/* Copyright (c) Citrix Systems, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, * with or without modification, are permitted provided * that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other * materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND * CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections; using System.Text; using System.Drawing; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace XenAdmin.Controls.CustomGridView { public class GridRow : IComparable { public readonly Dictionary Items = new Dictionary(); public readonly List Rows = new List(); public static Image ExpandedImage = Properties.Resources.expanded_triangle; public static Image ShrunkenImage = Properties.Resources.contracted_triangle; public string OpaqueRef; public object Tag; public int Priority = -1; // -1 => dont care, 0 => highest public readonly Color BackColor; public Pen BorderPen; protected RowState state = RowState.Expanded; private readonly int rowHeight; private GridRow parentrow; private GridView gridview; public GridRow(int rowHeight) : this(rowHeight, SystemColors.Window, null) { } public GridRow(int rowHeight, Color BackColor, Pen Borderpen) { this.rowHeight = rowHeight; this.BackColor = BackColor; this.BorderPen = Borderpen; this.Tag = null; } // Set the row's gridview and add the row to the gridview's row list public virtual GridView GridView { get { return gridview; } set { gridview = value; foreach (GridRow row in Rows) { row.GridView = value; } } } public GridRow ParentRow { get { return parentrow; } set { parentrow = value; } } public bool Expanded { get { return (State & RowState.Expanded) > 0; } set { if (value == Expanded) return; State ^= RowState.Expanded; } } public bool Selected { get { return (State & RowState.Selected) > 0; } set { if (value == Selected) return; State ^= RowState.Selected; } } public RowState State { get { return state; } set { state = value; } } // We return the path as a string like "foo::bar::baz". It would be more theoretically // correct to return a List but then we would have to define comparison functions // and hash functions for it. This has a very small chance of clashes, and is much simpler. public string Path { get { string parentPath = (ParentRow == null ? String.Empty : (ParentRow.Path + "::")); return (parentPath + OpaqueRef); } } public bool HasChildren { get { return Rows.Count > 0; } } public bool HasVisibleChildren { get { return (Expanded && HasChildren); } } // Iterate over all rows including child rows, in display order public IEnumerable RowsAndChildren { get { foreach (GridRow row in Rows) { yield return row; foreach (GridRow child in row.RowsAndChildren) yield return child; } } } private int RowSeparation = 4; // leave this between most rows private int GroupSeparation = 8; // leave this instead after the last row in a group of children public int SpaceAfter { get { if (HasVisibleChildren) return GroupSeparation; else return RowSeparation; } } private int LeftOffset { get { return GridView.LeftOffset; } } private bool HasLeftExpander { get { return (HasChildren && GridView.HasLeftExpanders); } } public virtual void AddItem(string colname, GridItemBase item) { Items[colname] = item; item.Row = this; } public virtual void RemoveItem(string colname) { Items.Remove(colname); } public void AddRow(GridRow row) { Rows.Add(row); row.ParentRow = this; } public int RowHeight { get { return rowHeight; } } public int RowAndChildrenHeight { get { int height = RowHeight; if (HasVisibleChildren) { height += RowSeparation; int children = Rows.Count; for(int i = 0; i < children; i++) { height += Rows[i].RowAndChildrenHeight; if (i < children - 1) height += Rows[i].SpaceAfter; } } return height; } } public void OnPaint(RowPaintArgs e) { if (GridView == null || GridView.HeaderRow == null) return; if (HasLeftExpander) { // paint background using (Brush brush = new SolidBrush(BackColor)) { e.Graphics.FillRectangle(brush, e.Rectangle); } if (BorderPen != null) e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(BorderPen, e.Rectangle); Image im = Expanded ? ExpandedImage : ShrunkenImage; e.Graphics.DrawImage(im, e.Rectangle.X + im.Width, e.Rectangle.Y + im.Height, im.Width, im.Height); } // paint this row int totalHeight = RowHeight; int left = e.Rectangle.Left + LeftOffset; int top = e.Rectangle.Top; foreach(string