BUILD SECURITY SECTION if (encrypt && process && !_cancelEncrypt) { List sections = new List(); SecuritySection_Type securitySection = null; foreach (Section_Type section in env.Sections) { if (section is SecuritySection_Type) { securitySection = (SecuritySection_Type)section; } else { sections.Add(section); } } if (securitySection == null) { securitySection = new SecuritySection_Type(); securitySection.Info = new Msg_Type(); securitySection.Info.Value = "Encrypted Content Definition"; } List secType = new List(); if (securitySection.Security != null && securitySection.Security.Length > 0) { secType.AddRange(securitySection.Security); } Security_Type securityType = new Security_Type(); securityType.version = Properties.Settings.Default.securityVersion; securityType.Id = "xen_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); ReferenceList referenceList = new ReferenceList(); referenceList.Items = dataReference.ToArray(); List ictList = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < dataReference.Count; i++) { ictList.Add(ItemsChoiceType3.DataReference); } referenceList.ItemsElementName = ictList.ToArray(); EncryptionMethodType encryptMethod = new EncryptionMethodType(); encryptMethod.KeySize = Convert.ToString(_KeySize); encryptMethod.Algorithm = Properties.Settings.Default.encryptAlgorithmURI; EncryptedDataType EncryptedData = new EncryptedDataType(); EncryptedData.CipherData = new CipherDataType(); CryptoElement(EncryptedData, KnownEncrypt, cryptoclassname, version, password); securityType.ReferenceList = referenceList; securityType.EncryptionMethod = encryptMethod; securityType.EncryptedData = EncryptedData; secType.Add(securityType); securitySection.Security = secType.ToArray(); sections.Add(securitySection); env.Sections = sections.ToArray(); } #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { log.ErrorFormat("OVF.Security: Cryptography error: {0}", ex.Message); throw; } } private static CryptoStream CryptoStreamWrapper(Stream inputStream, string password, bool encrypt, string version) { try { string cryptoclassname = (string)AlgorithmMap((Properties.Settings.Default.encryptAlgorithmURI.Split(new char[] { '#' }))[1].ToLower().Replace('-', '_')); ICryptoTransform trans = CryptoSetup(cryptoclassname, password, encrypt, version); return CryptoStream1(trans, inputStream, encrypt); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } } private static ICryptoTransform CryptoSetup(string cryptoclassname, string password, bool encrypt, string version) { log.DebugFormat("CryptoSetup: using {0}", cryptoclassname); SymmetricAlgorithm cryptObject = null; try { Type EncType = Type.GetType(cryptoclassname, true); cryptObject = (SymmetricAlgorithm)Activator.CreateInstance(EncType); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(version) && (CheckSecurityVersion(version, Properties.Settings.Default.securityVersion) >= 0)) { cryptObject.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7; } } catch (Exception ex) { log.ErrorFormat("Encryption class error: {0}", ex.Message); throw; } if (cryptObject == null) { log.Error("Encryption class could not be created"); throw new ArgumentNullException(); } // OLD Initializers. byte[] Key = new byte[24]; byte[] IV = new byte[16]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(version) && (CheckSecurityVersion(version, "1.3") >= 0)) { Key = new byte[cryptObject.Key.Length]; IV = new byte[cryptObject.IV.Length]; } GenerateKey(password, ref Key, ref IV); password = string.Empty; cryptObject.Key = Key; cryptObject.IV = IV; ICryptoTransform transform = null; if (encrypt) { transform = cryptObject.CreateEncryptor(cryptObject.Key, cryptObject.IV); } else { transform = cryptObject.CreateDecryptor(cryptObject.Key, cryptObject.IV); } return transform; } private static void CryptoFile(ICryptoTransform transform, string fullPathToFileName, string targetfile, bool encrypt) { FileStream inputFile = new FileStream(fullPathToFileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.None); FileStream outputFile = new FileStream(targetfile, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None); CryptoStream cryptostream = null; OnChanged(new OvfEventArgs(OvfEventType.Start, "Crypto: Start: ", fullPathToFileName, (ulong)0, (ulong)inputFile.Length)); _length = (ulong)inputFile.Length; if (encrypt) { cryptostream = CryptoStream1(transform, outputFile, encrypt); Tools.StreamCopy(inputFile, cryptostream); cryptostream.FlushFinalBlock(); cryptostream.Flush(); } else { cryptostream = CryptoStream1(transform, inputFile, encrypt); Tools.StreamCopy(cryptostream, outputFile); outputFile.Flush(); } OnChanged(new OvfEventArgs(OvfEventType.End, "Crypto: Completed", fullPathToFileName, (ulong)0, (ulong)inputFile.Length)); inputFile.Dispose(); outputFile.Dispose(); } private static void DeprecatedCryptoFile(ICryptoTransform transform, string fullPathToFileName, string targetfile, bool encrypt) { FileStream inputFile = new FileStream(fullPathToFileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.None); FileStream outputFile = new FileStream(targetfile, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None); CryptoStream cryptostream = new CryptoStream(outputFile, transform, CryptoStreamMode.Write); byte[] inputarray = new byte[MB * 2]; int currentRead = 0; int totalRead = 0; OnChanged(new OvfEventArgs(OvfEventType.Start, "Crypto: Start: ", fullPathToFileName, (ulong)0, (ulong)inputFile.Length)); _length = (ulong)inputFile.Length; while (true) { currentRead = inputFile.Read(inputarray, 0, inputarray.Length); if (currentRead == 0) break; cryptostream.Write(inputarray, 0, currentRead); totalRead += currentRead; OnChanged(new OvfEventArgs(OvfEventType.Progress, "Crypto: Continue", fullPathToFileName, (ulong)totalRead, (ulong)inputFile.Length)); _position = (ulong)totalRead; if (totalRead >= inputFile.Length) break; if (_cancelEncrypt) break; } cryptostream.Flush(); OnChanged(new OvfEventArgs(OvfEventType.End, "Crypto: Completed", fullPathToFileName, (ulong)totalRead, (ulong)inputFile.Length)); // Not sure 'why' but it appears that the transform might not flush the last // 16 bytes. if (!encrypt && !_cancelEncrypt) { if (inputFile.Length > outputFile.Length && !_cancelEncrypt) { byte[] missing = new byte[inputFile.Length - outputFile.Length]; log.WarnFormat("PADDING Unencrypted VHD, with {0} zeros", (inputFile.Length - outputFile.Length)); outputFile.Write(missing, 0, missing.Length); } } inputFile.Dispose(); outputFile.Flush(); outputFile.Dispose(); } private bool InternalCheckPassword(byte[] bytearray, string password, string version) { bool isValid = false; MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(bytearray); CryptoStream checkStream = CryptoStreamWrapper(ms, password, false, version); byte[] buff = new byte[bytearray.Length]; try { checkStream.Read(buff, 0, (int)bytearray.Length); Encoding uni = new UnicodeEncoding(); string original = uni.GetString(buff, 0, buff.Length); original = original.Trim(new char[] { ' ', '\0' }); if (original == KnownEncrypt.Trim()) { isValid = true; } checkStream.Dispose(); } catch (CryptographicException ce) { // If we get here the password is considered invalid log.DebugFormat("InternalCheckPassword: Invalid password. {0}", ce.Message); } return isValid; } private bool DeprecatedCheckPassword(byte[] bytearray, string password, string version) { bool isValid = false; MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(bytearray); MemoryStream os = new MemoryStream(); Stream checkStream = CryptoStreamWrapper(ms, password, false, version); while (true) { int r = -1; try { r = checkStream.ReadByte(); } catch (Exception ex) { log.ErrorFormat("CRYPTO Error: {0}", ex.Message); break; } if (r == -1) break; os.WriteByte((byte)r); } os.Position = 0; StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(os); string original = sr.ReadToEnd(); ; if (original.Trim() == KnownEncrypt.Trim()){ isValid = true; } return isValid; } private static int CheckSecurityVersion(string version, string against) { int rtnvalue = 0; string[] tstversion = version.Split(new char[] { '.' }); string[] curversion = against.Split(new char[] { '.' }); int tstRelease = 0; int tstMajor = 0; int tstMinor = 0; int curRelease = 0; int curMajor = 0; int curMinor = 0; if (tstversion.Length >= 1) tstRelease = Convert.ToInt32(tstversion[0]); if (tstversion.Length >= 2) tstMajor = Convert.ToInt32(tstversion[1]); if (tstversion.Length >= 3) tstMinor = Convert.ToInt32(tstversion[1]); if (curversion.Length >= 1) curRelease = Convert.ToInt32(tstversion[0]); if (curversion.Length >= 2) curMajor = Convert.ToInt32(tstversion[1]); if (curversion.Length >= 3) curMinor = Convert.ToInt32(tstversion[1]); if (tstRelease < curRelease) { rtnvalue = -1; } else if (tstRelease > curRelease) { rtnvalue = 1; } else if (tstMajor < curMajor) { rtnvalue = -1; } else if (tstMajor > curMajor) { rtnvalue = 1; } else if (tstMinor < curMinor) { rtnvalue = -1; } else if (tstMinor > curMinor) { rtnvalue = 1; } return rtnvalue; } private static void CryptoElement(XenOvf.Definitions.XENC.EncryptedDataType element, string original, string cryptoclassname, string version, string password) { Encoding encoding = new UnicodeEncoding(); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); CryptoStream crypted = CryptoStream1(CryptoSetup(cryptoclassname, password, true, version), ms, true); byte[] bytes = encoding.GetBytes(original); crypted.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); crypted.FlushFinalBlock(); ms.Position = 0; byte[] CipherValue = new byte[ms.Length]; ms.Read(CipherValue, 0, CipherValue.Length); element.CipherData.Item = CipherValue; crypted.Dispose(); } private CryptoStream CryptoStream1(ICryptoTransform transform, string fullPathToFileName, bool encrypt) { FileStream inputFile = new FileStream(fullPathToFileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.None); return CryptoStream1(transform, inputFile, encrypt); } private static CryptoStream CryptoStream1(ICryptoTransform transform, Stream inputStream, bool encrypt) { return new CryptoStream(inputStream, transform, encrypt ? CryptoStreamMode.Write : CryptoStreamMode.Read); } private static void GenerateKey(string SecretPhrase, ref byte[] key, ref byte[] iv) { // Initialize internal values // Perform a hash operation using the phrase. This will // generate a unique 32 character value to be used as the key. byte[] bytePhrase = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(SecretPhrase); SHA384Managed sha384 = new SHA384Managed(); sha384.ComputeHash(bytePhrase); byte[] result = sha384.Hash; for (int loop = 0; loop < key.Length; loop++) key[loop] = result[loop]; for (int loop = key.Length; loop < (key.Length + iv.Length); loop++) iv[loop - key.Length] = result[loop]; } #endregion } }