col in GridView.HeaderRow.Columns) { GridItemBase item = GetItem(col); int itemwidth = GridView.GetColumnWidth(col, ItemColumnSpan(item,col)); if (left >= e.ClipRectangle.Left - itemwidth && left <= e.ClipRectangle.Right + itemwidth) { item.OnPaint(new ItemPaintArgs(e.Graphics, new Rectangle(left, top, itemwidth, totalHeight), Selected ? ItemState.Selected : ItemState.Normal)); } left += GridView.GetColumnWidth(col, 1); } // paint subrows if (HasVisibleChildren) { top += RowHeight + RowSeparation; foreach (GridRow row in Rows) { int rowheight = row.RowAndChildrenHeight; if (top >= e.ClipRectangle.Top - rowheight && top <= e.ClipRectangle.Bottom + rowheight) row.OnPaint(new RowPaintArgs(e.Graphics, e.ClipRectangle, new Rectangle(e.Rectangle.Left, top, e.Rectangle.Width, rowheight))); top += rowheight + row.SpaceAfter; } } } internal int ItemColumnSpan(GridItemBase item, string col) { if(GridView == null || GridView.HeaderRow == null) return 1; int colindex = GridView.HeaderRow.Columns.IndexOf(col); int span = 1; for (int i = colindex + 1; i < colindex + item.RowSpan; i++) { if (GridView.HeaderRow.Columns.Count <= i) break; string name = GridView.HeaderRow.Columns[i]; if (!Items.ContainsKey(name)) { span++; continue; } if (Items[name].Empty) span++; else break; } return span; } internal GridItemBase GetItem(string col) { if (!Items.ContainsKey(col)) return new GridEmptyItem(); return Items[col]; } // A mouse click has not be intercepted by a click handler on a cell, // so represents a row-select. Some actions have to be done at mouse-down // time and some at mouse-up time (this is important when dragging, because // we have to have the right stuff selected when the drag starts). // internal void OnSelectMouseDown() { // If CTRL is down (with any other keys), toggle the current row state. Keys keys = Control.ModifierKeys; if ((keys & Keys.Control) != Keys.None) { Selected = !Selected; GridView.LastClickedRow = this; GridView.Refresh(); } // Else if Shift is down, ask GridView to select the range. // NB Don't reset the LastClickedRow. else if ((keys & Keys.Shift) != Keys.None) { GridView.SelectRowRange(this); GridView.Refresh(); } // Otherwise unselect all other rows and select this row. // But if the row is already selected, we wait until mouse-up time. else if (!Selected) { GridView.UnselectAllRows(); Selected = true; GridView.LastClickedRow = this; GridView.Refresh(); } } internal void OnSelectMouseUp() { // If CTRL or Shift is down, we've already handled the action in OnSelectMouseDown(). if ((Control.ModifierKeys & (Keys.Control | Keys.Shift)) != Keys.None) return; // With no modifier keys, we select this row and unselect all other rows. // (If we mouse-downed in the same place, the row is already selected, so we // don't select it again). GridView.UnselectAllRowsExcept(this); GridView.LastClickedRow = this; } internal void OnMouseButtonAction(Point point, MouseButtonAction type) { if (HasLeftExpander) { Image image = Expanded ? ExpandedImage : ShrunkenImage; Size s = new Size(image.Width * 3, image.Height * 3); Rectangle r = new Rectangle(new Point(), s); if (r.Contains(point)) { if (type == MouseButtonAction.MouseDown) { Expanded = !Expanded; GridView.Refresh(); } else return; } } if (point.Y < RowHeight) // user has clicked on the row { Point p; GridItemBase item = FindItemFromPoint(point, out p); if (item == null) return; item.OnMouseButtonAction(p, type); return; } else // user has clicked on a sub row of the row { Point p; GridRow row = FindRowFromPoint(point, out p); if (row == null) return; row.OnMouseButtonAction(p, type); } } private GridRow FindRowFromPoint(Point point, out Point p) { if (HasVisibleChildren) { int height = RowHeight + RowSeparation; foreach (GridRow row in Rows) { if (point.Y >= height && point.Y < height + row.RowAndChildrenHeight) { p = new Point(point.X, point.Y - height); return row; } height += row.RowAndChildrenHeight + row.SpaceAfter; } } p = new Point(); return null; } internal GridItemBase FindItemFromPoint(Point point, out Point p) { int width = LeftOffset; int skipping = 0; foreach (string col in GridView.HeaderRow.Columns) { GridItemBase item = GetItem(col); if (item is GridEmptyItem && skipping > 0) { skipping--; continue; } skipping = item.RowSpan - 1; int itwidth = GridView.GetColumnWidth(col, item.RowSpan); if (point.X >= width && point.X < width + itwidth) { p = new Point(point.X - width, point.Y); return item; } width += itwidth; } p = new Point(); return null; } internal Cursor Cursor { set { GridView.Cursor = value; } } /* * These properties are used to track mouse events over items of subrows. * Only one of these can be valid at once */ private GridItemBase LastItem; private GridRow LastSubRow; /* * Asserts are here to ensure these events happen in order. * That order being OnEnter, OnMouseMove, OnLeave. */ internal void OnEnter(Point point) { System.Diagnostics.Trace.Assert(LastSubRow == null); System.Diagnostics.Trace.Assert(LastItem == null); Point p; if (point.Y > RowHeight) { LastSubRow = FindRowFromPoint(point, out p); if(LastSubRow == null) return; LastSubRow.OnEnter(p); } else { LastItem = FindItemFromPoint(point, out p); if (LastItem == null) return; LastItem.OnEnter(p); } } internal void OnMouseMove(Point point) { if (HasLeftExpander) { Image image = Expanded ? ExpandedImage : ShrunkenImage; Rectangle r = new Rectangle(image.Width, image.Height, image.Width, image.Height); Cursor = r.Contains(point) ? Cursors.Hand : Cursors.Default; } // Make sure only one is valid System.Diagnostics.Trace.Assert(LastItem == null || LastSubRow == null); Point p; if (point.Y > RowHeight) { if (LastItem != null) { LastItem.OnLeave(); LastItem = null; } GridRow row = FindRowFromPoint(point, out p); if (row != null && LastSubRow == row) { LastSubRow.OnMouseMove(p); return; } if (LastSubRow != null) LastSubRow.OnLeave(); LastSubRow = row; if (LastSubRow != null) LastSubRow.OnEnter(p); } else { if (LastSubRow != null) { LastSubRow.OnLeave(); LastSubRow = null; } GridItemBase item = FindItemFromPoint(point, out p); if (item != null && LastItem == item) { LastItem.OnMouseMove(p); return; } if (LastItem != null) LastItem.OnLeave(); LastItem = item; if (LastItem != null) LastItem.OnEnter(p); } } internal void OnLeave() { // Make sure only one is valid System.Diagnostics.Trace.Assert(LastItem == null || LastSubRow == null); if (LastItem != null) { LastItem.OnLeave(); LastItem = null; } if (LastSubRow != null) { LastSubRow.OnLeave(); LastSubRow = null; } } public virtual int CompareTo(GridRow other) { if (Priority != other.Priority) { if (Priority == -1) return 1; if (other.Priority == -1) return -1; return Priority - other.Priority; } GridItemBase _1, _2; int val; if (GridView != null && GridView.HeaderRow != null) { foreach (SortParams sp in GridView.HeaderRow.CompareOrder) { if (!Items.ContainsKey(sp.Column) || !other.Items.ContainsKey(sp.Column)) continue; _1 = Items[sp.Column]; _2 = other.Items[sp.Column]; val = _1.CompareTo(_2); if (val != 0) return sp.SortOrder == SortOrder.Descending ? -val : val; } if (GridView.HeaderRow.DefaultSortColumn != null) { string def = GridView.HeaderRow.DefaultSortColumn.ColumnName; _1 = Items[def]; _2 = other.Items[def]; val = _1.CompareTo(_2); if (val != 0) return GridView.HeaderRow.DefaultSortColumn.Sort == SortOrder.Descending ? -val : val; } } if (OpaqueRef == other.OpaqueRef) return 0; return OpaqueRef.CompareTo(other.OpaqueRef); // fall back on opaque ref } internal void Sort() { Rows.Sort(); if (Expanded) { foreach (GridRow row in Rows) { row.Sort(); } } } internal void SaveExpandedState(List state) { if (!Expanded) state.Add(OpaqueRef); foreach (GridRow row in Rows) row.SaveExpandedState(state); } internal void RestoreExpandedState(List expandedState) { if (Rows.Count > 0 && expandedState.Contains(OpaqueRef)) Expanded = false; foreach (GridRow row in Rows) row.RestoreExpandedState(expandedState); } public override bool Equals(object obj) { if(!(obj is GridRow)) return base.Equals(obj); return OpaqueRef == ((GridRow)obj).OpaqueRef; } public override int GetHashCode() { return base.GetHashCode(); } } // The state the row should be drawn in [Flags] public enum RowState { None = 0, /* Visible = 1, Disabled = 2, */ Selected = 4, Expanded = 8 } // others not implemented public class RowPaintArgs { public readonly Graphics Graphics; public readonly Rectangle ClipRectangle; public readonly Rectangle Rectangle; public RowPaintArgs(Graphics graphics, Rectangle cliprectangle, Rectangle rectangle) { Graphics = graphics; ClipRectangle = cliprectangle; Rectangle = rectangle; } } // OK, I admit it, it's just a typedef public class GridRowCollection : List { } }